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The little green cub stood out starkly against the dark boulders she was crouched atop of, but she seemed to be in just the right spot that her hunt hadn't noticed her. At the moment, Dreki only cared about catching her quarry. Whether she kept it as a thrall or simply ate the little rat was still to be determined. (could they keep rats as thralls? She actually wasn't sure. Maybe she should just eat it) But she knew that she wanted to catch it all the same. It'd be good practice.

Tensing up, she shifted ever so slightly on her haunches, readying herself for a magnificent pounce..... and then struck threw the air like lightning! (in her mind, she was amazing like that)

Unfortunately, the last thing she expected was for another form to come barreling through the air towards her catch as well. She barely had time to register the determined, mulish look on the other cub's face, before he batted the rat away and began chasing after it himself. Shocked over the turn of events, Dreki landed with an oomph and scrambled to get back onto her paws. Someone had just stolen her prey! Snarling angrily, the little female whirled around and took off after them.

For his part, Hjalmar really only cared to show off his own skills. He wanted to prove himself better than his siblings, prove himself a true Stormborn, and he didn't want to wait for his Viking to do so. No, he would catch something and bring it back.

It was with this thought in mind that he'd been stalking through the undergrowth, keeping an eye out from some unsuspecting creature to nab. When the rat had come into view, he'd seen it as a boon! Clearly, the gods were on his side.... or, that's what he thought, until he noticed the green form crouching nearby.

It - she - was another cub, clearly hunting like he was and - wait - and stalking his catch! A scowl grew on his face, indignant that someone else was trying to lay claim to his rat. Well, he wouldn't wait around for her to get it!

Putting on a burst of speed, he shot out of his hiding spot and whacked the rat upside the head, causing it to go spinning away. Then, pivoting on his feet, he tore off after it, determined to get it now that it was winded and out of her line of sight.

Dreki had never been more insulted in her life. How dare this insolent little pest steal her hunt! As she chased after them, she could smell the familiar scent of Stormborn on his fur. The cur was even one of her own! She was practically seeing red, so into her fury as she was, but she still had enough frame of mind to keep note of the rat.

So when she saw it veer to the right, she chose to swerve towards it in the hopes of cutting it off.

Which of course Hjalmar noticed as he turned to follow the rat. Growling, he tried to pivot as well, but wasn't able to keep the lead he had. Unfortunately, where he had bulk and power, this female had a slight build and speed to match. They were both closing in at equal measures, neither slowing down and neither willing to call off their chase.

The rat outsmarted the both of them in the end. As they each jumped with claws outstretched, the rat veered off once more and shot down a little hole in the ground.

It was perhaps a good thing that they had their claws outstretched already. Having both seen the rat disappear and knowing that they were about to collide, they instead yowled and spat at each other as they crashed into one another. Their hunt had turned into an all-out brawl, but the cubs hardly caring as they landed with a thud as a giant spitting ball of fur and teeth.

Dreki had never really fought anyone besides her siblings, and even that had been nothing more than playing. This was not. This was personal.

Feeling like she had all the power of the god of war behind her, the green cub gave a vicious bite to the other's shoulder, legs kicking furiously at his side. She ignored the answering bite to her arm, and rolled the two of them across the ground to try and get a better vantage point.

Hjalmar let out a howl at the little teeth that sunk into his shoulder, then snarled and bit back in retaliation. Two could play at this game! He grunted as he was rolled, accidentally letting go, and then kicked out his hind leg to launch the other cub through the air.

Scrambling up to his feet, the steel blue cub puffed himself up to make himself look larger and hopefully imposing.

Although tossed off, she had managed to land clumsily on her feet, still glaring hostilely at the male. They were at a stand-off now, each waiting for the other to make the first move.

It was Dreki that finally did something first. She snorted and lifted her head up high, not intimidated in the least by this thief. "What did you do that for? I lost my hunt because of you!"

Hjalmar scoffed, "Your hunt?! This was my hunt!" He jutted out his chin, "I'm of the Stormborn, that rat was mine!"

Of the- seriously?! Dreki rolled her eyes, "So am I, you idiot!" She shook her head with narrowed eyes, "And I had dibs on that rat first!"

The blue cub froze for a moment, finally taking in the braid and the scent wafting off of his opponent, before shaking off his shock with a scowl. "Well I didn't see your name on it. That rat was free game." And he would stand by that. He had every right to go after it. Just to add insult to injury though, he continued, "And besides, I would have been more suited to catch it anyway." He said it with an obvious glance up and down the other cub.

His response had Dreki growling low in her throat, and she debated lunging at him again. She had been stalking that rat for quite a while. There's no way he couldn't have at least smelled someone else hunting it. Instead of attacking him like a scorned bird though, the lioness chose to huff and turn her head away dismissively.

"Oh please, 'more suited'. You wouldn't be able to catch a snail with that fat a**." she snipped, "And now I have to find something else to hunt."

Hjalmar jolted at the comment, and then snarled, "I'm not FAT! And I bet I can catch a lot more than you ever could!"

"Yeah? You and what army?" she said with a sneer, "Well if it's a challenge you want, then fine!" And not waiting for a response back, Dreki took off running, intent on showing just who was the superior hunter.

Hjalmar opened his mouth to spit out another snide comment, but she had turned and bolted before he could. He initially thought that he'd won the argument, before remembering what her parting words were. Cursing under his breathe, the cub took off in another direction, intent on one-upping this harpy in green fur.