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Reply [IC] Motoujamii Lands
[PRP] The Outside World (Heti x Paschar)

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Epine de Rose

PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2017 6:15 am
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There had been a flurry of activity in recent weeks that had not been lost on the former rogue. There had been several votes, opinions had been voiced and views made clear. It had all led up to a point in which several very curious firekin would be embarking on an expedition into her former homeland... one that was arguably so diverse that some of them might find it to be incredibly overwhelming. Fortunately, it seemed that some former rogues might have been going with them as well, so they wouldn't be entirely blind to the risks.

...Or at least she hoped so.

Nevertheless, when it came to Paschar, she had made the decision to remain where she was in the hope that she could continue with her studies. She was a smaller lion, a little more 'frail' than most, but she had proven herself in combat and as a consequence she had been deemed worthy. She wasn't about to waste that opportunity for the sake of nostalgia, so while those who had been born here might choose to explore where she had once lived...she had decided that she would explore where they lived.

Eventually, she hoped she would be as adept at certain things as they were.

That aside, she had concluded that perhaps she might at least provide some small amounts of advice to those who had expressed interest in leaving. She wouldn't lecture anyone, that would ruin the surprise for them when they set out on their voyage of discovery...but she would at least ensure they didn't eat anything that could kill them.

This in mind, she had settled herself close by to the borders where it seemed a few of the explorers might have been. A number had been guards and soldiers, so this seemed like a logical place to look...

PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2017 6:35 am
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One of those lions was Heti.

It was odd really. He'd never really considered going out into the rogue lands before now. And yet, once the prospect had been offered, he had found it a calling he could not ignore. He'd even stood up to his father's demands - maybe for the first time in his life - to do so. It's not that he wanted to go against his father's wishes but, in this, their opinions would never align. Though, in truth, Heti was much more like his mother. Gentler. More open to different ideas and change. Generally speaking, though his father's opinions were not his own, he went along with them for an easier life.

He just hoped that, by the time he got back, his father would have forgiven him. Perhaps he'd even decide to go out on the next expedition and see the world for himself.

Not too far from where he sat, a small group of guards had gathered to catch their breath and shelter from the sun. Heti, with a stretch, settled down in the shade and tried to consider what new challenges he would face in the future. He was excited and a little nervous.

It would be nice, he thought, to wake up to a new horizon.

Epine de Rose


Fuzzy Kitten

Epine de Rose

PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2017 6:43 am
There they were!

She'd known if she kept at it she'd eventually find one of the patrols - as she'd never been privy to their routes, it had been a bit of a gamble to start where she had. Fortunately on this occasion it had paid off and it was a merry jaunt that she moved towards them. She'd always been a bit of a bubbly one, and her jovial smile would probably have been as bright as the sun itself if it was caught in the right light.

"Good afternoon!" she chimed, if only to let them know that she was there. If she was lucky, some of those who had seen her on her joining would recognise her and her slight form wouldn't result in them challenging her identity. Goodness knew she wasn't quite ready to take on another one of them, she needed to study them carefully first, and when she had noticed some of their lazy or weak spots, she would make a go of it.

...It had worked last time, so it would work again.

"I hope we're all doing well? I was wondering if perhaps you might be able to answer a question or two."

PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2017 6:55 am
Heti looked up, casting his eyes over the face of the new arrival. He had not met her personally but he remembered her markings. They were simple but distinctive all the same. He smiled in greeting and pushed himself back into a sitting position, shaking the sand from his mane.

"Of course. I'll answer if I can."

There was no harm in answering a question or two and it was nice to spend the downtime speaking to someone not on the same patrol as he. His fellow guards were all friendly enough, of course, but after spending many days together, it was nice to see a fresh face.

"Is everything alright?" He glanced behind her to see if anyone had accompanied her here but saw no one in the immediate vicinity. What sort of question had brought her all the way out here?" Some of the other guards had paused in conversation to peer curiously over, as well.

Epine de Rose


Fuzzy Kitten

Epine de Rose

PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2017 7:01 am
"Wonderful, wonderful!" she clapped her paws together encouragingly as Heti offered up his assistance. "I don't think we've ever had the pleasure of meeting, I'm Paschar," she added and cleared her throat. She was sure he would offer his name if he needed to, but now that she had gotten her own introductions done she was keen to ask for his assistance before she wasted to much of his time.

Guards were busy after all, lots to patrol, right?

"Actually I'm looking for someone, maybe several someones," she explained and took a seat, coiling her tail around her paws in the process. "I know that there are a lot of curious souls preparing to head out into my former homeland and I wanted to meet with a few of them before they went," she continued. Unsurprisingly, the smile hadn't left her lips, though it had lessened slightly so that she didn't have a disturbing cheshire cat grin.

"You see there are one or two things they really should know about before they go out into the world," she said and cleared her throat. "Mostly to ensure that they come home safely, I know they're all very strong but strength can't protect you from some of the things that happen to live out there, only experience can."

She paused, albeit briefly.

"Would you be able to direct towards any of your comrades who might have an interest? I didn't have the opportunity to find out who had put themselves forward for the expedition."

PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2017 7:20 am
"Nice to meet you, Paschar. I'm Heti," he gave his name without hesitation and watched her with curiosity. The light in his eyes brightened as she explained herself and, with an eager nod, he shuffled forwards a little. "It sounds like you have a lot of useful knowledge and, you're in luck! I'm one of the lions intending to head out there once we get the go-ahead." The sooner the better, he realised after a moment's thought. He loved his pride and his job but he was craving something else now.

The unknown.

He paused to peer over a shoulder at the handful of guards sitting behind him and called out, "hey, anyone else heading out on the expedition?" His call was replied with murmurings but no one seemed to make any effort to come join them. Heti rolled his eyes and turned back to the female. "If they're going, they'll be listening. They're probably too proud to admit that they might need some extra knowledge." He grinned at her, "I, on the other hand, have no such pride." He tapped a paw to his chest then settled himself more comfortably. "I'm all ears. I can always pass on the knowledge...so long as I remember it, of course!"

Epine de Rose


Fuzzy Kitten

Epine de Rose

PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2017 7:25 am
"Modesty," Paschar observed, seemingly impressed. "You'll do well to remember that particular trait while you're out there," she remarked and shook her head. Oh she knew that they were all very strong, the best of the best, but in the end they would encounter others who were bigger, badder and stronger. They would find others who would fight dirty, who would cheat and enslave... Sometimes it helped to park the ego and regard someone with a little more wary respect.

Nevertheless, rather than lecture them on the importance of diplomacy, she adjusted her weight and truly settled in.

"Well, which information would you consider more critical to your wellbeing?" she asked curiously and tilted her head to the side. "Would you be concerned with what is safe, and what isn't safe to eat?" she began, and then chuckled. "Or would you prefer to know about certain things, places and individuals you might want to avoid while passing through?" she asked curiously.

"Alternatively, maybe you want to meet with them, it really depends on your inclinations I suppose..."

PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2017 8:25 am
Wow. Where to start? There was going to be so much to learn. So much to pick up on. He'd not really considered the fact that he knew nothing of the land outside. He was just going to bumble along and hope they could hold their own against any sort of trouble they might come up against. Now that he was faced with his own ignorance of the unclaimed lands and their neighbours,
however, he realised they might not be able to do that.

"Well, I suppose we don't want to make any new enemies. If there are prides out there easily offended, having a bunch of proud Firekin descending on their borders might not be the best thing to do..." The last thing they wanted was for another war to break out. They wanted assistance out there. Not more enemies.

"Perhaps some of your favourite tips on how to get along out there? The terrain itself will be far different than what we're used to." He nodded, "yes, is there any lessons you learned out there that you would never forget? Perhaps ones you even learned the hard way!" he laughed, thinking of the possibilities.

Epine de Rose


Fuzzy Kitten

Epine de Rose

PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2017 8:34 am
"Humility when in large groups can be a blessing, if I'm honest," she began and pursed her lips. "There's another pride who roams in bands, they send their warriors out all the time. Instead of being pleasant, they pillage, attack and enslave... It's led to quite a few prides regarding any large 'force' of lions to be suspicious," she added. She was sure there were nice lions out there in those roving bands, but she had yet to hear of them... They may very well have been more of an exception than the rule.

"Perhaps you have an interest in slavery, but overall they will be more inclined to battle against you and attempt to take you as their prize. Quite honestly, they have just as much pride as you do, so be careful," she warned and clucked her tongue. "If you're approaching other prides and their borders, you'd do well to check your ego at their doors and bow your heads to whatever guardians or wardens they may have."

"...Let them explain their rules to you, then you can decide if you want to enter and obey them, or bow out and take your leave."

She paused thoughtfully.

"....And never underestimate anyone, ever." she tapped at her chest and smiled. "We might not be as big as you, but some of us have no honour and we will fight dirty. We will cheat, we will trap, we will do what we have to in order to survive and your strength can't save you from that sometimes."

There was another pause and then she cringed, as if his request to recount a tale of her own that had proved to be dramatic one wasn't entirely pleasant.

"Don't eat any brightly coloured frogs, they bounce, looks slimey and go 'ribbit'," she advised after a moment, a light shudder rippling across her back. "It won't end well, trust me on that one."

PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2017 8:46 am
"Hm," he pondered over her first warning; of a pride who seemingly made use of the rogue lands as much as their homeland. Could this be the future of their pride, too? Expanding their borders in search of friend, lover or glory? He wasn't so sure about the slavery part, though. In all likelihood if they were to meet it would be a tense interaction. "I don't so much like the sound of slavery but...they sound interesting. Depending on their reception they might even be good candidates for an alliance..." he bandied that idea hesitantly. Slave-keepers were not something that many (except true traditionalists) looked well upon.

"I imagine we'll have the higher ranking Firekin leading the discussions. Let's hope they have a good head on their shoulders. We're not tyrants anymore. We're not looking to conquer anyone." Some might argue that they were going out for no other purpose except to find lovers...

They could say what they liked, though. Heti was not going out for that.

"No bright frogs. Got it!" he grinned. "Between you and me, I hope we'll have some good huntresses and hunters along for the journey."

A quiet, 'hear, hear!' could be heard just behind him.

"It's a shame you won't be coming with us. I hope the other ex-rogues will have knowledge they can pass on, too. Better to have them there to help when we come up against something we've not seen before."

Epine de Rose


Fuzzy Kitten

Epine de Rose

PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2017 8:54 am
"I...really have no real desire to find myself in the company of Stormborn again," Paschar confessed and hazarded a wry smile. "It's in my best interests not to return to the roguelands for now, it has some truly wonderful sights but there are some things I would sooner forget," she added. While she had no doubt some Firekin would probably regard the Stormborn with great interest, she would perhaps be one of the most nervous and uncertain regarding it.

"Just tread carefully when it comes to those individuals," she cautioned. "They have no problem with torturing and mutilating their own slaves, they wouldn't hesitate to make you a play thing either," she remarked. "And I don't imagine they would take in your Huria with open arms unless they proved themselves either, you might very well condemn your own blood to slavery depending on how they might perform."

...She seemed to know a fair amount, if only from observation.

"Fortunately most other prides seem very pleasant and are usually quite open to diplomacy from what I've seen, there are even a number that have no qualms with you simply relaxing on their land while you recuperate and prepare for your next journey," she added.

"My place is most definitely here though, I've much to study and unfortunately I'm not going to learn about the Firekin out there, most of your history is here," she pointed out wisely. "Tradition, culture... Perhaps if there are other expeditions when I'm more schooled, then I'll offer my services," she finished with a smile.

"Maybe even show you some places none of you have thought about exploring yet, eh?"

PostPosted: Thu May 25, 2017 12:21 pm
Heti's brows knitted together at that. It seemed to him that these Stormborn had both appealing traits and detestable ones. He'd never even thought much about other culture's and their take on the world. It seemed that the Firekin were about to be faced with individuals far different from themselves. "Then, I hope that we do not cross paths with them. Strong or not, slavery cannot be condoned."

He smiled at her, nodding in understanding, "that makes sense. There is much to learn about our home and culture - enough to keep you occupied until the next expedition, I should think. Thank you, though, for sharing your knowledge. Hopefully the others will listen and be cautious with whom to mingle with when we're out there."

He glanced back at the other guards and got back to his paws, stretching, before returning his gaze to her. "Feel free to linger in the shade with us until you are ready to return. Maybe some of these guys can tell you some stories of our home to pass the time."

Epine de Rose


Fuzzy Kitten

Epine de Rose

PostPosted: Fri May 26, 2017 2:01 am
"They seem to get everywhere, so I imagine that an encounter is inevitable," Paschar shook her head. She'd heard tales of them being manipulative as well, anything to exploit and acquire a conquest. A Firekin lioness might be strong, but that didn't mean she couldn't be extraordinarily naive and fall for silky words while she was out in a foreign land. Truthfully, the Firekin were going to be very vulnerable out there... a perfect target for the unscrupulous.

"Just be careful," she concluded. He would have to make up his own mind regarding how he felt when it came to each individual he met regardless of where they might come from. So long as he was cautious and didn't immediately trust everyone, he'd probably be fine! Alternatively he could fall for a pretty lioness and become much like the others in terms of silky words!

If she'd known Tapana, she would have conceded that the Regent had every right to be concerned.

Nevertheless the offer to share shade was welcome and the opportunity to quiz some of his fellow guards in regards to their own stories and some of their history wasn't one she was about to pass up. With a beaming smile she swept passed Heti and trotted towards his companions, depositing herself a reasonable distance away to ensure they maintained their personal space.

It was at this point that she introduced herself (again) and did begin to pry ever so slightly into various aspects of who and what they were, she wouldn't keep them long though, that would have been rude. She'd happily let them go when it was time for them to move on once more...

[IC] Motoujamii Lands

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