In his youth Van had lived among his fellow gods in a haven reserved for only their kind. He had a loving family and plenty of siblings to romp around with including his twin brother. However, one day Van had stretched his wings to the limit. The god cub had not been ready to attempt flight, but feeling as invincible as ever, Van was never one to be discouraged from a challenge. Mostly because Van could not grasp the complexities that flying was a challenge for him being the god of innocence.

The good news was he managed a very bumpy glide. The bad news was that now the godling found him self in the lands of the mortal and found him self pretty defenseless. Luckily, through out his life in the mortals realm, luck was there to bail him out timed and time again. He even found a pride for a short time that had offered him shelter and haven. Of course this grew tiresome and boring so ultimately the short attention span of Van had him on the road again. He had been tracked for a short time by some from that pride but ultimately and unwittingly the god had evaded them. The two had accidentally given up information about their trackings to one that wished harm to god kind but, even if Van did know this he wouldn't really care.

In this very moment the god of innocence found him self a very comfortable spot in the dessert in an oasis. Dumb luck had smiled favorably on Van's big dumb head and he was now enjoying the water. The cool waters felt amazing on the tips of his paw so the god of innocence found him self lingering at the shallow end of the the water. He didn't want to get him self fully wet but he also wanted to cool off.

But also it was easier to see the minnows darting about the shallow end of the pool. Van was thinking about pawing at them but fought him self in favor of watching the small creatures. He poked a big paw at them causing them to scatter.

"B-but wait?" He cried to them.