He crouched in the underbrush, panting. He didn't stop running until there had been a few good miles between him and the cave. A growl nearly escaped his throat. How could he have been so stupid?! He should know how to pick them better! And he still needed to stick around for the scales. It had been a fun night and decent morning... oh how fast it went downhill.

Sighing, he dropped to the ground, rolling on his back to stare up at the bit of sky peeking through the branches of the trees. How was he going to sneak around now...

Saisana dug her claws into a tree and pulled down with her full strength, tearing bark and wood from the trunk. She repeated the action over and over, both sharpening and keeping her claws short but strong. It was a good way to get out some pent-up energy, too, and once she was finished her muscles burned delightfully. Shaking a little twig out from between her toes, she turned her gaze to the rogue lands, eager to step into them and wander around a bit.

She was about to head off when a trembling bush caught her attention in a bit of a thicket not far from where she stood. She could hear noise as well although it was hard to make out what it was. A warthog, perhaps? It looked big, judging by the shape moving in the shadows. The shaking stopped but the figure remained on the ground, looking away from her. Not a warthog, she thought to herself as she lowered her body to the ground and began to approach.

She wasn't far from her target when she realized it was a lion, and not one she recognized, either. Hm...did he know how close he was to the border? Rather than attacking, she gave a short but powerful roar to try to startle him. Ha...seeing him jump would be funny.

Something was tearing trees down. Something strong. And something that Lijen just wasn't up to meet yet. He ignored it, thinking he was hidden quite well. His pelt really did help in jungle and heavy foliage areas and in the water but not much elsewhere. Sighing, he continued to consider where he should hide out, all the while keeping an ear on the distance between him and whatever was pulling down the trees.

Obviously, they must have gotten bored, because the noise stopped.

Well, about time he moved on as well. Sucking in a breath, he was about to roll over, when a loud roar startled him.s**t, Eydis had found him! Quickly he scrambled to his feet, ready to dart away, when he saw... a dark pelt. Not a light one.

And a woman.

He stopped trying to run, forgetting how goofy he must have looked trying to run away. "Why, hello," he murmured. Really, it was almost an instinct!

Saisana got exactly what she wanted. The male, already in the process of getting up, jumped right up and turned to face her with a surprised look on his face. It quickly melted into one of delight and even just a hint of flirtation if she were to be the judge. Grinning, she lifted herself up to stand as well, tail flicking in amusement.

"Hey there," she said casually, not terribly influenced by the look on his face nor the tone of his voice. "Not sure I've seen you around before. You're awful close to the border, you know? Someone might think you're waiting to challenge someone." She'd heard of that happening before, hapless lions walking too close to the edge of the Stormborn and eaver Reavers bringing them in as Thralls if they denied a challenge.

Why, she was pretty. And judging by the braid and general tough look, stormborn. Had he learned his lesson? "I'm only waiting for a beautiful woman such as yourself to show up." No, he had not learned his lesson. He gave a small laugh and sat. He was certain he could get away if she planned to try and catch him.

"I'm just a simple merchant looking for some things of value. I have no intentions of challenging anyone, as much as I would love to live in such a pride with beautiful woman such as yourself,," he informed her. And realization struck. He had left... his treasures... back at the cave. His smile faltered, looking more forced and pained. He didn't want to risk going back to the cove, either. Damn. "And who do I have the pleasure of meeting?"

A merchant, huh? Saisana tilted her head a bit, trying to picture him selling things to others. He did have a very charming air about him and he could probably sell spots to a leopard, so she supposed it fit the bill. His expression changed a bit before asking her name and he looked almost as if he were in pain. Strange.

"Saisana," she said, not at all hesitant about giving him her name before laughing softly. "I dunno, Merchant, it's a little rough and tumble here. You look a little too skittish to make it," she teased, giving him a little wink. "Do you have a name or shall I just call you Merchant?"

Well, he didn't come for random treasures, just the scales. This will be fine. The sea glass and other trinkets were just a convenience. "Saisana," he nearly purred, a small grin on his face. His smirk dropped, however, eyes blown wide, before he laughed. "Skittish? I suppose stormborn gals are certainly cut from tougher stuff than the rest of us," Lijen mused. This was interesting.

"I would love if you would call me Lijen," he murmured, tilting his head to the slide slightly. "What has brought you out and about today, Saisana?"

The look of surprise on the male's face made Saisana grin, and when he laughed she joined in with him. It seemed he had been hanging around the pride for a bit now if he knew about Stormborn ladies. How he hadn't been caught yet was beyond her, but perhaps he was better at sneaking than she had seen just now.

"Lijen. Nice t'meet you," she said, still rather amused by the way he was speaking. "I was going to head out into the rogue lands, see if I could find something interesting to do. Didn't have to look too far," she added with a laugh, reaching out a paw to give Lijen a playful shove.

Well, wasn't she playful. Lijen's grin widened, happy to hear that this lady found him interesting. Perhaps he had found a warm body and pleasurable companion for the night, after all.
"I am glad to be of assistance," he bowed playfully, only to have it ruined by the shove. He let out a laugh. "I am on my way to do a bit of swimming in the sea. Care to join me?" he asked in a near purr. Maybe she knew of a secret spot that was concealed. So that his previous lay didn't find him. That would definitely ruin his plans for that night.

The offer to swim was an interesting one. Saisana had never willingly ended up in the ocean, but perhaps wading in wouldn't be too bad. "If you know of a place to get to the water without jumping off a cliff, lead the way," she said with a grin. She could spend some time with this rogue and keep other Reavers off his scent. He seemed like a decent enough guy and she didn't think he'd do well in the Stormborn at all, especially since he'd probably end up as a Thrall. Types like him should roam free to do as they pleased.
"Let's go," she said cheerfully, stepping off towards the sea.

w.c.: 1,304