The display put on by Jua and Mti-imara could hardly have gone unnoticed. Throek-irid, whom had been the one to break things up, had left the situation alone for the first day or so following, but his mind was at unease. The pair of lions had been thick as thieves, so why the sudden outburst? Throek woke that morning with the determination that he'd find out.

Leaving his den and entering society without interruption was no easy feat as a council member. So having members at him with questions about this and that didn't surprise him. "Later." Was his response to a majority, but a few in particular had specifically asked about the incident involving his son. To which he responded.. "I'm actually investigating that one right now." Not that it was any of their business, but still, the pride wasn't nearly large enough to keep secrets in. Nor would secrets do anyone any good. Especially considering what he was about to find out.

"Jua, you in there?" The orange male approached his sons den, but did not enter it. Since his cubs had grown and taken on their own lives he had left it up to them about whether or not they'd invite him in. Having their own space would be pointless if they didn't get to choose who entered and who stayed at the door. Now if Rahisi were still alive... "Oh boy." He chuckled sadly to himself. The dens would be decorated with old pieces that she had collected and she would be over regularly with food and supplies. The question of whether or not the cubs were on their own would likely become common. How Throek wished he could be seeing that scene play out. "Coming Dad." Finally a ragged sounding voice sounded out.

When Jua came into view Throek smiled fondly. "Good morning." He said. "Morning." Jua responded with a wide, gaping yawn. Mornings hadn't been his thing since he was young. Throek remembered the mornings fondly with those cubs that did remain asleep long enough that he could easily enjoy some peace. It had been Rahisi that wanted to be up and active.

"Can we talk?" Throek asked, but his tone suggested that it wasn't truly a question. "Of course." His son replied, though his nervous tone pierced the strong lookig viel. "What would you like to talk about?" Jua was playing stupid, of course this would be about the other day. How could it not? He thought of that fight continuously over the few days following and he couldn't get the words out of his mind. She was pregnant. Poseida was going to be having his cubs. He shivered slightly.

Throek sighed softly. "You know what I'm here to talk about Jua. What happened between you and Mti?" He waved a paw to instruct Jua to follow and then turned. The pair were headed to the border of the pride. If his son and his best friend had a falling out it was likely over something fairly large. "Well son?" Throek pressed the question when they were finally out of immediate ear shot and he watched as his sons shoulders slump and his rump drop to the ground. At first he couldn't even meet his fathers gaze.

"You know Poseida, right?" Jua questioned his father lightly.

"Yes, that lioness that Mti has his eyes on. The pretty little thing has that friend you like?" Throek teased lightly and Jua was baited, but only chuckled before reality returned to him. "Well I did something bad, it was an accident, but it wasn't the right thing to do." Jua pressed on.

"Accidents are rarely the right thing to do." Throek shrugged slightly and grinned a little. He had an idea of where this was headed, any fool could piece together that when a lion and a lioness got together and there was an 'accident'..

"Go on."

"Well.. Dad, Poseida is pregnant."

Silence fell between the pair of lions as Jua stared at his Dad and Throek stared right back. "Really?" The lion gasped and a large grin broke out on his maw. "You mean to tell me that I'll be a Grandpa?" The excitement wasn't at all what Jua had expected and although he received a positive response he still winced a little and shrunk away.

"Wait, what? I mean yes!" He remarked in his shocked state.

"Well, we will have to see her right away! I'll get a care package put together.. you need to see that Mti and you mend things. Surely you won't be mating her?" Throek wasn't daft. A one night stand wasn't about to lead to love. He'd seen the way that Mti looked at Poseida and vice versa. It was the same look he imagined was shared between himself and Rahisi.

"Well, hop to it!"

Jua wasn't about to agree or plead his case. Instead he was simply baffled that his father hadn't reacted to the situation. "Oh wait.. is this what you wanted?" Throek-irid replaced his grin with a stern look and a bit of a snarl. "How dare you trespass on anothers territory!" He scolded his son, though playfully. His face relaxed from the previous snarl and he smiled. "There. You've had your pain, now go and get Mti. There will be plenty to prepare for." The lion began to make a mental checklist. The lioness would want for nothing so long as Throek was around.

Jua scurried away quickly, still in shock. His father had taken the news incredibly well. Grand-cubs weren't a problem? He was baffled. "Alright. Time to find Mti.. and mend bridges?" The concern in his voice was extreme. He worried for his safety a little bit, but it was Mti - even in their earlier tussle he hadn't done him much physical harm and the lion was definitely capable of doing an enormous amount of damage. Jua made a mental note to only make such accidents with smaller guys girlfriends (if ever again).