This is a logged rp from Discord that takes place 5 days after Give into tempation. This is a rp with Krysin's Njia and KasaiLoki's Ciro'Mekaitso.

Njia was alone, and for once her constant companion in Javik was nowhere to be seen. They had gotten into an argument, and honestly Njia couldn't blame her bonded bird for it. She should have returned back to her family - with Javik it was easy enough to track them down (as he was so keen to remind her). He didn't agree with her decision to follow after Ciro without checking in on her family. They had already been gone so long that the idea of turning back now to them seemed less and less feasible.

Their differing viewpoints had caused them to split on bad terms. It was very likely that Javik was flying back to their family to tell her mother what Njia was up to. She was sure that with Javik they could track her down, but it had been days since she had last seen Javik. If he was coming back for her, it would be a long trip.

She never realized how lonely it was without her bird. The lioness tried to distract herself with tracking Ciro and his merry band of little lions. She doubted they had caught on to her following them. Ciro wouldn't not with Javik missing. The telltale signs of a vulture flying above was gone. It was just Njia left to her own devices now, playing a dangerous game by following a male she did not really know.

Coming upon where the group was surely resting, Njia waited until it was dark enough that she could sneak around without drawing too much attention. Her dark pelt lended to her camoflauge as she snuck up on the group, hoping for some reason just to catch a sight of Ciro without disturbing his companions.

It was day nine of their journey. They had not been successful at tracking down Astrid. It was the point in their mission where Ciro would have to give the news to the siblings they needed to turn back. As expected, Kristanf shrugged at the response, but Astrus, Astrus was not happy to say the least. She threatened to continue without the Reaver until she was reminded where they were from, and how insubordinate on these quests would be tolerated. It finally took Kristanf talking to her to calm her down. The dark lion decided they would rest for the evening, before making their way back to the Captain's coordinates in the morning.

Ciro hated breaking that news to the freeborn, but he did not have a choice. It was his duty to keep his word to the Captain. His eyes narrowed as a familiar scent lightly filtered into the air. Was she...was she following him? The two lions before him were either not versed in the act of scented the air for unfamiliar smells, or too tired to notice. The lion excused himself from the group, (whispering to watch Astrus to Kristanf), stating her would bring back a small meal before bed, before leaving the small group.

Once he was sure he was out of ear range, he called out to the darkness.

"You left the safety of your vulture friend to follow me. You are truly a strange female," her smell was intoxicating to him, becoming more powerful as she neared.

She heard him before she saw him, but soon eyes fixed on his shape in the dark. How he had gotten so close before she noticed was a mystery, but she should have known. Njia could practically feel his presence now, "He did not agree that I should follow you." It made her anxious to admit that she was alone now, but even beneath that anxiety an undercurrent of excitement pushed and twisted against her thoughts.

It was a little thrilling to abandon everything, to chase after a lion who held no promises for her, no guarantees of safety or protection. This was something only someone stupid would do, but she did it and embraced it. Was the fact that he was potentially dangerous so alluring to her? Njia was desperate enough to break free from the bonds of her family that she would chase after someone she could not even begin to know of.

She stalked closer, careful not to be too loud in case Ciro's companions were still near enough to hear them. "I am sure he is on his way back to my family as we speak," and here she was, on her way towards him. This was bad, she knew chasing him was a risk, but in the time apart she had forgotten what kind of sway the lion held over her. "I just couldn't go with him."

Ciro shook his head. "Of course he wouldn't." He had known the vulture for all of two meetings (if you could even count their last interaction a true meeting), but knew and saw enough to see when someone was a little bit over protective of another.

"At least that would give them some piece of mind." She had just upped and left her family in the roguelands. If he was her family, he'd probably assume the worst if there was no checking in by either her or Javik. That's what these familiars were for, were they not?

His golden gaze found her nearing him, a small smirk flashing upon his maw, hidden by the darkness. His ears shifted backwards on his head, listening for the sounds of his charges'. They were quiet, which either meant they were sleeping, or trying to listen to him. Opting for the second option, the lion nipped at Njia shoulder when she was just close enough, motioning her to follow him. He could spare being a little bit further from his group. Besides, if things were to get...louder...they wouldn't hear.

"You couldn't go with him, but you also couldn't go with me last I offered." He pondered her words and then his own. "Then what is it you want, dear Njia?"

"I know, but I think instead of telling them I'm gone he's rallying the troops to come rescue me," she admitted with a soft, restrained laugh. Njia was close enough now that she could see him clearly in the dark, and while the n** at her shoulder was meant to direct her it all but froze the lioness temporarily. Thoughts swirled in her head as what she could only pin down as desire pulled at her to follow him. Damn! That wasn't what the gesture meant, but it stirred things she was trying to keep swallowed down.

She turned to follow him, walking beside him with an ease that she hadn't shown him before. Even though, there was tension in her shoulders, her movements were stiff and almost forced. The lioness was battling with herself, and in that sort of battle there was no winner. "I am not your 'dear'," she scoffed at the affectionate term. It was hard to back up her words when even her body language said otherwise.

"I... don't know. I just realized that I couldn't go back to them, so I could only go forward. Why I'm chasing you is beyond me." Her tail flicked against his side - it was perhaps becoming clearer to her now why she had pursued him. But she didn't want to admit to her fancies, didn't want to give in so shamefully to the lion beside her.

Ciro shifted on his feet, close to the female. "You can't rescue what doesn't want to be freed," he murmured into her ear, wanting her to cave into him as she had done their previous meeting. Astrus and Kristanf were resting, he had up until day break to get his way. There was no need to rush their current meeting.

"No dear, got it," he said casually, noting the tone of her words. He didn't believe them for a second something he had learned with age and being around youngsters that would hold the same misconceiving tone. "We can always change that, you know," he hinted- a small, wicked smile slowly forming on his maw at the idea.

"One cannot deny the heart what it wants," a slow shrug rolled off his shoulders, mostly masked in the darkness. "The question is, do you continue to fight it, or, give into it?" he purred, side stepping around the female so his body pressed closer to hers. It rested there for only moments before moving just a bit.

"Let's play a game, shall we" he paused, resisting the urge to stay pressed against the female. " You ask me something you wanted to know perhaps about my pride that I failed to answer last time," he suggested, without the bird nearby, he felt he could get away with a lot more. "And I ask you a something. The catch, we both need to answer truthfully."

"Deal? How about you start?"

It was a tempting game they were playing, and she found herself nearly breaking more than once. "And this is some trap I have to be freed of?" she asked with a little smirk, her ears flicking as she felt his breath wash over them. His words and presence were distracting, in fact she knew being close to him like this was a recipe for disaster. Njia was flirting with it, tempting it, all the while claiming she wanted nothing to do with it.

One could only get away with such actions for so long. "I am not so sure this is a matter of the heart," she protested again. But if it wasn't the heart, then what was it? A longing more shameful than that, and something she would have a more difficult time admitting to. His body suddenly pressed up against hers', warm and enticing. Njia leaned back in, taking a few steps forward to rub against him before they pried away from each other.

His scent was over her now, filling her nostrils and clouding her mind. Njia circled him, trying to shake off the temptation that plagued her now. "Fine, I can agree to this game. What did you mean, last time, when you had to bring back things of interest?" She readily jumped at the idea of a game, something to occupy her mind and kee her from thinking too much about Ciro. He was just a lion, and his companions were nearby too still. She couldn't allow herself to get carried away here.

"To Javik, probably." He knew the bird didn't trust him. If he knew just how close the two were right now, it would give him even more reason to stick his talons to the male lion. Lucky for Ciro, Javik wasn't here, and he had Njia all to himself.

He held back groan, not expecting the female to rub against him. This was quite dangerous indeed.

Ciro sat on his haunches, watching her circle. She had now become the vulture, circling her prey. "I told you my pride is full of warriors. I am what you call a Reaver, one that leaves the pride in search of things that would better suit us. These 'interests' could be something as small as a meal, to something a little bit more extravagant such as the pelt of another." Species he did not clarify, but he'd let Njia take those guesses. "Sometimes, our prizes are thralls," he did not go into what a thrall was. He personally had never taken one, although more and more this female tempted him to do so.

He didn't want to lose the mood of what they were experiencing, but there was more about this female's family that stuck with him. "My turn." He grinned. "When we first met, you said it was rough traveling with your mother, and that your brother could...protect her. Now I know traveling with family is hard, but I would not be one to describe it as rough. Something ails your family, mother in particular by the sounds of it. Was is it?" Her next words Ciro made sure to file in his mind. They could become quite useful.

She listened to him quietly, and while she wanted to sit down and relax, the scent of him was driving her crazy. She felt like if she stopped moving, she would only be a hair's breadth away from inviting him closer. One word caught her attention in his explanation, 'thrall'. Njia wanted to ask what the word meant, since she was so unfamiliar with it. In fact, she had more than a few questions on her mind. When she had asked her question, she had expected a clear cut answer... not something that only led to more questions.

His question was harder for her to answer, and finally she stopped pacing and stared him down intensely. She wanted to lie, wanted to stop playing the game already. But, he had held up his end of the bargain, and so would she. "My mother was injured as a young lioness. There was an earthquake in our homelands, and in the process of protecting some cubs her leg was badly damaged. It never healed right, so travelling with her is slow because pain sets in so quickly. For the most part, she does get around well, but the older she gets the more it hinders her." Something felt so off about admitting her mother's weakness. What could Ciro possibly do with that information? Did he even care that much about her family to act on it?

"What is a thrall?" she asked quickly, pushing the conversation away from being about her mother. The more she spoke of it, the more likely she was to give away more information that he simply did not need to know. If he asked on his turn, she would supply it, but other than that he would have to pry it from her tongue.

He didn't need to know more about her mother, although right now that information may have been deemed unnecessary, one never knew when it would become useful.

Ah, a thrall. He figured that would be her next question. He had already prepared the answer in his mind. "A thrall can be classified as a number of different beings in the pride. A non-lion, for example, would automatically be deduced to that rank. It's like a servant, for those more familiar with the terms. They can join raids carrying the rations, or just provide general comfort while away from the pride. They do the duties that a reaver or freeborn did not normally due." He rose to his feet, honing in on her form again. She had stopped her circling. "I wasn't lying when I said you would need to prove your worth, if you didn't, then this is a rank that could be bestowed upon you if you were to join our ranks."

"No more family questions," he started. "Tell me, what is it that you are desiring most at this very moment." Ciro's golden orb stared right into Njia's amber gaze. Eyes said everything, and he was watching to see her eyes told the truth.

Ciro managed to phrase his explanation in a way that didn't flare up any red flags for the lioness. It seemed like a thrall was the lowest rank, and if she were to join this pride, she refused to fall into such a position. There were a few follow up questions playing through her head, but they weren't allowed yet in the confines of the game. It was Ciro's turn, and Njia felt her blood pressure rising as the lion came into clear view again.

His form towered over hers, especially now that she was seated. Her eyes met his, and she was frozen in that stare as he posed his next question. s**t. She could handle the questions about her family far better than this one. All the feelings she had been trying to drown bubbled back to the surface, and she shied away from him. Njia turned her back to him, torn between running again and confronting what she was feeling.

She knew it wasn't genuine affection, rather a dark attraction to someone she shouldn't have. If she had feelings for him, they were the wrongs ones. Njia wanted to be trapped by him, tempted by his scent and the allure of danger. She didn't want to admit it, wanted their game to end now before she could. "You know," she admitted, refusing to look at him, though she could feel his eyes bearing down into her.

"That your companions are actually asleep, so we can't be disturbed."

Hook. Line and Sinker.

He hadn't expected the turn of events so suddenly, and her statement just made him chuckle out loud. There was no need for him to deny his instinct and lust for the female. It was quite obvious. Stealing a quick glance behind him, he was sure the two were asleep, but, just in case.

"Follow me," he moved just past Njia, his tail sliding under her chin before it to was away from her. He intended to go just a bit further away from where he had left the charges. She could run, deny everything, but he didn't expect her to. Instead, Ciro believed he had her just where he wanted her, and he intended to make the most out of what was left of this evening.

What was she doing? His tail flicked underneath her chin, beckoning her to follow, and so she did. For some reason, she couldn't convince herself to stop and wedge some sense between them. Tangling with an unknown male like this was crazy. It wasn't as if she had no idea what he was doing now. He was leading her away to some place more secluded, for whatever business or pleasure they decided to attend to.

Njia couldn't fight him now. She followed him into the night, her body a welcome invitation for the lion who would get his way with her.