Why are you complaining, Mine? This activity must be building character. Micheth knew that however much Jailla complained, peeling tubers was not harming her. Boredom was not something the little blue understood. After we finish here, we can get back to studying, he offered.

Jailla knew he was trying to be a comfort, and smiled at his words. She finished peeling the tuber in hand and tossed the skins in the bowl before her. She placed the tuber aside carefully before selecting another. “I guess it is,” she agreed. She ran the knife around the tuber in a few swipes. “It’s so dull, though.”

The blue was quiet for a long time. Jailla thought he wouldn’t respond, then, Character building is important, Mine. See how carefully you’re using the knife. You haven’t cut yourself. Sometimes, you’ll have to be careful in life, like you are now.” And he would prefer it if she was!