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There had been plenty of lionesses approaching Safura since she became a mother, especially to such beautiful cubs. They had offered their advice and she had taken some of it, since many of them were experienced mothers. Yet, one thing certainly had changed. Her eye wandered less onto the males of the pride. When she first started in this pride, her goal was always to find the most eligible male and have as many cubs as she could. It was the best way to gain renown in the pride.

But now, she only had eyes for her daughters. She did not wonder after her sons, knowing that Kuhasa would do his best to look out after them and that they were safe at his side. She would wonder after them, she had decided, if any of them came to challenge for Kuhasa's former position. The male that had usurped him, a silver male with oddly colored eyes, had recently been kicked out and replaced, without so much of the other lionesses noticing him. He hadn't come close to what Kuhasa had accomplished in the pride, the lioness thought with a haughty sniff.

Now, she spent her time watching her daughters, but since they had started to grow bigger, she worried less and spent more time speaking with her pride sisters about how lovely they were. They had lovely stripes and smooth, shimmering coats and all manner of delightful dispositions, at least in Safura's mind. To the traditionalist types, they may be more out-spoken, but Safura didn't care for tradition as much as she did when she sought out favor and prestige.

Today, she was in the vicinity of her cubs, as usual, where she could observe them, but also give them space. As usual, one of her pride sisters approached. She peered at the red coat, perhaps one of Andhaka's daughters, she thought. One of the older, she noted, but smiled all the same.

"Thank you." She said and cast her gaze over her shoulder and at the cubs. "I'm quite enamored with them myself. I can only imagine how the eligible males of their time will be stumbling over themselves to get to them." She purred content with the situation. Yet at the proposal of the lioness, she paused and looked up at the other. "You want advice from me?" That was certainly a surprise. She was so used to others coming to her to give their advice, not wanting to receive it. "Well yes, I suppose we can do that. Here, lay down, pride sister. I'll tell you all about it."

It was then that she started on how she'd approached Kuhasa with her offer, speaking to him about legacies because the Inselelo never stayed as long as the