Since the somewhat explosive hatching Kambri had been spending every moment studying--reading was a particular challenge to him. However, he had noticed a considerable difference between attending class and putting in the extra work to learn his letters. Kambri hadn't known that a whole world existed within the contents of a book. Now it was hard for him to put one down when it was time to go to bed. It also helped that some of those books consisted of care for a flit.

Not more than a couple days after the hatching Kambri had been walking past a vendor who had the most stunning egg in a small caged area. It had nearly broken his heart to see it in such a small cage, even unhatched. There was no thinking about his choice--he bought the little egg immediately. Taking it back to his room had been interesting as some of the other candidates hadn't been particularly overjoyed at the newest addition. Especially when it finally hatched and seemed to have a more timid nature after the first couple days. Kambri had to coax the small green out from hiding under his bed and using one of his favorite words when speaking to dragons and their kin it seemed--the name stuck. Little one.

Now that a couple weeks had passed the green had taken a liking to him and often could be found burrowed in his shirt, occasionally poking it's head out. On rarer occasions the green would perch on his shoulder. Kambri enjoyed having a companion. She helped ease the hurt that followed the hatching--and not impressing--yet still left his heart vacant enough for others to fill it. Maybe having flits was what his life was going to be? He wasn't sure yet. He also had a lot of time to figure it out. Of course through his readings he learned that flits actually impressed upon hatching. The thought had warmed his heart further--in fact he had cuddled Little One so much that he thought for sure she would hide away for the rest of the day. Kambri hadn't been raised around flits or dragons--and while he knew a little bit about dragons--flits were a foreign creature to him.

Kambri had woken that morning with a pressing need to be out in the sun rather than cooped up in his room studying. Smiling at the little green who poked it's head out of his covers, he opened the top of shirt in offering. "Come Little One, we're going outside today." He cooed softly, Little One jumping into his shirt happily. Kambri had many scratches on his chest as a result, but at least it meant he wore a shirt often. His roommates were actually very happy about that. Apparently having your chest exposed at all times was in poor taste. He didn't particularly care. With his green in tow, Kambri walked out of the barracks and out to the bowl, soaking in the soft rays as they lit up the morning sky.
