This is a Discord Logged rp that occurs weeks after Painful visions. It is between KasaiLoki's Ciro'Mekaitso and Krysin's Ruka'sabili.

"You've been sneaking around a lot more, Ciro. Tell me, what is going on."

The words of his Captain had been playing in his mind over and over. He had begun to think about becoming a Captain himself, but he could not find it in him to tell his current commander. He had made up some arbitrary lie, which the older lion had taken a little suspiciously. Ciro had then told him he'd meet up later, and left without another word.

Where the Reaver was off to he didn't know. He trotted through the woods, scenting the air for any smells that may have been familiar to him. He caught whiff of one, not able to quite put his paw on the scent. Following his nose, the male moved wracking his brain for who this could belong to. He had met so many lions on his travels that everything was starting to mesh together. Sighing, golden eyes scanned the area, hoping to find a familiar form.

Ruka had continued her travels unhindered by further visions. It was a small blessing that they were not a common occurrence. She would not be able to handle their intensity otherwise - the lioness needed these long breaks between as a little reprieve from the pain and burden of her visions. If she did not have these moments to herself, she would have snapped long ago.

As a cub the visions hadn't haunted her at all, and she had to wonder if they only happened now because she was finally strong enough to withstand them. She couldn't imagine how terrible a childhood she would have really endured if she also had the visions to cope with.

The pale lioness sighed as she weaved her way through the underbrush. Her normally white coat was speckled with dust and dirt, a clear sign that she had been on the move ever since her last meeting with Ciro. She hadn't stopped long enough to clean herself, as she hoped to put some distance between herself and the place she had been seen at last.

How ironic it was then that she found Ciro again only moments before he saw her. The lioness paused, taking in the familiar form. She did not believe in coincidences enough to think that this was one of them. He had found her, and she wanted to know why. "What are you doing here?" she questioned. Ducking underneath a low tree branch, she approached the lion cautiously.

That's where the scent was coming from. Now that he had caught sight of the pale female he was able to put two and two together. His ears swiveled on the top of his head, recollecting the name she had given him before they parted ways last visit.

"Ruka, was it not?" Ciro said smoothly, proud of himself for not forgetting the name of a beautiful lioness (forgetting her scent, well, that was another story).

"I was curious of your scent. Granted, I did not recognize it until seeing you, but that's to be expected with my lifestyle." He was a Reaver always on raids. If he remembered every feline's smell from just a few hours greeting then he'd be some sort of magic lion. It was not possible to do such a feat. "I'm glad to see my nose had led me to you though. You seem well?" The last time he had met the female, she had collapsed from some unknown source Ciro had never really stumbled upon. He could not persuade the white lioness to join him at that time. He wondered if he'd be more successful with other attempts.

"You've traveled far." It had been some time since they had last interacted. She looked a bit unkempt too, not like how he had originally seen her. "I hope you aren't running from something."

Ruka nodded her head, "Ciro, correct?" She had not encountered many lions out in the roguelands. In fact, she had made a habit of avoiding most of them. Ruka could usually see them coming before they saw her. Her pale pelt helped to blend her into the savannah. It was excellent camoflauge, though in the forest it served her little purpose. She could not hide from this lion now, especially if he had been tracking down her scent.

She was a little suspicious of that excuse, but Ciro had aided her the last time they met, so she wasn't so on guard with him. She stopped a few feet away and sat, tail curling around her thigh. Dark eyes peered over him, checking to make sure he was alone. Naturally, she would have been able to smell someone coming, but one could never be too sure. "I am well. You have no reason to worry, and I thought the last time we met that I had said I hoped you wouldn't have the misfortune of seeing me again. But, you look awfully intent on burdening yourself with me."

The lioness clearly carried around with her a lot more baggage than others. Why someone would willingly associate with her was mind boggling. "I am always on the move. I really don't like to stay close to an area I've been spotted in before. It was just..." she struggled at the next word; fate, coincidence? None seemed quite right. "Unlucky that we happened to be moving in the same direction." It wasn't a better choice of words, but she felt it more accurate... and not as foreboding as the word 'fate'.

"So, what are you doing around these parts?"

Ciro could not help but follow her gaze behind him. No one normally followed him. When she focused back to him, his eyebrows rose in small amusement. She seemed paranoid for company.

A shrug rolled off his shoulders. "I'm not worried, just merely stating an obvious fact. You're not writhing on the ground in pain as you had in our previous meeting. Although, please indulge me. You've said having the misfortune of seeing you again. Why is it such a misfortune. I do not see you bringing any bad luck to me." His voice held an honest curiosity. "I'd hardly call a beautiful female's company burdensome," Ciro thought out loud.

"You are definitely a interesting female. Do you think you are cursed to enjoy the company of another?' He thought he was rather fine company, or at least, could be to those willing.

"Err--" well the question threw him off guard. "We had word there is a traveling group down these paths somewhere that hold something that my Captain has been searching for." He did not know much more of that, and frankly, because the Captain did not tell him much, he was frustrated about it. He was second in command, he should know. "I was just stepping away from my band for some...fresh air." It was almost the truth.

"It's not a common affliction, so I promise you that not every time I meet I will be in pain," she answered with a small smile. The lioness was a bit reclusive - it was hard to draw out more from her than she wanted to give. There was a point where Ruka would just walk away because she felt like it was the best option for her. For now, she remained, indulging Ciro in conversation if only because his assistance had been valuable the last time they met.

"I am not beautiful enough to outweigh the cons of being around me. It's a pain to others, so I try to avoid inflicting it." The worst of her visions were uncomfortable to witness because nothing could be done for her. A lot of lions found it offputting, or simply assumed it was an act to garner sympathy. It was no act, but either way, she had received a... positive reception to her visions. Pushing people away was far easier than putting up with their mixed reactions to her prophetic visions.

"Cursed? Probably. So why share it with others? I am far more suited to being on my own. With my old pride gone, there are few that really understand me." It seemed like she didn't want to make the effort to let others in her life. She tried so very hard to push others away that it was a little aggravating to be running into Ciro again. Ruka had left the area before just for the sake of not getting mixed up with the lion.

Ruka tilted her head to the side, curious now at the mention of a Captain and searching for something of value. She wanted to inquire more, but since she was so unwilling to give things up, she would not demand it of him. "I was not aware of a group nearby. I'll do my best to avoid them if I come across them, since it seems like you and your... band will eventually find them." Ruka did not know this for a certainty, but if there was a group of lions working together towards a purpose, they would more than likely achieve it.

"I have yet to see the pain for me," Ciro mused.

"Where is your old pride?" This was the second encounter of a rogue having their pride disperse or disband. He did not see a bird companion with her, so she couldn't have come from the same location his dark fox had wandered from. "It seems none can understand you if you aren't willing to let them in," the reaver observed. "Don't you find it rather compelling that although we are miles from our last encounter, we are once again in each other's midst. Do you call that anything?" Destiny, perhaps? Ciro did not believe in such a thing.

"They should not be terribly close by." There was a twinge of something inside him. Something felt off, but Ciro did not know. "It's best if you do. While I normally don't have any intentions on taking others against their will to our home, these other lions, well...Let's just try to avoid them." He stated in both reference to his own group, as well as the one they were hunting. If there was one thing Ciro was, was truthful. He did not know how the raid on the traveling group would go, but he could not rule out bloodshed in his very near future.

"So, Ruka, I still don't think I can persuade you to join me. But, two meetings is rather something in a long length of time. Do you think there is a third in our future?"

"It was near the Pridelands. We were called the Outlands, formed by a lioness who believed she had the rightful claim to the Pridelands' throne." Ruka did not specify if she believed her or not. "We were a band of misfits, I would say, most rough around the edges, some hellbent on revenge or justification for their anger." They were her pride, and she loved them, even the ones who weren't picture perfect. All of them had weaknesses, things about them that they regretted, but she had cared for all of them.

Ruka laughed, the sound gentle and sweet. "I am not sure compelling is the right word. It is just a chance, a small one." She did not want the lion to develop some grand notions in his head that they were destined to be together just because they had met a couple of times. Sure, it was a strange coincidence, but Ruka tried not to read too deeply into it. Next time, she would just try harder to make sure their paths did not cross.

She nodded her head, acknowleging that it was best to avoid potential conflict between Ciro's band and whomever it was that they were chasing. Ruka was good at disappearing, and after this meeting, she would be sure to disappear from his sight for good. "You best hope there isn't a third," she laughed, amused. "I don't think there is much you can get from me out of a third meeting. I won't join you, your pride or other... things."

The twinkle in her eye suggested she was teasing him.

Ah, the Pridelands. Ciro had visited them many times before. He was cautious around their borders. They were always a rather large pride, although friendly to the eye, Ciro did not take any chances raiding family dens. Looks could be deceiving, and while their band had skilled fighters, they could never take on the number the Pridelands could offer against them. "A band of misfits? You don't seem like that type." He chuckled. Ruka seemed like the type that would not cause trouble.

"A small chance in such a big land. Right." That had to be it.

"Oh, but I think a third could mean we could go get a nice meal. Maybe enjoy the a nice night under moonlight." He grinned, head tilting in curiosity at her last remark. "Other things?" He asked slyly at her twinkle in her eyes. He probably would not get an answer, so he did not pry.

"Well then. Let's see what our paths take us. As you would say 'I hope we don't meet again,' am I right?" he jest, deciding it was time to head back to his band. He'd been gone long enough.


A pair of dark blue eyes had watched the talk from the shadows. The lion was known for his stealth, always covering himself with mud and muck to cover his scent so others would not notice. They narrowed when he saw Ciro leave the lioness, a silent snarl plastered on his face. Ciro was such a pushover. He would not let this lioness go so easily. When Ciro would be completing out of the picture, that's when he'd make his move. Until then, he waited in the shadows.

"Have you forgotten so quickly about the first time we met? I assure you, I fit in perfectly with the rest." She was a sweet lioness, but she was also an Outlander. Ruka knew how to fight, but she had never been put in the position where she had to. She never had to show her roughness now. The only thing that she exhibited was her frigid exterior, a warning sign to others to keep away - she was more trouble than she was worth.

"You're not that charming," Ruka put him down gently. She was not a lioness who could be swayed by handsome looks and sweet words. Even the chance of cubs was something she wasn't willing to risk now. She had no idea if her visions would pass down along the bloodline. Did she really want to doom another generation to the isolation that she sometimes felt? "I might not pass down a meal, however, but that's about as accomodating as I will be."

The pale lioness rose to her feet, bowing her head to the dark male. "You are correct," she answered, amused by Ciro. "For your sake, at least, I hope we don't meet again. Good bye, Ciro."