Sucana and Nimi had been meekly biding their time as the season passed. Though they had agreed that fleeing was of utmost importance, they also had agreed that the timing also would have to be perfect. Unfortunately, such perfection had not happened, and weeks and months had slipped by. Sucana knew that Nimi was beginning to lose the hope that had hesitantly arisen as they had made their plans.

During moments when they were certain they would not be overheard, they discussed their nominal plan and the circumstances that would have to surround it. "Barring catastrophe in the camp," Sucana would say, "Reza will have to be incapacitated in some way." Obviously it wasn't something either of them could accomplish, and none would assist them in doing so. This was the most delicate and untrustworthy part of the plan. It hinged on Reza doing something or the camp being in some situation that allowed them an extended period of being free from constant supervision. Optimally, it also should be at least partly dark, giving them more cover.

"When he is," Nimi would reply, "I remove my chains and veils." This was vital to the plan, since her costume chimed and rang even when she moved slowly. That was part of the allure, of course, but it also made her very easy to keep track of. Sucana hated to think of the small cacophony she'd create while sprinting as only a cheetah could! There also was the slight hope that, if they took none of his wealth with them, he might be more likely to give up the chase sooner. It was a slim hope, but they'd take anything at this point.

"Then we find a way to steal out of camp," Sucana continued, trying to put more confidence in her voice than she really felt. This was the second most vulnerable part of their plan. Getting out of the camp unchallenged was nearly as unlikely as Reza letting up his vigil over his prized dancer. Still, she had been occupying her days by mentally coming up with ways to sneak out of camp using what she could see, both objects and behaviors, on a daily basis.

"And we run for all we are worth," Nimi would finish with zest. It was clear that the lithe cheetah was missing the chance to run across open ground. No cheetah was made to be caged like this, and dancing did little to relieve her natural desire to race unfettered, whether after prey or just for the joy of it. Sucana privately wondered if they would end up being separated at that point, considering that she had no hope of keeping up with a sprinting cheetah. She'd worry about that when the time came, though.

So their little plotting whispers went, every chance they got. With these words and other, silent encouragements, they kept each other's spirits up and hopes alive.

One late afternoon, as the sun began to sink redly against the horizon, their first chance at freedom came.

Reza was feeling very pleased with himself indeed. His star was rising among the traveling troupe! The pouch he kept slung beneath his mane at all times now had swollen to near bursting, and he'd taken the time to barter for a larger, more secure bag from one of the vendors. He had yet to transfer his growing fortune into it, but was stopped on his way back to the spot of ground he had claimed for himself and his performers. To his delight, it was the (somewhat) undisputed leader of their ragtag group, a very large and very scarred lion with a crooked jaw.

The resulting conversation had been very much to his liking, as the big guy had offered him a larger, more prominent spot in the troupe's layout, in return for a bigger cut of his take. It was a calculated risk, as it could backfire and end up costing him more than he made. However, with Nimi dancing for him, it could only spell more fortune for him, as they'd get more attention this way. Pleased with himself, he made an additional purchase on his way back to his currently modest campsite. They'd move again tomorrow, and after that the chief had said he'd get his prime spot. It was time to celebrate!

His celebration did not do his slaves any favors, however. Inebriated, he got strange ideas in his head. He became very pawsy with Nimi, using her chains to draw her close to him so he could nuzzle and groom her as he never had before. Nimi gave her wild dog friend panicked looks, which led to her attempting to distract their master with overloud jollity and suggestions on how best to spend the coin he'd be making. This didn't go over well at all. The brown lion lashed out at Sucana, leaving a deep gash across her shoulder, shouting at her for interrupting his private time with Nimi. Eyes wide at the assult, Sucana had backed away, leaving Nimi looking desperate. Reza merely cinched the chain around her neck tighter and tugged her close.

Sucana was nearly frantic, trying to think of what to do. It took her some time, trying to block out Nimi's whimpers and Reza's slurred growls, to realize that this could, potentially, be the moment they had been waiting for. If only she could take advantage of it enough... if only....

Moving quickly, the wild dog traced her master's steps back to the drink vendor. "Master wishes two more of what he bought, he says," she whispered in mock timidness to the vendor, who had eyed her suspiciously when she'd approached him in the gathering dusk. "He tells me he won't trust me with payment, but will give it to you in the morning." The hyena vendor narrowed his eyes in further skepticism, so Sucan improvised further, squirming under his gaze and adding unhappily, "He says.... he says he is too... busy... to come himself right now." She swallowed hard and avoided the male's eyes. "But he wants his drink now." She winced as she said the last word and put a paw to her still gently bleeding shoulder. This seemed to satisfy the hyena, who was now leering knowingly as he gave her what she'd asked for.

Several hours later, after the lion had gleefully imbibed further without giving thought to why exactly his other slave had brought him yet more fermented drink, Reza was snoring loudly with Nimi securely beneath one heavy paw. She looked distressed and ruffled, but otherwise unhurt, for which Sucana was unspeakably grateful. The next part was going to be tricky, so she fervently hoped he was as deeply unconscious as he seemed.

She padded silently up next to the sleeping lion and touched noses with Nimi, trying to convey the need for silence, for cooperation, and for hope. The cheetah didn't move a muscle, but blinked back at her with wide, frightened pupils. Sucking a soft breath and praying for success, Sucana set to work untangling Nimi both from their master and from her chiming costume. The first and most difficult task was to unwind the excess neck chain from about Reza's paw. He'd wrapped it around twice, to keep her close. To both female's terror, the claws on that paw extended slowly and threateningly as she unwound the fine chain, and a soft rumble vibrated his chest. Nimi swallowed hard, ears pinned flat, as Sucana froze for a moment, and then kept pulling the chain loose. It was still wound around once by the time she halted, but it had enough slack to be eased over Nimi's head.

It was even more tricky to replace Nimi's slender form with the newly bought bag, stuffed with grass and leaves. The lithe cheetah slid free as Sucana slid the bag into place between the slumbering lion's forelegs. As if sensing something different, he reflexively pulled the bag tight to his chest, his mouth opening to lick his jowls as his eyelids fluttered. Both females froze again, but miraculously he settled back down again.

Sucana then motioned for Nimi to stay still, reclining still beside the lion's belly. Trembling fiercely, the cheetah complied, though she kept darting terrified looks at the snoring male. Trembling herself, the wild dog began gingerly untangling and removing the chains that bedecked her friend. It took a bit of contorting and no little sound of metal on metal, but these sounds were covered by the sound of the camp's inhabitants settling in for the night.

Once or twice, they had to stop and hunker down as if sleeping right beside their master when a guard would pass, or someone would wander by on some unknown errand. When at last the cheetah was free of the supposed finery, and it lay puddled about her paws beside Reza, Sucana had to lay a warning paw on her shoulder to stop her from simply bolting. They had to time this right, and had to do it wisely, or all was lost. That being the case, however, they couldn't stay here beside the inebriated Reza much longer. Who knew how long he'd stay comatose? It was now or never... and so after the next guard had passed by, the two slunk into the shadows and beyond the perimeter... to freedom.