This rp is set directly after Quid Pro Quo


Morning was quickly approaching. The way birds were scuttling around the canopies above, ready to start there day, was how he could tell the sun was about to make its appearance. If the lion could, he would remain here, sprawled out. However, the company whom he had enjoyed the evening with was long gone (well, she was probably still close by, but not in Ciro’s proximity). As much as he wanted to stay here, he couldn’t, he was sure Astrus and Kristanf would be waking soon if they weren’t already, and probably try looking for him. With a heavy sigh, Ciro rose to his feet, giving one last look at the spot where last night’s event occurred. This particular outing was turning out to be the dark lion’s most pleasurable so far, although it had not started off that way

The lion quickened his pace, moving over tree limbs quickly, debating if he should stop at the nearby water hole to rinse off. Njia scent was all over him, he knew it would beckon questions from the youth. He debated if he wanted to go through that, but ultimately decided not to. He did not need to explain himself, and now they only have four days to get back to their Captain. It was plenty of time to return, but the lion wanted to bring something back for his Captain to show that their separation was for a purpose. He didn’t have Astrid to bring back, he didn’t have the lioness to bring back. He needed something.
When he found the small clearing he had left Astrus and Kristanf, he strolled up to them. They were still sleeping. They needed to break out of this, or else the two would never be good Reavers.

“Wake up, the lot of you.” He said gruffily, pawing at Kristanf’s back with his paw. Both lions rustled in their sleep, Astrus slowly emerging from her slumber, but Kristanf curling into himself. “Now.” He said loudly, causing the lions to jolt. If there was one thing the two lions could do, was sleep at all time.

“What the hell man.” Kristanf hissed, light eyes closing quickly at the light that intruded. “What happened to sleeping in, huh? It shouldn’t take us too long to get back.” He muttered, wanting to collapse back to the ground. He didn’t. Ciro would probably do something to him he’d regret if he opted to stay lazy. His light eyes narrowed towards the Reaver, waiting for him to give the reason for waking them up so early.

“We are going to go on a little raid before we go back.” The dark lion said quietly, answering Kristanf gaze as he stepped forward. “We don’t have anything to bring back to the band, so it’s the least we can do.” He pained him slightly to say this, quickly glancing over to Astrus to see her reaction. She quickly turned her head to avoid Ciro’s gaze.

“I’ll get a thrall?!” Kris asked hopefully. He was answered by Ciro’s shrug.


Astrus was quiet during the whole exchange. She had turned away from Ciro’s stare, but there was something nagging in her mind. The lion was gone all night, and now there was a strange scent that coursed through the air, filling his nostril. “Where were you last night, Ciro?” The pink eyed female asked, eyeing the Reaver after a moment. “You didn’t come back, or if you did, it was after we fell asleep,” her eyes narrowed.

The lion’s sharp gaze met the pink one. A sheepish smile plagued his maw. While Astrus was not the brightest bulb in the box, she could put two and two together with his quick reaction. She gave out a sound of disgust. Kristanf looked oblivious, as always.

“Nevermind.” She shook her head, willing to remove the images generating in her mind out of her head. Of course Ciro would be out having a good time during this outing. She did not know what a raid would normally entail too, not ever getting the urge to become a Reaver. Now she knew. It probably was always why the male was so damn relaxed all the time.


“I don’t get it…” Kristanf tilted his head. If he took a moment, he’d realize what had happened. “Where were you?”

“Don’t worry about it.” Astrus muttered. How daft could her brother be? If he just opened his nose he could guess rather quickly. “We are going now?” She said quickly, changing the subject, letting Kris continue to struggle with the thought. At this time, she just wanted to return home. The mission was a failure. She was no reaver, so raiding did not particularly interest her.
Ciro thought for a moment, shrugging. “There’s an old cave nearby that was abandoned my last raid. Maybe someone has taken occupancy there.” It was worth a shot. “it is a few mile walk from here, we should be there by midafternoon.”

“A few miles?” Kris cried out. “What about breakfast?”

Astrus shook her head at her brother as a small whoosh sound filled the air. She was able to catch sight of the light gray rock, probably the size of a quarter, flying by before squarely hitting the male on his thick orangish red mane. A small oomph emitted while the lioness giggled, turning a knowing look back to Ciro. (“Hey! That hurt!”).

The dark lion shook his head again. This boy. Next time he’d have Kristanf stay with the main group, or find another Captain and reaver to follow. But then again, he would gain the rank of a reaver after this, so really all he needed was a captain. “No more messing around. We ate last night. A reaver may not eat every meal in the day, so you best get used to it now. If we come across an easy hunt we will stop, or better yet, maybe the cavern will hold an easy meal.” He hoped for the latter. He really was too tired to think about hunting.

He could send Astrus and Kristanf to do that too, but he had been leaving them alone way too much this trip. It was a little unbecoming to him. He had a valid excuse, in his mind at least.

The walk had not taken as long as he thought it would.

“You two go ahead. I’ll keep watch out here.” He had explored this cavern many times. He could sense there was no eminent danger. He could use this time to catch up on his sleep. “There are a lot of corridors down there too, so make sure you explore them all.” Ciro said flashing a smile. “Go on!” He sat at the entrance, waving a brief goodbye to the two.
