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[META-PRP] Cultural Expectations (Owu x Itiri)

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Epine de Rose

PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 2:36 pm
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Their young lives hadn't been without trials, and both he and Owu and Itiri had watched as their pride almost disintegrated before them. When the dark lion had been younger he hadn't truly understood the significance of it all; he knew that many lions had gotten sick, and he knew that many of them had gotten sick courtesy of an outsider they had once embraced... but beyond that; well, it was safe to assume that he didn't didn't quite grasp the political undercurrents.

Honestly, it was unlikely that anyone had.

It was only has he had grown older and he had been subject to the rigorous schooling expected of any heir, that he had slowly but surely come to realise that there were somethings to nuanced in this world that only the truly observant would see them. Nevertheless, in his current position there was little he could have done to address them, or to join in with the fray of those games. Suffice to say that Itiri had been able to do nothing more than watch, wait...and then finally come of age.

No sooner had Owu and he both demonstrated that they were educated enough and strong enough, than the Amoosu had stepped forward and indicated that it was time for both of them to participate in the Trial of Kings. As always, only one would be selected to become King, but as they were both worthy of the position, it was only fitting that they would undergo the appropriate ceremonies.

Nevertheless, these ceremonies wouldn't happen immediately and would be subject to some pomp and circumstance, providing Itiri with plenty of time to consider his position (and to an extent, that of his brother's) as he watched his own kind go about their day as best they could following the challenges they had been subjected to in recent years...

Consequently, he wasn't a difficult lion to locate - having selected a rock to recline on, he hadn't made any attempt to move in quite some time. Such was the way of those who had disappeared into their own 'world'.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 08, 2017 1:18 pm
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Always challenge for a better tomorrow. Always question, analyze, learn. The greatest dishonor was not being willing to fight to protect your home and family. Those were the fundamental lessons that Owu had taken away during the years of brutal schooling under their father's watchful gaze.

He had clung onto the lessons much more rigidly than his brother. For him they were not only wise words to live by, but they had been able to bring solace to the young male. He might have been young, he might have had a lot to learn, he might not even be what others considered to be the best fit for king...

But he had the foundations and will to push himself to constantly learn and be adaptable.

Compared to his brother Owu had decided to take a much more hands-on role in addressing issues that both had taken notice on. He had spent his youth integrating himself into those of lesser standing within the pride. He was in many ways the voice to the people to his brother, sharing their true concerns with him in private expecting his brother, whom he had always thought to be the one who would be deemed more worthy to take the throne, not to fall into the infamous role of a blind ruler.

The day that they both finally demonstrated that they had completed their training shook Owu to the core. He had never expected to be in the running for chieftain, he had already long ago made his peace and content with being a mere informate to his brother.

He was quite honestly torn on how to go forward from here. On one hand it was a cultural expectation that once the Head-Amoosu deemed you to participate in the Trial of Kings that you don't refuse the order. It was simply unheard of. On the other hand he had no interest in competing for the title. He wouldn't lie to himself or any others and try to claim that he would be a good ruler because in truth he would be awful. Far too hot-headed, brash, and horrible at diplomatic matters.

Just like the one now.

Though he did know at least a certain someone he had confidant to always tell him what in his honest opinion would be the best solution for this little dilemma of his.

So, he sought out Itiri. Not like his brother was ever hard to find if you knew where to look for him. With a impish grin Owu tilted his head up to peer at his spaced-out sibling. Ah, back in his own world again. What a totally unexpected surprise.

"Itiri?" He called out, pausing for a moment to wait for a response, only for his eyes to roll when he was greeted with silence. "Itiri I need to speak with you whenever you actually decided to come back down to Earth. It's about the trials."

Epine de Rose


Fashionable Mage

Epine de Rose

PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2017 1:09 am
Itiri returned to earth within a comfortable amount of time, slowly but surely casting his gaze towards his paler brother in the process. He was well aware that Owu hadn't appeared out of 'nowhere' but his appearance hadn't been any less sudden. Fortunately it didn't take him long to recover from his journey into the unknown depths of his mind and he was at least able to afford Owu an expectant gaze.

What were they talking about now?

"What about them?" He asked finally, his quiet voice finally rumbling from the depths of his throat. It wasn't his intention to sound so slow, so measured, but this was often how he came across. His brother would at least know that Itiri wasn't being an intentional pain in the a**, it was simply a side effect of being off in his own world for a considerable amount of time. Still, if Owu had approached him to broach the subject of their inevitable trials then it must have been important and the lion would be remiss to ignore it.

"We both know you aren't changing your mind, it's not your style," Itiri pointed out and lifted his paw to give the back of his ear a light scratch. "So what is it that you wanted to discuss...?"

PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2017 3:31 am
He had come to notice that his vibrate and good-natured brother had taken a more somber turn in mood ever since the Amoosu had announced them to be ready for the trials. It was admittedly a lot for the two young males to full absorb. Not only did they have the expectations and severe pomp to deal with surrounding the trials but the poltical battle brewing in the backround after it was done?

Well that had been at the forefront of their minds for quite a long time!

Owu couldn't quite blame his brother for shutting himself away and being off in his own world, it showed once again however the vast differences between the two. One was quiet and wanted to be alone in this troubling time, why Owu preferred to spend his time keeping his life busy and his mind occupied off of how far up the creek they had found themselves in.

Different strokes for different folks was the saying, no?

Cocking an eyebrow Owu couldn't hide the unmistakable bemusement on his face. "You knew already then, eh?" He inquired with a sigh. Why did that not surprise him? Itriri did have of way of reading people much better than he could.

Without warning Owu flopped himself down on his hind-legs, relaxing into a slouch. "Well that will make this much more simple than I first imagined. Very well then," Taking in a deep breath he paused for a moment, his pale eyes scanning up to meet his brother's. "I don't want to be Onyeisi, never have, and never will. However you know as much as I do that there is no option to refuse the trials." He continued on.

Giving a slow, lazy roll of his shoulders he looked for any signs of objection to his confession. Relief was a understatement that flooded him when his brother continued his expecting stare down at him.

That was one demon to deal with, onto the next.

"So, we're going to be rigging it in your favor."
Epine de Rose


Fashionable Mage

Epine de Rose

PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2017 3:42 am
"As much as I appreciate your inclination towards solving problems in the simplest fashion possible, that isn't going to work," Itiri replied smoothly and finally lowered his paw to the ground again. He regarded his brother with a wry smile, and somehow, it was clear that he wasn't entirely surprised by Owu's offer. He'd known for a very long time that the paler sibling had been more inclined towards getting things done right now, rather than playing the long game - had they been human, he would have been terrible at chess.

"Given that you have had the same lessons as I have had, and you have demonstrated the exact same capabilities, the Amoosu will spot it immediately if you attempt to play dumb," Itiri pointed out, thus dispelling any hope of Owu throwing the first of the Trials. As troublesome as Isiike's influence had been in recent generations, the elderly priest was smart and if there was one thing Itiri wouldn't put passed him, it would be using that to his advantage.

Ah, the young brothers refused to play by the rules, spat in the face of tradition? Their family is no longer fit to rule!

...At least this was what the darker lion predicted, he had little trust towards the priest that had all but annihilated their family lines through his almost unwavering influence over everything.

"The second of the trials, you're just too well equipped again," Itiri pointed out and game a small chuckle. Whether Owu liked it or not, he was built perfectly for it, this was why they were in this predicament to begin with!

"And as for the final trial..." Itiri grimaced and tilted his head to the side. "You can't lie when you are 'dead', brother," he pointed out gently. "At no stage in this are we ever truly alone so there is no true way to 'rig' anything," he gave a wave of his paw and sighed. "Consider it further - if you were to rig it and this was discovered, would this not render the entire legitimacy of my 'rule'?" he shook his head.

"Surely, if you do not wish to lead then at least the final of these trials will show this for you," he murmured softly. "But I am not so sure your solution is viable on this occasion," he pointed out.

"Though I do have to say I disagree, you would be a fine ruler, you'd just need to...embrace your more diplomatic side on occasions," he finished with a smirk.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 14, 2017 3:43 pm
Though it was evident from his facial expression that he certainly wasn't happy with his plan being shot down Owu made no motion to object, instead raising an eyebrow as he listened to his brother explain his reasoning.

...Which as it were, were completely valid.

With a hefty sigh Owu ran a paw through his mane, grumbling down under his breath, "Our lovely head Amoosu can go sit on a cactus for all I care." Course despite both of their dislike towards the older male they had to give him credit where credit was do, he had power and respect currently. At levels that matched theirs! To try to pull a fast one on him and have him call them out would quickly end in disaster for the two.

And would spell the end of the royal line as they knew it.

"You're right, Itriri." He admitted with a grimace. "I really hate to say it but there's no way for me to get out of these trials now." He could only hope that his brother was also correct in the assumption that when the two were 'dead' that the truth of his desire, or lack thereof, to rule would become clear.

Snorting he playfully rolled his eyes, his own smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. "Now I couldn't leave my dear brother out of a job, now could I? After all no one is perfect." He replied back as he lifted himself back towards his feet. "Didn't we always agree that you hold and I'll punch after all?" He asked, his mood visibly lightening now that a glimmer of the same Itriri he had come to know and love was shining through.

Stepping onto the perch Itriri had glomped onto for the day he gave a light shove in his brother's side to get him to move. "Yo make room for me, you fat arse."

Epine de Rose


Fashionable Mage

Epine de Rose

PostPosted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 8:11 am
"Charming, but it's probably in your best interests not to say that to his face," Itiri remarked, rolling his eyes as he was all but ordered to unseat himself from his perch. Not that the darker brother didn't cater to Owu's request, he did in fact move to the side a touch, but it wasn't without a lifted eyebrow and a considerable amount of feigned effort.

"As it stands, neither of us can really escape what is already regarded as inevitable," he shrugged loosely once he had settled back into a position of comfort and pursed his lips. "We'll simply have to live up to the very aspect of our family line that will choose for us," he pointed out. After all, all leaders came from the line blessed by fate... This happened for a reason, or so the teachings went. As a child he had been very invested in the idea that everyone had a path, but the more he had observed certain individuals, the more he realised that on occasion you needed to carve that path.

...If you didn't, then someone else would.

Somebody else was already currently doing that.

"Just do your best not to die, would you?" he asked and shook his head. "I've no doubt you'll have no issue with the first two trials but for the last one, do be careful not to wander too far into the light," he said with a wry smile. "At least not the wrong light," he added. "Ask for directions if you have to, I'm sure there'll be someone or something around to point the way..."

PostPosted: Sat Jul 22, 2017 12:36 am
"Really? So you're saying the old fart with a reputation for having a permanent stick up his arse wouldn't take kindly to some light roasting?" With a quick pause Owu patiently waited for his brother to (surprisingly) make room for him like he had requested.

...Though he did make it abundantly clear with his actions that Owu was just oh so inconveniencing him! If he was more confidant on whether or not Itriri was in the mood for some down-to-earth banter he would go as far as calling him a prima-donna for his actions. All he needed was complete it off with a flip of his mane.

Without missing a beat the paler brother flopped unceremoniously onto his side. "Shocking." He tacked on with a slow drawl.

The drawn-out sigh that came from him signaled his agreement in the subject. Itriri had already said what both of them were in tune on. They both needed to solidify their place within the pride, which meant there was no chance of escaping the path set before them. Not unless they wanted to watch their family line crumble beneath their own paws!

With a impish grin Owu's pale eyes peered upwards. "I certainly will put my best effort forward not to have a untimely death." He said with a shake of his head. Lifting a paw he gently prodding Itriri in the side. "Hey now, I expect the same from you as well! I don't quite feel like making an effort to offend Death himself by asking him for you back so I can give you an earful about not making stupid decisions." With a light chuckle he flashed a genuine smile towards his brother.

"No matter what happens we're always going to be in this mess as a team."

Epine de Rose


Fashionable Mage

Epine de Rose

PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2017 1:37 am
"Your smart mouth will do you no favours," Itiri chastised, though he was smiling and Owu would know that he appreciated the stance regardless of how ill advised it might be to be quite so forward. Such were the joys of youth, they weren't cubs exactly, but they were certainly young enough to have a more refreshing view of things... Even if neither of them possessed the ability to do anything with it yet.

"We'll just take this one day at a time," he said finally, quietly agreeing with his brother than regardless of the outcome they were in this together. Hell, in a way, even if he wasn't successful and he didn't wake up... Then he would some way of being there for Owu. Granted, it might simply come in the form of haunting him in his dreams but he would talk him down from any completely rash decisions from beyond the grave if he needed to.

...He'd make the Amoosu work to settle his spirit!

"And figure it out as we go along, I suppose," He murmured and shook his head. "Either way, we'll fix it," he sighed and flicked his gaze towards his current view of his home and those that continued to go about their daily business. For all intents and purposes, it was business as usual and though they would have a new Onyeisi, they were none the wiser as to what that might mean.../

Fin after your post, I think?
PostPosted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 3:33 am
"Maybe, maybe it will be just the thing we need later down the road. Didn't father always teach us to keep an open mind on political approaches?" He jested with a grin. He, of course, knew better than to use his particularly smart mouth outside of their own social circle. He had quickly found himself years ago learning exactly what happens when you run your mouth without a filter when they had escorted their own father to a meeting.

Needless to say it had regarded as a disaster on all sides, and earned him a well-deserved punishment spanning weeks after!

"One day at a time, hell, I suspect one hour at a time in some cases!" He quietly added on. Now more than ever the two would need each other. With a small number of allies, others working at every opportunity to undermine them, and no means of actually having the power to take back control? Things weren't looking in their favor. It would take both of their combined efforts in order to fight back the brewing coup.

"One way or another I know we will." With a frown his gaze lifted skyward. There wasn't one person in the pride who hadn't been wrought with a life-changing experience in just the past few years. Whether it be from the plague or not the winds of change had swept the Nezi as of late. It was in it's own macabre way fitting that during this upheaval that now there would soon be a new Onyeisi.

No matter how this mess turned out the new leader would become the deciding factor in how the pride would be rebuilding it's self. What that meant exactly simply remained to be seen.

Epine de Rose


Fashionable Mage

[IC] N'ezi-ozu Lands

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