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[ PRIDE RP ] A Peculiar Gathering [ Faun, Thu, Azarin ]

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 26, 2017 3:37 pm
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Azarin paced anxiously about the cave, he had been so busy lately with all the new members finding their way into the lands, and he had made it his job to welcome each and every one. But he found himself without a task at the moment and that made him a bit jittery. It was like all of his mind had to be focused on a task or his furry rear would just pace circles aimlessly lost.

It drove him a little crazy it did! To have nothing to do and have your body so pumped and ready to get to work. He had come to find that pacing near the backs of the caves gave him some peace, but his payment for that was the large and intricate patterns he'd beaten into the ground while doing so. He hadn't ever really though much of it, he'd been the only one to visit these parts in some time but still others knew where to find him if he was needed.

Groaning to himself the lion stared down at his pacing feet as he walked, one quickly placing itself before the other, steering him in a mindless direction.

Finally stamping his irritated paw into the dirt he veered from his path and back through the winding cave tunnels.

There had to be something somewhere that needed doing

Alpaca Chobi

Lady Kitania
PostPosted: Tue Dec 26, 2017 6:32 pm
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Sitting in a little corner of the winding tunnels all by her lonesome, Thulile sat staring down at her mess of scrolls. Her pale blue back was to the wall of the cave with her hide scrolls in front of her. Some of them were rolled up while others were all sprawled out. It looked like an absolute mess to the wandering eye, but to Thu, it was all organized perfectly. She knew what each scroll was and which ones she was specifically working on. It was the messy mishaps of a scribe, and she was proud to be one.

Her ears twitched slightly as she heard the footsteps of another. However, even with as anxious and jittery as she usually was, she was in a comfortable place right now. With her pink nose absorbed into her writings, the sounds of others around her didn't really bother her as much as if she was out in the open. She felt as though nothing could harm her here, or her scrolls. No rain, no pests, no worldly disasters... Nothing! It was perfect.

With a tiny smile upon her maw, Thulile began to scribble onto one of her hides with a dainty claw, a small glowing crystal next to her for some soft, but readable light.

Alpaca Chobi


Lady Kitania

Magical Spirit

Alpaca Chobi

High-functioning Shade

PostPosted: Tue Dec 26, 2017 8:42 pm
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Faun was taking some personal time strolling through the winding tunnels of the pride. If anyone was to ask the gray lion why he was taking a stroll he'd answer to inspect the safety of the tunnels. The real answer was actually that he needed some time alone. Some time to think. Some time to breath. But this was not something that Faun wore on his shoulder. Anyone on the outside would see a calm and collected lion.

The group had only recently settled in this area and it was taking some time to map out the winding tunnels. In truth Faun was partly wandering through them and discovering more areas with in. This made him feel a little less guilty for taking some time away from his actual duties.

A male lion ahead was only recognizable because of the soft glow of some of the crystals. Faun squinted his eyes and recognized Azarin.

"Studying the crystals down here ?" Faun was the first to speak. It was partly a defensive move to cover up he had no real reason to be down in the tunnels. He then noticed Thu off in a comfortable area studying gods knew what.

"Are you two working together to categorize the tunnels?" Faun lifted a brow and replied before anyone else could say anything, "That is wonderful. Good thinking."


Lady Kitania
PostPosted: Sun Dec 31, 2017 1:48 pm
Truth be told Azarin had been so swallowed up in his own thoughts and processes he hadn't noticed little Thulile off in her corner. At least, not until he heard Faun speak up and mention 'the two of them.' At which point he'd taken a frantic look around to see who he'd missed. That's when he noticed the smaller, quieter lioness off to the corner, absorbed in her precious scrolls. He wasn't too surprised he'd overlooked her, she could be quite the little whisper when she was into her studies.

Of course, Azarin hadn't actually been doing any studying or categorizing at the moment he'd been spotted. But as soon as Faun mentioned it, the voices in the back of his mind began to mull over it. It actually wasn't that bad of an idea, and he sort of wished he'd thought of it himself.

"I think Thulile has the studying part done all on her own. Doubt she'd need any help from a loud guy like myself. I'm much better at pestering those who welcome it!" Letting out a tense laugh, the male could feel the ground rumble under his feet as he did so.

"Though categorizing the tunnels .... that actually isn't a half bad idea. These things lead all over the place, I wager someone's bound to have lost themselves in here at least once already." He wasn't about to admit it, but he knew he himself had. Perhaps more on purpose than on accident, but that was besides the point.

"Maybe leave a cave or two without mapping for those who need to get away on occassion. But otherwise, it sounds like something we could find ourselves in need of. Though your wording should be reversed, it was your good thinking, not ours!" Pausing for a moment longer, he peered back in the direction of Thulile, who had by now at least heard her name mentioned. "What's your weigh in on this Thulile? Better found than lost? Or better lost than found?" The male chuckled at his own joke as he tried to balance his voice level for the echo of the caves.

He'd never realized just how difficult that was before ...

Alpaca Chobi

Lady Kitania


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Lady Kitania

Magical Spirit

PostPosted: Sun Dec 31, 2017 2:14 pm
Jumping ever so slightly at Azarin's booming voice echoing through the tunnels, the claw Thulile had been using to etch onto her writing pelt slipped and made a mark she hadn't meant to. Looking absolutely distraught over it with a now very sad frown on her face, she began trying to rub the mark away with her paw, trying to kind of mush the hide back together to make the slight error disappear. It only half working, she sat ever so slightly pouting. It wasn't really THAT big of an etch she had made, but she saw it just bulging out and the most noticeable mark in the world. Sighing, she shook her pale head. "It's f-fine. It's okay. I-It's not that big..." She trailed off, completely ignoring both the males and talking to herself.

Her ears flickering as her name was spoken, she quickly pushed the hide scroll closed with her pink nose, her jittery paws pushing it to the side as if it had never even been open. She then realized that some of her other scrolls were still strewn about, and feeling her nerves hit her, she anxiously began picking them up, fumbling with them as she tried to roll them all back up. "U-Ummmm... M-Maps are g-good! L-Lost is n-not fun!" She squeaked a bit as she spoke, her anxiety showing. Hides were all over the place now and completely more unorganized than they had been previously. Her eyes never darted to the two males, keeping a close watch over all of her pelts that she was so desperately trying to get back into order and closed up. "S-S-Sorry for the m-mess!"

Alpaca Chobi

PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 10:44 pm
Lady Kitania


(( Thank you guys for patience <3. Half awake reply go!))

There was a nod from the gray lion to the other two.

"Maps are good. I think that is a good plan. How are you guys planning to categorize these tunnels? I think a good start is what is unsafe and what is safe." Faun wasn't thinking about the rich crystals first as much as he was thinking now on the safety of the pride. This seemed more important at the moment. It was probable that Nilak would heavily disagree with him but he wasn't the one in charge of the pride.

"I'm sure there are a few tunnels down here that could collapse on a lion if they weren't paying attention. Probably best to know which ones." He mused. It was true that the lion was out and about for selfish reasons before but now his energy was being put to good use. At least Faun felt that way.

"Is there anything I can do to aid you two ? Do you need me to go grab some more scribes to help? What about another crystal healer?" Faun yawned.  

Alpaca Chobi

High-functioning Shade


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PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2018 11:03 am
Azarin could hear Thulile shuffling her precious scrolls around in a sort of panic. He had never been formally introduced to the nervous little lioness, but he's noticed her little quirks as he made his way around the pride several times. He often wondered if she'd ever met his friend Woule'ri, he had the sneaking suspicion the two of them would hit it off nicely .... if either of them could ever get past the word 'Hi' that is.

Turning his attention back to Faun one more he nodded in agreement as he tried to answer Faun's question. But the Leader beat him to the punch. "Actually, I think that's a pretty good idea. Definitely achievable and probably the safest bet for everyone involved." He replied, fervently nodding as he replied.

"If you'd like, you could send Ion down to us. Y'know the one? Big hulking white lion? Blue and silver Stripes on his legs? We could use him as a safety test dummy!" Azarin lost control at his own lame joke and let out a bolstering laugh that echoed the cave walls around them. "I kid, but the more the merrier really! If you have or know of anyone who would like to join the fun, send em down! We'll put em to work! Just tell em to be careful around Thu! If you mess with those scrolls, you might draw back a nub!" Whispering that last part, he fell into laughter once again, as the walls once again followed suit.

Alpaca Chobi
PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2018 7:13 pm

There was a questioning look on Fauns features for a long moment. He couldn't tell if Azarin was kidding until after the laughter came.' Okay. That was good. It was only a joke,' Faun thought to him self now quite relieved. He'd been so tense with all the responsibilities on his shoulders now that he forgot jokes were a thing.

"Oh... Uh." He got his composure back as quickly as he could, "Oh yes. Of course I can ask for others to come down and give a paw to help out. I don't mind also offering aide if you need some help right now. Direct me and let me know what it is I can do." He smiled a small smile.

"I suppose though the more the merrier and it might be better if I come back with a group than stay here right now... I should.." He paused looking thoughtful again. " I really should gather a group huh?"  

Alpaca Chobi

High-functioning Shade


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PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2018 7:26 pm
Azarin could see the frazzled look in Faun's eyes as he simply joked away all that his leader asked of him. He knew Faun well, but probably not enough for him to know when Azarin was joking. His personality was definitely the type that required getting used to.

"We -" Azarin paused stealing a glance at Thulile who had never so much as looked up from her scrolls lately. "I would like nothing better than to have your company with this task. It offers a great opportunity for bonding doesn't it?" He smiled he Cheshire like grin and took note of Faun's inner turmoil.

"What say we both go gather up a group? Between the two of us, we can't really go wrong can we?" He gently nudged Faun on the shoulder. "Don't worry yourself so much, you're doing a fine job!"

Alpaca Chobi
PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2018 10:39 pm

Faun felt his stance and posture straighten with a little more pride than he had earlier. It was nice to hear he was wanted yet Faun wasn't fully sure why. Just earlier he was using this as an excuse of why he was off on his own and now his cover was turning in to something productive. He supposed that even while trying to relax it couldn't be helped that work would find him. Faun was ready to step up and help though.

"Alright. Well. In this realm I'll follow your lead Azarin. I fully trust you and Thu so if you guide me I'll do all I can to help," He had a serious look in his eyes. Faun really did want to help with even the dirtiest job in the pride if he was able. Whether he liked it or not is was this trait that made him a good leader.

"I fully agree. If we split up we can re-group with our groups and get more ground covered. We can get this work done as quickly as possible. Just tell me which way you want me to go," He was true to his word allowing Azarin call the shots.  

Alpaca Chobi

High-functioning Shade


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PostPosted: Fri May 11, 2018 12:53 pm
Azarin could feel his cheeks swell at Faun's words, he'd heard similar things before regarding his trustworthy nature. But it brought a whole new swell of his pride to hear Faun say it. Dipping his head in a show of respect to his leader, Azarin smiled wide as he cleared his throat.

"You got it!" He cheered, before clearing his throat once more in a last ditch attempt to sound somewhat more serious with Faun's words. "I mean, thank you for your trust."

Quiet filled the caverns as he muddled over different approaches in his mind. He wanted to send Faun to retrieve the others, but wondered whether he would see that as demeaning. "Hmmm, how about we start by doing just that. Would you mind retrieving Ion and Jellyfish for me, along with anyone else who'd like to lend a paw. In the meantime, i'll gather up some supplies we'll need, and a few extra paws and meet you back here. Saayyy one hour?"

Pausing momentarily, he waited to see if there was perhaps anything Faun might suggest before the two separated for their separate jobs.
Alpaca Chobi
PostPosted: Sat May 12, 2018 12:04 pm

There was a very sage like nod to Azarin in response to his thanks. In truth, Faun was thankful for everyones trust that had been placed upon his shoulders. He was thankful that things seemed to have turned out alright and that he hadn't messed up anything so far.

"I can do that. Simple," There as a charming smile now placed on Fauns maw. "Alright I'll head out and do that now. I'll meet back here soon with who you need in an hour."

The plan was set and the two were to full fill their roles placed for this task. The gears were turning and the pride was already beginning to function like clockwork.  

Alpaca Chobi

High-functioning Shade

[IC] Rogue Lands

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