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Reply [IC] Rogue Lands
[Family RP] Bustin' Up on the Beach

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 13, 2017 5:31 pm
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It was early in the morning, but it was hard to tell that with the thick gray clouds covering the sky. Really, the only reason she knew it was early was due to her cubs routinely waking her up at the crack of dawn. Today was no exception to that habit.

At the moment, Aislin was curled up at the entrance to her temporary den. It was a small cave nestled beside a little sandy inlet, more than good enough for her to raise her cubs in, and with how nice the weather normally was, she could see why the nearby prides chose this as their home. That being said, today was looking to be a stormy day, and she made a mental note to keep close to home. They would likely need to bunk in the cave for the day, which...

Green eyes slid to the side to gaze flatly at her cubs. She doubted that the brats would be able to sit still long enough for that. She sighed and silently mourned the death of her quiet days as a rogue. Ah well, she would eventually get it back. She just needed to rear this band of hooligans first.

Resting her head back down on her paws, the lioness decided to doze for a bit before wrangling her cubs in.

Black ears twitched excitedly, the small cub ready to pounce on her quarry. It was unsuspecting of the danger it was in, just twitching sporadically on the ground in front of her. She tried to hold completely still but for the shake of her butt, and then, seeing her prey start to move away, she leapt forward - only for it to move away from her! With a growl, tiny paws scurried after it. Around and around she went, before finally, FINALLY she caught it between her teeth.

Sorami didn't have long to celebrate though. Yanking on the blonde fur in her mouth caused her to overbalance and fall sideways.

She did just yank on her own tail, after all.

Landing with a muffled "Omph!", the hybrid cub lay in her self-made dirt cloud for a moment, and then popped back up onto her paws, a wide grin on her face. That was fun! She eyed her wagging tail again for a moment, debating hunting it again, before deciding that she wanted to do something else now.

She was so boooored! She wanted to go out and do something. Maybe she could convince one of her siblings to go out with her! That sounded fun too!

((This is open to anyone who feels like doing some family rp! ^-^ You're free to either venture deeper into the cave or go out onto the beach, but keep in mind that if you go too far, Aislin will probably chase after you to bring you back. (which you guys can always use to your advantage if you want to be mischievous)

For reference, they're sort of near the Bahari, but not actually in any pride lands. Aislin is pretty anti-social, so she'd make sure not to make a den too close to anyone that might bother her or her cubs.))  
PostPosted: Tue Sep 19, 2017 7:40 am
(Sorry I took so long to reply! Things have been crazy for me. @_@)

Amparo couldn't help but make a soft "oooh" of sympathy as she watched her older sister fall to the ground; she was getting better at pouncing after prey (better than Amparo at least), but she still was a long ways away from their mother's finesse for hunting. Still, the red and tan cub grinned at Sorami's quick recovery, and taking her cue from the more energetic cub, stood up from her perch on a nearby rock and padded over to her.

"You didn't bite your tail too hard, did you?" she asked, eyeing Sorami's black tail for any visible marks before looking back up at her sister. As her gaze came back up, though, brown eyes caught the sight of little blonde hairs sticking out of her sister's teeth. Her grin grew a little wider as Amparo struggled to not laugh, and instead pointed a claw at her own mouth. "You got a little something there."

Erna Ironhand

Lonely Creature


Feral Wolf

PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2017 9:42 am



Erna Ironhand


(Sorry it has taken me so long to reply real life has been kind of crazy.)
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Camilla sat and watched her sister Sorami play what looked like a fun game, as she chased what was her tail Camilla put both her paws over her muzzle to try to muffle her giggles at her sisters' antics.
watching the other sister approach her, to ask if Sorami was okay, Camilla took this as a keen opportunity to sneak up from the side while they were unaware of her being awake yet.
She slinked in the cave shadows along the side where her sister was previously seated on the rock, she treaded as lightly as she could trying not to disturb any tiny pebbles that might give her location away.
As she neared the rock she barely gazed above it to make sure she was aligned in the right position for her sneak attack, she crouched down into her pounce stance remembering to keep low to the ground resting on her hind legs so that she would have a more solid and effective pounce, and then she leapt out from behind the rock successfully landing into her two older sisters.
PostPosted: Tue Oct 10, 2017 10:47 am
Blinking, Sorami turned to stare at her sister, before giving a little hop and waving her tail behind her. "Nope! I'm good!" Well, alright, maybe it throbbed a little, but that was nothing compared to the triumph that catching it had wrought. Her chest puffed out in pride. Nothing could escape her hunting skills!
At Amparo's next words, the little cub tilted an ear in confusion. "Huh?" She went cross-eyed in her attempt to stare down her nose, and when that didn't work, she lifted a paw to swipe at her mouth. She didn't... oh. She must have torn some fur off by accident. Aw, well. Sacrifices needed to be made to catch her prey.
Wiping at her teeth a few times, Sorami gave a cheesy grin back at her red sister. She missed a few hairs, but had managed to pull the majority of them out.

Erna Ironhand




((Just so everyone knows, I've decided to keep this rp going, even though Velvet's cub is currently getting rehomed. ^^; You can pretty much assume that "Camilla" (though that won't be her name) didn't say or do anything, since... that won't be her. (not sure if I should ask a mod to delete that post or not) Unless this rp is still going by the time she gets an owner, we're going to assume that that cub decided to take a nap with mom for the remainder of this. Please feel free to keep rping in the meantime though!))  


Erna Ironhand

Lonely Creature

PostPosted: Tue Oct 10, 2017 11:14 am
If nothing else, Sorami was always a source of good humor and entertainment; the sight of her crossed eyes and grinning with rebellious yellow hairs peeking from her teeth made Amparo finally break, laughing for a few seconds before finally catching herself. She gave a sheepish glance back at the rest of their family at the back of the cave before looking back at her sister, still struggling to keep from being too loud in her mirth.

"So, "great hunter", what do you wanna do now?" she asked, teasing the older cub as she walked back to the rock she had been resting on earlier. Amparo's paw caught a nicely shaped pebble as she trod, and she batted it over to Sorami. "We can't be too loud without waking Mom up, but maybe we could, uh, play with the rocks?"

It was lame. She knew even as she was saying it that it was lame. But there wasn't a whole lot to do besides chasing tails and laying around in the cave without making a lot of noise.


((Thanks for letting us know!))  
PostPosted: Wed Oct 11, 2017 9:42 am
Oh right, everyone was sleeping.... or supposed to be. She suspected that their mom was really the only one wanting to nap right now.

With a hum of thought, Sorami looked about the little cave they were in. Rocks, rocks and more rocks. That was no fun, and no, she didn't want to go with Amparo's suggestion of playing with them. Not if they couldn't be loud while doing so. So what could they do that required being quiet?

.... Or at least, what required them to be quiet at first.

Eyes lighting up, the little cub slowly turned her gaze around to look at the entrance to their little den. There was a whole WORLD out there to explore! They just needed to get past mom first, who, of course, was stationed at the entrance. That had never stopped the excitable cub before though. They just had to be sneaky about it. With a mischievous grin, she flicked her tail at Amparo. "Follow me! We can play outside!"

Erna Ironhand



Familiar Phantom

PostPosted: Fri Oct 13, 2017 11:16 am
User ImageWho did they think they were fooling? Utsuro had heard dying gazelle quieter than her sisters were being right now. Lip half-raised in a smirk, the youngest sister peeked her head around her resting mother's flank. Luckily, she happened to tune in just in time to hear their eldest and most impetuous announce her intentions. She wanted to go where now?

"Don't make me laugh," the cub snickered, though she was sure to step away from Mom as she did. "You wouldn't last two seconds. Betcha don't, anyway. Tail-hunting won't help you out there." Her mocking tone was as quiet as theirs. There was a little bit of excitement in getting into a bit of trouble, after all. And no matter how she might pretend otherwise, it was all too easy for such a young lady to get caught up in it.

Beat the tail off of what she had been doing, anyway. Mom always wanted to sleep at the most exciting times! There was a whole cave to explore behind them, and Utsuro was pretty sure she'd seen something white and fluttery just beyond the cave mouth. Not to mention there was grass to roll in and everything smelled...interesting, if not good? But she wasn't going to see any of that napping with her mother.

So despite the half-smirk Sur wore as she advanced on her sisters, the cub was just about as game to explore as any. But she was also enjoying being the one to stand between the other two hybrids and the entrance. And at the moment, she saw no good reason she couldn't have a little more fun with that idea first.


Erna Ironhand
PostPosted: Sat Oct 21, 2017 8:00 am
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Ears twitching, a still napping sister laid quietly alongside her mother. Somehow, rather magically, the commotion of her siblings playing hadn't woken her yet, until now that was. Closed eyes attempted to close even harder as their lids opened up just ever so slightly, light blue colored eyes sleepily peering out from beneath them. They took a few tired moments to gaze around the den, trying to make sense of what was happening that had awoken the cheeton gal from her happy slumber next to her mother.

"Mmmm.. What are you guys doin'?", she said in a hushed and whispered tone, peering over at her sisters that were quite awake and quite ready-looking for some naughty cub adventures. Her vision was still a bit blurry, but she did her best to focus in, making teeny squinting faces and rubbing her eyes with her violet checkered paws.



Erna Ironhand

Lady Kitania

Magical Spirit


PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 6:21 pm
Sorami jumped when she heard the two new voices pipe up, and then let out an indignant huff at Utsuro's words. She was never one to turn away from a challenge. Flipping around to face her advancing sister, the black and tan cub puffed up to nose her way into Sur's face. "I bet I would!" She flicked her tail in challenge, "Just watch me!"

And with that, the little cub hopped towards the entrance, before slowing with a tentative look towards her mother. When there was no movement from her, she quickened her pace albeit quieter than she had been previously. A couple more pawsteps.... and....

Sora's ears perked up excitedly as she felt the cool breeze on her fur. She wished that she could be feeling the sun as well, but oh well. It was nice being outside anyway! With a triumphant smile, she turned to look back at her three sisters, "See!" Trotting about in a circle, the cheeton hopped closer to the treeline. "Now come on! Let's explore!"

Of course, with her head turned the way it was, the four cubs didn't notice the green eyes of their mother rolling in exasperation. If they thought they were being quiet about their plans, they were sorely mistaken. That being said, this was a good opportunity for some peace and quiet. As long as they didn't go too far, she would let them continue to think they were being sneaky. Maybe they would wear themselves out before she had to drag them back in when the storm arrives.

Erna Ironhand


Lady Kitania
PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 7:55 pm
What started as a widening smirk at Sorami's confrontation turned into a surprised huff as the sister suddenly snuck past her. "Wha-?" Sur's brow furrowed, the hair along the back of her neck and spine puffing up in irritation. How did she do that? All the time!

Whatever. Utsuro grumbled, turning to follow the exuberant cub out - although she was careful to be quiet as she did. She was not going to be the one who ended up caught just because someone had to go around shouting about the outside! "Yeah, yeah. So you made it out," the dark cub quipped, the markings on her face making her sneer that much more pronounced. "Now what are you gonna do?"

Not that Sur had a really good idea either, to be honest? Being outside of the cave like this... Oooh, and Mom didn't even know? Sur grinned despite herself. She didn't even bother looking back into the cave for her other siblings. One thing for certain: they were all just as brave as Sorami - if that was the word for it. Not that she could blame any of them just now. There was just so much they could get into! Her toes wiggled in the grass underpaw. Where would they even begin?

Erna Ironhand

Lady Kitania



Familiar Phantom

Lady Kitania

Magical Spirit

PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 6:36 am
Out of flippin' nowhere, two of her rambunctious sisters were suddenly outside of the temporary place that their mother called their den. Serufi's light blue eyes widened and the dark colored cub jumped up to her paws, dashing forward while yawning, still half asleep. In her haste and adrenaline rush to be apart of the fun, the cheeton cub tripped over her own paws, tumbling forward and right to the mouth of the cave, at the very paws of her two daring sisters.

"Guuuuyyyyssss!", she wailed. The dark little lady rubbed her nose, having scraped it on the ground as she tumbled forward. The day had just begun and she already had a boo-boo on her peachy nose! Uuuggghhhh. "Shhhh... We don't wanna wake mom up." Continuing to rub her nose, she looked around at the wide, wide world outside. It was... Big. Really big. An endless sky and endless plains of wavy blades of grass. It was almost too much, but was also the pinnacle of curiosity, with so many nooks and crannies to explore and discover!



Erna Ironhand
[IC] Rogue Lands

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