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It wasn't until the next morning that the rain stopped. Koyi'Sienn was the first to wake up. She had stayed closer the the entrance so she could hear anyone who was in need. Fortunately, it had been mostly quiet though the night except for the occasional mumbles from her den mate. Bupikku was still fast asleep in the corner of the den. She gave the lion a soft smile. It had been generous of him to let her stay here. She still knew that she needed to be cautious around him. Being too trusting is what got her sister in trouble after all.

Normally she would have sneak out quietly so the lion could rest in peace, but the lion was so intent on seeing the crystals for himself. If she left him, she knew that she would feel guilty later on.

It didn't take the lion that much longer to wake up. He rolled over and opened one of his eyes lazily. Koyi'Sienn was just sitting there. She turned toward him and gave a comforting smile. With all the might he could muster, he tried to return the smile. He could not remember the last time he woke up to someone in his den. It was oddly comforting.

“Been waiting long?” He asked, as he slowly got up.

“Yep. Pretty much have been siting here since you went to bed. I thought about trying to drag you outside, but you were sleeping like a new born cub.” She teased.

He rolled his eyes. “Hahaha funny,” Bupikku responded sarcastically. “So do you know where we go from here? Or do you have to search everywhere for this stone?”

“It is most commonly found in the streams, but all that really matters is that I comeback with the crystal. There is no location I need to get it from.” She explained.

He nodded. “Well I am ready to head out whenever you are.”

“Alright lets go!” Finally she could resume her search for the crystal. With Bupikku close behind, she left the den and started to head to a river she knew about that wasn't too far away.

Viatrix was not too far from the lion and cheetah. Like other creatures in the jungle, she had been surprised by the sudden rain and had to quickly make shelter. Unfortunately, her shelter was under two large boulders that was near the river. In the middle of the night the storm had flooded her resting spot. Now, the cold, wet and tired hybrid was lying in a tree, trying to soak up any sun she could get.

'I should have stuck with mom and the others. At least then I wouldn't be all alone,' she thought as she watched the ground. Since her mother got pregnant their small group started traveling less and less. Viatrix understood why she would need to rest so often. It was just a slight annoyance when she wanted to go out and explore the new territory. She offered to scout ahead while the others made there way slowly this way. That way everyone was happy.

Except now she was miserable.

“This area will be perfect! I see a lot of shimmering stones here. I am sure I will find the one I want.”

Viatrix looked in the direction of the voice. A teal cheetah was wading through the water, followed by a smaller lion. She stared at them, wondering what they were up to. The area was still new to her. She didn't know if the creatures here were violent. If they were, she was out numbered. They seemed distracted though. It could give her a chance to check things out. She carefully scooted further from the base of the tree, toward the lion and cheetah.

The cheetah kept picking up stone after stone, looking at it and tossing them after the inspection. The lion stayed at the shore. He would occasionally say something like 'that one looks pretty good or any you don't want you can just put in a pile', but the cheetah seemed to be determined to find the right one.

Viatrix moved a little more further, but stopped as she heard the branch make a cracking noise. “Uh oh,” she said before the branch cracking again and falling toward the ground, with her falling with it. She landed on her legs, but ended up tripping forward. Lucky for her, she had never been the greatest climber and was on one of the shorter branches. Unfortunately the eyes of both the lion and cheetah were on her. She laid on the ground, her legs sore from the fall.

Koyi'Sienn was started when she heard the crash. Bupikku was the first to turn toward the sound. They saw a black and yellow hybrid, next to the fallen branch. Bupikku stayed back and Koyi'Sienn approached Viatrix.

“Are you alright?” Koyi'Sienn said as she got closer. Viatrix looked her over from head to toeand couldn't help but think that the cheetah looked cuter up close. She stood up so she didn't feel as defenseless. The lion walked over to the two of them and stood close to the cheetah. She wondered what they were to each other.

“Yea fine. I was trying to dry off from the storm last night and I guess I thought the branch was stronger then it was.” Viatrix said with a shrug. “I'll get out of your way. I am sure there are other sunny spots in the area.” She turned to walk away from the pair, but the cheetah was quick and stood in front of her. Viatrix was forced to stop so she didn't run over the cheetah.

“You should stay here with us. It will be much more safer. That way you can dry off without worrying about watching your back. I am sure Bupikku wouldn't mind.” Koyi'Sienn looked over at Bupikku who was shaking his head no. “The more the merrier after all.” She said, looking back at Viatrix.

“Uh yea, I guess I could stick around for a little bit. I don't want to get in your way or anything though. It seems that you two are busy with something.” Viatrix said.

“We are busy,” grumbled Bupikku.

Koyi'Sienn ignored the lion. “Bupikku and I met yesterday, during the storm. He shared his shelter with me. Today he is helping me search for a certain type of crystal so I can bring it back to my pride. So while, yes we are busy, we aren't too busy to watch over you and keep you company.”

Bupikku showed his dissatisfaction on his face. He could deal with one stranger but two? And this hybrid didn't even seem to have any valuables on her. With her around it would be harder to swipe Koyi'Sienn's necklace or crystal. He would have to figure out a way to use the hybrid to his advantage. Perhaps blame the theft on her, he thought.

“Maybe I can help find the stone you are looking for. What does it look like?” Viatrix said. She didn't really get why the cheetah needed the stone, but she figured it would be more enjoyable to help look then to wait near the shore with the lion.

Koyi'Sienn grinned. “It is blue and white. In my pride if I bring that stone back I will be able to become a lore keeper for my pride.” She explained as she turned away and headed into the water. “We're not too far from the pride. So once I find it, I would be more than happy to take you there so you can properly rest up.”

Viatrix followed the cheetah into the water. The water was cooling on her bruised legs. “Yea I think I would like that.” She said. Why not take a risk and trust this cheetah. So far she seemed genuine enough. It wasn't like she could outrun the two anyways. Might as well hope for the best. “What is your pride like?”

“It is called Mizani'Ulimwengu. It is a pride of peace and balance.” she explained as she looked in the water. “We protect those who need it. I've lived there my whole life.”

Bupikku listened intently. He wondered just how many pride members there were. If Koyi was anything to go off, the pride was filled with those who could be taken advantage of. He wondered if the pride had valuables hidden away. If he could get his hands on a few of those necklaces....

“Bupikku!” Koyi'Sienn yelled, and he snapped out of his thoughts. He looked at her and realized that he was lost in thought. “I was just saying that if you want, you are more then welcome to come along to Mizani'Ulimwengu. It is the least I can do after you helped me out.”

“I will think about it.” He responded before laying down. Stealing from a cheetah was one thing, he thought. Trying to steal from a pride? That would take some time to plan out. He quietly watched Koyi'Sienn and the hybrid, who eventually told them that her name was Viatrix, look for the blue crystal. While they searched he kept an eye out for any gems that looked interesting to him. Occasionally when they tossed one in his direction, he would pick it up and put it in his satchel when the two weren't looking.

It took most of the morning, but eventually Koyi'Sienn let out a cheer. “I found it!” She held the stone up between two of her toes. Viatrix looked at it.

“We spent all that time looking for something so small.” Viatrix said with a sigh. “But it is pretty and I think it will look good on you.”

Koyi'Sienn couldn't smile bigger. “I hope so! It is going to be with me for a long time. Why don't we rest up for a bit and then we can head out toward my pride.”

The other two agreed.

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