Mama told him to go play. That she was busy with work. She was always busy. No, she took a week off, Rat had told him. Well, Emas. But he didn't like that name. He looked like a rat. Maybe.

Sighing heavily and dragging his feets, he wondered what he should do today. Hunt down his siblings? Maybe he could play hide and seek with his sister. However... his eyes caught a dark lion making a drum. He knew about drums, mama had told him about it. I wanna play with that, he decided before darting over.

"Hey mr. Scaryface, can you teach me how to make one?" he shouted loudly once he had approached. Maybe he didn't need to shout, being so close. But he liked shouting.

"Scaryface?" The lion chose not to turn around right away in favor of finishing up lacing some leathers for a drum that was very near completion. When he'd settled the leather into a place he was happy he finally turned to glimpse who was speaking with him. What he saw when he turned around startled him. The markings patterned across the pelt of the youngster was utterly familiar. Too familiar. Ali had been in the pride just months ago - no it couldn't be. "Scaryface has a name, would you care to know it?" He asked.

He wondered about the cub a little more before continuing. "You'd like to learn about drums?" He held up the drum as an example of what they had been talking about. The youth seemed fairly intelligent and thus he was sure the example was unnecessary, but sometimes he simply enjoyed showing off. Particularly to audiences that appreciated the manufacturing of the instrument.

Puppazzi stared at the dark lion, considering it. He just wanted to learn how to make a drum. He wasn't really interested in knowing his name. Mama said he should learn names, claims it's important. And called him silly when he told her he didn't want to waste space. Afterall, there was too much information in the world and his head wasn't that big. Names would take up too much room! "Nah," he said decidedly with a grin. "I'll just have to try and forget it so don't tell me!" he chirped before moving over to sit right next to the male. He nodded excitedly, peering at the newly made drum. "I want to be the best at everything and I'm tired of making dolls. Mama calls them puppets but they're just dolls and they're for girls," He told him dramatically, looking thoroughly disgruntled. "I want to learn something else. So, teach me drums," the cub demanded before grinning up at Mr. Scaryface, head tilted all the way back to look up at the other while being so close.

The cub had taken time to consider knowing his name. It was a simple answer he received. "Nah?" He couldn't help to reiterate the answer with a baffled expression. "Well alright there, little moth." If the cub wasn't learning names than Hlaziya wasn't about to get into it with him. Hlaziya froze briefly as the cub started to talk about puppets - there was only one lioness that could have been connected to this cub then. His small bit of shock stayed well hidden though. Boneka a.. mother?

"Well come over here and I'll show you a little bit about drums." He was more than willing to teach the youngster, even through his shock. "Can you guess what drums might be made of?" He lifted a small version up, one made for a cub, and gave it to the youth to haandle, touch and feel. Often times touching an oject can be enough to give away plenty. If the cub had already been working on 'dolls' as he put it then he shouldn't have a problem identifying the products used. Some wood, leather, a couple baubles for decoration. Crushed various objects for paints. It was all there in the palms of his paws.

Little moth? Should he be mad? "I'm not a bug," he pointed out bluntly, squinting up at the adult. Was he rude or stupid? Pupazzi really didn't know which and he knew his mama said to be polite. So he pressed his mouth together and decided not to ask. Correcting him should be enough. "I'm Puppazzi. It means puppet. It's dumb, though. So I want you to call me Azzi." There. That would do for an introduction.

Grinning, he moved over to the adult, leaning forward to squint at the drum. There was nothing he didn't know there; his mama used all of these supplies. Uncle Emas had taught him about where they came from and Mr. Lazy had brought some to Uncle Emas for mama. He liked Mr. Lazy; mama didn't.

"Leather and wood, mostly," he told him before giving him a frown. "I just need to know how to make them, Mr. Scaryface. Knowing what they're made of is what babies need to know." Perhaps the adult was a bit slow if he didn't know this bit of information.

To say he was baffled would have been an understatement. This cubs understanding how things worked were strange. "So let me get this straight?" He held up a paw at him in a stop motion to help silence the cub before he could continue to ramble on. "You believe that I shall be called Scary Face while you get to choose your name?" His expression was tight and confused while below the surface he had been amused as heck. Truthfully he should have expected this from the cub of Boneka. She herself was always a little bit strange.

He allowed the cub to close in, despite the previous conversation.

"Babies?" Hlaziya asked patiently after the cub responded to his question. "Perhaps you misunderstand." He muttered to himself quietly. "You cannot learn how to make drums if you don't know what to use to make them." He hadstarted out so casually, but slowly began to change his tone into a more teacher-type tone. Steady, calm, and relaxed. Had he been teaching an adult a good smack upside the head usually corrected the behavior, but a cub.. that wouldn't do.

"You have to create a foundation first, and only then can you really learn about making drums." Ruby red eyes left the drum and returned to the cub.

"Yes," Puppazzi retorted, frowning. Why was this so hard to understand? "You're an adult, aren't you supposed to let cubs have their way?" the cub retorted, lifting his chin stubbornly. "I know what it's made of, Scaryface," Azzi sighed, drooping his head in tired exaggeration. He just wanted to get to the fun part, not the lecture part. His mama did this, informing about where parts came from and how they were prepared. It was tiring.

"Can't we just skip to the fun part?"

"You're a cub, aren't you supposed to learn more than to have fun?" A brow raised and he huffed as he spoke. "Nevermind." He waved away the thought like mist before his eyes and broke into a smile. He couldn't forget the days of his cubhood that resulted in many tricks and traps played on others. Of course this cub wanted something more than to learn!

"Fine, fine Little Moth." A smug grin broke his mild one as he repeated the nickname he had for him. He wouldn't call the little cub Azzi if he wouldn't receive the same respect in return.

"Do you just want to beat on the drum?" He asked him. "That's probably the fun part." He shrugged slightly and set the drum back in its place for the cub to eventually wail on.

Pupazzi gave him a flat look, as though he were an idiot. "It's because I'm a cub that I'm supposed to have fun more. When I become old like you, that's when I can't have fun anymore," Azzi informed him, as though this were the most obvious thing. He stiffened a bit at the nickname before deciding that he liked it so he'll let it slide. It felt nice, having codenames for each other. It made him grin.

"You mean, I can?" he said excitedly, immediately scooting forward. His mama hadn't bought him his first drum yet. She had said that his first drum was one that he built. She had sent him out and about to learn how to make it from his elders. But, what mama didn't know~ He raised a paw and did a solid smack on the drum, listening to the satisfying sound with a large grin. "I'll probably be the best drummer ever," he told Hlaziya offhandedly, now going at it with the smacking. His beat was completely off and wild and he was having a blast.

"Old?" Hlaziya was taken aback by the comment and something so harsh from a cub! He swallowed his pride and decided against lashing out. He was still fun and young on the inside, that's what counted - right?

"Yes, go nuts."

Ruby eyes sparkled with excitement at the way the cub lit up. It seemed that he was even taking a liking to the nickname. Even Hlaziya was warming up to 'Scaryface'. Their own little code. "Now, before your mother catches sight of us scamper off. We'll both be hung by our hides." He whispered sharply, but wore a large smile all the while.

"Come back later and we'll buld your very own drum. Together."

Pupazzi gave him a quick grin, giving one last beat to the drum before moving to leave. But he paused. "I like you, Mr. Scaryface. We can be friends," he told him before his eyes widened in excitement. "Yes! I want to make the best drum ever! I'll be back after luncheon!" he swore to the male before running off to find his mother. He was excited to talk about Mr. Scaryface, his new friend.

Ctrl F Greenie
w.c.: 1,659