More than just dragons had been excited. The entire Weyr was practically abuzz once news had filtered thru it: Vimiath’s clutch had hit the sands. Martirae steeled her heart against the blossom of hope that attempted to seed itself there. There was no use getting excited. There was even less point in getting her hopes up. She'd been left on the sands waiting this long, after all.

So as several of her fellow candidates shirked their chores to head out to see the eggs, Marty waited. She continued to clean where asked, to peel tubers when requested, and put the eggs out of her mind. It would only be when several days has passed and the overall buzz had died down that the young woman finally found a quiet evening after bathing to creep out to the Hatching Grounds. Even in the growing dark Marty knew the familiar path under her feet. The dimly lit sands didn't offer much view at night for the new clutch, however.

Marty remained at the opening of the grounds, pausing to consider the bronze who had fathered the clutch as he kept post outside. An eager to please oaf and a baby obsessed aging gold. It didn't get her any more excited about the eggs to see them both, but she reeled those thoughts in close to her. They were for her and no dragon would be allowed to freely listen in on them until they took post in front of her and declared above all that she was theirs. On that, Martirae was firm.

Still, she could make out the shape of the eggs with their mother dutifully lingering nearby. She didn't come close, but counted from the distance what she could tell. Not huge, no obviously favored egg. No queen? Oh, she knew a handful of girls who would be disappointed to learn such. Marty hadn't decided if that mattered to her or not. She had been careful to make sure no egg, no dragonet captured her desires too strongly. It warded off disappointment.

Some would be excited to have anything and perhaps this clutch would suit that and those who felt it. She, however, would wait to see if perhaps the Touching in weeks to come would change her mind.