There was nothing particularly extraordinary about the day. The same sun beat down on the earth, the same clouds dappled the blue sky overhead and the same prey beasts meandered through the fields with that thoughtless grace they had always had.

She should have been hunting but instead she found herself watching the small herd, considering the words Do'al always preached to her. Life was qpredictable. He hated it, loathed the idea of letting life lull into boredom. As the years passed, Makri had begun to wonder if there wasn't perhaps some beauty in the predictability. She would not always be strong enough to take out her prey with ease, she would not always have the strength to withstand attacks. Do'al could always coax someone else to his bidding but her?

The dark lioness cracked her great jowls on a yawn and finished it with a deep sigh. She was in no mood to hunt just yet and her stomach hardly felt empty. The beasts could continue their clueless grazing for a while yet. For the moment she was content to sit and watch from her perch uphill.

Qual tossed his mane out of his eyes as he peered around the rogue lands. This was his first time out and about, but he had been training hard to survive on his own so he could do his future job. Recruiting for the pride was important as bringing in new blood would keep the lines from getting too interbred and it was always nice having new Sador as well. Today was an easy mission - just familiarize himself with the surrounding areas.

But Qual hadn't been born to do as he was told, oh no. He wanted to prove that he was better than what was expected of him, which was why when he saw a beautifully marked lioness not far from where he stood, he couldn't help himself. Her purple coloration was just as desired as his own, the deep hues and intricate details prime Demon material. He couldn't believe his luck!

Blowing his mane up and away from his eyes, the young male sauntered over in her direction, the confidence of youth and having grown up in a pride dulling his sense to the fact that she might not appreciate someone waltzing in on her.

"You're kind of alone to be so pretty," he said smoothly, completely missing the mixed-up words. He was just a bit nervous despite his bravado and he was so focused on doing well that all of his training was slowly draining out of his mind, leaving him with his own awful lines for the time being.

There had been no attempt on his part to disguise the sound of his approach which, for him, was the difference between outright aggression and only mild annoyance in her response. Both of her ears swiveled to listen to the sound of his feet and the fur at the base of her neck bristled involuntarily, giving her that air of hostility that she had become so known for during their travels.

Only.. he was foolish and blunt enough that even her edge of anger dulled. Instead, she laughed, short and disbelieving and settled her bright eyes on his peculiar coat. Even with a hint of laughter, her dark mask pulled her features to permanent wickedness.

"And you seem rather clueless to be so brave, boy," but he had her attention, at least that was something.

he purple lioness didn't seem terribly impressed by his pick-up line which was a little disappointing and the fact that she called him 'boy' made him huff softly. He was hardly a boy anymore. His mane was coming in quite nicely thank you very much! Still, he didn't let his irritation get the best of him. He was going to win this lady over and bring her back to the pride and make his mentors proud!

"Clueless...ha! Don't think so," he said with an easy grin as he stopped a few paces away from her. "If I was clueless I wouldn't be talking to you right now. My name is Qual, and you'd make a fine demon if I do say so myself." Which he did, since he was one. His own demon hadn't spoken to him yet, but he knew it would happen soon and he was ready for it when it came.

One dark brow raised at his peculiar admiration but it was silence that met his words at first, punctuated only by the careful whip of her tail behind her. He didn't seem so difficult a creature to overcome if she felt like it - his mane was new, his demeanor completely unprepared for an attack. If she had a mind to she could have turned on him in a half breath.

And yet, somewhat about him was interesting. Do'al had always urged her to gather information before she tried to slit throats, after all.

"A demon? I suppose that I should be flattered." Yet she only sounded skeptical even if she was pushing herself up into a sitting position that put their eyes on a more even level - and, too, gave her more room to strike if she felt like it. "Except that you are talking nonsense to my ears. Why do you care about demons?"

"Yes!' Qual exclaimed with a surprising amount of passion, his tail whipping back and forth in excitement. "Those with the opportunity to control and use their inner power that is granted to them by their companion are a rare group, and you are a prime example of one who has yet to awaken that power." An adult would have to learn the ways of a pride before attempting their Name Quest, but Qual had been assured rogue adults had joined and successfully found their true names without issue. This lioness was perfect in coloration - her purples were deep and becoming, her markings quite fetching, and there was not a scrap of pale on her. Qual's own colors - gold, a deep red, and a dusty black - were highly sought after in the pride as well. Together they were the perfect example of demons waiting to be properly initiated.

"You would do well in the Aegnor'hini," he went on, not at all bothered by her tone or her change in posture. "With your appearance and what I've seen of your personality you could achieve great things, rise in the ranks quickly...everyone would adore you and certainly respect you." He paused for a moment and tilted his head, a grin on his face. "You'd have quite a bit of attention from the gentlemen as well."

Oh, but she wanted to laugh. Not because he was attempting so clearly to flatter her under the guise of some ulterior motive but because he so dearly sounded like a young, foolish version of her eldest brother. He, too, was a flatterer filled with hopes and dreams of helping others better themselves. Perhaps this boy was only hoping to further his own reputation by recruiting her to whatever this Aegnor'hini was (a pride, she suspected) but even still, the resemblance was amusing to her. How long had it been since she'd seen Roshan last?

"Quite the list of possibilities, little recruiter," she mused, purring the words out. She was actually weighing his words, at least, and considering what he had to say. A year ago and she would have scoffed at him, perhaps left a scar for him to remind him not to be so foolish in who he chose to approach, but he had come to her at a time that she was already considering finding a place to retire before old age came to find her. Do'al would be displeased at such a decision but unsurprised, she suspected, and what better place was there than one that so clearly and absolutely would worship her for what she was? Makri was a lioness that could get behind a little worship.

"And what, exactly, would such a place require of me, hm? I've no interest in working myself to the bone for a bit of admiration."

It seemed the lioness was actually listening to what he had to say and he gave a quick thought of thanks to whatever gods happened to be listening. Her comment made him laugh and he shook his head slightly.

"No, working to the bone are for those that are not worthy to have a demon companion. Your coloration is a highly desired one in the pride and if you're good at whatever task you choose to take, I can't see why you wouldn't rise to the high class after your Name Quest. I am a Ran'ar'ma in training, it's my job to leave the pride to find new members, new Sador, new alliances...we don't want to stagnate," he added with a little shake of his head.

"I'm sure whatever it is you enjoy doing, there's a place for you within my pride," he added with a charming grin. "Whether it's hunting or singing or simply gracing us with your presence, I have no doubt you'd fit right in." What had started as an adrenaline-charged, awkward conversation was now turning into a genuinely impressive bid for the female to join Qual back to the territory he had come from. Not bad for his first training run!

Makri eyed him for a long moment, listening to his words and digesting them, playing them again and again through her thoughts. Her eyes flickered out to the horizon where she knew, somewhere beyond, Do'al was putting together another plan of his to seek out some unsuspecting soul and torment them. It was always the same with him.

She could belong somewhere, at last, like she had not since the older male had gotten them exiled from the lands of their birth. If what the boy said was true this place could turn out to be something important to her. She wouldn't have to be second to Do'al any longer, dependent on his whims, pulled along by the strings that determined his fate. She loved him but, too, she would love the chance to not worry or concern herself over his enemies.

"Alright," she said, almost disbelieving herself as she spoke, "I'm willing to follow you back home and see what all of this is about. I'd be lying if I said this wasn't a peculiar bit of coincidence today."

With a deep sigh, she pushed herself up and flexed her long, dark legs in front of her. The stretch pulled along her muscles pleasantly and caused each of her sharp front claws to flex. When she stood, she leveled her gaze on him again.

"But I won't stay if I don't like it. I don't make promises."

Qual was very nearly trembling with anticipation as to the lioness' answer. When she gave it it was a real struggle not to leap for joy. His first attempt had been a success!

"Of course," he said with a grin. Sadors wouldn't be allowed to change their mind, but lions that looked like her were guaranteed to come and go if they didn't enjoy the life. No one would dare force a lion of her coloration to stay if she didn't want or fear bringing down the wrath of some slumbering demon.

"This way, my lady," he said, turning with a little pounce to head back in the direction of home. "While you can't promise you'll stay, I can promise you'll enjoy the walk there." Now that he had settled into his role, Qual was sure his charming personality would keep her entertained to the boarder at they very least.