Radha had left Kivuli and a few of her other children with him in the jungle, taking the twins with her on the journey. She did not know where she was going, she just knew that the jungle wasn’t the place for her. Where she would end up, it really now just depended on her two sons. She was saddened to hear Nen did not want to stay with the rest of the family, but then when Tamko had changed his mind at the last minute, Radha was much happier to know Nen would not be by himself on days like today, where she needed to hunt for the two boys and herself.

She told the two to stay put while she was away, but knowing the two boys they probably would wander while she was away. As long as they did not get into trouble, and she could find them she would be okay. Her brain ran wild with thoughts of what the twins could get into. Shaking her head of them, she pressed forward, looking for a herd of prey she could hunt.

The starry lioness did not see any nearby, but her attention was focused on a flash of pink, just off in the distance. Curious of what was ahead, the female began a slow lope, slowing as she approached the beige lioness. Tilting her head, she watched the other continue prancing about, trying to catch what looked to be a butterfly with mouth. It was quite a sight to see, an adult lion acting like a child.

It seemed the antics had caught the attention of another. Just above the female was a white bird, watching her curiously.

Radha debated interrupting the play of the oblivious other before ultimately deciding to do so. She coughed slightly, pale eyes focused on the other’s reactions. That caught the attention of the avian, but not the lioness. She tried again, a little more loudly.

From above, she could see the bird crack a smile, shaking her head. Someone was amused with the entertainment.

Ah, there we go! Pale eyes met the same pink colored.

“Oh.” The unknown lioness said with a small gasp, the butterfly since forgotten as the two watched each other. Astrid’s head tilted curiously at the newcomer, taking in her unique looking starry pelt. “You look like night time.” She said with a smile, starting to circle the other. “Very pretty. I like to count the stars at night, but I never can get through all of them before the sun wakes up.” She said eyes shifting over the star-like markings, as if beginning to count them too. “Have you ever counted the stars?”

"So you do talk." Gwen commented from the trees, keeping her distance from two felines while in her mortal form. "I was wondering if you were just going to play with that butterfly all morning."

Astrid blinked at the intruder above, before focusing back on the starry lioness.

Radha had to resist having her jaw drop at the statements. “Umm. No. I don’t think I ever have. It’s almost impossible, with how many stars are up there.” The darker lioness stated.

"Not impossible." Gwen chimed. "Just need to freeze time to count them." It was said in an obvious tone.

Radha gave the bird a look.

Astrid frowned. “Oh.” She stopped her circling, eyes meeting once more. “Nothing is impossible. You can freeze time?” She asked with a grin, finding the frown did not suit her well. “What are you doing out here? Are you lost too?” The beige lioness asked the lioness, and consequently avian.

Gwen shook her head, small feathers floating to the ground. "Not lost." She didn't answer the freeze time question, she didn't want to mislead the already confused lioness.

Radha shook her head. “Can’t be lost if you aren’t from anywhere.” She said. “Where are you from? Why are you out here?”

Astrid thought for a moment, the frown creeping back on her maw. “I…don’t know.” She said quietly. “I’m looking for Kaitrus. Have you seen him?” The female asked quietly, staring up at Radha was hopeful eyes.

The starry lioness frowned, matching the others. “I’m sorry…I don’t know a Kaitrus…You don’t know where you are from though?” It was strange finding someone who could not tell her where she was from. An adult should know better, really. But, there was something that was a little off about this female that Radha had questioned when first observing her.

"Who is Kaitrus?"Gwen asked.

"Oh...Kaitrus is my mate." Astrid shook her head. “It’s pretty rainy where I am from. Kaitrus would know where to go if he was with me.” The lioness sighed. “My name is Astrid. What are yours?”

Radha put the name of the female in her memory, as well as the name of this Kaitrus, in case she would come across him in the future. “I am Radha. Do you want to travel with my sons and I until we find your home, or this Kaitrus?” The starry pelted female asked, still watching the other with curiosity.

"I am---" but she was cut off as the lighter of the two felines begun to talk.

Again, Astrid shook her head. “No thanks. I am sure I will find my way home soon.” A bright smile was placed on her maw as her eyes lit up. “You have sons? I have children too. Although, they are grown, but Astrus still likes to stay in the family den with me. It’s always nice to see her, even though every one else has gone off to do their own thing.”

The statement about family shocked Radha. This female was a mother? She would never had guessed. “Are you sure you don’t want to? It would be no trouble. My boys would probably love to meet you too.”

“That’s okay. Astrid walked past Radha, the look of adventure in her bright pink eyes. “I’ll find it. Someday….” She whispered the last part to herself, as she grinned towards Radha. “Nice meeting you Radha! Tell your boys Astrid says hello!” and with that, the female was off like a rocket, heading in the opposite direction Radha had originally come from.

The dark lioness stood there, almost flabbergasted as what had happened. She shook her head though. She couldn’t dwell on the matter. She needed to find sustenance for her boys. However, knowing this female was off on her own bothered Radha. She seemed almost childish. She didn’t know if she could actually take care of herself. It was pretty much the reason why Radha had offered her to travel with them, but then again she could not force her to go.

"Don't worry. I will follow her for a little bit to make sure she doesn't get hurt. She seemed a little confused, although I was amused by her antics." Gwen stated, swooping low to Radha for a moment. "Call me Gwen if we should ever meet again, Radha," the avian said, taking flight high in the air to watch the pink haired female.

With a sigh, and a wave to the others who would not see her exit, Radha turned away, pale eyes keen on finding a meal for the twins and herself. The question right now was where to start? She did not want to spend the entire evening away. Maybe there would be something at the local waterhole as an easy catch. With one last glance at where Astrid was originally standing, Radha took off. She hoped the other would fare well.