(Word Count: 1067)

After finding out a god was also portraying himself as a mortal in the pride, Gwen found herself flying back to the den. She did not quite trust Warriors yet, although she would not give away his secret. Right now, she had more things to be concerned about. One of them being the female that Ciro had seemed to drag back to the pride with him, after one of those…Viking outings, the pride members called. The poor lioness seemed upset when the male returned, not in his right mind, she could only wonder what the reaver had done with her in her absence. She hoped nothing, but the scent that littered his form when he entered was enough to tell Gwen what had happened just hours before.

Entering the den, Gwen was surprised to find it empty. Did he already get rid of the girl? Beady eyes looked around. The den was small, so it wasn’t as if they had far to go within it.

Just as she landed on her perch, the male lion entered. “Where is she?” Gwen asked accusingly, almost glaring at the lion. “Dump her off already on some male who will take advantage of her?” The goddess asked with a sneer. Ciro, taken aback, narrowed his eyes. “Hey. Watch it. I don’t know what is with you females all thinking the same thing, but no, I did not give her to some other male.” He said with a growl, tail starting to lash behind him. “I thought she’d be more comfortable staying with another thrall for the evening.” Thrall. The word was foreign on Ciro’s tongue that he had to prevent himself from shuddering to say it. “She’s not that far. You can go see her for yourself if you want. I’m sure Astrid won’t mind.” He finally stated, resting on his bed of pelts.

Shaking her head, Gwen sighed. “No, I believe you. No reason not to. But you, sir, need to figure out how to keep those emotions in check of yours. Dumping this poor girl to be here by herself, while you go off gallivanting with other females to drown your sorrows.” She snipped. “If you don’t want her hear, why did you take her?”

Lifting his head from a mighty paw, Ciro sighed. “She seemed different. Not like any others I have come across. You should have seen her the first time we met. She was in pain from something. This last visit, she told me something that has pretty much stuck with me.” He paused, golden eyes gazing at Gwen. “She mentioned god blood.” While the Stormborn had pride themselves of being born from the descendants of deities, Ciro knew he was not a direct descendant of a god. Was Ru? The strange dreams she had, those markings on her back? It all seemed to line up perfectly. Yet, Ciro could not bring himself to think of it clearly.

Hearing the words God Blood caught her attention. “You think she is a demigod?” Gwen asked, eyebrows raised.

A shrug answered her. “Who knows. To answer your other question, you should have seen the way the males looked at her. I think we both know if she had gone with any of them, what future would be for her, and what acts she’d be force to do as we speak.” While Ciro loved his ladies, he would never force himself with one. Convince, deceive, manipulate, all those were possibilities, but they usually ended up coming back to him without a second thought.

“If your band is anything like that oaf Kristanf. Yeah. Probably your thoughts exactly.” Gwen muttered, gliding to the ground. “So why don’t you make this den more cozy for her. Give her her own bed, one you have not slept on. Go clean yourself so your stench and the smell of other females are not on you either.” Gwen said pointedly, eyeing Ciro. “Make her want to stay here, otherwise I am sure both of you will be unhappy for the rest of your lives, and you will only have yourselves to blame.” The avian goddess said. While she knew Ciro was not loyal to one lioness, he could definitely be loyal in a way to always be there for his new prize.

“So, stop moping. Get up.” She hopped over to the male, nipping at him with her beak. “When do you think she will be back.”

Holding back a swipe to the bird, Ciro raised to his feet. “Alright I am up.” He growled, annoyed with the bird trying to push him around. He could not help but think she was right though. “Fine. I don’t want to admit what you say could be right.” (A bird-like smirk appeared on Gwen’s beak). “But you’re right.” He sighed, defeated. “A bed? Where? There is not much room here.”

Gwen looked around. “Over there would do?” She pointed with her wing. “Do you have any clean pelts?” A shake of his head, Gwen sighed. “Can you get any clean pelts? You guys are always out, surely you have a stock hold of them or something, right?” She said.

Think, Ciro nodded. “I’m sure I can get some.” He said.

“Good. Bathe first. Then go get them. She won’t like the scent of a used lion on the pelts.” Gwen gave a look as she sniffed the air, to prove her point.

“Anything else?” Ciro asked with an eye roll. Never would he have thought he’d be taking orders from a falcon. He briefly wondered if Njia had this much trouble with that vulture, Javik.

“Maybe bring her a nice meal.” She said thoughtfully.

Rolling her eyes, “Trying to get me to woo her, are you? She is still a thrall, not my mate.” Ciro said. Thralls did not mean getting the luxuries that freeborns and reavers got. Gwen was pushing it with some of the suggestions. "I'm sure she will get her fill at Astrid's place. With Kaitrus away, she probably has tons of food to offer." The black lion said.

Gwen shrugged. "Whatever. Start with the bed then! I should do the same for me." She stretched her wings off, about to take off. "Remember. Go clean yourself first before getting the pelts. Otherwise she will probably stay mad at you." And then the goddess took off, leaving the reaver to his thoughts alone.