This is a Discord Logged rp taking place 2 days after the events of Tensions. It is between Krysin's Umochozi and KasaiLoki's Astrus.

Astrus just wanted to be home now. It had been about two days since her meeting the rogue Umochozi, and the scuffle they had gotten into. After she left him, she made her to stay away from her camp, making sure the scent of the other was faded before returning. She did not need Ciro asking her questions of what did not actually happen, or else she would never be able be alone the rest of the trip.

They had about a day or two left before they were to meet up with the Captain. Ciro was more interested in the small bird they had found in the cave, wanting to get it to listen to him so it could do things for him. If Kristanf hadn't almost ripped the wing off, it may have been more inclined to try and listen to the feline.

"I'm going to go for a hunt. I'll be back later this evening," the lioness announced to the team, hearing a a 'be careful,' as we well as a 'bring back something good!' comment. Her eyes narrowed as Kris. She wanted to tell him just to hunt for himself, but refrained. It'd probably start another argument anyways, where Ciro would need to separate them.

Heading out, Astrus sniffed the air, hoping to catch wind of something. So far in their travels they had not seen many herds. "We should just eat that bird." She commented to herself, shaking her head.


Umochozi had spent the better part of the two days trolling the area, looking for his beloved relative. The scent of her was near, but he had caught no actual sight of her. Javik was losing feathers over this. While the vulture was usually quite good at tracking, it was becoming clear Njia did not want to be found. Umo really wanted to give up and call it, that Njia wasn't coming back. The lioness had made the decision to leave of her own free will, even if it was unusual for her not to have Javik by her side.

The vulture was off scouting in the distance when Umo picked up a familiar scent. Fate surely wouldn't be so kind to him, but it appeared as if Astrus was nearby. He clearly didn't stand a chance with the young lioness, but her volatile nature was attractive. He simply couldn't resist the opportunity to get close to her again.

He tracked her with ease, trailing behind the lioness as she apparently began to search for something. He hadn't seen where she had come from, rather only knew she was going towards. The black and purple lion took a wide arc around her so that he could come meet her from the front (he had the feeling if he snuck up behind her she would be most displeased).

"Ah, look at who it is." He actually had no idea what her name was, he realized as he strolled lazily up to the pale lioness. "Alone again? I'm beginning to think you really don't have anyone with you."

The lioness cursed at herself for not paying more attention to her surrounded. Her eyes shifted up, staring right into his rose colored orbs. "Oh. You." She would not let the male get the best of her this time. She had to control her temper.

(If she could just make it through the next few days, she'd be home free.)

"Until I make it back home, I would prefer away from them." She told the male with a shrug, brushing past him. She still had a job to do for the boys. Her eyes spotted some frogs plopped right above some mud. Her head tilted as the thought, I wonder how those taste. They probably would not be as fulfilling as a deer or other red meet.

Her attention turned back towards Umo, a small smirk resting on her maw. "I'm beginning to think you don't have a sister. I don't see her here either." She taunted. She knew his family existed, even though she had not met her personally.

"They're aggravating you that much?" No wonder he kept finding the lioness alone. Either she liked the solitude, or she was not in good company. She brushed past him, and without missing a beat the lion turned around to walk next to her, shortening his strides to keep pace with the young lioness. He too was trying to keep himself from getting forceful with her.

Umo had pressed her enough last time, and she didn't seem capable of handling it well. Such a shame - he had hoped to see her crumble to him. "I smell her, I just can't seem to pinpoint where that smell has come from." Umo admitted with a slight shrug of his broad shoulders. He knew she was trying to make a dig at him, but he simply did not play into it.

There was not going to be a repeat of the last time they met. "So, you're out here... alone... catching frogs?" He sounde dubious, and genuinely hoped that it wasn't the case. If she was so bored as to play with amphibians, he'd be more than happy to completely entertain her.

Astrus stared at the male.

"If you had been in my situation the last few weeks, you would feel the same way." She said sullenly. A few more days, she reminded herself. After this, she knew she would acquire the title of Reaver, but did she really want it? It would be nice to know she would have the ability to go back out of the lands in the future, but the outside world did not beckon her as she thought it would.

In reference to his sister, Astrus' ear flicked lazily towards him. Since the cavern, the scent of the female did not linger on the Reaver. She could only assume he had had his fun with her, and dismissed her away. She could not lead him in any direction, unless she were to speak to Ciro personally about his shenanigans on where she may have gone. That idea did not particularly interest the female.

"Well, I haven't started to catch anything, but frogs look like the easiest choice for dinner tonight." She scanned the area for some sign of anything other than the amphibious creature. Not seeing anything, she shrugged. "Ciro says that other cultures eats them."

"Unless you have seen something nearby that may be a little bit more, substantial for a group?"

"I have been travelling with my family for a long while now. Months?" It had been so long since they left the Aka'mleli lands, their families splintered. He was with Njia and Elea now because they were the closest family he had. So, he did know what she felt like, but suprisingly he wasn't the first one to break. Njia, who had always been so serious and straight laced had done that first.

It was the quiet ones who never let their feelings be known until it was too late. He did hope to find her eventually, for Elea's sake. His gaze turned then to the frogs in question, and he scrunched up his nose in disgust. This lioness was either desperate or crazy - he was thinking crazy. "Yeah, no, that's a terrible idea."

Frogs were slimy and wholly unappetizing. She was with a group, they should be able to take down a larger creature together. "There's just a small herd of gazelle over the way," but he didn't gesture in any direction in particular. "It would be more substantial and tasty than... frogs." He tried not to wince again and failed.

"But they're fast, so good luck on that." He didn't particularly feel like helping her either. After all, that wasn't what he was here for.

"At least you have your family then," she muttered quietly. She had Kristanf, her brother. Other siblings were around the pride too, but off with their own family members. But her father had been gone for a while on his last Viking, assumed dead. Her mother? It appeared to have been taken from the normally scrutinize Stormborn borders. Astrid could have wandered away on her own, but that would be so out of character for her Astrus did not want to believe it.

Yeah. I know, do you have any better ideas?! she thought to herself, about to speak her thoughts before he had suggested the nearby herd.

Astrus looked around in all directions. Well, that was helpful. "Over the way...where?" She tried to pry from him. There was none in the direction she had come, so it was either just take the easy way out and catch the frogs (a small shudder ran through her body at the thought. She wasn't keen on the idea either), or keep looking for this imaginary herd of gazelle the lion mentioned.

"Are you trying to insinuate I am not fast?" Astrus asked, ears beginning to pin back. "I can prove otherwise to you." She was curious if the lion would be up for a challenge.

"Pieces of it," he clarified with a little frown. He had just begun to feel at home in his new pride when it all came crashing down around him. They were misplaced now, out in the roguelands with little idea what to really do with themselves. Umochozi supposed it was his time to take off on his own. For a while he had been keen on sticking to the bit of family that he had surrounded himself with. Elea had needed him, and Njia couldn't handle the burden on her own.

Elea did have Nadra, but she was practically alone now handling things. He hoped she faired well, and he was sure she could manage. The lioness had done so plenty of times before. She would just be happier with her daughter around.

"Not really, I am saying you aren't fast enough, and your stalking skills are in fact what's probably not up to snuff." Umo replied with a mean little smirk. Astrus still seemed unexperienced, as if she hadn't been out in the roguelands nearly long enough to develop the right skillset for being on her own and doing things alone.

"Feel free to try." He raised his paw and pointed towards his right. He doubted she would succeed - the herd was small and paranoid because of it. They would be looking for her.

"It's amazing how much you know about me in the few interactions that we had have." She said with an eye roll. Umo was probably right though, she wasn't skilled in the art of the hunt (thralls were particularly good at this). However, she knew she had speed on her side. The Myrsky Syntynt lands is a rather rocky landscape. If you can travel fast amongst that terrain, the flat grounds of the rogue lands were nothing.

Her eyes followed the direction of his paw. "Why don't you take me there then instead." She more-or-less told him instead of asking. For all she knew, the dark lion was just leading her away on a wild goose chase.

She hoped the male was right. She could see the expressions of her traveling friends' faces if she returned with the slimy creatures. She'd probably would not live it down from Kristanf.

"If I take you there I'm just going to get dragged into this, and I don't feel like it considering you tried to beat me up the last time we met." He stared her down for a few seconds, contemplating if she was really worth the trouble. She was a pretty face, and hadn't attacked her this time, so he assumed his chances were as good as they were ever going to get with her.

A few more seconds of silence was ended by a large sigh from the male lion. He flipped the mane at his forehead back and turned towards the right. "Well, let's go if you're so insistent on showing off." The least he could do was lead her there. That and he hoped she understood that this meant she would owe him one for his kind assistance.

Somehow he still doubted it.

Expecting her to follow, he led the way quietly. The herd wasn't terribly far off, and if she had put her nose to the ground and looked hard, she would find the secluded animals. She seemed so intent on the frogs, however, that he doubted she would have tried so hard to find the gazelle. When he got them close enough that he felt like he would disturb the animals if they were any closer, he laid down.

Clearly she would have to do this on her own.

Astrus made a 'humph' sound as the lion contemplated, before he finally decided to go. A large smile rose to her face. If she really wanted, she could probably find the herd on her own, but if it was as small as he suggested, her finding it could also mean her scaring them off with the sounds of her movements as they closed in.

She followed the male, but when he stopped, she assumed they were close. She watched him, then took a moment to peer off. Sure enough, the slight sounds of crackling leaves and stomps caught her attention. She gave Umo a look. Well, it looked like he wasn't going to help her. Unless... unless she enticed him somehow.

She only had one shot, and she did not want to waste it.

Remembering his name (or shorthand version of his name,) she spoke quietly as to not disturb the herd.

"I tell you what, Umo, you help me, and then I am sure we can come to an agreement on something I could help you with, deal?" She hoped the male would go along with her plan.

If they were going to bargain, now was not the right time. They were close enough that if either of them spoke too loud, the herd would catch on. It meant he couldn't really dictate the terms of their agreement if he wanted the hunt to be a success. But, she never specified they actually had to catch anything. As long as he helped, he would get something for it.

It was too good of an opportunity to pass up. Either she was naive enough to think he wouldn't demand too much from her, or she was desperate to get a good meal and prove herself to her comrades. The dark lion slowly rose back up onto his feet, peering off into the distance to try and visually locate the herd.

"Deal," he finally replied with a smirk that suggested all the things he wouldn't say to her now, lest he chased her away from the deal before it was even sealed.

That smirk. Astrus couldn't help but think she had just made a deal with the devil. However, it had been almost two weeks since the group had a decent meal, so if this was what she needed to do, then so be it.

"Okay...this is the plan."


Well, that was...messy. It would have been almost disastrous if there wasn't a small gazelle laying dead at her feet.

Astrus' plan was to ambush the small herd, one lion on each side. However, she didn't notate the terrain beforehand, and found herself making more noise, alerting the suspicious prey before they could even lay in wait.

Regardless, the lioness, now out of breath, was happy to have the meal. Pink eyes stared at their kill.

"Did you want in on it first, before I bring it back?" She asked, thinking that would be his portion of the deal. Astrus sat on the ground, her tail curling around her leg as she began to clean the blood from her paws and maw.

He was surprised they had even managed to get the small gazelle with how much noise Astrus had made. The herd had been spooked, but even so they managed. It would be enough to stave off hunger but by no means was it an actual feast. Umo sat back, chest heaving from the exertion of the hunt. He had been a far more skilled hunter in his youth, when his mane hadn't grown out so thick as to weigh him down. In time he had grown in bulk, and was more of a powerhouse during a hunt than an actual chaser.

Usuaully Njia would try to herd the prey towards him so he could land the final blow. Umo may lack in speed, but he had more than enough strength to finish the job off. "I could eat most of it myself, so I better not." Hah, she thought she could catch him off guard with that one. He suspected that if he took a portion of the meal, he wouldn't get anything else from her.

There was so many things he wanted. Umo wouldn't waste this opportunity on a decent meal. He stood up and stretched his legs out in front of him before strolling over to the bloodied female. "Now, about our deal..." he purred and closed the gap between them. She knew what he wanted, it was just the matter of if she was willing to give it to him or find something else that would make into a suitable exchange.

As the lion approached, Astrus felt herself rising to her feet. So his part of the deal did not include enjoying part of their catch. She had figured the moment he had denied it. She knew what he wanted, and part of Astrus wanted it to. Her concern was when she returned, it would be evident was she had participated in, and she was not ready to answer those questions from her brother, let alone her Reaver.

"I take it you don't want part of the gazelle as part of the deal," she said quietly, watching him, tail slowly hitting the ground with a small thud. His actions both now and their previous meeting had spoken silently of his true intentions.

She looked over her shoulder, as if expecting to see angry golden eyes stalking up. Her heart raced, hoping, but they never came.

Turning her attention back to Umo, she spoke quietly. "I made a deal." And she did not intend to go back on it. "Not here though," she said to him, meeting him halfway. She was paranoid they could get company, and to her, that was worse than actually explaining herself.

She turned her head to eye her kill, before glancing back at Umo. It would be fine there for a little bit. Her heart continued to race as she brushed right past him. She expected him to follow if he wanted his prey.

She agreed too easily, Umo thought. The dark lion smirked at the idea, realizing that it meant that Astrus wanted to as well. If she didn't, she'd let him know. Instead, she softly agreed to the conditions that he needed not even speak of. They both knew what he wanted, and Umo was not inclined to hide his desires now.

He felt electricity as she brushed past him, leading him away from her kill. What she was paranoid of was something Umo didn't even begin to contemplate. He had no one to answer to now. Njia was gone, Elea too was far away. The only lion he had to answer to was himself, and he would be quite disappointed if he passed up on this chance now.

"How honorable of you," and how dishonorable of him to require so much for his meager assistance in the hunt. The lion turned now to follow Astrus, trailing behind her perhaps only for the pleasure of watching his prize move. He kind of hoped the gazelle would be snatched away again, just so he would have another excuse to have her again.

But perhaps after this time, she would be far more agreeable on the next occassion.