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PostPosted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 2:03 pm
So, very very long and dark story short I used to be a member of gaia over a decade ago. I joined SoA and quit and joined again at the urging of friends and then quit and... eventually life got in the way and I forgot all about it for nearly 10 years. I was clearing out some things and found an old usb with my SoA on it and went down memory lane with it for a bit. But I have no desire to rejoin even though I had a couple of very good friends from here, I'm a totally different person now and even if you had something against me way back when I was an idiot teenager I truly don't care.

NOW you get the opportunity to win any of these characters below. I want these characters to have a chance at a new life. Some of them had mates and children and friends and prides or packs and... I was a hot mess at roleplay so it was messy and awesome and just a lot of fun. I want the people that win these to have fun! Roleplay it up come up with new things for them, most of their partners and kids might be awol now, I dunno who's still here from back then and who isn't. If any of you are still around and want the chance to nab that character up to continue what plots they had please message me! I already got one foot out the door, I don't bite.
PostPosted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 2:04 pm

1. No drama please
2. If you don't win please don't complain
3. Only one Raffle ticket per person
4. You can enter for any or all of them and you can win as many as you get rolled for or win the Roleplay contests for. There is no limit, I just want them to have the love they deserve!
5. If someone wins multiple please don't give them a hard time!
6. This is open to anyone, old timers and newbies alike. You could have over a thousand characters and still enter! Please do!
7. If someone wins the god or the edited girl or both please don't give them a hard time!
8. If no one enters then they'll all be deleted, I don't want that but that's life.
9. Have some fun.

To Enter!

Post the name of the SoA you want to enter the raffle for, like it says above you can enter for as many as you like and I'll roll each individual at the end of this.

For the roleplay contest please understand that it does not at all need to be long or super literate. I royally sucked at roleplay back when I was a member here and often make spelling mistakes. What I'm going for is a feel for his personality in your own words.

Giveaway Ends January 7th!



PostPosted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 2:04 pm
The God

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Meet the God of Loneliness.

Once upon a time he looked totally different. He was reborn as a cub after he was killed and though it took a long time he got his memory back. And his curse. YES, this is a perma-adol god, he was cursed to be this way when he dared to love a mortal in his last lifetime and nearly an eternity ago. He is not at all afraid of his fellow gods but he does not hold them in high regard as he doesn't know who cursed him.

Phiferwolf owned his original mate Azraceri(I'm shocked I remember that) but I dunno if they're still around. So if you win him feel free to do whatever you want with him as he was reborn and is no longer really tied to those he once knew. This is a chance to have a lion that's nearly a blank slate! I didn't roleplay him all that much after I had him reborn.

Edit: It occurs to me now that I should give you a little more to go on. Yay late night posts! stare Athrun's very sensitive and calm, given his domain he tends to know when he should use force or just a calm steady presence. He is also absolutely huge compared to normal lions. If he were an adult he'd be unapologetically giant. The pride he once watched over was Egyptian themed but I don't know If they still exist or not, either way it explains his items a bit. As always, change him up or keep him that way, he might end up being yours after all!

If you win him you'll also get his familiar to go along with it! Whoever wins will also get a message with what I remember of his powers and all of his stages up until now.

How to Win!

Unlike the others below I'm not going to raffle him I want to get a feel for his personality in your words and only yours. It does not have to be long, but I'd like you to roleplay out a scene for him meeting a lonely soul. He's the God of Loneliness, I want to see how you would have him handle a situation where he would need to use his skills but you cannot have him use any powers to help them. If you win you'll know his powers soon enough. Please post with the form below so I notice it.

I have a couple of surprises in store for this contest, so don't despair!

[size=18][color=darkred]To Soothe a Lonely Soul[/color][/size]

[b]# of Gods you currently have:[/b]


To Soothe a Lonely Soul

Username: NovaCracker
# of Gods you currently have: One! He's a fluffybutt.
Entry:(Note: RPed with my little leopard lady Haro)

If he'd been looking, he'd probably trip over the leopardess laying in the grasses in silence, and the adolescent blinked, looking around before drawing close, wings fluttering anxiously to his sides.

"Excuse me, are you alright?" Athrun asked, voice a soft, worried tone. While he could confront other gods easily enough, Athrun didn't enjoy being cursed a lick. No, he rather wished to avoid more trouble for spending time with mortals, but when he sqw trouble... How could he refuse help? The male sat, waiting as the leopardess huffed.

"I'm fine." She grumbled. A lie, and Athrun knew it based on her body language, how she avoided his gaze, his touch. Everything, actually - the sort of manner... Well.

"If yousay so, miss." Athrun drawled. "But youlook unhappy."

Haro raised a brow, turning to snarl then stopped. Wings? Was some lion getting jiggy with birds now? Weirdos.

"What does it matter? You'll leave. Everyone leaves." She hissed. "And it's stupid."

Ah. Alone, then, for a moment. Athrun knew this well - his domain fed on it, but while he considered acting on it, he declined, instead leaning to nose at Haro gently.

"Hey. That's not so." He soothed. "Loneliness can change. Maybe you haven't found the right group."

"Yeah? What if I don't?" Hero snapped. She already had an answer, and Athrun sighed, rolling his eyes patiently.

"Then we - note I said we - work on it. I mean. I can keep you company! I might wander off, but we can be friends..." He offered a half-smile, and the leopard raised one brow, and shrugged.

"Yeah, whatever."

"I mean it." And Athrun put a paw on hers.

"I'll help, any way I can. I'll make sure you're never alone again." He grinned, and nodded. "I'm Athrun. And it's lovely to meet you."


To Soothe a Lonely Soul

Username: ChexaRain
# of Gods you currently have: 0!
He couldn't recall what had brought him to the mortal plane, but Athrun didn't regret being there when he spotted the older lion.
Easily twice his size when his godly form was hidden away, Athrun watched. The lion was snapping at the birds, of all things to snap at. Athrun's gaze was sympathetic.
That is, until the lion caught his gaze.

"What do you want?" He had snapped, giving Athrun a once-over and puffing himself up at the rather large 'threat'.

"I don't know." He answered honestly, taking a few steps closer to him and sitting well within his reach.

The older lion huffed and started walking off, and Athrun was quick to follow after him, keeping his pace but never lessening the gap between the two of them.

The lion paused, glancing menacingly over his shoulder, but Athrun kept his calm exterior, merely watching the mortal with interest.

"Go away." He spat, attempting to walk away, but Athrun was right behind him in a second.

"I would if I could, but I can't." He calmly responded, daring to allow himself to get a little closer.

The lion let out a frightening roar, but when Athrun merey sat back down, the older lion barked out a laugh, "I'm not sure if you're simple, or just plain stupid..." He grumbled, but he made no attempt to chase the larger adolescent lion away, and Athrun felt it. The tug of something within the lion and his reason for being here.

"Why are you alone?" He asked, and the lion sent him a glare.

"What's it to you?"

"Hmm....." Athrun tilted his head to one side, and offered a gentle smile, "What's your name?"

He coughed, "Nobody."

Athrun nodded, as if he'd expected the answer, "No, but very well. I'm Athrun."

The old man seemed to just stare him down, and Athrun stared right back, refusing to be the one to back down when he knew he was meant to be here, a nuisance or not.

The lion grumbled and turned away, "It gets dark around here at night." He walked towards an overhang, curling himself up in the safety of the dark, and gave the stink eye to the larger male when he followed him, sitting down much too close and curling in a ball for a nap.

He huffed and stood up, putting more space between the two of them and lying back down, making an effort to close his eyes and sleep.

But Athrun only waited a moment before bridging the distance, curling with his back against the older male, "It gets cold too."

The older lion would make every mental excuse in the book not to move, Athrun knew, but he couldn't deny that undercurrent he felt from earlier easing up. The lion was enjoying his company, even if it had been forced on him.

Athrun allowed himself a small smile, while he was out of view.

To Soothe a Lonely Soul

Username: belloblossom
# of Gods you currently have: 1
Entry: Athrun was no stranger to loneliness. He never had been: he was the god of it, after all. In this way, he was able to sympathize with others who felt its bite. It wasn't always a bite, though. Sometimes it was a dull chill that slowly spread over your body, preventing you from being able to do much else than curl up and wish for the warmth of another.

He knew that it could cut into you and leave raw open wounds. Even with the passing of time, it wouldn't ever leave. As the God of Loneliness, he was susceptible to loneliness, but he also sympathized with others who felt it. Now that he had grown a little, though by all appearances he was still a youth and that he had recovered past memories, which were trials to get through by themselves, Athrun could finally move past the ache in his chest and seek to assist others with their own.

Such was the case when he found himself approaching a lioness who was staring off into the distance. She had a familiar hollow look in her eyes and he sat beside her.

"Do you miss them very much?" He asked, leaning against her and gazing up at the lioness.

"Very, very much." The lioness replied, not shying away from the touch so much as leaning into it. "They had so much potential, those two... They would've grown into great lions."

Despite not knowing the context of her words, Athrun knew what loss she felt and in turn, the loneliness the lioness was facing. So, he would sit with her until she felt more at ease. He never left without knowing that whomever he was leaving would be able to get by on their own, that some of their pain had become less raw. There were many who needed his help after all and he was ready to sit with every lonely soul he came across.

To Soothe a Lonely Soul

Username: AstoriaFallen
# of Gods you currently have: 0

Loneliness. Even the word sounded fitting to it's meaning. Being alone wasn't the worst thing in the world, but to some it truly was. Athrun was no stranger to loneliness, but that was also his affinity. So to be honest, he didn't have any real issues with being truly alone. But when he thought about it, you could be in a sea full of faces and still feel like you were by yourself. It depended on the type of loneliness you were talking of. The snake that laid curled upon his back kept him from being physically lonely, but spiritually.

He was kind of on his own.

That didn't bother him though, that's what he told himself. Walking along, his wings tucked tight against his body the male peered about the lands, his crisp blue gaze searching. Someone had been walking underfoot not too long ago and he had an inkling to seek them out.

He was probably one of the few Gods that actually didn't mind interacting with mortals. It gave him something to do.

Hati was sound asleep so he wasn't about to disturb her and left her sleeping where she was upon his shoulder blades. Giving one last look around he finally spotted them, a white lioness with pale markings. She looked terrible, but he wasn't about to say that out loud.

While Gods could be ruthless, he wasn't exactly heartless.

The lioness had felt as though her world was closing in around her, everything about her life was in shambles and she didn't know if she had the will to continue on anymore. She was already larger than average given her lineage, her father being a God and all, but to top it off she always saw the things she could never stop. Her mates death being one of them. It's not like she had seen the whole thing play out but a small glimpse here and there.

Now he was dead. Her children scattered.

She was utterly alone and her soul felt hallow.

The God could feel it radiating off of her and he approached the female slowly. "Tell me my child, what ails you." While she an adult he often referred to mortals as his children. Not that he took claim-age to them, it was just what he did.

Her head whipped up to look upon him and she watched him for a moment. "Aside a broken heart? Loneliness and contempt.." She uttered as she looked upon the ground, tears threatening to pour down her face.

He was never one to deal well with tears but he remained steady. Taking in a breath he thought for a moment, he always like to try to ease their pain with words first. He didn't like to use his powers unless he had to. Giving a small nod he gave a small smile and spoke. "Suffering, failure, loneliness, sorrow, discouragement, and death will be part of your journey, as they are a part of us all, but the Kingdom of the Afterlife will conquer all these horrors. No evil can resist grace forever."

She looked at him, why would he say that? She was just being hurt and then listened to the words he spoke. It was true, everyone would come to know those things at some point in their life. She was just feeling particularly overwhelmed.

His words had gotten her thinking though. She let out a long sigh. "Yes, but I have the power to see most of that before it comes to pass.... How do I live with that?" She didn't think he'd have an answer, she wasn't sure she was really wanting one to be honest.

"Live for yourself. Embrace those that come through your life, however fleeting. In time everything has a place. Just remember that we come into this world alone and we shall leave it alone. While we are surrounded by those that might love us and care for us. Ultimately we are alone."

He wasn't a scholar or anything but he hoped his words would help her.

She absorbed his words for a moment and then gave a nod. "Thank you..... I will not forget this but I should be going." She had really just come out here to die, but the fact he had appeared and spoken to her had changed that and she really wanted to leave the place that was to be her death.

He gave a nod of his head and said nothing more. Kahini gave him a small, fleeting, smile and then walked away.

The snake stirred upon his back. "Did I miss anything?" She yawned.

"No Hati. You rest. I'll wake you if I need you."

To Soothe a Lonely Soul

Username: Ecavi
# of Gods you currently have: 6

** Note: The lioness in this RP is one of my own, Kasida. Due to complications in both attempts to plot with her (one RP partner disappeared without telling me, second attempt at RP partner rehomed her new family, effectively erasing all that happened (new owner gave them new names/personalities)) ... she just had to be killed off to put an end to the chaos. This is the story of how Athrun was the one who came to comfort her when she died **

Athrun was drawn to the lonely but the suffering he felt drawing him in now was deeper and more painful than he had felt in a long time. He found Kasida, crying silently hidden away from the world and clearly beyond help. She was ragged and thin, but for all the pain she was suffering Athrun new it was her heart that hurt the most. If she noticed him, she made no sign, but he could guess that she had finally given up.

Finally.. he didn’t know why, but he knew that was the right word.

Hati was at his feet, waiting for her god to make his move. She hung back when he finally stepped forward, knowing there wasn’t much that she could do. Though perhaps, she wondered, looking around, she could help keep others from finding the lioness’s hideaway for now.

Kasida had no plans of fighting it anymore, she had accepted her death even as she cried for herself and the once-trusted friend she had left behind. When Athrun came up to her, though, she started. The way she stared at him, Athrun knew she could tell he was a god. Not for the first time he wished he had the power to take away the aching loneliness and abandonment she felt, but he could find it, not cure it.. not through magic, at least. He was still a lion. So he laid down beside the dying lioness so she wouldn’t have to suffer alone.

Her heart and her trust had been broken twice, but Kasida didn’t fight Athrun when he came close. A god had found her in the end, he had come to take her away. She had never been a religious lioness, though she had heard of the gods she never put much thought into them. It was a relief to know that someone was there for her in the end, there was no time for this god to disappoint or hurt her, and the gentle way he got right up beside her was much needed reassurance.

“Don’t worry,” Athrun said gently, “You’re not alone.”

He would never know her story but he felt it when she let go of the pain and loneliness that had plagued her since she had gone off on her own. He’d never learn her name but he stayed right there beside her until long after she had finally passed on. With Hatimale’mvua on guard and Athrun by her side, no scavengers would disturb her remains.. but they would eventually move on, as always, looking for the next lonely soul in need of help.

To Soothe a Lonely Soul

Username: Syrius Lionwing
# of Gods you currently have: 7
If the world was a place to be born alone in, he was the epitome of this. His domain was loneliness and he personified that. With that in mind he had made it his life’s mission to push others away from a path of loneliness. Usually, he didn’t have to use his powers to do this. Though he often used them subtly. There was always a feeling of where there were lots of other creatures and an unending feeling of pure pressure on his mind when he moved towards them. Like his domain was trying to move him away from that which he longed for company, friendship, a place to belong.

The small snake that permanently wrapped itself around one of his limbs and refused to believe him and was a constant source of comfort. Although where the creature hung caused a dull ache he always thanked his lucky stars that the reptile had chosen him. Had deemed him worthy and called him friend.

The pale lion turned his deep blue eyes to his tail, there trailing behind him was a tiny cub. The child was much too young to be apart from a parent, the child had called to him in its loneliness, feeling the draw of a beast more alone than he, he had scooped the child in to his circle and now he was heading towards a group, ignoring the migraine that flashed across his eyes and caused his temples to pound. This child needed his help, it needed a friend, a family, the child needed company and he was willing to push through the pain to make sure it was loved and cared for.

The scent of creatures was starting to envelope his whole being, his mind was becoming foggy, clogged with the scent of a pride, a pack, a clan, a place he could take the cub so that the child would be happy.

The pale god lifted a paw to take one more step and felt a tug at his tail. He stopped mid step, his gaze turned, a head tilt turning his gaze. “What’s wrong little one.”

“Don’t wanna go.” The tiny cub squeaked, wrapping both of its tiny fore paws around the gods tail, clinging tightly to the pale male that had rescued him. He had observed the snake that clearly lived with the god, wrapping himself around the gods tail as the snake wrapped itself around the gods leg, felt right.

The pale god gave a long, drawn out sigh, but a smile lifted on his lips as he turned and started to walk back the way they had come. “Okay.” He whispers, “Okay.” Loneliness, it may have been his domain, but it didn’t mean he had to be alone, he could solve others loneliness by just being with them.

Epine de Rose
To Soothe a Lonely Soul

Username: Epine de Rose
# of Gods you currently have: 1 (Harvest)
It had been hard to ignore, that nagging sensation that he had not been alone and yet. A swell of desire for company, yet in that same wave their came a sense of isolation that seemed entirely driven by the desire of the individual themselves. It was a paradox, one that could only be from a being who lived within the realms of self loathing or something decidedly more...complex.

Thusly, he hadn't appeared immediately and had maintained his distance as he regarded the black lion. Lost within his own reverie the mortal had seemed unaware of his presence and this was how things should have been. However, much to his surprise he soon found his blue eyes fixed upon those of the black lion. There had been no surprise, nor had there been any fear as the individual in question seemed to acknowledge his presence.

Curiously, he seemed to acknowledge what he was as well. Without fear or awe.

"What a small world we live in that the divine should see fit to darken my path so soon after I was spurned," he mused at last, the drawl of the bitter easily detectable as he continued to regard the 'adolescent' before him. Large as Athrun might have been, the mortal lion also held a form that told a tale as well - he was not entirely 'mortal' himself, that larger than life stature didn't come from a large father alone.

"You will forgive me for being unaware of what you refer to," Athrun responded, tone cautious, though he saw no reason to fear the lion in question. It was safe for him to assume that on this occasion there was no immediate malice and the lion was far more interested in his own affairs than the sudden appearance of one such as he.

"I didn't imagine you would be, but your kind do rather have a penchant for showing up unannounced," there was a brief pause and it was with a knowing stare that the dark lion returned his gaze to that of the divine being. "What is it you want, Divinity?" he enquired. "Your kind do not show up without purpose, even if it is not immediately evident."


Whomever he might be, the dark lion deserved acknowledgement for that. It was clear in those moments he was not new to the concept of who and what Athrun might be.

"What can I say," the shrug was non committal. "You're not exactly new to me."

"You are a paradox," he said at last, a mild smile slipping on to his lips as he closed the distance and came to a halt, inspecting a land that he had never explored himself. "You stand upon a precipice not unknown to others and yet it is one of your own making," he continued. "Your isolation is your own and yet I cannot fathom why... particularly when you do not seem to want it."


"Allow me to rephrase," Athrun motioned his paw towards what he assumed was the lion's home, or former home, depending on exactly may have happened. "You made your choice, and yet there is a part of your very being that wishes you may had not done so. Every breath you take is laboured, torn between accepting that this is necessary... and yet questioning that perhaps it may not have been."

"Change requires sacrifice."

"Does it?" Athrun asked softly.

"It does," The dark lion replied.

"Perhaps, but I might dispute just how much it requires. To take a journey alone can bring solace to some, but place a heavy burden on others that may weigh them down and eventually cripple them," he pointed out. "To make a martyr of oneself would be to lose everything before it has even started." At this point he really was being presumptious, whatever might have occurred was certainly this lions own business but it was clear that it had something to do with the lands he now gazed upon. An action had been taken that had caused him great loss, that had resulted in a sense of loneliness one could really only exhibit in grief... and yet he emanated with an aura that declared it was 'necessary'.

...A noble sacrifice, or something more foolish?

Or perhaps it was too complex to summarise in a series of sentences.

"If you are suggesting I find like minded individuals you are in for a rough ride," the dark lion remarked with a snort.

"I could be," Athrun agreed. "But then again, I suspect yours will be rougher than mine," he fixed his gaze upon the darker lions, much firmer and perhaps more stern than before. "Change may require sacrifice but it's pointless if it never comes to pass," he stated. "Whatever has happened, whatever you might have done, you are not so powerful as to do it alone."

He raised a paw to prevent the darker lion from speaking.

"Gazing out in to this -" he turned back to the land and shook his head, he still didn't know where 'this' was. "Will do nothing of value," he murmured. "If you want to affect change you need to be that change -"

"I was that change."

"So the change left then?" Athrun was not one who lacked the ability to be blunt when necessary, nor did he lack the capacity for sarcasm.

"I have allies," the dark lion drawled and raised a paw dismissively.

"Interesting," he deliberately looked about, he'd sensed no others in this area for a considerable time and he had been here for a while. "So where are they?"

"Far from your gaze."

He allowed this to wash off his back and released a sigh.

"Then perhaps you should go to them," he clucked his tongue. "You can't change anything from out here and if you can't get back in there, then someone else will have to."

"You don't even know what that change is."

"You are correct, but with growing conviction and a realisation that you do have a path...that paradox becomes a little less," he remarked gently and glanced briefly over his shoulder before nodding pointedly towards the direction he had come. "You made your choice, now leap from the precipice and finish what you started... are they not waiting?" he hazarded.

The dark lion did not speak immediately and it seemed that he had no intention of following after Athrun on this particular occasion, but the rather brief and pointed words had done something. In time, perhaps Athrun would come to find out what this was... if their paths crossed again, then there might be a more willing lion in his sights. However for now it seemed the paradoxical waves of self doubt were abating; the loneliness was still there somewhere, one that would take time to truly disperse... but the reminder that he did have others waiting for him had been made - He just needed to go to them.

Athrun knew that with each fading wave the point did not need to be made again and it was with that in mind that he left the lion to his own devices. Whomever he was, he would leave of his own accord and he would join his allies, because while he might be isolated by some... he wasn't truly alone; not yet anyway.

Peppermint Coffee
To Soothe a Lonely Soul

Username: Peppermint Coffee
# of Gods you currently have: 3
He met her once before. She'd been dreaming, this daughter of a god. She was lost, so lonely since she could remember. Parents forgot her, she was raised by an old lioness who died just before this female reached adulthood.

He was on the Mountain, which meant this soul was truely just that, a soul. She walked up to him, confusion in her eyes at who she spotted. This... young looking male god with this sad expression. "Who are you?" Her voice was demanding, though shaky.

"Athrun," he whispered to her, keeping his eyes trained on hers. He let his gentle nature surround her, his wings folded neatly against his back. They fidgeted now and then, brushing over his necklace, and rustling his earrings if he wasn't careful. "God of Loneliness. I remember you, little one. You ..." He sighed at her angry expression. He expected that. Blue eyes darkened with further sadness.

"So it's you who cursed my life? I know that I'm dead. I've seen this day... I just didn't know who you were! Why me?" She got in his face, but he stood his ground. The god didn't seem phased. She couldn't hurt him, all she could do was scream at him, unleash her anger. "I had love, and I was still lonely! He ...He just.." She growled, trying to swipe a unsheathed clawed paw at his face. It passed right through him and she felt her anger grow even more. "Why me?"

"I'm sorry, little one. I don't pick who's lonely. It doesn't work that way. I exist because loneliness does... I wish I could have taken it all back." He felt his heart breaking all over again. For her life, for his own. Athrun couldn't seem to heal from his past.

He let this female unleash all her fury at him. She talked about everything in her life. About her first memories, alone in the plains. But she also thought about those few times she wasn't alone. She cherished those moments. He watched her cry and sob in sorrow, working her way through truly accepting her death. He let her swipe at him, let her curse him until she was left exhausted and drained. Somehow she'd found her way to acceptance. Athrun never said anything back to her. She'd come to this on her own.

"...May you find everything you want in your next life. May we never cross paths..." He moved to the side, letting her climb up the rest of the mountain.

There was really nothing either of them could say or do to change what happened. His existence cursed hers, and he felt another little piece of his heart numb toward the world.

To Soothe a Lonely Soul

Username: Andranis
# of Gods you currently have: 2 - BTW Athrun's an uncle if they're still brothers post-rebirth?
Entry: The lion before him was not something Athrun was used to. It wasn't the strange red and black markings on a pale coat, that wasn't unusual. It was his entire demeaner. "Let me see if I understand this.. You're lonely, but don't want to seek out the permanent company of others... So you can tell animals about making new beginnings?"

The mortal lion shrugged, sitting down, "Yes, that sums it up." He let out a sigh, looking off to the side. "I DO crave company... But I also feel the deep-rooted need to spread the word about new beginnings to others."

"Okay..." Walking a circle around the lion, Athrun ruffled his wings slightly, "You should perhaps take somebody with you, then. So you're not so lonely."

"Yes, that's the obvious answer, isn't it? But would others want to travel with me?"

The god paused, looking at the lion for a moment. Finally he said, "You won't know until you ask. The worst they can say is no. Maybe start with a bird, they're nice and small and easy to travel with." Or, most were. "Or maybe a snake, easily transported around your neck."

Ruminating for a moment, the lion nodded, "Yes, those ARE good ideas. Thank you, o lonely one." He rose again to his paws, giving a bow to the god. "I hope you find your own good path. You said you were reborn somewhat recently, that is a wonderous opportunity for a new beginning, new connections to others, and to find new joys in life."

Athrun only chuckled, then turned and took to the air, flying away.


To Soothe a Lonely Soul

Username: Krysin
# of Gods you currently have: 4
He had met her what now felt like ages ago. Back then she had been a wandering, wasting thing, the spark of life growing dimmer with each passing day. For a while he would watch her, a lone lioness barely in the midst of adolescence. First he had merely been curious to see how she dealt with her crippling loneliness. He did not know her story, but he had seen many like her, all alone in the world with none to claim as kin. Solitude was a terrible companion, and he had witnessed the light in her eyes fade, that will to live dwindle into barely a flicker of flame.

Athrun had come to her then, though he wasn't sure if it was just to act as a witness to her solitude, or to offer her something to cling on to. She had been pretty underneath the dirt and grime. The sunken ribs and knobbled back were a sign of how far she had gone. Perhaps he had watched too long, detached himself from what was happening around him. She was just another mortal among so many. Their lives came and went in what was but a blink of the eye to a god. But he could not bare it, in what should have been her final moments, to let her go.

Weak and wimpering, he sat by her side, offering not a word but the comfort of his presence. She felt no fear - he gave her no reason to. For a moment he could have been a spectre of death, and she waited to see if he would claim her.

He did not.

They had sat for ages in silence under the night sky, and when words finally shattered the still air around them, it was from her. She spoke not of her woes or her grievances with her life, but rather what she had wanted to do with it. There seemed to be so much more that she needed to achieve with her life, but she no longer had the strength of will to do so. As the conversation moved, that spark began to ignite again. The memory of all she yearned to be became vivid and clear.

He had left her when day broke. Though he had said little, she had changed. He felt it in her.

Throughout the years he found himself drawn back to the lone lioness. He knew when to come for her. She grew and matured and became beautiful, but loneliness was a terrible companion. No cubs, no mate. Just Athrun. At times these things would wear her down, make her beautiful resolve crumble. He had to come back, to help put back together those pieces. Over time he opened up to her too, spoke more, but only when she wanted to hear what he had to say.

He had grown very fond of her by the time he last visited her alive. Her time was long overdue, but she had been a fighter throughout those many years. The lioness laid resting underneath a baobob tree, an uncanny reflection of the creature he had first met. Time had taken away all that it had given to that beautiful creature. Athrun sat beside her, his white pelt a beacon in the night. At her weakest point, she welcomed his company. This time there were no words, no soft whispers of comfort and of lives that were yet to be.

This was the end.

It tore him up.

He did not meet her for a final farewell before her spirit before she walked through those golden gates to heaven. They had already said all that needed to be said to one another ages ago, during that very first night he met her.


To Soothe a Lonely Soul

Username: AgeofTwilight
# of Gods you currently have: 0

Athrun had long since traveled the mortal plane, even in his reborn body. Now, in fact, he travels it with more purpose. He is there to assist others who suffers from his domain and to assure them that all is not as grim as they suspect. On this particular day, he was roaming through the rogue lands among tall grasses. Eventually he comes upon a small clearing and within it, a cub sits. The aura around the young cub is so strong, he seems to be imprisoned by their own loneliness. Athrun is very familiar with this feeling. He is the God of Loneliness after all. He approaches the isolated male cub, who seems to be too focused on themselves to notice Athrun coming towards them.

“Excuse me..” Athrun softly projects. This gets the young cubs attention, he turns around and faces Athrun.

“What do you want?” The young one grunts, annoyed that he got interrupted.

“I was just passing by and I noticed you here all alone, I wanted to come see if you were ok?” Athrun asks. He was still trying to fully assess the cubs situation, though even without fully knowing, he knew that his assistance was needed.

“Why does it matter to you? You don’t know me, you don’t know ANYTHING about me. Did my parents ask you to do this?” The young one was clearly getting angry at this point, though Athrun knew that he mustn’t change his method.

“It matters greatly. If not to me, then definitely to your parents. I don’t know who your parents are, but if you feel like they would send someone to you, then they must understand something is wrong, and care about you greatly.” Athrun stated. The young cub turns their back to him, but is clearly still paying attention. “Like I said, I am just passing by, you might not see me again but for this moment, I am here. I am here to help you and listen to what’s bothering you. So please, won't you please tell me what’s happening?”

“There’s no point.. You wouldn’t understand..” The cub trails off. He wants to tell Athrun, he wants to tell someone, but it hurts... He doesn’t want to be told off for feeling the way that he does. He don’t want to bother anyone else with his problems, so he would rather just sit and sulk by himself, no matter how painful it gets, to keep his feelings submerged.

“Try me. I have been told I am a good listener and in any case, I may be able to answer a few questions you may have.” Athrun says, now sitting down next to the young one. “What’s wrong young one? What is causing you to feel so dejected?"

“Have..have you ever felt lonely?” The young cub asks Athrun. Athrun didn’t answer, but he gave a simple nod. Of course Athrun knew loneliness, he knows it very well, more so than one could imagine. “See.. I have felt so alone, and like I have no one there for me at all and it hurts. It hurts so, so, so much. I just want to hide and disappear.. to die. I just.. I just don’t know what to do. It hurts so much.. It’s hard to explain. I have no one who loves me and no one cares about me. Nothing matters anymore...“ His thoughts and words were going everywhere, Athrun can tell this was severely troubling the cub. Now he knows why he was needed. This is why he is here. Athrun knows what loneliness is. He knows very well what it’s like to feel nothing, to have nothing, to feel like there is no point to go forward. But, because of this, Athrun never wants anyone to have to go through what he had to. He doesn’t want anyone else to be lonely or even think about wanting to end it all.

“I understand what you mean, honestly I really do. I am very familiar with loneliness, and how you are feeling. I have and still am dealing with it myself. It’s the worst. You want to die because you feel like nothing else matters, like you don’t matter and no one will ever miss you. You think if you just end it all, it won’t matter at all, that no one would care. That’s where you are wrong. I know times are tough and difficult and I know even the smallest things can bring you down.. But that doesn’t mean you should let it. You have people who care about you, you just don’t choose to accept it. “ The young cub looks quizzically at Athrun, “You have your parents. “ The cub rolls their eyes, “I understand you feel like they won’t understand, and they don’t actually care and they are just saying they do since they are your parents, but that’s not true. Believe me, it isn’t true. Your parents care about you the most in the world. You are everything to them, they would give up anything and everything if it meant they could be with you forever. You are their fire, their happiness. So you may think no one cares or that you don’t matter or that no one will miss you. That’s not true. I know it’s difficult to open up to others. I know, it hurts so much. You want to tell them what’s wrong, in the hopes that they can help you, but you don’t want to run the risk of them laughing at you or leaving you. I promise you, your parents aren’t like that. They are there for you to talk to. To ask questions to, to listen to you. Sure times can be difficult. Nothing is ever easy, there are so many things that could go wrong and ruin your day. I know you can and probably will be knocked down time and time again, but you must keep getting up. Always get back up. It can’t rain forever you know. Eventually things will start to shine and things will take a turn for the better. I promise. No matter how difficult it gets, it will always get better.” The young male is practically speechless, not once did he think that someone could so perfectly address their feelings, and ACTUALLY help them. His eyes shine and he leans a little closer to Athrun.

“I… I’ll try to start talking to my parents about things, but what about others?"
“Start slowly, continue your days as normal, take note of those who act friendly or kind to you. If someone reaches out to you, I know it can be scary and you might be scared of what could go wrong, but you still should let them help you. They are choosing to help you, they are the ones you will truly find solace with. Slowly over time, you might find the one to completely absolve you of your past, and once you do.. Nothing will ever be able to hurt you again.” Athrun stands up at this point, the young cub does the same.

“Thank you for your help, but… just who ARE you?” The young cub looks up to Athrun, with an expression completely devoid of the of the hostility first shown to Athrun.

With a gentle smile, Athrun simply replies, “I am just a passerby.” And starts to walk away, leaving the young one with all the words and the feelings expressed. Athrun’s work is done, it is now up to the cub to make the path to happiness.

To Soothe a Lonely Soul

Username: hattaki
# of Gods you currently have: 0

Years and years in the mortal realm had taught him one thing, to have your feet in the dirt was much more important than having your head in the clouds. Traveling on all four feet gave him perspective and an appreciation for the hardships that lead to love, loss, and the overwhelming sensation that was loneliness. From that heartbreaking void he had sprung, so many years ago now that it seemed the sands themselves had forgotten his story, and as though he looked through a scope at the world, everything around him was lonely. If it had been his family, he remembered them with a soft smile, they had likely felt the same lonely feelings he did but after his rebirth he found that he was of little help to them. Only one had truly stayed, wrapped tightly to either neck or appendage as he slowly travelled the world in search of souls that needed... Athrun wasn't always certain of what they needed at first. It was always something different, a feeling that called out to him or often just an encounter that came about suddenly and ended just as quickly with his paws taking him away towards another.

There had been a time, two in fact, that he had done things simply for himself. Those days were gone, the price paid with a curse and a rebirth that lost him his family both times, always alone. It was fitting in a way, the god who's name and essence personified loneliness being usually alone in the world. If it hadn't been for Hatimle'mvua he would be totally alone but the small serpent was stubborn in her desire to stay by his side and rarely left him unless forced to. Though the gesture was not lost on him, the large God often wished she would go and enjoy life and live it to the fullest.

Hati's retort was that she lived quite longer than most creatures being a snake and that he should just give in to the inevitable. He had, more than once, surrendered to this.

So it was that the large white lion walked across the savannah in search of anyone that might need a kind ear or a gentle push in the correct direction to ease their hearts. Searching eyes the color of the afternoon sky scanned across the plains as if he could remember being here before. So many years had passed, so many lives met and voices heard, that he'd managed to help so few of them spoke to the pain of his own domain and filled him with a quiet longing to find even one soul that he could help. Over the years it had felt as though he had been completely incapable of helping anyone and that filled him with pain that sent him on his current quest to be of service to anyone or anything.

When his eyes took in the form of a small adolescent lioness sitting on a rock, a rock that he actually found himself remembering quite well but wasn't about to try claiming, Athrun did his best to situate his wings on his back and stepped towards her slowly. Brightly colored eyes were overflowing with tears, her ears laid back against her head and for all purposes it seemed she had picked one of the emptiest and loneliest parts of the savannah to rest by herself. Her body was curled up tight on the top of the rock and her tan fur looked as bedraggled as the screwed up expression that was crossing her face. Whatever had her crying was sending off waves of such intense loneliness that he had only felt a few times before himself and they usually crested in the wake of a loss that left one utterly alone with none around for comfort.

It was hard to say the right thing when someone lost a loved one or a friend, even the god who's domain encompassed the loneliness that could be felt after a loss had a hard time finding the right words. In his infinite experience it was easier to just lend a steady form of company and that was exactly what he did, climbing up beside her and resting at her side as she cried. Upon feeling his presence she slacked a bit in her sobbing, but the adolescent's tears were not to be stopped, bubbling from her anew as she accepted the company beside her without saying a word. Athrun draped one of his large wings over her back and kept watch over her sadness with a silence that wasn't awkward as much as comforting and gentle, listening to her sob as he felt it in his wing and side. Comfort was something that all creatures needed, be it during times of loneliness or even during times of happiness, it was more than just courtesy it was what others deserved and more than often longed for. In her own way this lioness was longing for company and comfort, even if she had found a spot so devoid of life that it reflected her current mood.

When the tears finally subsided, when her shaking had ended and her stillness indicated sleep brought on by exhaustion, the large god looked up to the slowley darkening sky and gave himself a quiet moment to remember his own loneliness, the losses that he had suffered over the course of so many years. If he could save this warm lioness from feeling the same he would but for this evening the least he could do was stand watch and protect her from anything that might do her harm as she slept after her pain subsided. When she woke the next day she would simply find a white feather at her paws to indicate his presence but the kindness had not been lost on her. Knowing that there were others out there that cared about random lions gave her the strength to think that the loss of everything she knew could be turned into a way for her to understand and give support to others that felt as she had.

To Soothe a Lonely Soul

Username: Redbud-Tree
# of Gods you currently have: Zero

The worst sort of loneliness wasn't the kind you felt when out by yourself, alone but for the sky, the land, and the stars. Oh, it could be lonely enough if you weren't suited for that kind of lifestyle, but there was a peacefulness to it to - a calm and quiet that could be a balm to a wounded soul. No, the worst sort of loneliness came to one when they were surrounded by others - surrounded, yet apart.

Athrun had not visited these lands for some time: the air reeked of death and illness, and everywhere there were lions sick and suffering. He kept near the edges, not wishing to venture too near a place marked by another deity, but even so he could see that there was something going on. A celebration of some sort? It seemed like it, with the joyful voices he heard carried on the wind, laughter and happiness even among the death and sorrow. But it was not this that caught his attention: no, there was someone in the middle of that celebration who drew his focus as only the most lonely could.

But - he didn't want to go near the heart of a place that belonged to someone else, let alone one that bore faint but recognizable traces of another god or gods having been there fairly recently. So he hesitated. In the end, though, he hadn't needed to worry, because soon a sad-eyed lioness made her way from the gathering, her paws carrying her over the ground toward the farther reaches of their territory - and right to Athrun. He stood, drawing a gasp as the lioness stumbled over her paws and backed up, startled and intimidated.

"O-oh! Hello," she said, and smiled brightly. It may have fooled someone more ignorant, but Athrun saw right through the false expression she wore. "I didn't think there was anyone else out here." Her voice shook, and Athrun watched her quietly as her shoulders shook. "Um - we're not really able to allow visitors," she spoke once more, tail twitching behind her. "And - I - I - I can't do this right now, can you come back later if you want someone to show you where it's safe to travel, I just want to be alone."

Now Athrun spoke, closing the distance between the two of them and placing a paw over hers, covering the lioness' trembling foot with his own.

"No," he said softly, gaze kind. "You don't."

The lioness simply blinked at him for a moment, and then the fake smile she had been trying to hold onto broke, and she sniffed, looking away. "...You're right," she said, and looked back over her shoulder at the celebration in the distance. "You're right. If I did, I'd still be back there."

Again Athrun spoke, voice gentle. "I'll stay with you until their party ends." And he could see, from the tiny light of hope in the lioness' eyes, that it was the right thing to do. She would become lonely again, in time, but for now he could provide her with comfort - with company that did not ask and did not judge, but simply eased the longing sadness within her.

oo DeD
To Soothe a Lonely Soul

Username: oo DeD
# of Gods you currently have: None
(The lioness used here is my Monifa, who was cared for as a cub by Athrun in his past life!)

The lioness was still as he watched her. Quietly and to himself, Athrun wondered if she remained this still out of some semblance of peacefulness, or if the stillness was a consequence of the pale lioness's obvious age. He felt compelled to move closer, like there was a thread deep in his chest that pulled him towards her. The god had long since grown accustomed to following such a pull. Often, his domain navigated his steps even when he didn't think about it.

"What are you looking at?" he asked as he grew near. He had exchanged pleasantries with the lioness earlier in that day and kept her company as the sun began to set. They had said their hellos and introduced themselves. He didn't know why he felt compelled to give a false name. He wondered if she would even recognize him. He looked different, now, and even if it didn't it had been so long…

Her pale eyes looked calmly over the empty land below the hill where she sat. "Nothing," she responded, her voice soft and distant. There was a gentleness to the lioness, and not one that just came from her older age. Monifa was composed, not even remotely shaken by his towering presence (which still towered over her, though his wings and accessories were hidden and he appeared only as a large, white lion).

Athrun furrowed his brow and followed her gaze out. "What do you mean?" he spoke softly in turn, trying to coax out more of a response from her. There was more that she had to say. He could sense it. "There's lots out there. The trees and the grass and all the life."

"Yes, but…" she started, then her voice trailed off into a sigh. The lioness turned her blue eyes towards him. Something in those eyes gnawed at his heart.

It was easy to recognize loneliness. It was his domain, after all. But hat didn't make the hollow pain any less painful to see. Athrun met her eyes briefly, then looked away.

"I know how you feel," he started, his tail brushing up against her comfortingly. He looked out over the grasslands again. "How it doesn't matter if you're surrounded by life and excitement. How, even if you go to the ends of the world, there's this emptiness that seems to follow you." Athrun looked back to her. He reached out a paw and set it on hers.

"Even if you're lonely, you're never alone," he murmured with a wry smile.

She smiled in return soft and gentle, and a breath left her. It felt light, like a weight had left her chest. "You always know what to say. Don't you, old friend?"
PostPosted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 2:05 pm

Special Case


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This, other than my god, is the only edited SoA I own and she is OLD, like from the first few that were. I don't know what pride she was a part of... but she also has a familiar! Who you will get if you end up with her!

Etain is special as she was the only edited one I got, so she won't be raffled. Someone that posts in this thread will win her but no one will know who that is until they get a PM with her images. I might randomize it, I might pick someone that I see roleplaying a lot, I might even pick a newbie. No matter what happens you all have a fair chance.

Raffle Choices


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She is Khepri and Kota's daughter, one of I think eight children that they had, her brother will be next. I don't know that I ever did anything with her. So she's a blank slate. Though she's on Bahari lines she's likely a rogue now due to how long it's been so if you want her back there you'll have to plot a way back in.


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Khepri and Kota's son! From before they joined the Bahari. He has a soft spot for males and is just a giant teddybear. He never joined a pride.


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This big cloud of a lion is super into males and once had a thing with Isitini, but do what you want with him. His mother's owner might still be online.


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One of the last children that Nyek had, Chau had a deep desire to meet her father but never got the chance. She has a few stages and can be found with both tattoos, her handmade ruff, or nothing at all. You'll get them all. She's a mute and does not speak but that doesn't mean that she's shy, just that she does not talk.


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Another teddybear lion, Paki is blind and spent the better part of his life looking for someplace to belong that would take him seriously and not look down on him for his blindness. I don't know what pride he joined, I literally can't remember, but he did have something that was planned with a character of Andrani's. If she's still online you might try her memory? He has the option of items or not.


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Kwi is a protector and has a heart as big as all of Africa. He was a member of the Ela with his mate, but I fell off gaia right after that so they aren't any longer. He is/was mated to the lady below but do what you like. He can come with or without items.


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Shu is the super shy mate of Kwi and acts as his demure shadow. Like with Kwi she was a member of the Ela but... yeah. Do what you like with him being mated to Kwi, could be a good opportunity for growth or a break away.


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If you want a bad boy here he is. He has a twin but he was killed a long time ago. Inzo is a cannibal that ate his adoptive father, but he originally curbed the desire with his mate who's name now escapes me. I know he was a male and Phiferwolf owned him. Outside of that I have no memories. Consider him a blank slate if you like.


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Does not live up to her name considering her color. I dunno what I was thinking... She's a complete blank slate! Never roleplayed so she can do anything.


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Also a blank slate! Hahaha. She won't be a member of the Pridelands anymore I'm sure but you could check to see if she can join again or do something else.



PostPosted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 2:06 pm


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This was my very first SoA of all time, I won her in one of Meepfur's flatsales and she had a lot of roleplay and character. She joined and traveled with packs, had children, had a loving mate owned by Phiferwolf, and I adored her. Temari has a few children but I don't know who has who anymore. Please feel free to do what you like with her.


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Temari's daughter from her first accidental breeding she's hyper and kind of blockheaded. Kizaki speaks in the first person until she's angry and then she'll begin using the correct grammar and scare everyone around her. This is a habit she picked up from her father's pidgin. She does not have an item-less uncert anymore, sorry.


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I cannot remember Raff's personality anymore but he comes with scars and without scars that he earned from a lion when protecting his family.


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The daughter of a very special SoA to me, Realta's mother was owned by Syrius and I just adored her family but I can't bring myself to give up her father so please consider her either a blank slate or reach out to Syr if she's still online.
PostPosted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 2:07 pm


Gracie Loff
Excited Apathy
Epine de Rose
Lady Kitania
- Mynsed -


Shesha Sama
Gracie Loff
Ctrl F Greenie
Excited Apathy
Lady Kitania
- Mynsed -


Gracie Loff
Excited Apathy
Lady Kitania
- Mynsed -


Gracie Loff
Ctrl F Greenie
Excited Apathy
Epine de Rose
Lady Kitania
- Mynsed -


Shesha Sama
Gracie Loff
Excited Apathy
Epine de Rose
Lady Kitania
Z o m b i k ii
oo DeD
- Mynsed -


Shesha Sama
Gracie Loff
Ctrl F Greenie
Excited Apathy
Epine de Rose
Lady Kitania
- Mynsed -


Gracie Loff
Ctrl F Greenie
Excited Apathy
Epine de Rose
Lady Kitania
oo DeD
- Mynsed -


Gracie Loff
Ctrl F Greenie
Excited Apathy
Epine de Rose
Lady Kitania
oo DeD
- Mynsed -


Shesha Sama
Gracie Loff
Ctrl F Greenie
Excited Apathy
Epine de Rose
Lady Kitania
Z o m b i k ii
- Mynsed -


Shesha Sama
Gracie Loff
Ctrl F Greenie
Excited Apathy
Epine de Rose
Lady Kitania
- Mynsed -


Gracie Loff
Excited Apathy
Lady Kitania
oo DeD
- Mynsed -


Gracie Loff
Ctrl F Greenie
Excited Apathy
Epine de Rose
Lady Kitania
oo DeD
- Mynsed -


Gracie Loff
Ctrl F Greenie
Excited Apathy
Epine de Rose
Lady Kitania
- Mynsed -


Gracie Loff
Excited Apathy
Lady Kitania
- Mynsed -




PostPosted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 10:48 pm
And open!  
PostPosted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 11:03 pm
I'd like to enter for all of your lovely SoA! heart

If you need a list of their names in this post, here ya go: Etain, Khepri, Artemis, Isitini, Sioda, Chau, Paki, Wakhakwi, Shusui, Inzondo-mnyama, Lapis, Pya, Temari, Kizaki, Raffaele, Realta,  


Aged Shapeshifter

17,850 Points
  • Bunny Spotter 50
  • Bunny Hunter 100
  • Bunny Hoarder 150

Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

PostPosted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 11:19 pm
To Soothe a Lonely Soul

Username: NovaCracker
# of Gods you currently have: One! He's a fluffybutt.
Entry:(Note: RPed with my little leopard lady Haro)

If he'd been looking, he'd probably trip over the leopardess laying in the grasses in silence, and the adolescent blinked, looking around before drawing close, wings fluttering anxiously to his sides.

"Excuse me, are you alright?" Athrun asked, voice a soft, worried tone. While he could confront other gods easily enough, Athrun didn't enjoy being cursed a lick. No, he rather wished to avoid more trouble for spending time with mortals, but when he sqw trouble... How could he refuse help? The male sat, waiting as the leopardess huffed.

"I'm fine." She grumbled. A lie, and Athrun knew it based on her body language, how she avoided his gaze, his touch. Everything, actually - the sort of manner... Well.

"If yousay so, miss." Athrun drawled. "But youlook unhappy."

Haro raised a brow, turning to snarl then stopped. Wings? Was some lion getting jiggy with birds now? Weirdos.

"What does it matter? You'll leave. Everyone leaves." She hissed. "And it's stupid."

Ah. Alone, then, for a moment. Athrun knew this well - his domain fed on it, but while he considered acting on it, he declined, instead leaning to nose at Haro gently.

"Hey. That's not so." He soothed. "Loneliness can change. Maybe you haven't found the right group."

"Yeah? What if I don't?" Hero snapped. She already had an answer, and Athrun sighed, rolling his eyes patiently.

"Then we - note I said we - work on it. I mean. I can keep you company! I might wander off, but we can be friends..." He offered a half-smile, and the leopard raised one brow, and shrugged.

"Yeah, whatever."

"I mean it." And Athrun put a paw on hers.

"I'll help, any way I can. I'll make sure you're never alone again." He grinned, and nodded. "I'm Athrun. And it's lovely to meet you."

(Also HI LAEFE -Paws for tickets for Kwi because his sister- XD MIRA NEEDS BROTHER'S LOVES SHE'S STILL ALL MESSED UP_  
PostPosted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 11:26 pm
To Soothe a Lonely Soul

Username: ChexaRain
# of Gods you currently have: 0!

He couldn't recall what had brought him to the mortal plane, but Athrun didn't regret being there when he spotted the older lion.
Easily twice his size when his godly form was hidden away, Athrun watched. The lion was snapping at the birds, of all things to snap at. Athrun's gaze was sympathetic.
That is, until the lion caught his gaze.

"What do you want?" He had snapped, giving Athrun a once-over and puffing himself up at the rather large 'threat'.

"I don't know." He answered honestly, taking a few steps closer to him and sitting well within his reach.

The older lion huffed and started walking off, and Athrun was quick to follow after him, keeping his pace but never lessening the gap between the two of them.

The lion paused, glancing menacingly over his shoulder, but Athrun kept his calm exterior, merely watching the mortal with interest.

"Go away." He spat, attempting to walk away, but Athrun was right behind him in a second.

"I would if I could, but I can't." He calmly responded, daring to allow himself to get a little closer.

The lion let out a frightening roar, but when Athrun merey sat back down, the older lion barked out a laugh, "I'm not sure if you're simple, or just plain stupid..." He grumbled, but he made no attempt to chase the larger adolescent lion away, and Athrun felt it. The tug of something within the lion and his reason for being here.

"Why are you alone?" He asked, and the lion sent him a glare.

"What's it to you?"

"Hmm....." Athrun tilted his head to one side, and offered a gentle smile, "What's your name?"

He coughed, "Nobody."

Athrun nodded, as if he'd expected the answer, "No, but very well. I'm Athrun."

The old man seemed to just stare him down, and Athrun stared right back, refusing to be the one to back down when he knew he was meant to be here, a nuisance or not.

The lion grumbled and turned away, "It gets dark around here at night." He walked towards an overhang, curling himself up in the safety of the dark, and gave the stink eye to the larger male when he followed him, sitting down much too close and curling in a ball for a nap.

He huffed and stood up, putting more space between the two of them and lying back down, making an effort to close his eyes and sleep.

But Athrun only waited a moment before bridging the distance, curling with his back against the older male, "It gets cold too."

The older lion would make every mental excuse in the book not to move, Athrun knew, but he couldn't deny that undercurrent he felt from earlier easing up. The lion was enjoying his company, even if it had been forced on him.

Athrun allowed himself a small smile, while he was out of view.


Unbeatable Streaker

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Shesha Sama

Protected Aura

PostPosted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 11:41 pm
I would like to enter for Isitini, Paki, Wakhakwi, Lapis, and Pya please. heart

Best of luck with your RL-adventures! heart
PostPosted: Thu Dec 28, 2017 12:43 am
To Soothe a Lonely Soul

Username: belloblossom
# of Gods you currently have: 1
Entry: Athrun was no stranger to loneliness. He never had been: he was the god of it, after all. In this way, he was able to sympathize with others who felt its bite. It wasn't always a bite, though. Sometimes it was a dull chill that slowly spread over your body, preventing you from being able to do much else than curl up and wish for the warmth of another.

He knew that it could cut into you and leave raw open wounds. Even with the passing of time, it wouldn't ever leave. As the God of Loneliness, he was susceptible to loneliness, but he also sympathized with others who felt it. Now that he had grown a little, though by all appearances he was still a youth and that he had recovered past memories, which were trials to get through by themselves, Athrun could finally move past the ache in his chest and seek to assist others with their own.

Such was the case when he found himself approaching a lioness who was staring off into the distance. She had a familiar hollow look in her eyes and he sat beside her.

"Do you miss them very much?" He asked, leaning against her and gazing up at the lioness.

"Very, very much." The lioness replied, not shying away from the touch so much as leaning into it. "They had so much potential, those two... They would've grown into great lions."

Despite not knowing the context of her words, Athrun knew what loss she felt and in turn, the loneliness the lioness was facing. So, he would sit with her until she felt more at ease. He never left without knowing that whomever he was leaving would be able to get by on their own, that some of their pain had become less raw. There were many who needed his help after all and he was ready to sit with every lonely soul he came across.  


Aged Shapeshifter

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 28, 2017 12:45 am
I would like to enter for: Etain, Khepri, Artemis, Isitini, Sioda, Chau, Paki, Wakhakwi, Shusui, Inzondo-mnyama, Lapis, Pya, Temari, Kizaki, Raffaele, Realta  
PostPosted: Thu Dec 28, 2017 1:09 am
May I enter for all the ones up for raffle, please?

Etain, Khepri, Artemis, Isitini, Sioda, Chau, Paki, Wakhakwi, Shusui, Inzondo-mnyama, Lapis, Pya, Temari, Kizaki, Raffaele, Realta. I think that's all of them.

If I have time, I'll shoot an rp entry too. But just in case I don't have time, I wish you luck in your adventures off this site!  

gracie loff

Naughty Kitten


Unbeatable Streaker

26,000 Points
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  • Destroyer of Cuteness 150
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 28, 2017 1:58 am
I would also like to enter for ::
Etain, Artemis, Shusui, & Raffaele.  
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