Nova stretched, walking out into the twilight quietly. The area was still, and the pale lioness was unbothered by the lack, curling up on tyhe ground in silence as she looked out over the pridal land, and finally allowed herself to trembnle.

She wasn't afraid of the demons -- not really. Most were decent to her, or paid her no mind. She did as asked, and nothing more for them -- nor was more asked. Often, the lioness was ignored. It always reminded her of the Ela really. She never felt at home there either -- she'd thought herself abandoned by her parents, but now she felt abandoned by another pride. It was almost like she walked a trail of isolation -- except for Ulo, and she didn't understand. She was fed, and unhurt, so why? Nova flopped on her back in frustration, and growled a bit to let it out, when a black figure drew close.

Nacht had been watvching because of the god. He had sired for her overlords, and aside visiting, had left, leading to curiousity, to study the pride he lived among -- seemed to join leadership of - and the black lioness hadn't planned to stop to visit with the pale lioness at first. Lions were respected more if they were dark, and as much as the warlord wished, she didn't dare to ignore the female in distress. This pride was chosen and blessed by gods and it was her duty to see to it's well being. So, calm as ever, Nacht approached, red ochre bone mask secure as she approached, and spoke, tone level, almost eerily calm.

"You seem troubled. What ails you?" Nacht asked. Nova rolled to her paws, hackles raising momentarily before lowering. Was she a demon? She looked demonic. However, Nacht seemed to ignore the staring, the warlord far too used to the gesture. After a moment, Nova shrugged.

"...I'm alone. Again. It's a recurring trend. Even my poarents dumped me. Just.. Ulo. Ulo and his family wanted me, and I was forcerd out. Now I'm being abandoned here."

Nova flopped, sighing, and Nacht blinked. The tattooed lioness was... Serious? Nacht observed her accompanied often by her cousin, or mate, in her spy trips -- but she thought she was -- oh. Nachjt had seen this before. There was no Seer blood causing visions, but that did not mean the mind was faithful. Some lions, and others...

"You aren't abandoned. Possibly never were." Nacht said quietly. "I believe your mind is making you believe what isn't happening."

Nacht moved, Nova watching. The warlord flicked her tail, sand Nova followed. The lionesses walked in silence, and Nova looked around. She didn't get what the dark lioness meant, but they walked, until Nacht styopped in a flat patch. The soil was clear, and there was little grass. Nova watched as she began to draw in the dirt, paws focused as she drew shapes; imaghes of lions, and then, finally, Nova pawed one, looking to Nacht. The warlord remained patient.

"Your mind is decieved by spirits." Nacht explained, motioning. "Malicious spirits working counter to the gods. Nobody knows why these spirits attach to some but not others, but they lie. They're vicious, hateful liars who want to take everyuthing, or arrange an unharmonious life contrary to the gods' divine will. These spirits... Hurt. They tell us we're alone. They tell us to kill, or that someone is going to hurt us. But it's lies, and you need others to catch them. Usually, one attuned to the Gods' divinity."

Nacht reached, pawing Nova gently before leaning.

"But there's treatment. I can seek information on such things for you -- to maybe see if any recal the leafwater blend to silence them. But until then you must find someone they cannot lie about to help you." Nacht smiled"You must trust that single soul, and others like them."

"How do I know you aren't their agent?" Nova asked. She'd listened, but at the last comment, she looked up, ears wary. To that extent, Nacht supposed she was wise to ask -- but the lioness was anxious too. The poor thing -- her mind had such cruelties told to it. The spirits... Did they hate the girl? Did Nacht need to bless her? It was possible the Viangozi needed to be aware of her -- if only to watcvh - but the Warlord's concern now was guiding her into the Gods' embrace once more.

"I am the ruler of a pride that simply live to serve the gods." Nacht explained patiently. "We seek to please them. We seek to fulfill their divine will. Trust, don't trust -- that is up to you. But I am an ally against the malicious spirits hurting you. Still, I am not of your pride. Of that, you must seek pridemembers to aide you, help you. You are not without hope."

"Oh." Nova sighed, laying out before staring at her paws.

"How do I tell truth and lies? How do I know who can help me?" Nova questioned. Nacht rumbled.

"Seek those you trust. Those whom you know never lied -- whom can fight the spirits with their presence." Nacht explained. Nova nodded, biting her tounge a bit momentarily.Lies, lies since cubhood... Then... Had she been wrong about her family? The thoughjt crushed her - to be wrong, to be... Forced from her home. It hurt, knowing she cost Ulo so much, and she hated herself for having nothing for him now. What had she done but gotten him hurt, and brought into a pride so far away? Was she a good mate?... Ulo was though.

Ulo deserved love. ... She could give him that. She could try to be better -- though she had to rely on him to focus. ... Well, maybe others could help him?

"..I'll need to speak with kin." Nova finally said, quietly. Nachy nodded, smiling some as she bowed her head.

"A good start. And now I fear I must bid you adieu, my dear. The moon is rising and your pridemates may not fancy my presence yet."

For a moment, Nova didn't look from her paws - didn't acknowledge. Her mind burnt with new information, mulling over whom to speak to. Her cousin needed to know her problem -- and her aunt. But whom else, truly? Whom to turn to?... Maybe Noh'vah could help her speak to the Shalori, and others. Or Ulo might help0o, if her darling coud head could. Maybe? Maybe. The lioness sighed, moving to rise to thank the lioness -- and blinked as she realized she'd vanished into the young night like a ghost. The lioness blinked, and turned, moving to return to others. So strange. Her night was beginning quite oddly indeed.