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Xanthous didn't expect to be reunited with his any of his children.

He didn't expect one of his sons to hunt him down, either, and drag him to a cave to see his Ban again. When he saw her, he could feel his heart breaking all over again. She had Jibanza's eyes. She looked just like Jibanza, and it hurt his heart.

She reminded him of what he'd lost. His closest and dearest friend. Almost his sister, in all but blood. He could feel himself breaking down, but he didn't quite show it on his face. He pressed forward when Ban rushed towards him, burying her face in his chest.

"Dad, I thought you were gone," Ban was practically sobbing into his chest. He nuzzled her head softly, still overwhelmed by what was going on. X wasn't a young pup anymore. He was old, and broken. He didn't know why he was even here. He was content to just wander the lands until he died.

But seeing Ban.

He sighed. She looked so much like Jibanza. She had the same thirst his friend did.

Tiki nudged them along to his den. It was more secluded, away from the rest of the pack. Ban's den was far too out in the open, being Queen. She had to be easily to access, being the highest ranking of the pack, to solve any major problems. They had to be able to reach her just in case of an emergency.

Tiki's den did not.

Tiki himself was exhausted, but he was happy. He finally got his father back, reunited with them. Ban missed him most, he thought. She was pressed close to his side, as if afraid he would just disappear if she stopped touching him. Tiki gave a small smile as he watched the two interact with one another.

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It had been... Years.

Tiki flopped down on the floor of the den, while his sister and father curled up together in the furs. He watched them closely, unsure of what to do. Ban was always the cub their father watched the most. He always had this look in his eyes like his heart was being torn in two.

Ban was... Sobbing. That was the nice way to put it, really. His sister looked so distraught and overwhelmed, like this was far too much for her. He watched her closely, hoping she wouldn't seize with the all the emotions running through her.

Perhaps Xanthous would tell them the story of the hurt behind his eyes one day.

Ban took a deep breath, trying not to feel too overwhelmed by the entire situation. She didn't even know that Tiki had gone to find their father. Even if she did, she didn't expect Tiki to find him. She took a shakey breath.

"You have grandkids," She started, softly. Her chest ached with the sheer emotion that she felt. "They're all over the place right now, but little Saule's here." She gave a small laugh that choked into a sob.

X looked surprised. He didn't expect that either. Grandkids. He felt like it'd been years but at the same time, it felt like just yesterday. It felt like his kids hadn't aged a day...

But they had. They'd grown and moved on without him. They had kids. He had grandchildren. He sucked in a breath, completely overwhelmed by the thought. He buried his head into the fluffy mane upon Ban's head. She smelled exactly how he remembered her. She had this weird mix of earth and something else.

It reminded him of Jibanza too.

User ImageHe wondered if he should tell his daughter why he felt this way, why he could see Jibanza when she looked at him. Gods, her eyes looked. Just like her. Just like hers. He closed his eyes so he wouldn't have to look into those shining purple eyes. It took his breath away.

"Can I meet them?" He asked, choking on his own sob. He couldn't look at her. He wondered if his grandkid, Saule, had Jibanza's eyes too. Maybe she had Vilagos'. Tiki watched the exhange, curiously. Their father's eyes were closed, but so were Ban's.

He wondered... He took a deep breath and spoke.

"Saule has your eyes you know," He said. He stretched forward, tilting his head. "She'll show up sooner or later, she'd off on a mission of some sort." He wasn't sure what she was doing, but she always had a task at hand that she created hersefl, whether she needed to meet someone or check something out.

He'd seen her hanging around the Artisan and Merchant couple in the pack. Kimu and Laukyme. She seemed interested in what they were doing, like she wanted to learn every job in the pack for herself. It was an admirable trait for someone that would become the Queen of the pack one day.

Ban laughed a watery laugh. "She'll be a good leader," she said. Toza felt the same, and she was fortunate he did. It would be a complete shift in leadership. The royal line would no longer belong to Toza's family, but to hers. It was controversial to the Old Pack, who had followed Toza's family for years.

His parents only produced a son, though, and Ban's first born was one between her and a rogue male she'd come across on her travels to the caves. X made a curious sound, but Ban could only smile at him. "You'll find out everything sooner or later. It'll be a lot to adjust to..."

She was still adjusting herself. Her father looked confused, even moreso than before, but Tiki just chuckled, only now realizing that their father didn't know his sister was the Queen.

He just hoped the shock of that wouldn't send him to an early grave. Well... She had been the heir of their old pack. She was raised into the life she was leading now. She was a good leader!

Even so, Tiki and Ban shared a look their father wasn't privvy to. All in due time.