Discord Logged rp between Krysin's Umochozi and KasaiLoki's Astrus.

He had gone on ahead, leaving his mother behind to fend for herself because time was of the essence. His sister had been gone for days now, and only in the past day had Javik made it back to them. Of course they had questions, all of which the vulture answered. Apparently, his sister was being wooed away, and he had been elected to bring her back. It wasn't like their mother would be able to catch up to the group.

To be honest, he wanted to get Njia back because he didn't want to be alone in taking care of their mother. It was a drag, to put it into simple terms. His young rogue male life was being constantly interefered with by his family. If Njia truly left to chase some tail, he was screwed. He wanted to be the one to leave for stupid reasons like that.

"I found one!" Javik swooped down low next to Umochozi. The vulture had led the way, and Umochozi did not quite mind pairing up with the avian. He had no bird of his own now - his friend had died a while ago, and he had no desire to pick up another. "Not the male who's infatuated her, but one of his friends. She should be able to lead us to Njia, and you can convince her to come home."

Umo rolled his shoulders, "Sure, sure. Hang back for a second while I scope this out." The black and purple lion was tall and slender in built, but decidedly handsome. If he had a more regular access to food, he would have filled out quite nicely. He led the way as Javik circled back overhead, intending to confront the lion quickly, get the information he wanted, and be on his way.

"You!" he ordered, without really paying attention to who it was he was speaking with.

Astrus could not take the guy talk anymore. It was already bad enough she figured out what Ciro was doing the night they had to turn back to the group, but to have her brother begin asking questions once he realized it too was enough to drive the female made. Some days during this trip she thought of how it was such a bad idea to have left. She should have just left her mother to fend for herself, where ever she was gallivanting around. With an angry shout at the two boys, the female all but politely excused herself.

"When you BOTH decide to be adults, I'll be over yonder." She said with a sneer, leaving also with the boys the 'treasure' they had found within the cavern.

"I don't get it. I really don't, must be a boy thing," Astrus muttered, stalking away, out into a clearing well away from her brother and 'leader'. She didn't catch sight of the avian circling above, or if she did, she didn't care. A bird was a bird.

However, it was the sudden sound of "You!" the caught her attention. Now Astrus was kicking herself. Here she was, by herself, with a stranger approaching. She was no Reaver, this would probably be her only outing during her life.

"Uhm, me?" She asked quietly, her head low, ears toggling on top of her head, unsure if she should be on the defensive or just...be nice?

Well, s**t. Umochozi was immediately backtracking his impatient greeting when he cast eyes on the lioness in front of him now. The idea of finding his sister was now at the back of his mind. It was rare for him to encounter a female alone out in the rogue lands. Most of them were wise enough to not be alone. The lioness looked young, probably inexperienced, and so perhaps would not be so wary of a stranger.

He approached her with certainty, curious to see if she would spook or hold her ground. "You," he reiterated with an easy smile. If a journey to find his sister was going to have distractions, they might as well be pleasant ones. "I was hoping you would be able to help me," the dark lion clarified for her. To himself, he was hoping that she would be able to help him in more ways than one... but he could settle for pleasant conversation.

Javik overhead seemed restless, the bird suddenly not trusting the way Umochozi was acting. By the gods, what was with all these young lions being so restless? They were unreliable at best, and Umochozi was the worst of the two siblings.

"You see, I'm out here looking for my darling sister, who decided for once in her life to do something for herself rather than for the sake of her family." He did sound a little annoyed at that. "I kind of envy her for it, but the time for fun and games is over. I need to bring her home." He really hoped that she did not know the lioness - he didn't really want to talk about his sister when there were more interesting things to discuss.

When Umochozi flashed a smile, Astrus felt herself relaxing. Good, at least his first instinct wasn't to attack her. While she did not defend herself well on her own, she knew once roar and two lions would be at her side in an instant.

Her head tilted at his proposal. She didn't know how she, a stranger, could help the lion, but she was willing to try? Her mother always taught her to help others in need. That was likely while Astrid always remained a thrall. She probably could not do much more in the pride with her particular attitude.

Listening carefully, Astrus frowned. His sister? She scented the air. Come to think of it, this male...smelled familiar. It was almost like the scent that covered Ciro, yet it was different? Maybe the unknown female was related to this male?

"I'm sorry," the pale lion started, staring at the taller lion innocently. "I don't think I know your sister." Ciro probably did, but Astrus withheld that information for the time being. It was a need to know basis and right now, he did not need to know. "I haven't really seen anyone in our travels. What's your sister's name?" Not that Ciro had relinquished that fact to Astrus, but she was sure she could use it against him. "My friends are...away, but when I see them next I can always ask them?" She said, returning a small smile to the male.

She was a sweet thing, Umochozi realized, and not quite adapted to the rogue lands. He suspected that she was from a pride, though he wasn't familiar with any of the ones near here. The real question was why she was out here all on her lonesome. If Umochozi was a lesser lion, Astrus would have provided him with a perfect opportunity. "A shame, then," Umochozi answered with a casual shrug of his shoulders. If he was truly intent on finding his sister, he would have pressed her further.

But the real lioness he was interested in right now was the pale one in front of him. He stopped his steady approach, seating himself only a foot away from the lioness. She hadn't backed away yet. Either she was naive, or she simply didn't have a reason to feel threatened by the larger male. "Her name is Njia, but don't worry about it. By the time you've asked them I will likely be long gone. There are very few things that can keep me in one place."

Ah, so she did have friends around. Umochozi found himself glancing over the lioness' shoulder, looking to see if her companions were nearby. They weren't. The fact that she was alone was terribly tempting, and rose colored eyes looked her over appreciatively. He still had a long way to go when it came to wooing females, but he hadn't gotten much practice yet. "I'm Umochozi, by the way. You can call me Umo, or whatever suits you."

The lion had not presented any reason for Astrus to flee. His first greeting had initially shocked her, and put her on edge, but as soon as the male flashed a smile, she was fine. If she could trust someone with just a showing of their pearly whites, then she would be in a lot more trouble the more she ventured on her own. When the lion approached, she did not shy away. Instead, she peered at him curiously. Filing the name away for later, her ears perked forward.

"Oh?" Intrigued, she pressed on. "If your family can't keep you in one place," she started, referring to the lion not wanting to stay if she were to ask Ciro about Njia, "then what can?" She questioned. So, she was a little naive. To her, family was everything. It was why she was so intent on finding her mother out here in the roguelands, and why it pained her so much to be returning home without her.

"Umo," the female decided, repeating the name. "I'm Astrus," she returned the introduction.


"This and that," Umo replied vaguely. The lioness here seemed so genuinely clueless that it was endearing. He had to wonder if he could even guide her in the direction he wanted, or if she was simply too innocent to even wonder what a lone rogue male would be after. Umo was almost charmed by it. Most lionesses would have made their stance clear to him by now, but with Astrus so unknowing there was.... hope.

"Yes," he purred smoothly, locking eyes with the lioness for a few long, silent moments. "Definitely this and that. If you don't get it, don't ask about it." Umo intentionally baited her a little, wanting to see if he could draw out from her the realization of what he was implying.

"It's a pleasure, Astrus. I hope your friends haven't left you alone for too long," he feigned concern when in all actuality he was hoping she'd tell him just how long they had been away. It would be a good way to gauge how long it would take for her friends to return. "The rogue lands aren't exactly the best place to be without company."

Astrus' mouth formed an 'o' shape as she realized what the lion meant. Ah, of course. She did not know why it did not dawn on her earlier. Still, knowing this fact the lioness did not inch away. Umo hadn't made a move on her, so why leave?

"I left them, actually." She said quietly, her tail curling around her paws. "They know I this way, but I think they're too busy have..."boy talk" to join us." If there was one thing Astrus was that she was an open book. She did not keep secrets very well, nor could she really lie to another.

"This is the first time I have been out here on my own...well, with Ciro and Kristanf." she corrected. Her eyes narrowed just slightly. "I don't need the company of them! I can take care of myself!" she said hotly, rising to her feet to stalk up to the male. She was so close to him, she could literally feel his breath on him. "Don't assume if someone is on their own they can't take care of them self!" she said hotly, taking a moment to breath before calming down again.

"I'm sorry..." she apologized for the outburst. "It's been a little rough the past few days." Truth be told, she just wanted to get home.

Umo had no idea where the sudden fire had ignited, and for a moment he was overwhelmed by it as she stalked right up to him. Considering she had finally caught on to what Umochozi was doing out here, she was putting herself at an awfully risky range. Instead of taking the opportunity that had presented itself to him (no matter how badly he wanted to), he reached out to place his paw against her chest and hold her a respectful distance back.

He chuckled, the sound warm and deep in his chest. Now that the surprise had passed, he found himself amused by the little outburst. "Of course you can," he indulged her. "I must have been mistaken. There's no way you can't take care of yourself, otherwise you wouldn't have made the risk of leaving behind your companions. Or perhaps you're daring enough to take the risk anyways. Who am I to judge?" he purred.

She was close enough that her scent washed over him, and he tried not to let it distract him. She was a pretty female, but he wasn't sure he was skilled enough to get her to cave to him. Umo was quite interested in waiting it out to see what happened. "Clearly. It must be rough travelling with two males, who obviously frustrate you to no end. I suppose I can be convinced to forgive you."

As soon as the lion had placed a paw against her, Astrus realized just how close the two actually were. She could feel a small heat rising to her cheeks as she backed away from the male, still watching him.

Right…He was right. She could take care of herself or else she would not be out here by herself! When he offered a second opinion, she shook her head to deny that. She was not a risk taker. That was her brother. She couldn’t fool anyone even if she was lying to say she was.

“Heh,” she giggled, hesitantly. This probably was a bad idea, being out here with just the company of the male. But, she did not want to go running back to Ciro or Kristanf, nor did she want to call out to them for help. She needed to prove she could take care of himself. Was he…was that a purr? Males were strange. “You have no idea.” She said after a moment. “Especially after one of them has been off gallivanting with….” Her voice faded. Now everything was coming together with this male, his missing sister, the familiarity of scents. Ciro was messing around with this Umo’s sister! “…off doing guy things,” she murmured quietly, looking away from Umo.

Umo arched a brow, wondering what the lioness had intended to say before she curtly steered away from finishing what was on her mind. He had half a mind to press her on it. The only reason he didn't was because he was certain that if he pressured her further, she would just leave him. Umo wouldn't chase after her if she did - he wasn't some brute who threw his weight around to get what he wanted. If he could court her, he would, but he wouldn't push her.

"Hmm," his voice rumbled deep in his throat, and he stood up to close the distance between them again. Her scent was refreshing and tempting, but was more curious as to her mettle. Sh said she could take care of herself, but he doubted she could actually do anything without the backup of the two males she claimed to have accompanying her. He stood directly in front of her, rose colored eyes observing her carefully.

"Guy things. That's awfully vague," he coaxed her with an easygoing smile. "I take it your companions are enjoying themselves to the fullest, while you're stuck out her alone and sulking. That hardly sounds fair to me." The lioness seemed reluctant to give him information, but he was sure that with some effort, he could get her to open up to him.

As he stalked up to her, Astrus could feel herself shrinking down. Confrontation was not her strong point. She shifted on her feet, looking anywhere but into the other lion's gaze.

"Y--you know what I-I mean..." she found herself stuttering the answer. What the hell, Astrus, she scolded herself. It is just a boy. Get over yourself. As he pried, the lioness's pink stare caught his own, and the smile he was giving her...

Look away, the voice in her head reminded herself. But she didn't. She was listening to the words he was saying, some of them hitting home. "Y--yeah," she said carefully. Between Ciro mingling with the rogue ladies, and Kristanf...being Kristanf, she was the only one it seemed to be taking their outing seriously. And look where it got them? Nowhere! If both had been a little bit more interested in finding Astrid, then maybe, MAYBE they would be bringing her home too.

"It's not fair at all..." she agreed.

"I don't want to be alone out here," she told Umo. One would think with those words she would turn and high tail it out of the area, back to her companions. Yet she stayed, enthralled by that smile. She was finding more comfort in this male's presence than her own pride members.

From a flash of fiery hot temper to a more subdued response, Astrus was like a furious tide crashing against the shore and pulling away. It was enthralling to watch how her demeanor changed, to the point where she stammered out her responses. He had to wonder if it was the pressure he was putting on her now that made her seem more subdued. If he pressed his luck, would she flee?

Umochozi was finding it hard to read the lioness. "Of course it's not," he answered, indulging her, allowing he to feel like her petulant attitude was justified. The young lioness was struggling to even meet his gaze now, seeming trapped between the desires to stay and go.

Deciding it wasn't paying to play things safe with her, he took one more fateful step forward so that his head was next to her's. Against her ear, his breath was hot, his voice soft. "You're not out here alone," he whispered. Silently, he steeled himself for the worst reaction, which was also the most likely to happen. Either she would slap him or cry out for her companions. Both of which he felt confident he could handle. He was just dying to know if she could resist his advances.

He nipped at the nape of her neck - if she was stunned by his earlier actions, that should be enough to snap her out of it.

Her ear flicked at the hot breath against it.

He was right. She wasn't out here alone. Kristanf and Ciro were nearby, and Umochozi was now uncomfortably close. "You're right...They are close to here," she whispered quietly, warning the darker male. Whether or not the two boys would hear her was the next question, so the statement could have caution could have just been an empty threat.

But what drew her out of the daze she was in, was the n**. Now he was too close. With a small snarl, Astrus felt a paw reach up to swipe his pretty little face.

"Do you have no respect for others personal space?" If he continued with that smile he would have gotten her. She stood pushing her body against him in an attempt to push him away.

"I don't need you here!" she was frustrated, and it could tell.She wanted to head back to the safety net Ciro had established during their outing, but then if she did that, she'd never get anywhere in her life. It would always be the same, boring way it had always been. She wanted to just stay here and let the male do the obvious thoughts that were playing in his mind. Were Viking outings always this way?

"Close enough?" he pressed her, knowing that he was playing too close to the edge of danger. But, he felt if he didn't press her now, he'd get nowhere with her, and he definitely wanted to get somewhere. If he was more experienced, he would have tried to play out the long game with her. Umo had been alone with his family for too long - he wanted to stretch his legs, among other things.

The sting of her paw against his cheek should have been enough to get him to back off of her. Every minute action Astrus was making gave off the signal that she didn't want anything to do with him. He was also convinced that if that was truly the case, she would have ran by now or called out for help. "Not really, if you haven't noticed." Damn, his face hurt, but he stood his ground, pushing back against her in a little show of will. Besides, it was nice to have her pressed up to him, even if that was solely in an attempt to shove him back.

"Then leave," he told her shortly. Astrus could play at being miss independent, but it was clear the lioness wasn't all that strong on her own as she'd like to think she was. Again, he nipped at her ear, trying to coax and coerce her into something he was only slightly convinced she wanted to do.

When the male pushed back against her, she knew she was getting nowhere trying to move him herself.

"No!" She said angrily, and perhaps a little too quickly. "You leave. I was here first." She said matter of factly, her pink eyes glaring at the male. It was such a childish statement to say, but one would not expect more from Astrus. She had been confined in the pride, caring for her mother who had the mentality of a child. It would not be surprising if some of those traits had rubbed off against Astrus when confronted in a stressful situation. And this, this was one of those situations.

She gasped when the male nipped her again, this time her ear. She pulled back with a hiss, the loaded springs in her haunches exploding as she pounced at the male, trying to pin him. She wanted to prove to him she was not something someone could so easily take advantage of, but even though she was on the larger size in height, she was pretty light. She had not worked up the muscle that a reaver would have. Umochozi could easily remove her from him, or reverse pin if he tried.

They were locked in a stalemate, neither willing to budge and admit defeat to the other. If Umo backed off, he would never get what he wanted, and if Astrus did the same she couldn't prove whatever it was that she was trying to. Umo still had no idea why she wasn't leaving. If she didn't want him, her best option was to leave. Was it stubborness born out of youth? A trait she had carried over from her time as a cub?

Whatever it was, he continued to hold his ground until he happened to take a step too far with her. His eyes widened as the lioness boldly lunged at him. She was too close to gain any momentum, and her body was surprisingly light, especially compared to mass of a mature male lion. He reared onto his hind legs, throwing his weight crashing back into her and forcing her down onto her back. The lion pinned her there with a light growl.

"Are you crazy?" his eyes flashed with irritation, his paw pressing to her chest to keep her pinned onto the ground. His body hovered over her's to block Astrus' escape. Normally, he would have let her up, given her space back to breathe and recover. But now he was annoyed, and he happened to like the feel of her so close.

He didn't press his advantage, but neither did he take it easy on her. "Want to try that again?"

"Get off of me!" Astrus thrashed from underneath the male. It was no use, she was not strong enough to push the male off her.

Remember when she had thought it was a good idea to go off on her own? She should've known better. Attacking a stranger was not the Freeborn Astrus knew herself as. This was different. This was darker.

Just call out for help. They'll come running. A voice (the voice of reason perhaps) spoke in Astrus' head. No! she yelled back to herself, fighting a battle not only physically but mentally as well. Then just give into him and send him on his merry way. Astrus felt her will slipping as her own mind brought that suggestion up. She stopped squirming under the male, breathing heavily. Damnit all to hell.

"Why don't you let me up and find out for yourself," the lioness sneered, still trying to drink the air from her previous struggle.

"Why are you even still here?"

His face was set into an unpleasant grimace as the lioness struggled underneath him. Stubbornly, he waited her out, taking the few blows she managed to land on him in stride. Umo was determined to make a point with her, that she wasn't so strong willed as she thought she was. The lioness clearly couldn't defend herself in the roguelands. Here she was taking him on, and losing. Still, she refused to call for the friends she claimed were nearby.

"I'll just pin you again," he answered with a roll of his eyes. "You're not as strong as you think you are. You can't even break free from me..." He leaned down over her, bringing his face mere inches from her own, eyes boring down into her. "It's like you're not even trying." If she really wanted him gone, or to be rid of him, she would have made that happen long ago.

"Because you're pretty, and I was having fun up until you decided to attack me." There was no point in beating around the bush. She knew what he wanted, and refused to give it to him. It was no big loss, but he refused to let her win in this.


Why did he have to be right? What kind of stormborn was she if she couldn't even defend herself in an attack she has instigated. She did not analyze her target thoroughly, and acted only on her emotion. She needed to learn from this to be better. When he got closer to her face again, the struggling ensued. As much as she tried, Astrus could not get free from under the lying. Defeated, she stopped. It was evident in her eyes she had loss this one.

"You nipped me first," she emphasized the time to the male. She may have gotten in the closest proximity to him first, but he had put his paw on the lioness first to push her away, and then the few nips on her neck and ear. "That is not something I would refer to as --- fun."

She squirmed a little bit now, her front paw resting on his large chest.

"If you are done throwing your size around, please get off me." She stated, pushing lightly. She was tired of fighting this losing battle.

"I did," Umo admitted without guilt. A brief smirk spread across his face - the lion had clearly enjoyed himself with that, but that information would likely make Astrus feel uncomfortable. He was done trying to conceal his intentions, however, and so he let her see that. "It can be quite fun, you just weren't willing to give it a try."

The lioness finally seemed to calm down, and now that Umo didn't suspect he'd get pounced on again, he eased off of on. The larger lion backed off, giving Astrus room to roll back up onto her feet. After that struggle, he expected her to be a little exhausted, and so gave her enough time to collect her breath without feeling like she was going to be assaulted. He sat back, tail curling around his legs, his visage the perfect reflection of patience.

"You threw your size around first," he mimicked her earlier statement, taking on the childish tone that he attributed to her.

Umo was giving her the chance now, to retain what dignity she had and to back off. If she stayed he'd only be tempted to try his chances with her again, especially considering that she seemed to be weak willed enough to cave in eventually.

Astrus quickly rolled to her feet. She didn't aim to attack the male again, he had made his point quite clear.

"You don't know what I was, or was not willing to give a try." She snapped. "If you just hadn't bitten..." she started honestly before stopping. If the damn lion kept up his nice game, then the situation would have been much different.

She could not stop her eyes from rolling at his mimic. Mature. Though she was one to talk.

Maybe it was her father's blood in her, but Astrus just could not find herself running away with her tail between her legs back to her group. She also knew if she stayed here, the male would get under her skin again, and back on the ground she'd likely end. With narrowed eyes, she opted for her first option. She did not have to leave for Ciro and Kristanf. She could just venture away from the male.

Pivoting on her feet, the lioness turned away from Umochozi, her hind end swaying as if to tell the lion what he was going to miss.

"Hope you find your sister." Astrus called out sarcastically as she left the lion alone.

Oh, right.

He was supposed to be searching for his sister. Umo got distracted by trying to woo Astrus so much so that he had completely forgotten about his original purpose. Oh well, it had been worth the try, and it wasn't like his sister would have gotten much farther in the time he spent with the pale lioness.

"And I hope you don't get too frustrated with all the 'boy talk'," he called out to the lioness as she turned on her paws to leave him. It was a missed opportunity, but Umochozi wasn't going to be despondent over the loss. She was a pretty lioness, but he wasn't quite convinced that she was all there.

Her mood swings had been one hell of a storm to weather.

He watched her leave with a great deal of pleasure at the sight, and then turned around himself to start heading off in the opposite direction.