This is a logged rp from Discord between Krysin's Njia/Javik and KasaiLoki's Ciro'mekaitso

A dark lioness wandered apparently alone through the plains. Her companions, rather, her family, were a couple miles behind her. Njia had offered to scout ahead for any decent hunting grounds, or even a place to settle down for the night. Nothing seemed all that promising here, and she almost regretted jumping at the opportunity to put some space between herself and her mother and brother. The rest of her family had long since gone on their separate ways, to start families of their own and to make something of their lives.

Njia and Umochozi had stayed with Elea out of love and affection for the lioness. Elea could get around, just not as well as she had used to. Her leg had been damaged since before Njia was born - her mother was used to her handicap, but it was still slow going for them. Travelling with Elea meant keeping to her slower pace, and it was driving the young lioness crazy. Njia needed to stretch her legs and expend her energy.

She had no idea how her brother could be so relaxed.

Before she knew it, she had travelled too far. Her mother couldn't cover this much ground in one day, and it would take almost half that just to get back to her. Njia sighed and tossed her chin up towards the sky, peering up at the clouds to see the distinct shape of her vulture companion circling through the air. "Javik!" she called out to her friend, and waited patiently for the bird to land on the ground next to her. "Can you swing back and let my mother know I won't be back tonight?"

The vulture, unamued, twisted his head towards her. "No."

'Smart a**'. Njia thought wryly.

"I am not leaving you out here on your own - that would give your mother cause to worry."

The traveling band had made it far from the Myrsky Syntynyt land. Ciro'mekaitso had offered his captain to split the group, taking his two charges ahead to complete a side quest, before meeting back up in two weeks time. The Captain had agreed, muttering a good luck, in reference to the two siblings. Both Freeborn had never been out of the pride before and it showed. Ciro was already having a tough time handling the two -- especially the male. He had so much high hope for the brother that when it came time to prove himself he was failing his expectations. He'd get there in time especially with more Vikings.

This was two days ago. Ciro had lost the trail of Astrid and now was just hoping to pick something up. If he couldn't well, then he'd probably have to drag Astrus back to the pride kicking and screaming. If he had too though, he would.

The lion could tell the two Freeborn were getting tired. The way their gates both began to drudge across the ground. "You two rest." He stated. "We will continue when the sun it at that tree line." His paw pointed to the forest border just to the west. When both lions were rested on the ground, Ciro continued forward, scouting the area.

His golden sight captured a vulture above. Vultures were pesky creatures. Maybe there was a carcass nearby. A meal would probably do the kids wonders. the lion thought to himself, following the vulture. He was rather surprised to find the vulture landing next to a live creature, not dead.

"I am not leaving you out here on your own - that would give your mother cause to worry." So. There were others around somewhere. Interesting. Ciro wasn't one to take thralls back to the pride, but he knew Kristanf wanted so badly to have one. Not today. He shrugged at the thought, stepping out in the open to the lioness and the avian next to her.



With a flutter of wings Javik took back into the sky, a lone feather drifting to the ground in his wake. The sudden appearance of another lion had caught Njia completely off guard. She had been too engaged in the conversation with her bonded bird to notice the lion's approach. It was the first time she had encountered anyone out here in the roguelands without her family to watch her back. All she had was Javik, and she felt she had made the correct move by sending him up towards the sky.

If anything was going to happen to her, Javik would get word back to her family, or at the very least lend some sharp talons to her cause. The pairing of a lion and an avian was customary to her old pride. Her mother had Nadra, another vulture. Her brother's bird had fallen ill a while back and perished, and after that he had no longer seemed interested in the tradition. But, it had its uses.

Njia was wary - she had no reason to trust anyone out in these lands, whether they were friendly faces or not. "I am not - thank you for you concern, though." While she didn't trust the lion, he hadn't immediately given her cause to flee. Besides, Javik had her back, and most lions had no idea how to handle an aerial assault. The lioness remained standing, her muscles tense, as if ready to spring into action and lend to her escape.

"I suppose you aren't lost, either?" she inquired with a furrow of her brows.

Ciro smirked slightly as the vulture lifted into the air. He watched the feather float to the ground, before his attention turned back to the lioness.

He shrugged slightly at her answer. She didn't quite look like a rogue, her pelt was pretty well kept. The land they were currently in was also ownerless, something the reaver had found out during one of his previous vikings. He watched her tense form carefully. Ciro wasn't stupid. The vulture was a companion, and likely watching the two of them. He noted the tense muscles of the lioness. He sat, not completely on the ground, but enough to rest on his haunches, to appear less threatening for the female than what he may had originally come off as.

"I am not my dear. I have wandered these lands for many moons." He offered. "Probably know them better than my own pride, to be honest." Ciro'mekaitso found himself out of the pridelands more than he found himself inside them. There were always missions to be completed, freeborns to be promoted and so on that life was just far too exciting outside the borders.

"You can tell your bird friend it can land now." He stated looking towards the sky for the vulture. "While most from my pride would probably go for you quickly, I assure you that is not my intentions." At least, not today.

"We are looking for a lioness." He waited to give any details about Astrid to the other, to see if maybe, just maybe, she had come across any other. In the rogue lands, there were many lions and lionesses. He's have to be more specific. "Tell me, have you an adult with the mindset of a child roaming anywhere amongst your travels?" There was really no better way to describe Astrid.

He sat down, but she still didn't feel completely at ease. Her amber eyes scoured the horizon, looking for potential company. But, Javik would have alerted her if he had seen anything. His eyes were far better than hers', especially when he was up in the air. If only she hadn't gone so far ahead of the rest of her family - if this lion had ill intentions, her mother and brother would never make it to her in time to prevent them. The best Javik could do was tell them of her fate.

Her ears pressed flat to the back of her skull when he said he had no intentions of harming her. That wasn't particularly comforting considering the fact that he said the rest of his pride would. "He," Njia corrected tartly. "Javik is male." She was clearly quite defensive, which meant she was definitely alone out here - or rather that she was far enough away from the rest of her family to be considered alone.

Njia raised her chin so she could look towards her bonded bird. The subtle gesture was enough to catch Javik's attention, and the bird began to descend back towards the ground. Words weren't the only way to communicate - and while her teamwork with Javik wasn't as great as her mother's was with Nadra, it was still quite good. Javik landed between the two lions, as if a bird could really keep a scuffle from happening between the two.

"That... doesn't help," Njia wrinkled her nose. "I haven't spoken with anyone like that, but I also don't know physically who you're describing." She wasn't unkind. If Ciro was genuinely looking for someone, she would offer what information she could before the lion moved on his way and left her to her peace.

"We don't make a habit of running into anyone," Javik clarified. He spread out a wing, and began to preen his feathers as the two lions conversed. He was far more calm than his companion, and perhaps a little more trusting.

As the lioness correct the anatomy terminology of the vulture, Ciro found himself raising his front paws in defense. "My apologies, I did not mean to offend. I am not well versed in the avian genitalia," a bird was a bird. Males and females of their kind looked the same to the lion. Only some could he tell the difference, and that usually was the males being brightly colored to attract the female mates. "You can tell him he, Javik, can land." The lion continued to notate in his mind her reaction. She spoke of family to the vulture, yet was pretty wary herself. That either meant she was the strongest of them, or far from them currently (or both? Ciro would probably poke more at that thought later).

When the vulture landed, Ciro found himself resting more comfortably in a sit. There was no need to worry about those sharp talons coming at him from behind.

"I figured as much." It was worth a shot with his vagueness. "She is my charges' mother. Perhaps if you saw them, you would know if you had seen anyone like that." He thought out loud. It was an unlikely suggestion. Ciro probably figured if he this female would move from her spot with him, he'd either have to take her by force, or persuade her. Swaying her was probably a lot easier than fighting (although Ciro did not doubt his skills).

"Good idea. There's a lot of dangerous beings out here," Ciro's eyes darkened at his own comment. "Which is why it is imperative to always be on your guard." The lioness was pretty lucky. Having eyes on the ground in the sky, she'd probably be able to take care of herself. The lion chuckled when the culture began to preen. "Maybe you should take note from him. He is rather relaxed in my presence."

"What are you two doing out here then? These grounds are home to some unfriendly creatures" he pried.

"I would hope you wouldn't be looking for Javik's genitalia," Njia answered wryly and with a hint of a smile upon her features. That smile was brief. It wasn't easy to tell a bird's gender off the fly, but she wasn't going to let the lion have any excuses. Someone had to defend Javik's honor, because it was clear her companion didn't give two shits about what he was called so long as it wasn't an intentional insult.

"I would rather not..."

"She won't," Javik interjected. He cut a glare over to Ciro at the suggestion that Njia would go see who else this lion was hanging around with. Right now they had the numbers advantage, and Javik wasn't so comfortable that he'd give that up. He couldn't tell if the lion was seriously suggesting that they go meet his groupies, or whatever he wanted to call them. But, it was out of the question. Njia wasn't stupid enough, and Javik was protective enough of his friend not to let her go walk into a trap.

"He likes to put on a show," she responded, speaking up for Javik since the bird currently had his beak full of feathers. "Anyways, we're more than capable of handling ourselves out here, especially with the rest of my family in tow." Njia dropped the information as a careful reminder for Ciro. She wasn't alone, so don't try anything.

"We're looking for a new home. My mother's pride fell apart, and since then we've been wandering around through the roguelands, making do as we go along." She had no real reason to tell him this, but he was beginning to seem less and less like a threat. Still, she only trusted him about as far as she could throw him. That wasn't very far. "So I guess we're both out here looking for something."

“Sassy little thing, isn’t he.” Ciro asked, eyes peering at the vulture with its curt response. No matter, he didn’t think that would work. He couldn’t be that lucky. Oh well.

“Hmm.” Was his response, watching the bird with interest. “I bet he can be helpful. Hunts, sending messages, scouting from above. Tell me, how does one befriend such a creature?” Maybe an avian companion would be more helpful on their raids. It was a little off subject, but the reaver had not come across someone that had traveled with a companion as such, he wanted to know.

The dark lion made another sound of contemplation, listening to her words of how they were more than capable of handling themselves. His eyes gazed behind her, as if to expect the family to appear beyond the horizon. When he saw nothing, his eyebrow quirked. Shrugging lightly, his calm expression told her that he would not be attempting anything.

A new home? Ciro’s ears perked with interest. “Where are you from?” Let’s see if he could get some more information out of the female (or the vulture). “And what kind of home are you looking for?” The male asked. Now they were getting somewhere.

"It was a tradition in my pride for its members to form bonds with avians. For generations we secured bonds of friendship and benefit between one another. Javik and I just... well, we go together." She hadn't seen any other lions team up with birds in quite the same way her home pride had. It wasn't common, but the benefits were plentiful. The birds could help in a variety of areas, and the lions in turn could provide easy food and friendship for their avian companions. "My mother has Nadra, who is also a vulture. Their teamwork is... breathtaking really."

Njia found it hard to explain just how valuable and important her friendship with Javik was. It wasn't just that Javik was useful for scouting and hunting - he was her partner. "It was a pride called the Aka'mleli. It's been disbanded for a while now. Everyone has sort of moved on with their lives, and my family... well, we're just moving." The more they spoke, the more comfortable Njia seemed to become with Ciro. He hadn't made any further attempts to come closer to her, and if he was going to harm her, she was sure he would have done so by now.

Besides, Javik continued to seem unconcerned with the situation.

"I... don't know. For now I guess we're just looking? We've come across a few prides before, but it's rough going with..." She stopped herself suddenly. Njia didn't quite want this lion to know about her mother's ailment. It was better if Ciro believed that there was a strong family somewhere behind Njia.

“Interesting.” Ciro had not come across this pride she spoke of. As she was looking for a new pride to begin with, it likely did not exist anymore, putting two and two together. His thoughts were confirmed when she spoke of the Aka’mleli disbanded.

“Where was this…Aka’mleli of yours?” He questioned. He wondered if those lions were still hanging around it, and if they were, so were their avian bonds. If she’d give the location of the old pride, he could tell his captain, and then they could be in for a nice raid in the future. He rose to his feet from his current position, but remained the same length away from the female. He could tell he was earning her trust, he did not want to ruin that. His tail curled around his hind leg, glancing towards the sky. He hadn’t gotten what he wanted to do done before he needed to return to Astrus and Kristanf, but he told himself that it was worth it.

“Well, I am sure I could interest you in a few prides, being the well versed traveler I am. If, that is, you are interested in hearing about them.” He’d have to work Myrsky Syntynt into a good light, he wasn’t sure if he had given her the wrong impression on it earlier in their conversation.

“Rough going with…?” He enticed her, taking a small step towards the female. He watched her movement, her previously tensed position, and mostly her avian Javik.

"It doesn't matter anymore. I'm not even sure I remember the way back towards it now." That was a little bit of a lie. There was no way Njia did not know the way to her homelands. She had been born and raised there, and the area left a distinct impression upon her mind. She couldn't forget where she had come from, and a part of her would deeply regret it if she did. The dark lioness just didn't feel like it was a good idea to tell a stranger the exact directions to where her old pride had resided. It was likely that by now, some other pride had taken residence. The Aka'mleli lands were no longer any place to visit alone.

The lioness cast a dubious look towards Ciro. She wasn't sure what her mother's intentions were - perhaps they were doomed to wander eternally, but Njia certainly was tired of it. There was a desire to settle back down in the comfort of a pride, but there were few prides around that she felt would readily accept an entire group of 'outsiders'. "I may be," she admitted as the lioness finally took a seat. "It would be nice to have a home again, but I am not so lost without one either."

It figured that as soon as she began to settle down, the lion would begin to encroach on her personal space. She felt her heart skip a beat, and blamed it immediately on adrenaline from the other lion's action. Javik had stopped preening himself again, and fixed on Ciro a careful look. It was as if as soon as Njia had dropped her defenses, Javik had put them up. They would be a difficult pair to crack, but it seemed as if Ciro was making some progress.

"My mother..." What was she saying? This lion had no reason to know, and she quickly stopped herself from telling him. Why was she getting flustered now? It wasn't like her to trip up. "It really doesn't matter."

Ciro dared not move again. The other would likely calm down again, and he would find himself taking another step then, but not a moment sooner.

“Well, depending on how you and,” they were family she was traveling with by the sounds of it, “there are quite many options. You can go with the cookie cutter prides that welcome everyone. Or, you can prove your worth. If you are deemed worthy, you are welcome to stay.” To Ciro, the choice was obvious. If he wanted to live in a pride where everyone welcomed you with open arms, he’d be somewhere like the Pridelands. But what kind of life was that? You’d find more interest as a rogue. “But, if there are those not able to prove themselves, there are…other choices for them in these types of pride.” He let the thought linger, not mentioning the exact status of a thrall.

“Just from this little chat, and seeing your bond here, I think one pride may suit you well.” May not her family, he had yet to see them in action.

Aha, there she was, slowly cracking under Ciro’s words. “Ah, parents.” His were long gone, the life of a stormborn lion. He didn’t remember them. “Sometimes that can be rough. Can you not stray away from her?” Maybe he could find out just why she was still traveling with the older lioness.

Njia was beginning to suspect that he had a pride in mind already. He glossed over the idea of discussing prides that were far too 'normal', and seemed to be focusing on a different sort of pride entirely. She was intrigued. Why he wanted to help her was the more pressing concern, however. He had spoken with her, after information about some lioness Njia had never come across. But now here he was convincing her to join a pride. Since when did his intentions change, and what caused them to do so.

There were so many questions buzzing through Njia's head that she almost missed what else the lion had to say. "I do not need to prove my worth to anyone if they cannot already see it," she answered defensively. She was still a little on edge from his approach, but as time passed it was clear Ciro was wearing her down. "Why do you want to help me, anyways? I don't see why you could be so interested in me." Was he after information? What information could she even provide him that would be of use.

"No, I can't. I shouldn't have travelled this far ahead without them."

It dawned on her belatedly that she had admitted that she was now alone. For a moment the thought panicked her and she anxiously glanced over to Javik. Her bird was more focused on Ciro now, as if the trust that the lion had been allotted with was beginning to crumble. "But my brother is with her, and he's strong enough for the both of them." She was strong enough on her own, and she wasn't really alone with Javik here.

Well, she may have been correct about not having to prove her worth. She was feisty. Her bond was feisty. But these were things that Ciro had picked up during their conversation. He wasn’t quite sure if Reavers on the border would be so inclined to start a conversation to find this out.

The dark lion shrugged at her question, brushing it off. He had realized early on in the conversation that he would not be taking this gal for Kristanf. However, to say the pair did not intrigue the male would be an understatement. In fact, he’d have to find himself a bird companion in the near future. The bond between this lioness and Javik was fascinating.

“You seemed lost a first. It was my intention to guide you to what you were looking for.” He said honestly. He really wasn’t like a lot of Reavers. He did not take thralls easily, to him, they did not interest him as much as they did others. “And maybe I have just done so.” Another shrug. He really should be getting back, making sure his two stragglers were not at each other’s throats.

Ciro hummed in thought. He probably would not convince her in the next few moments to join his little group. “Well then,” he took a step back, intent of returning in the direction he had originally come. “I guess you should stay here and wait for your family then.” He eyed that vulture.

“Send him to find me if you decide you want to break away from your family for something that may be…a little bit more fulfilling in your life.” Live on the edge, Ciro wanted to say, but refrained.

"You haven't guided me anywhere," Njia pointed out with a fair amount of snark. She didn't want the lion to think he was doing her any favors. He was still a stranger, and she couldn't recall even knowing his name. Javik was still a little wary of him, too. They both had their reservations about the lion, but he didn't seem intent on causing them harm. Something was just... not right. Perhaps it was her mother's warnings drilling into her head not to trust strangers, or maybe it was something deeper.

"I guess I will, then." Only an idiot would stay in the same exact spot, but she was fine to let him think that if he circled back here, she would still be around. There was no way Njia would let herself get ambushed in the night by crazed lions. It was time to circle back to find her family again, but even the idea now didn't sit with her well. Was it something Ciro had said?

She frowned and stood back up. "Good bye, then," she told the lion. Njia turned around and began to walk away, confident that Javik would have her back if he made some stupid last attempt at something. She supposed the time for suspicions had passed, but still she allowed them to linger.

Njia walked until she could no longer see Ciro in the distance, and then directed Javik to come back down from the sky. "Do me a favor and follow him," she told the vulture.

"What is this? I thought you weren't paying him any mind." Javik landed beside her, curious as to his bonded's apparent change of mind.

"I just want to know where he's going and who he's with."

"This is a whole new level of stalking," and then Javik took off, leaving Njia's irritated sigh to be heard by no one.