Name Zhrys Gandalin

Age Prentice

Race Yaeli

Gen. 1

Path Bandit

Weapon Throwing Knives

Description Zhrys wears his hair spiked up and pulled back, though he does have a few bangs that get in his way. Like this - rat tail and all~

Clothing He can usually be seen in a short, tight jacket type top. Similar to this And some sort of loose fitting pants. Zhrys has never been one for shoes but to keep from being yelled at he wears wraps on his feet.

Accessories Zhrys wears a cord necklace with a carved piece of wood on it as a pendant/charm.




History Zhrys and his twin brother, Wyion, were born to a normal Yaeli couple. Their mother and father both followed the ways of the gods and were naturally suspicious of anything new. Since their boys were born around the same time that the extremist Alkidikes were sent to their land they made sure to keep them inside the village at all times.

Despite this the boys grew up as any other child did. They watched as a friend or two was taken to the Sanctum to be raised as a priest but they were not taken. Zhrys always took that to mean that he was not God-touched and as such he was not special.