Freya = Cheza
Ali`dido = *Greenie

With the birth of her grandchildren, you think the lioness would've been at their den, fussing over little paws and little ears. Most lions found joy in the expansion of family, whether the parents were mated or not. Freyja was not.
Instead, the white lioness paced outside of her own den, stopping once in a while to sit on her haunches and bite at her nails. This was utterly disgraceful. She'd raised her children to be stronger than this, but then again, her daughter had always been weaker than her teachings allowed for.
She'd been weak herself to not cull the cub before she could grow, but alas, even she had found Freya's stubbornness endearing.... at the time.
Now she was almost sickening to be near.

Even now, had Freyja even made an attempt to approach her daughter's cubs, she was sure she'd be chased off. Despite her flaws, Freya had been smart despite her lack of strength, and she knew exactly what her mother was capable of.
What she was planning.

She had met Helvegr in secret before, recognising a spark in the young cub much like her own blood, and she had been interested in him from the start. None of the others had sought her out like he had, but she was open-minded to them if they dared to approach her. She hoped they weren't fearful of the idea.

Despite him, Freyja had something pawing at the back of her mind. An idea that required a willing male, and surely there were enough red-blooded males within the pride more than willing to take her up on her offer. Then again, someone new would be preferred, as she'd made herself somewhat well-known with raising her cubs within the prides border. No, no she would have to sway a complete stranger, and put on quite an act to swoon him to act in her favor.

She could not rely on a grandson when a direct-born child should carry on her existence. Undiluted.

: The green lion had dropped his cubs where he could and had decided against leaving right away at the request of his eldest daughter. She seemed distraught that he had intentions of leaving at all. Something the lion hadn't thought of which made him feel incredibly down on his luck - darn cubs actually liked him. The thought was sarcastic, but broke his heart.

Ali had been feeling the pressures of fatherhood to an extent that lead him towards the centermost of the pride. It was active with brute-ish individuals downing fermented fruit like it had been going out of style. He scoffed in their direction, but mildly wished he had the ability to conciously drink to that degree. It'd remove the feeling he had burrowing in his heart. What would they do when they decided to leave him? Fly the coop so to speak? The thoughts prodded at him. He'd have many ways to travel to see his children, should they go where he suspected. He had been pleasantly surprised at how correctly he'd named them.

"May I?" Having been awa for home as long as he had his manners had developed well enough to request attention without slander of some kind. His outlandish tendencies often afforded him strange glances and narrowed eyes. A time or two he had to talk his way out of an unnecessary fight.. then there were those he just couldn't manage to get out of. Scars painted his body, but they weren't from his adventures, they were from right here at home. "A drink." He said plainly to the individual controlling the fermented fruit.

Once a drink was in paw he turned to glance about at the others surrounding the zone. The pride was well populated and so there wasn't often a quiet moment.

The idea crossed her mind to explore, but why she would end up at essentially a pridal pooling ground of those within the pride even she couldn't answer. Se took note of more than a few lions drunk on any number of things offered to stunt the mind, and though she had dabbled in it before, her 'mission' required a sobriety that she couldn't afford to lose.

It was then she spotted the green male, unfamiliar, and her eyes flashed dangerously. She didn't recognize him and maybe, that alone, would be in her favor. She made herself walk more casually than she would've liked, luck on her side as most of the lions were too inebriated to point her out among their numbers. She wound her way through them, seemingly bringing herself closer to get drinks before deciding to just go for it, tossing a look over her shoulder as she sidled up next to him, "Is everything fermented, or would you have water?" She asked the attendant, giving a smirk with a warning radiating off her in waves, which he wisely heeded and made no comment as he served her something of the diluted and tamed variety, though she knew it not to be water with a quick glance. It would do.

She took a tentative sip, pleased with the flavor, and turned her attention to Ali, "You aren't familiar to me, but you're certainly not new." She motioned to the marks marking him, much like the ones she bore.

Unobservant in his current state he didn't spy the female that had been apparently gunning towards him. Certainly not inebriated he did notice when she parked herself squarely next to him and made a point of speaking to him. In preparation of starting a conversation he had set down the crudely made cup and glanced in her direction. "I'm inclined to agree." He mused sarcastically. "You aren't familiar to me either, but that might be because I haven't stayed home for very long in the past." Truthfully this bout of his time in the Myrsky Syntynyt was arguably his longest.

"What's on your mind?" He asked her politely before returning his attentions to the drink he had so quickly abandoned. Should the conversation take a turn for something more exciting than his drink he might be inclined to replace it upon the counter setup.

She smirked, "Maybe I have half a mind to get to know you, that wouldn't be too awful, would it?" Best keep her intentions under wraps, for the moment, though she certainly made it an option with her little question. Her drink was sweet, but she feared the attendant thought he was funny, because it most certainly was NOT going to be keeping her clear-headed, and when she casually looked for him, making as if to toy with her concoction, she found he'd discreetly moved himself to cater to someone else, and she had to give him credit for being a bit ballsy.
Though she would definitely make sure he regretted it in the days to come, putting to memory his appearance and the fact he was ignoring her, quite well in fact. She slid her gaze back to her companion, "My name is Freyja. If you choose not to stay long this time around, I'll take small comfort in you knowing that much." She purred out the last word, boldening herself and taking another sip of her drink.

If there was one thing he could appreciate than it was someone being forward with him. "You'd like that, hm?" His golden gaze returned to the lioness, but his face remained pointed towards the 'barkeeper'. "What did you want to know precisely?" He queried her with the intent to find out her true, hidden meaning. Some knew that he was fairly well travelled and often times that meant getting information out of him. He was always eager to scout ahead and discover new places. But he figured she was probably looking for something a little more intimate, something to do more with production and den warming.

"Freyja." He said her name slowly and finally gave her his attention. His face followed where his eyes had already turned and eventually he was able to get a full look of the lioness seated next to him. She was pale, a mess of mane tumbling from the top of her head. There were also scar, a lioness that had either left the pride to get them or did some dirty work around here. Was she originally born of the storm? He wondered the question momentarily before finally speaking. "My name is Ali." He told her slowly. "I have no intentions of going anywhere, unless coaxed." He mused lightly.

"Ali." She purred, "I'll be blunt, as battling around the bush is.... well frankly, too flowery for me." She watched him, curious to see how he might handle himself in the following few words she spoke and deciding if he didn't pass her test, maybe he wouldn't be worth her time afterwards...
"I want to know you as only a female can. And I do have a goal in mind, though you may choose to take no part in it after this day, or even this point, and I would think no lesser of you for it. "A lie, but best to be pleasant when asking such a thing, even from an iron-blooded male who was sure not to refuse... if he should, he had his way out easily enough.
"I am a Reaver, though I do not travel often. Quite frankly, the prospect of someone outside the pride is... not a prospect." She smirked, inwardly cringing at the idea of letting a weak soul lay a paw on her. Even at a begging standpoint, someone non-Stormborn was just downright beneath her.
She sipped her drink, emboldened though it was not a necessary feeling, and looked at him from beneath her lashes, "Is that coaxing enough?"

Ali wasn't startled, alarmed, or taken aback by her reaction. In fact he remained quite calm through her statements and even grew a small grin. Perhaps one of his most Stormborn-like qualities was his enjoyment of a lioness here or there. Of course he shared the muscles and such as well.

"I'll be frank with you.." he smiled fondly " you have been with me. You're the first to be so brazen about the subject. It's.. refreshing." He mused at her. The lack of travel left him a little bewildered, but she explained and he understood why. He knew that the prides females held themselves to a different set of standards and often times this were the way things went - only interested in what the Stormborn has accepted as worthy.

Things made sense now.

"That is certainly coaxing enough." He had to admit that he felt set upon a pedestal by her request of him. He wondered if females felt this way when they were propositioned? The thought faded from his mind quickly and he dove right back into reality.

"Now, my den is filled with cubs at the moment. You have a place in mind?" Cubs, he figured, wouldn't deter her - that meant he was indeed able to give her what she so desired. If she only knew the full extent of his ability.

She tried to keep the sense of victory from her gaze, but a sparkle or two may have glimmered her gaze.
Of course she took a risk, and it had paid off in her favor.
Undeterred by the fact his den was occupied, she found herself delighting in it. It only proved that he wasn't going to be a lost cause.
She lifted a brow, "My den has been empty for too long, it could use the entertainment."
If cave walls could speak, they'd probably be aghast at the fact she was bringing someone back to it. Her daughter saw well enough to keep her from her grandchildren as it was, and Hel had already visited once for the day and its what he could be counted on for.
But if walls could speak, she supposed she'd war with them constantly and it would drive her mad, and the fact she was lingering on the notion was a testament to her sanity as it was.
Abandoning her drink after a last sip, not bothering to finish it and making damned well sure her previous attendant knew he was in for trouble later for it, she gestured with her head, nodding off to the left of them both.
"You can always come back for another drink, if you need it."

"I'm definitely entertaining."

He hadn't missed the glimmer in her eye, the way the sparkle cast a dark shadow on the whole experience was alarming. If his brain was suggesting he take a pause and step to the sidelines then it was lost in translation and he continued on with the plan.

"True." He admitted to the drink he would be abandoning.

Lifting himself from his seat he smiled to her. "Lead the way."