The blood orange glow colored the darkening sky and was a sight to behold to any that watched the sun dipping down beyond the horizon. The deep colors were breathtaking and so vibrant it was a wonder how anyone would want to miss out on such a sight every evening. While the sunrise was just as lovely there was something about the setting sun and the oncoming stars that was just so captivating.

Asker, Nelly, Nkan, Aza, Litanu and Cheveyo had enjoyed a nice day on the beach in the Kizi’s lands and Nkan and been more than happy to play host to the three Bahari’s while his uncle and Mother had watched him take charge of sorts. It was nice to see him so willing to be such a gracious host and offer warm welcomes to their neighboring pridemates.

The six of them were currently enjoying the sunset though. Marveling in the way the water reflected the sky making it appear as though it never ended. Soon though the sun had faded and the moon had taken it’s place in the sky, stars dancing in the black ink above them. This was the life. None of them would trade it for anything in the world they didn’t think. Though Nelly had been considering leaving, as had Asker, little did they know it had been also in Nkan’s thoughts. It would appear the three of them might make shop in another pride one day, though that was a discussion for them during other times. For now, thoughts would be thoughts.

“Thank you so much for having us.” Cheveyo said to the large blue male with a proud smile upon his face. He had met Asker a long time ago, along with his sister so the two of them went back. This had been when Cheveyo had still been a rogue, but had been courting Livy at the time so he had often found himself at the Baharis gatherings where the Kizi often attended as well.

It had been good times for sure.

“It was no problem at all! We love having you over. It’s nice to see that the boys have grown up, though a little two quickly for my taste.” Nelly spoke up wishing her boy had stayed a boy forever. Though she knew that wasn’t possible. He was doing such a wonderful job being so welcoming to their friends. Though Litanu and him and grown up as cubs together so it was nice to see they still had a sort of bond.

Aza was the old one out, she had come well after all this so she was new to the group but not cared about less. The care was equal in this group which was a very pleasent feeling. She’d have to find Pili when they got back to the pride, that female was kindred to her in so many ways so she was going to have to talk to her about her feelings of rebellion when she got a chance.

“The crab was especially delightful!” Aza mentioned as she thought of it’s wonderful texture upon her tongue still. It had been so delicious. They had crabs in the Bahari but they were much harder to catch with all the rocks they had. Here there were flat sands so they were easier to run down and snag up.

“You’re most welcome. The boys didn’t mind doing the brunt of the catching did you.” Asker laughed. It was true, Litanu and Nkan had made a game of it, whoever caught the most crabs won. Not that there was a prize, but they had ended up with a decent sized lot and it had fed all of them well enough to sate them. “I Almost had you, next time I’ll get the most.” Litanu said grinning over and Nkan who puffed his chest proudly. “We shall see about that.” He laughed.

All in all they had a wonderful time, the beach was a wonderful place and Aza was going to make a point to come here and visit more in the future. She’d definitely have to bring Pili along, perhaps one or two of her siblings that she could tolerate. She wondered if that black coated male was still lurking around. He had very much captivated her attention and she wanted to seek him out if he was still on location.

Cheveyo yawned and looked back towards the sky. “I think the three of us should be getting going though.” He said standing up. Not that he had complete charge of the group, he was the oldest though and that had to count for something. “I promised Livy that I’d have Litanu back before midnight.” It wasn’t a terribly long journey back but it was still a trek. “Oh no worries, we hope you come and visit again soon.” Nelly said, her brother agreeing. “Maybe we can have round two of the crab catching.” Nkan said with a wink towards Litanu who nodded his head. “You know it!”

Aza gave a warm smile towards both Nelly and Asker, “It was nice to meet the three of you. I hope we cross paths again soon.” She said as she joined Litanu not too far ahead waiting for Cheveyo. “I think we’re going to be having another gathering in the near future, you should all try to come.” They usually came anyway so he was fairly certain he didn’t need to invite them but he thought he would just go ahead and put it out there anyway.

“We will definitely keep our ears out for news.” Asker said knowing that if the Bahari had a gathering they would most certainly be showing their faces in the pride. “Save travels back to the Bahari.” Nkan said waving at them as the three of them headed back towards their pride. It had been nice having them over for the day and they hoped to see their friends again soon. As they watched them walk out of sight the three of them turned and headed back towards their dwellings for the night.

WC: 1018 Asker, Nkan, Nelly, Aza, Litanu and Cheveyo