This is a Discord logged rp between KasaiLoki's Ciro'Mekaitso and Krysin's Ruka'sabili.

Although he had been home for a while now, Ciro found himself being called out on another raid. Not a lion to normally say no to his Captain, he quickly gathered his supplies (which wasn't really anything of importance), said goodbye to his new avian friend (she still could not fly from the injury sustained by Kristanf, before heading to the borders. He would meet with his darker counterpart there for the debriefing.

The weather was a little bit on the cooler side today. The storms that normally raged against the land had ended, leaving in its wake the crisp air. Ciro hated the feeling of the coolness on his fur. Shivering just slightly, the captain and his band of reavers moved out.

Ciro was instructed to scout ahead, looking for things that would be of interest to the group while the others meandered behind. It was almost like he was the second in command for the Captain, which was perfectly fine for him. It just meant he was proving himself and one day he too would hold that Captain title.

Golden eyes scanned the area, curious if there was anything of interest out here for the band of Vikings.

Out in the distance, a lone lioness swayed on her feet, claws scuffing against the grass and dirt. The pain and dizziness was something she was familiar with, but that didn't mean she was prepared when it chose to struck. Only a few times in her life had she felt this way, and the last time she had been put out for a few days before she even saw anything. Once the vision came, it was like euphoria. Pain dissipated, she saw with clarity and precision. But the pleasure that she knew would come, the sweet release from this torture was still a way off.

The pain had only just hit her, like a strong kick to her chest that knocked not only the wind out of her, but sent her flying. The pale white and gold lioness struggled to remain on her own two feet. Each step was a burden, the pain in her head was only escalating until she could take it no longer.

The lioness cried out and collapsed onto her side, riding out the waves of pain, the ebb and flow of nausea. Paws clawed at her head, as if to relieve the pressue inside of her skull. It was useless, Ruka knew it, but even knowing there was nothing she could do she stil tried. Ruka was completely unaware of her surroundings, she no longer had any idea of where she was, or where she was going.

She just had to outlast this.

Believing there to be nothing out this way, Ciro was about to pivot on his haunches before he heard another cry out. It sounded like a sound of distress. Frowning, Ciro leaned into the wind, catching the cry again before quickly heading in that direction. He didn't know what to prepare for, so he prepared himself for the worse.

The dark lion skittered to a stop seeing the white lioness writhing in pain on the ground. His golden eyes looked around to see where her assailant was, but there was no one here. Not even a trace anothers' scent on the air. Whatever was happening to the lioness was happening because of herself, and not from another's action.

Still. She needed help.

Ciro was no medic, so what he could offer to help the lioness was moot.

He trotted over to the female - placing a paw on her shoulder, attempting to arouse her from whatever was plaguing her mind. He could feel her form shaking underneath her, causing his frown to deepen. A brief moment passed before he took count of the lioness' actual appearance. What a pretty thing she was.

The pain had escalated so quickly that she physically couldn't tolerate it. There was no reprieve from it, and normally it didn't strike her so violently, nor did it torment her so. Whatever was coming, her screams and cries of pain could not beckon it faster. She was writhing on the ground for a while before Ciro made it to her, and as he approached it was clear that she was unable to take note of his presence.

There was simply nothing beyond the pain...

She felt the pressure of a paw against her shoulder, soft but just there. The pain then snapped back on her like a whip, and she screamed violently, her body shaking from the effort alone, her voice raw and torn.

And then silence.

Her eyes snapped open, focused on something far off that only she could see. Ruka's chest heaved with short, shallow breaths that quickened as her vision intensified. She tried hard to focus on the images flashing before her, embracing the vision that had come to her. Then it was gone, and a wave of relief and bliss washed over her. A final, soft breath escaped from her maw before her body relaxed.

Ruka melted against the ground, exhausted and at the same time she felt instantly better. It was only then that her eyes focused again and she noticed the dark male above her. Panic seized her heart, and she told her body to get up quickly and flee... But she had no strength left.

"H-hello," she greeted weakly when she realized she had no other option left to her.

When the lioness screamed, Ciro felt his paw retracting quickly, ears pinning back to try and block out the sound. He was at a lost. What could he do to offer the female any relief? Nothing - he was feeling useless.

Ciro quickly turned his gaze back to where his group was. He hoped she did not alert them. She was his find - and until he knew more about the lioness he was not willing to share her.

But as soon as the lioness shrieked, silence hit.

Curiously, Ciro watched as her eyes focused in the distance, her eyes moving rapidly with it. What the hell was going on? Attempting again, the lion placed a paw on her shoulder again, giving her a little shake. Maybe that would bring her out of whatever trance she was in.

It seemed to work, the lioness was slowly coming around. His eyes focused on her, the frown still laced on his maw. "While I am most incline to greet you with a hello, I feel as the more beneficial greeting is, 'Are you okay?'" Ciro asked quietly, analyzing the other. His nose drifted down to her body, giving a small sniff before trying to nudge her up into a seated position. Maybe he should take her to find water or something?

"I'm fine," Ruka insisted, even if she really couldn't back that statement up. The pain had dissipated, and her body felt unusually relaxed despite the fact that there was a strange and concerned male towering above her. She felt the little nudge, but her body simply couldn't respond to it yet. There was no way Ruka could get up immediately after that intense of an episode. Her strength would return to her, and even now as she tested her limbs, she could feel her toes moving, the claws carefully flexing and retracting.

"It happens every once in a while," she elaborated with a deep sigh. This wasn't the best position to be found in, but there was nothing she could do about it now. She just hoped the lion didn't have friends nearby, she hated being this vulnerable after a vision. "I'm used to it. Still... it never does get easier. That was really bad, it usually doesn't sneak up on me like that or get so intense so quickly." For a moment, she wondered what had spurred it on.

This time recovering from her vision was usually spent trying to understand it, but with this male here, there was no time to think to herself. She had more pressing concerns. "I'm sorry to have bothered you, but I'm really alright now - don't worry over me." He didn't have to stay near, and she didn't trust him enough to want him this close. Ruka just couldn't do anything about it yet.

She was fine? Ciro begged to differ. She couldn't even sit up by being coaxed. His eyes watched the wiggling of her toes, flexing of her claws. Well, she seemed to be getting some movement back.

"This has happened before?" Ciro asked aghast. That seemed like a terrible thing. "What was that?" He had to know. Never had he seen somebody with such a violent reaction to anything and not end up dead. (He had once seen a Reaver poison a Captain, the generated a similar response. However, the difference was she was still alive, and that captain was dead.).

"Mmm." Ciro shook his head. "If you can get up without a shaking like a leaf, then I would believe you more. But right now it looks like you need my assistance." He nudged the female again, trying to get her to lean on him for support. "You should not be out here alone. It's dangerous. Do you have any family nearby?" The dark lion asked, taking a look around to see if anyone was there. Not seeing one, he focused on trying to steady the female, catching sight of the interesting wing marking. A few in the Stormborn had similiar features, but their wings were more bat-liked. This one was more like a bird. Ciro was just getting all Vikings involving avians or avian themes, wasn't he.

"Enough times that I know what it is," Ruka answered as she finally tried to rise onto her own four paws. With Ciro's nudge, she was able to make it up, though her balance was lacking considerably. The lioness attempted to walk forward, only to find herself stumbling and swaying back into Ciro's side. She reclined against him for a few seconds, trying to catch her breath before she made another attempt. The quicker she was mobile, the more safe she would feel. The weakness was something she would never get used to.

Another attempt to push away from the male failed, and finally she simply gave up, leaning against the dark lion for support. Ruka was drained of her energy, and she honestly wanted to lay back down, curl up in a den somewhere, and sleep off the weakness. "It really doesn't matter what it is. Just... something I inherited." Few lions would believe her when she told them what she saw. It had gotten to the point that she no longer tried to explain it. It was easier to play it off as some sickness or inherent disability.

"No, I have no one nearby. I'm from..." Her gaze scoured the horizon. She was unable to pinpoint where she had come from now. The vision had completely shaken her to her core. "It would have been fine if that hadn't happened, but of course it strikes at the worst of times." She felt her limbs weakening from the effort of holding herself up, and began to sink back down to the ground. Ruka supposed she should just give in and accept that she wouldn't be able to do much for a while.

When the lioness tried walking forward, Ciro made sure he was step with her. It was a good thing, as the lioness was beginning to collapse onto him mere moments after lifting herself. His nose twitched at her words, although he did not question them. She was obviously too weak to continue on.

The dark lion sighed. He could pry, but with the lioness' weakened state he wouldn't get a clear answer from her. She started to sink back down, and Ciro found himself going down with her. Once on the ground, the dark lion lay next to the female, his head just over her shoulder.

"Why don't you take it easy." He said quietly, his front leg curling under his body as he rested next to the lioness. "You look like you need it. And I'll make sure nothing bothers you while you rest." With a small group of vikings nearby, he knew there was other dangerous afoot. He'd rather not drag the lioness with him, which he was sure would happen if his group had spotted them. He'd rather have a more willing participant join him. All Ciro needed to do was gain her trust, and this was the start of it.

"You can tell me more about this inherited trait when you wake." he said in a calm, authoritative tone. Would she even remember the attack?

Ruka sunk into the lion next to her, resting against the bulk of his dark body. She was simply too exhausted to move, and the comfort of a body next to her's was too much to pass up. He was warm and inviting, and so far had shown no intention of actually causing her harm. It was too easy to fall into a trap like this - she didn't know this lion, not even his name. Ruka knew better than to trust him.

It was just that... she had no other option but to. "I can manage. I have before," she insisted, but the exhaustion crept into her voice. It was clear she wasn't going to be making it very far even if she tried. Her body had been pushed to its limit. The vision had been too quick and violent.

Ruka tried to straighten herself. It was embarrassing to use Ciro as support, but it quickly became apparent that she didn't have the strength to not rely on him. Suddenly, she tried to get up, force herself to prove that she was capable. The attempt ended almost as quick as it began. She had begun to rise up before collapsing again, and when she didn't budge it was clear that exhaustion had overwhelmed her. She was out, and only had Ciro's word that he would keep her safe.

It wasn't like she could do anything about it.