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Oh boy she had been waiting for this day for what seemed like forever! Normally it was unusual for the calm, quiet little cub to even think about crossing her mother's wishes, let alone blatantly disobey a direct order!

But yet here she was, sneaking out far beyond the normal confines of what was acceptable for a cub to go. The reason she had decided to risk being grounded until adulthood? Simple rumors had floated around that hidden high up in the snowy forest was the perfect bunny hill! Untouched, always filled with the perfect amount of snow, and completely void of any pesky trees. It would make for the ultimate sled ride.

And she was going to be the one to pull it off.

"Chi, it's getting kind of late perhaps we should start to head back?" B'un piped up next to her. Though he didn't particularly agree with this fool's errand Chione had made him a damn fine offer to pick him as much alfalfa as he could eat. Truly, it was an offer he couldn't refuse.

"Don't be such a worry-wart, B'un. We came this far out it would be silly to turn back now!" Chione replied with a shake of her head. Stopping she gave a large pull of the rope her little tree bark sled was attached to pulling it to her side. "Besides we're getting close, I can feel it in my toes."

Letting out a quiet sigh B'un hopped onto the sled, flopping down onto his belly as soon as his paws touched the wood. "I have a really bad feeling about this, I wish we had just stayed at home." He muttered to himself.

Abominable Greenie