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"What is that?"

The green lion raised his nose skyward as he spoke and closed his eyes while he inhaled deeply. Smells from the jungle had been overwhelming and lush, the smell that now interrupted things appear soft, gentle, and gaveway to feelings of relaxation. "It's the ocean." Kukesha admitted fondly. They hadn't left the Kizi yet, she hadn't brought him that far, but they were reaching the area in which he could depart and safely reach the Bahari.

"It smells so wonderful." He said, still entranced by the smell. "How could you live in the jungle when this is so nearby?" He asked the lioness.

"My plants are home, so the jungle is my home."

That made sense. If he had learned one thing about the lioness he had decided to travel with, was that her plants were he life. He'd never seen someone so invested into something. "That's fair." He finally admitted out loud after realizing he had become silent. "I just couldn't choose the jungle over this, but I didn't grow up there either."


The response was precisely what he anticipated, but this was goodbye. The lioness had actually done what she had set out to do and gotten him here (somewhat) safely. "Thank you for your help Kukesha." He said with a warm smile, this was likely one of the first earnest conversations he was having with her and it was likely his last. "Do you need these?" He asked. Pausing before doing anything at first, then he reached into his bag and fumbled about before retrieving some materials - he wasn't sure what the materials would do to help the plants, but he was sure that Kukesha felt sure enough of herself to know.

"Oh yes!"

She'd nearly forgotten the materials needed to help the vines she'd destroyed. Kukesha wasn't entirely sure that she'd grabbed everything she'd need, but it'd be enough to get started and would save her some extra travel time. "What did you want to come here for anyway?" She asked him curiously, but anxiously glanced back at her plants. "I've come here to see the ocean, shouldn't every lion see the ocean?" He responded back to her with a grin.

"There are lions that have never seen the ocean?" Her eyes widened quite largely. "Yep." He smirked at her childlike behaviour. It was clear that although she had family she was still somewhat isolated. The world didn't revolve around the ocean itself, but she didn't seem convinced. "You haven't been away from home have you?" He asked her lightly.


The way she had said it suggested that she was stuck here, trapped by some means and he was nearly tempted to ask, but make the assumption. "Of course, you're plants are here. Why would you leave them?" He held back a laugh and instead tried for a smile. The smile seemed to work for her and she finally smiled back. "Yes, because of my plants. I don't really see a reason to ever leave here. I have nearly everything I need in life here." Of course she'd watched her family raise families of their own and in spells of clarity she to desired that one simple thing, but she hadn't pressed to find anyone to build a family with and so she was left to her plants.

"What about you?" The question lit the lion up.

"Have you ever played a drum?" He asked her with a smile. "That tiny thing around your neck?" She queried and then realized the entire time he'd had a bulky item on his side.

"How did I not notice that? I've never actually played one." She admitted to him.

"Here, try." He offered and dropped the drum to the ground for her. They enjoyed the drum for a time and even hummed a little together. Ali tapped away and even began to chant some of the lyrics to a tune he'd heard in the Nchi. "How do you know all this and where did you get that?" She asked him, not really considering how well traveled he might have been.

"Well, I visited a pride named Nchi`mahadhi. They showed me some songs and I was able to trade for a drum. The little item you pointed out is a cubs drum." He said happily, enjoying the chance to tell someone about where he'd been. "They let me stay for a small while and the Malenga - their leader - showed me some of the pride. Unfortunately they were recently hit with a flood and so it's not quite what it used to be, but nonetheless they were a treat."

"And the bag?"

"Oh, the bag was another articles I bargained for." He smiled fondly, touching the material gingerly. "It was made by a lioness in the Intaba`umbekezili. Her name was Laini, she was truly the sweetest lioness you'd ever have the chance to meet and talented too." He said merrily. "If you ever get the chance to go and visit a pride or two I hope you'd choose one of those. I still have to visit a number more before I can be satisfied." He sighed softly, but was happy.

"Well, I better get a move on." The day was about halfway done and he planned to meet the pride at the seashore. If he got there with half a day to spare he'd be able to visit and learn something likely. It was even possible he'd be able to do some trades or find out what they'd like to trade with. He was excited for all the possible prospects. "It was nice meeting you Kukesha." He siad pleasantly, honest enough.

"You as well Ali." She remarked.

"Hopefully I'll see you again, maybe I'll travel one day too." Her response brought a chuckle out of her and she left the lion to continue his adventure to the Bahari.

"I wonder what they will trade, or would they trade?" He'd heard they were peaceful. "I may have to go out and collect more..." The thought made the lion toss the bag a little, it was growing light. "Oh well." Worst case, he'd simply enjoy the sights for now.