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Reply [IC] Myrsky Syntynyt Lands
[PRP] Riches [Shi x Kifo x Squish]

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Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2017 12:46 am
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Shi was perhaps a little to excited about the prospect of recruiting their cousins. A number of new cubs to have joined the pride along with their Uncle, Chern. The pale cub knew very little about her family - what Mother would say was vague and often mixed with anger, even hate? She wasn't sure what to make of the whole thing and so she continued on her with her excitement. If she could have understood she'd have realized the hate wasn't directed at her Uncle, but instead her Grandfather.

"Hey!?" She shouted as she approached the den where she had learned the cubs would be frequenting. A warning had alerted her that only two had remained behind for a nap or laying about. Whatever the reason might be, two was better than none. "Cmon out." She demanded and promptly dropped her rump to the ground as silence fell over the area. It seemed only her tiny voice was creating noise polution for the time being.

"Cmoooon." She begged, pleading with the darkness of the den entrance. All before a head popped out, fluffy ears flicking forward and wide eyes staring in her direction. She was older then the cub that had crept forward, but not much older. "You there, what's yer name?" Shi asked curiously. There hadn't been a formal introduction of the cubs as the adults resovled their adult stuff, but the cubs could handle that themselves.

"Kifo." The voice sounded. Small and sweet. "Yours?" She queried softly.

"I'm Shi."

PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2017 3:35 pm
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Vairya Mainyu or better known as Squish had been a very weird set of nervous and excited for their move to the Stormborn. The stormy, cold cliffs were certainly a huge change compared to the sunny and warm grasslands they had been raised in previously, and honestly? She wasn't quite sure she liked it!

There was one thing that did make this place bearable however - the crafting! Ever since they had arrived Squish had been amazed by the countless beautiful items and pelts the adults wore around, as well as the varies bowls, jugs, bags she had been seeing around.

She couldn't deny that she might have swiped a few of these beauties for...'samples'

Examining or better known as trying on the samples she had stolen was exactly what she had been doing when the new, high-pitched voice rang out from their cave entrance. She exchanged a look with Kifo before the older cub had ventured out to greet their guest why Squish hastily hid her prizes away.

Wouldn't want the owners finding her strutting about with their property around her neck now would we?

A few moments later a pair of brown fluffy ears and bright orange eyes peeked out from the cave as well. "Kifo? Who is it outside?" She curiously inquired as she strolled out to stand proudly next to her sister.

Well, they certainly weren't an angry adult like she expected. This new comer honestly looked like someone who could come straight from their own litter! If not for the off-coloring and slight age difference.

Cocking an eyebrow Squish eyed their new guest with suspicion. "What do you want, stranger?"

Astro Risk Greenie


Fashionable Mage

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 12:07 am

Pale tail beat the ground behind her impatiently as she awaited the second face to appear. The cubs were certainly family, but it appeared that as informed as she and her sister had become the same courtesy was not given to her cousins. "Kifo, nice to meet ya!" She was pleasant as could be, perhaps to pleasant in some cases, but it was likely her cousins wouldn't know the difference - her age was to her advantage this time around.

"Just some cub." She replied to her sister casually while she stared down their company. "Some cub.." Shi snorted. "Did Uncle Chern not tell you who your own cousins were?" The pale cub was suddenly grateful for her Mothers notice of the new found family members. It was a strange thought that there were more family members out there - the small cub often wondered just how big their family was. "Well, none of that matters now anyhow. I have an idea - one that my sister and friends have come together on. One that would give us plenty of things and plenty of practice." She didn't elaborate on the practice, but received a look from Kifo that suggested that they likely didn't know what would be involved in said 'practice'.

"Oh my gosh." Shi stared at the pair of cubs a little wide eyed. "You were told nothing." She asked bluntly, a paw raising and sufficiently 'face palming' herself.

"Should I start from the beginning?"

PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 1:48 am
"Ah..." Blinking Squish slowly inched closer to her sister, her tail curling around her leg nervously as she stared down at Shi like she had grown a second head. Seriously nice to meet you? It seemed even more suspicious to her that this random cub would 1. Be so friendly to a stranger. 2. Would randomly decide to choose THEIR cave to visit.

And most importantly to the young cub....uh what kind of gaudy hairstyle had she chosen? Some sort of horribly messy braid that really looked like it could have used a wash like yesterday? Gross.

"Cousin? Excuse me but you're our cousin?" She asked with a slight tilt of the head, her eyes once again making a judging scan over her form. Well that certainly would explain the wing markings at the very least.

If she really was their cousin note to self to give this girl a make-over asap! But ah, another matter for another time.

Giving them plenty of things? Well now, that certainly was more in line with her own prerogative. Instantly the young cub perked up at the idea of adding to her little collection of trinkets and goodies. Though..."Practice? Practice for what exactly?"

Letting out a snort Squish flopped down onto her rump. "Duh. Of course we've been told nothing, we've been here for only a few days. Daddy has just been trying to get us moved in." She replied with a raised eyebrow.

With a flick of the paw she encouraged her cousin to get on with her tale. "Please do explain, Shi. And yes, the beginning would be generally the best place to start with unless you want to go for some sort of weird interpretative art feel to it."

Astro Risk Greenie
Squish is apparently a sassy mean girl lmao


Fashionable Mage

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Fri Jun 02, 2017 9:29 am
Shi barely took notice to the judgemental way her cousin eyed her up, as though she were some class below her. Instead she was distracted by the fact that their Father hadn't bothered to give details - perhaps even he wasn't aware. OH BOTHER. It felt like the whole world was on Shi's shoulders and she sighed - everytime something needed explaining she was the one to do so and that kind of pressure was getting to her. How many adults would she have to appease later on?

"You're excused and yes." She snorted impolitley at the question - as if she would lie. "Could you stop staring at my braid.." Her golden eyes narrowed as she suddenly realized what the cub sitting across from her (nervously) had been doing.

The pale cub scolded herself for offering to do this and reminded herself that down the road Sini could do her own damn recruiting if it all went like this.

Kifo glared at the cub and all sweetness faded. "You shouldn't talk to others that way." She said firmly to which she received yet another sigh - one that told her the other cub was exhausted by the conversation alread. "Remember. You came to US." She stated plainly, becoming attached to her sister, narrowed eyes aimed at their cousin. "You're right, I did." Shi said flatly. "I hope that I don't regret it either." The statement was made just as flatly as the words before it.

"Practice." She started, trying to gather herself for the next part of the conversation and pretend like she was still excited. "Practice to become an ideal adult within the pride." She admitted, not enjoying the way she'd worded that - there weren't actual standards, just her own. "When we grow up to adolescent we will go out on a Viking and take what we want." That was how she had understood it and she stuck by it all through the anger that bubbled to the surface at her cousins off-handed comment about where to start.

"Okay. So we go out and take what we want? Why?" The question was valid and Shi chose not to answer right away, deciding to wait for the other cub to speak.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 02, 2017 8:20 pm
As much as she wanted to reply with a snarky comment Squish did refrain. Perhaps upsetting their new found family member without even knowing what they were offering was not the smartest of moves.

Still, that awful little braid of hers would be something she probably wouldn't be able to overlook for much more than a single meeting. She would have to do something about it soon.

Wrinkling her nose up in disgust Squish's chest puffed out proudly as she squared off next to her sister. "If you ever do feel regret from us please do find your way your way to the nearest exit and leave, hopefully getting your butt smacked on the way out!" She snapped back with a little tantrum stomp of her foot. How dare she, honestly?! Regret? From meeting them? Puh-lease! "You would do well not to regret us, dear cousin. Don't forget that you're outnumbered here."

Letting out her own sigh Squish slowly relaxed back down from her defensive attack. Oh yes her father had mentioned the vikings in passing, though he had yet to explain any more on them aside from the fact that it was one of the few times they would be let out of the pride if they were members.

If it meant adding to her collection Squish would be willing to travel to the ends of the earth!

With a impish grin Squish exchanged a quick look with her sister. "I think the better answer would be why not, Kifo. If we're the best - which we are remember - then we deserve the best! The only way to get what we deserve is to take it from the weak. Just like daddy said!" The younger of the sister explained before turning her attentions back onto her cousin. She might have been the youngest but she would still gladly speak on behalf of her siblings if need be.

"We're listening. What exactly did you have in mind?"

Ctrl F Greenie


Fashionable Mage

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 10:50 pm
"I'd happily find the nearest exit and slap my butt MYSELF, except from what I hear you two could be useful." She nearly spat the word at her cousins. The three were all in hissy fit mode and trying to defend mute points - of course none would have seen it that way. "Ha! Don't forget whose home this. was. first." Her original sneer became a wicked grin, but she had to collect herself first.

Cooling her jets was difficult - she wanted a fight. If she failed now though she would never hear the end of it and so she decided to pick her battles.

"I'm glad you see it that way." Her wicked grin became a smile. "Uncle Chern is absolutely right. The weak don't deserve their stuff - we do." Shi was picking up the enthusiasm quickly and began to feel amazing as she ran on the high of what they intended to do.

"Sini`deimos, my sister and our incredibly goods friends are team-no.. we are grouping up." She watched as Kifo nodded along. She had been right there with her sister and the big speech about what they deserve, so her ears were forward and large curious eyes stared at Shi. "So. What we plan to do is take from within. The lions that are coming back have PLENTY of treasures." She used her paws to 'dazzle' her sentence. "These treasures usually end up sitting in a den, ripe for the taking!"

"You mean we will be stealing?" Kifo wasn't against the idea, but she wanted this to be straight and she peered at her sister in wonder. Though she was sure her sister was gobbling this up. New items! That could be all hers?! The idea was practically being said to Kifo by a different version of her sister using Shi's voice.

"Of couse we will be."

Shi brushed off the question with a raising of her paw. "What kind of question is that anyway?" Curiosity burned. "You know what, never mind that, we have more important things to discuss." The cub shook her head and cleared away the angst. "There will be pelts, jewelry, odd tokens, and other possible treats." The cub couldn't think of anything else and even those she had just thought of from her own den.

"We'll snatch them up from unsuspecting victims and have our collection at our hideout. There we will have a guard - likely one, but maybe two as we grow. Some of the spoils can be kept personally and some must be returned to the group - it's only fair." That last bit was made up, but truth be told she thought it might be a good idea. Perhaps it'd be a way to pay the others.

"Riches, bitches."

Shi had heard her Mother used the word before. Without thinking, mostly because it rhymed, she decided to use it to get her point across.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 5:51 pm
The sound of a faint thumping could be heard coming from behind Squish as her tail wagged excitedly, hitting anything or anyone in Kifo's case in it's path. They might not have started out on the best foot forward but Squish was certainly willing to work with even her worst of enemies for the chance of ulimate treasure.

With a s**t-eating grin spanning from ear to ear she eagerly nodded her head along with her sister. They certainly weren't the first ones to get the idea of stealing from the adults, most of Squish's own collection had come from the unsuspecting Reavers also homed near them. But even she could understand at her age that there was power behind numbers.

You have more thieves looting, you have more loot to enjoy. It was as simple as that.

Her own head spun to the side as she regarded her sister with a confused gaze, an eyebrow cocked at her silly question. "It's not like it's going to be anything new for us. Remember that darling pair of cuffs you had to have? We sure weren't gifted them, Kifo." She remarked, bumping her sister with her hip to drive home her point. "This will be fun! Think of all cuffs you could have with this? And why stop at cuffs? We could have anything we want!" She enticed the idea even further with a excited waggle of her eyebrows.

Turning her focus back to Shi she stepped forward towards their paler cousin. "Alright, we're in. But we expect a blood oath of loyalty on this!" That was something the adults did to ensure that things went their way, right? Oh well, it sounded cool none-the-less!

Oh. My. Gods. She totally did not do that!

Letting out a wheezy gasp Squish rushed forward, practically tackling Shi. Slamming her paws against Shi's mouth she nervously peered over her shoulder, double checking to make sure no nosy adults overheard the huge no-no she just committed. "You CURSED! You can't curse! Then we'll really get in trouble with daddy, geez! Rule number one: No getting us grounded over stupid stuff!" She barked out as a commanding order.

Ugh maybe this partnership wasn't going to be worth it after all? No amount of extra treasure was worth getting the death glare and shame corner!

Ctrl F Greenie


Fashionable Mage

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Fri Aug 18, 2017 7:30 am
The question had been a focal point for the cubs. On the matter of stealing it was apparent that Kifo strove for a more innocent appearance, but as Squish was quick to point out she certainly wasn't innocent. "Heeeey." She grumbled at her sister for giving away the information. It wasn't as though the information held any merit or value between the cousins, but still. "I do love cuffs." Her dramatic flair had subsided into a quiet acceptance. Shi watched, poised in her position just outside of the den still with a grin that couldn't seem to disappear.

That was until the reaction from not just one of the cubs in front of her, but both. She'd heard the word 'bitches' used nonchalantly and though she'd never shared the experience with other cubs it didn't seem all to bad. But the reaction of a paw against her mouth and the sudden seething had her nearly reeling backwards. Kifo was quick to leave the den and begin an thorough investigation around the den. They were lucky though - just a hare. She didn't even bother with attempting for a meal, the hare would be eaten later.

"What she said!" The cub remarked as she returned to the scene. "You canNOT do that again." She demanded. "If you do that again you'll owe us half of whatever you find for however long we get grounded for." Her brow furrowed as she stared at the paler cousin. She meant business and although she received a glare back she did have the upper paw. Shi was in the smallest amount of shock and held fast. Her cousin had a firm grip over her mouth and she gasped a little with each breath through her nose.

When it was apparent she wasn't going to win this she nodded slowly and firmly. They would have an understanding. "Only let go if you're okay with these terms too Squish." She smiled at her sister fondly.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 11:51 pm
Squish didn't let up on Shi's mouth as she cautiously watched her sibling over her shoulder investigate their own den to make sure one of their parents, or worse one of their snitching siblings, wasn't hiding in the shadows just waiting to pounce.

It didn't really occur to the youngster that the little band talking so casually about breaking and entering and thievery would be much worse than a simple curse word!

A sigh of relief escaped her when Kifo gave her the short 'all clear' signal to her. Her brows furrowed together as she turned her attention back to Shi, sternly glaring down at the larger cub. "What she said double over! And that's getting off easy considering Daddy will ground us to the corner for saying curse words." She hissed out, her ears flattening against her head.

There was to the young duo nothing worse than having to spend hours (or what it felt like) boredly staring at the same wall with nothing to do. It was the ultimate punishment! Death would have been better than it.

Reluctantly Squish lifted herself off of Shi slowly padding herself backwards until she was shoulder-to-shoulder standing strong with her sibling. Her lips pursed into a tight frown as she visibly weighed their options. On one paw she still didn't know if it was worth hanging around with trouble-makers that cursed, but on the other she couldn't help but think of the great amounts of riches they could horde.

Decisions, decisions.

"I think it would be fair to give our cousin a chance, if we get in major trouble from dad because of her than we can always back out."
She mused with a loose shrug. "Let's see where this ends up. Kifo."

Lifting a paw up to her mouth she gave a hearty lick to the rough pads of her feet before holding it out expectantly to Shi. "We shake on this or no deal."

Ctrl F Greenie


Fashionable Mage

[IC] Myrsky Syntynyt Lands

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