Saoirse raced down the river, keeping an eye on the dark form being pulled down the current, and looked around frantically for some way to help. He couldn't die! He wouldn't! There were so many things she wanted to experience with him, so many things he wanted to say.... She wasn't sure her heart could take it, if that was taken from her, if he was taken from her....

She needed to get him out of that water. Scanning the terrain ahead, Saoirse spotted a log, fallen partially across the river. If she could just reach him from there....

Heart pounding in her chest, the wild dog sprinted as fast as she could, leaping onto the wood and digging her claws into the bark. He was a lot larger than her, and there was no guarantee that she would be strong enough to do this, but she had to try! As the dark shape drew closer, she dove her front half down and blindly grabbed with her teeth.

Later, she would thank the moon for how lucky she'd been. Teeth snagged onto fur, and she locked her hind legs against the other side of the log. Adrenaline coursed through her as she pulled with all her might, managing to raise her head above water. To her utter relief, she'd managed to grab his shoulder, and while this had to have been uncomfortable for him, he was still there. Now she just needed to pull him out.

The sudden appearance of a feline head next to her almost made her let go, but the stranger had simply grabbed onto the scruff of Anrothan's neck, helping her pull him up and out of the water. Just happy that someone was helping her, she didn't bother stopping to see who it was. Together, they dragged the male wild dog across the log and onto dry land.

Gasping for air, Saoirse stared worriedly at the unmoving form in front of her. She watched as the stranger - a male cheetah, by the looks of it - pushed his ear against Anrothan's chest, before pushing at it with both paws in rhythmic beats. What was he doing? Was Anrothan not breathing?!

Not even a second after thinking that did the brown dog suddenly spasm and start coughing. Anrothan took in shaky breathes, head fuzzy and chest hurting. He was confused and disoriented, but he could see Saoirse next to him and he knew everything was alright, even if he was having trouble breathing normally.

"Are you alright?"

He wasn't expecting the very male voice on his other side, but he only had the strength to glance at it's source. It was another cheetah, looking at him with concern and with such a serious expression that he was taken aback by it. Finally registering what he said, Anrothan gave a huff, "Yeah.... Think so..."


Anrothan jolted and turned his gaze back at Saoirse. She looked exhausted, and worried, and frightened, and....

Mad. Really mad.


He wasn't sure if it was from the cold water or sheer panic, but he felt a chill go up his spine. Followed by horror when he realized that she was crying now. He hadn't meant to make her cry! He just wanted to help that cub!

"Do you know how WORRIED I was?! I was TERRIFIED that you'd just KILLED yourself, you... you.... selfless MORON!" She felt herself sobbing by this point, hiccupping in between gasps, and she didn't even notice that her speech was slurring into each other. All she knew was that she wanted to kick him, and snuggle him, and yell at him, and, and, and....

She couldn't even think straight anymore.

Ears flattening against his head, he stared morosely at her, wondering what he could do to help. She was genuinely distressed over what happened to him. He didn't think she cared that much.... Maybe...

"M'sorry, Moonshine. Please don't cry."

Anrothan tried to push himself up, but only really succeeded in flopping about an inch closer. It was close enough though. Lifting his head up, he nudged at the side of her head, whining and snuggling into her neck, before dropping his head back down. It was a move only mates did. He was taking a chance right now, but he did almost die. Hopefully she would let him down easily.

Saoirse felt like lightning had shot through her. Did he... Did he really just do that? Under normal circumstances, she would have been unnerved, frantic, but right now...

Shaking her head, she sobbed out a laugh. "Oh, you stupid..." Lowering her head down, she butted against him, resting her nose against his. "Stupid idiot."

Despite his tiredness, Anrothan's tail wagged behind him, a show of how ecstatic he was that she wasn't pushing him away, that she accepted him! He could die happy now, although she'd probably kill him for thinking that at the moment.

He'd forgotten about their audience until he heard boisterous laughter next to him. The cheetah shook his head and smiled,
"Looks like you'll be okay then. If it's alright with you, I'm going to head back to my mate."

He started to turn around, before pausing and bowing, "Thank you, for saving our cub. Truly, I don't think there's anything I can say that can express how grateful we are that you were there." And then with that, the cheetah turned and bounded back upriver.

Humming in response, Anrothan turned his attention back to Saoirse. Nudging at her to bring her attention back to him, he said, "If it's alright with you.... I think m'ready to set up camp for th'night." Exhausted, he sighed and nuzzled her back.

With a snort, Saoirse nodded against him, "Sounds good to me, Sunbeam. I've had enough excitement to last me a lifetime."

Ears perking, he tilted his head, "Sunbeam?"

She glanced coyly at him, "Well, you're always calling me Moonshine. Seemed fitting with how bright you always are."

A grin bloomed across his tired face, "Well, I suppose tha's fair." Closing his eyes, he contented himself with taking in her scent, looking forward to the adventures they would find themselves in because now, they could do it together. And he wouldn't trade that for the world.