Yet again when she had sought out her sister she was gone. Everytime she had plans to share or new ideas it seemed her elder sister was taken with something. Their mother had encouraged the different ways each cub had begun to grow, but what about encouraging each other? It wasn't long before she discovered what was dividing Sabia's attentions. One side was for her family and the other was for.. family? Croatoia was shocked and in awe to see what she could only guess as their father standing above the crimson lioness and 'educating' her.

How dare they.

Croatoia opted to remove herself from the family grounds when she saw Sabia begin to regularly disappear. Each time she would stalk her 'prey' and their father. She caught bits and pieces.. discovering that her fathers name was Angra Mainyu. The beast was vile to his daughter for the most part, but seemed to maintain a fairly mild relationship. As though he was with her for a purpose. That purpose didn't seem to be a good one. But Croa had a hard time defining right from wrong, good from bad.

Finally, after many nights of the repeated meetings she decided it was time she meet her father face to face and get her own one on one time.



The massive male lion turned to glimpse at the daughter he had gotten used to seeing prowling about. The last couple times he had even lost sight of her and wanted to give her praise for her increased ability in stealth. Instead he opted to not give the praise and instead continued to pretend as though she weren't there. Of course that all changed when she became bold enough to step out of the shadows and speak with him. His ears flicked about a moment, listening to hear if there were other little paw steps. No. "You're alone?" He asked with a raised brow. He was mildly impressed - he had chosen Sabia`deimos because she seemed to stick out, but he hadn't given this wee tyke a chance. He should have.

"Is that a problem?" She asked curiously. Sabia had come here by herself all the time, was she not capable of doing the same? Her temper was rising as she spoke with him. All of the jealousy was coming to light very quickly and she did what she could to maintain a collected expression. A tantrum on her first meeting with him wouldn't likely go over so well she figured. "Well of course not." He responded coolly and smiled fondly at the surprise trophy daughter that had managed to collect herself.

"Did you have any questions for your dear old Dad?"

Oh boy did she! The cub straightened herself up and dropped her rump, signifying that she simply wouldn't be going anywhere anytime soon. "Well.." She began with large eyes and a tail swishing back and forth behind her. "Why do hide over here? Why do you only talk to Sabia and why does Mom hate you?" She started off with simple questions. Her mind had already wandered to her affections for plants and what they could possibly do. Croatoia hadn't been the paw to start this.. but she had witnessed a youthful hare eat a plant which caused it to convulse and eventually perish. The scene had been so exciting that she had been tempted to try the plant herself. But her mother had scooped her up before she could. They wouldn't eat the young hare that day.. according to her mother the hare had been tainted.

"Hide?" His tone became dark, cold, and terrifying. The cub shivered at the sound of his voice and even shrunk away. "I do not hide over here." Angra visibly calmed the storm that gurgled beneath its surface. "I merely am strategically placed away from you and your bumbling idiot siblings." He sneered slightly in the direction where she knew her siblings were getting prepared to lay down for the evening. Her mother would be calling for her soon. "As for your sister.. she showed some promise for something." Croa was about to open her mouth to ask about the 'something'. "Shush, child." He raised a paw to her. "If you keep it up I'll let you in, but not until I know you are capable enough."

"Well, what about my last question?" She asked him curiously. "Why don't you ask your mother that question?" A dark smile grew on his lips and he lowered himself to his daughter. "I'm sure she has a lot to say about that all on her own." He watched as the cub shrunk completely and was nearly on her belly under his intense stare. But she remained to stare right back at him. Impressive. "But Mom has already tried to answer questions about you, she won't approach that subject, not completely." She admitted with a small whine. "Well you clearly aren't trying hard enough." He snarled lightly at her and leaned away - here he had hope.

"Go back to your den and curl up with your little family." He had turned away by now and raised a paw to shoo her. "You'll need your beauty rest if you plan to stalk Sabia tomorrow." He commented dryly and had half a mind to cut the pair off completely. For now though he would leave it all be.. Sabia would never know about her sisters stalking and at this point he wasn't sure if Croatoia would ever know about his plans.

"Fine." Her remark was met with a roll of his eyes. She returned the eye roll with one of her own. Then she stood, stretched and yawned before scampering off her to siblings and mother.

"Croatia, where were you?" Sabia spoke up before their mother even had a chance to say anything. Only because she had her own suspicions of where the cub had been. "None of your business, Sabia." Her response was almost exactly what Sabia had expected and she nearly knocked her sister over the head. That was when they both received a tired glare from their mother that suggested it was time to go to bed.

"Yes.." They both droned on.