Tsiana = Fairy Snails
Buru = nessiaing

It was difficult to tell how long she had been in the cave. It was rare for someone to push away the bolder the blocked off the cave's entrance. When they did it was usually just to bring her scraps to eat and some water to drink. She hardly moved around, not wanting to waste any energy. Instead she spent her time thinking of an escape plan. Her leg was slow to heal. If one of the jedi healers had looked at it, she would have been at the very least able to walk around with only the slightest of pain.

Majanga would visit her from time to time and try to persuade her to change her alliance. But her answer stayed the same. She could not betray her family or pride. They were the world to her. He never seemed to react, but she could feel his patience thinning.

She needed to figure out an escape plan soon. The longer she was stuck here, the weaker she became. Even her visions were being effected by her health. They were becoming more abstract and terrifying, making no sense at all but feeling as real as the ground she laid on.


Buru made his way towards the cave that he knew they were keeping Tsiana in. He hadn't seen the female cheetah since he had brought her home to the pride, successfuly completing the mission he had been given. He wanted to see how the cheetah was doing so he made a point of being the one to bring her her food today.

He let out a bit of a groan as he pushed the bolder out of his way.
He was careful only to move it enough for him to slip in, and of couse he knew that he would keep himself between her and the exit at all times. He dragged in some scarps of meat and waited for hs eyes to adjust to the dim lighting. "Hello Tsiana" he called out.


When the boulder was removed and the light came pouring in, she looked away, not wanting to be blinded. She slowly sat up.

It shouldn't surprise Tsiana that Buru was there, but she was. Just hearing his voice she felt the pain of betrayal. When he revealed his trap, she had not been given the time to properly react, but instead dragged away. She had never felt as much anger toward someone as she felt toward him when he brought her to this place.

She closed her eyes and took a couple calming breaths. Giving in to anger and hatred was what Majanga and the sith wanted. She needed to keep a clear head and act rationally. “And here I thought I wouldn't see you again. Are you feeling any better?” She asked with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

Her eyes went from Buru to the opening. With her hurt leg she was certain that she couldn't out run Buru. She would have to think of something to give her an advantage.


Buru felt a slight guilt wash over him when the female asked him if he felt better. It was short lived though is trickery was needed to bring her back to the Sith. He knew eventually she would see the reasons why he did what he did but right now she was still brain washed by the Jedi, it would fade in time.

"Here I brought you some food." he said pushing some meat towards her. It was a decent cut of meet, the better part of a flank of an antelope, he hoped she would eat it. "I know its not easy being in here but have you thought about what you and Majanga have talked about?" Buru of course knew that Majanga had been here to talk to Tsiana, what he didn't expect was the wave of jealousy that passed over him when it came to the female and anyone else being able to spend time with her. He gave his head a quick shake and instead focused on the white female. He gave the meet another push towards her and took a seat in the entranceway..


Tsiana looked at the meat and noticed that it wasn't the usual scraps she was given. She eyed it suspiciously, but gave in and took a bite. She ate it slowly, savoring each bite. If she wanted to escape, she would need to make sure she ate enough.

“Have I thought about his offer to betray my family and pride? It is a tempting offer, but I am certain that my answer will always be no.” She responded after taking a break from eating. When Majanga first put forward the plan of her joining the sith, she thought he was mad. She could not think of a jedi that would take him up on that offer.

She had to remind herself that there was at least one spy among the jedi though. The spy was how Majanga managed to get all his information about her and her family.

“Buru, you can't possibly be happy here.” She said, taking her thoughts away from the spy. “Being forced to do Majanga's dirty work? You must hate it.”


Buru felt a bit of pride when he saw Tsiana bite into the meet. He knew that she needed the food, and it wasn't easy to leave her living in this cave all alone. He felt a frown grow on his face as she talked about how unhappy he must be. "No Tsiana that's where you are wrong, I love my home and I work for Majanga . I am a high lord." he told her with small nod of his head.

"You might find you could like it here, your only opinions on us are based on what the Jedi have told you." he was careful not to let disgust come out in his voice as he said Jedi. He figured it wouldn't help the situations. "I hate seeing you in here, you could live a health and happy life out here." He eyed the female carefully hoping at least some of what he was saying would sink in.


“You are right. My opinion are based on what the Jedi have taught me. But I have witnessed first hand how your pride tricks and manipulates others. I was taught to help those in need and you used that to bring me here.” She retorted. “I could never understand why someone would be happy to live in such a place.”

Tsiana was confused by his words for a moment. Why would he ever hate seeing me locked up in a cave, she thought. She was his enemy. Part of her thought that maybe it was a ploy but she decided that he might care about her, even just a tiny bit.

“I hate being in here. So why don't you help me escape. I will make sure no one knows it was you who helped me.” she said in a hushed whisper. “I will return to my duties with the Jedi and if you wish, you can join me and find peace.”


Buru let out a sigh, neither of them seemed to be getting anywhere with the other. "You know I can't let you do that." Buru told her. "Despite what you might thing though Tsiana I do want you to be happy . I also think you can be very happy here." he told her. He could understand why she might have ill feelings towards the way she was brought here and the circumstances of current living place.

"What if I could get you a day pass. I can't imagine you like being in this cave all the time. I can speak to Majanga, perhaps he will allow for me to bring you out during the day. You will have to stay with me, but you can see the the pride, and see how amazing our lands are." he hoped perhaps this might be the first step to bringing her around. THe Sith were a hard working pride and some of the members were mean, but there was a lot of good things to say about this place too. Something in Tsiana was bringing out the softer side in Buru.


When Buru first entered the cave, Tsiana knew that she needed to be unwavering in her decisions. However, an opportunity to see the pride would be helpful in her attempt to escape. Plus Buru seemed genuine. There was a chance that he might be saved and she could convince him to leave the pride.

“Alright, I will go with you.” She decided. The information she could gather was too important to pass up. “It will not change my mind though. I want you to know that now. I only want to leave the cave to get some fresh air and stretch my limbs.”


Buru nodded, he knew he wouldn't get everywhere all at once but he felt like this was a good first step. "I must get approval first. I will go speak to Majanga now." Buru felt confident that his leader would approve. "Either way I will come back to see you soon." Buru told the female. He bowed his head in farwell and slowly slipped out of the cave backwards. Once outside he pushed the bolder back to block the enterance.

Blinking in the bright light Buru stood for a moment before turning and heading in the direction he felt Majanga might be in. The quick he found the dark red lion the sooner he could return to Tsiana.