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Stormborn Skeleton Personality Contest [CLOSED]

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Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2017 10:17 am
Too Spoopy For Me!

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Step right up, folks! We've got one skull bab that's looking for a home. Come join our spooky (slightly out of season) family!

Ends May 22nd 12:00 PM EST
Any posts after that time, even if this thread is not closed, will not be considered. Get 'em in early, folks!
PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2017 10:20 am
Meet the Family

Father (SilverLutz)
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Tryggr is hard-working, steadfast, and won't take no for an answer. He's respectful to those who earn it and views life in very black and white terms. You're good or you're bad, you're nice or you're mean, you're a friend or you're an enemy. While he has a clear head for justice and rules, he takes orders better than giving them, but will only take direction from those he feel are worthy of his aid. You definitely want this guy on your team and not as your opponent.

Mother (Rennekae)
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Kira is happy, loving and kind-hearted. She's intensely optimistic and positive; "Rainbow after every storm", "nothing but smooth sailing ahead", "bad things are good things in disguise" - any positive mantra you can think of, she believes it. She is not a fighter in any way, preferring to leave brute strength and physical confrontation as last resorts, though all of that is out the window if Tryggr or (especially) her cubs are threatened. She will not interfere with the pride's way of life when raising her cubs, but will try to impart a sense of restraint when it comes to fighting, hoping to teach them that battle doesn't need to be their go-to response and not to inflict more damage than is necessary. Her worst fear would be having her children grow up to be bloodthirsty, tyrannical bullies.

Sister (Rennekae)
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Sunnbein is somewhat of tsundere - prickly on the outside, but a bit sensitive inside. There's no denying she's tough and can handle herself, but she can still be hurt and tends to overreact and lash out when that happens. After all, anger is easier to feel than hurt.

Brother (SilverLutz)
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Geist is a curious little cub. He loves to sneak around and scare others, using his dark pelt to his advantage. He's certainly gotten his fair share of yelps with his ghostly face appearing in the darkness. Beyond being a little scamp, Geist is quite the storyteller and has a vast imagination.



Offensive Hero


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2017 10:22 am
Spooky Scary Skeletons

Here is the boy you are trying for! Fill out the form and read the rules please.

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1. Must stay in the SB until adolescence.
2. Any entries posted after 12 PM EST on the 22nd of May will not be considered even if this thread is not officially closed.
3. No evil cubs! Although they are spooky looking, dad is the son of the god of chivalry and mom is a very sweet lady. Grumpy/rude/brash/etc etc is fine,
just not flat-out evil.
4. Mom is a Thrall but dad will claim the cubs as his own, and therefore the cubs will be Freeborn. They are a loving pair and will raise the cubs well.
5. They will be raised with a more modern mindset. Grandma was very pro-female before the old Warlord was overthrown that didn't allow female Reavers. Clearly things have changed as a female is now the Warlord, but just a note the family as a whole is very accepting of everyone.
6. This is a personality contest so that's where the meat of this contest is going to focus. The more you can tell us about this boy the better.

[size=15][color=#77D85B][b]Send Shivers Down Your Spine[/b][/color][/size]
[b]Rank Aspirations:[/b]
[b]Plot Ideas:[/b] (not required, just curious!)
PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2017 11:41 am
Send Shivers Down Your Spine
Name: Einarr
Meaning: Lone Warrior
Rank Aspirations: ...He has aspirations beyond storytelling and being a troll? (Freeborn)
Personality: Einarr is... A lot of Stormborn's biggest migraine. Einarr is that guy sitting on his a** telling the old myths and legends he knows, with comedy when able... Even dark humor (This is the guy who, as a human, would guffaw at Thor crossdressing okay.)

Einarr is a relaxed, laid back fellow who enjoys a good laugh as well - for all his boneyfaced creepiness, he's very affable and funny... But also a giant troll. If he thinks it's funny, he's going to do it - from dunking someone in mud to trying to 'crossdress', Einarr kind of does what he likes for a laugh. He's not the best if you want someone to take Viking, nor the one that you want in charge of well-- anything. He's not mean, and he definately isn't cruel.... He just doesn't have the good sense to know when the heck to smarten up and be serious. Still...

While Einarr is a giant myth, and laugh,m dork, and somewhat lazy, he's also reasonable, and open. He's not a fighter by any stretch - it's not his thang - but he is a strong believer in the gods. All the gods. The myths and legends he learns will serve to feed his devotion - so rather than pull a fast one on the gods, he would prefer servitude. Still without a god around to boss him, he'll mostly sit on his butt passing the old tales.
Plot Ideas:
He has th3e possibility of pissing a God off with HOW he tells old tales, and Primitus is... Likely to steal him at Adolescence. The wrong story, at the wrong time, and Einarr is kidnapped to the Aegnor'hini. He wouldn't be a Sador, but he would likely visit his family on vikings. The guy'd only stay if he served Prim... And Hakuna'jina.... Really, he'd be easily lured away by any gods!

I also think Einarr might enjoy making people think he's a terror with his markings.  

Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant


PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2017 2:44 pm
Send Shivers Down Your Spine
Name: Styggr
Meaning: Shy
Rank Aspirations: Freeborn
Personality: At first glance, his parents knew his sweet, shy disposition. They chose to name him after his father (with a small twist) in hopes of giving him the confidence to purse his dreams without fear. Styggr ( Tyg) attempts to assist others with his tiny paws.
He likes to adventure a little further out than he should to try to make a few friends, and, is typically shunned or hit with hurtful words because of his appearance. His emerald eyes are always glistening with tears of hope for the chances of meeting a new friend, sadness when he is looked at with disgust, fear when confronted by someone that chooses to judge him before knowing, and love when he goes back to his mother and father that adore every sweetheart hair on his coat.

As he grows, I would want him to be a little more persistent with helping other lions and learn to be a little more assertive instead of constantly feeling like there is something wrong with him because of his appearance. Some kind of nurse to help the elderly in the pride to show how little outer appearances matter.

I see him as a genuinely loving boy, raised well by his parents, actively trying to do good in the pride as he grows out of being a frightened, shy, low self esteemed cub and into a lion knowing he can change other's perspective of frightening faces if they would give a few moments to know him.
Plot Ideas: (not required, just curious!)  
PostPosted: Sat May 13, 2017 9:05 am
Send Shivers Down Your Spine
Name: Helheim
Meaning: Land of the dead in Norse mythos!
Rank Aspirations: Freeborn > Reaver > Perhaps Captain?
Personality: Hel is an oddity for sure! He falls more on the true neutral spectrum of things. He's not outright evil, but nor is he good. Hel is selfish in the regard that he really only cares about himself and furthering his own goals.

He is extremely distrustful of those who their positions of power to abuse, control, and do evil. He finds them to be horrendous examples of what the Stormborn are about. Though he strives to reach a respectable position in the pride he also feels that if you don't do so honorably than there's no point to trying at all.

He takes a very neutral, progressive stance on females and thralls in the pride. He believes that if you have four legs to stand on, a drive to succeed, and a good set of claws then there's no reason for you not to be a productive member of society. Whether you choose to stay at home and raise cubs or go out on vikings is up to you, he doesn't care.

A man of few words most typically mistake his apathy for being grumpy. His reputation isn't helped by the fact that he does have a strange hobby: making jewelry from bone!

Plot Ideas:
Uhh could you not?
This would be an apprenticeship for him as he takes a interest in the crafting trade after watching a older member of the Stormborn. Instead of coming out and expressing his interest in learning from them Hel is going to try to 'sneak' his lessons by following them around! This probably will end in the crafter becoming creeped out from their newfound shadow and asks him to just stop.

Storm's balls! Murderer!
After becoming a Reaver Hel will take up the habit of dragging varies corpses of animals back to his den to use in his crafts. One day he decides to take the chance of bringing back the body of a cub who has died of natural causes back to use in a new project. Luck isn't on his side however and someone catches him, mistakes him as the cause of the cub's death and freaks out!

Excuse you?
Hel meets someone who doesn't share the same respect of thralls as him and his family does. Serious words are thrown between the two and finally they decide to fight out their differences! This could lead to a life-long rival plotline.


Fashionable Mage

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Sat May 13, 2017 10:17 am
Send Shivers Down Your Spine
Name: Cráneo Dulce
Meaning: Skull Candy
Rank Aspirations: Freeborn, however I could see him being a nanny amongst freeborn.
Personality: Young at heart no matter how old he gets, Cráneo will be the voice of encouragement to his siblings. Although he will have little to no ambition for himself, he will bolster anyone around him, giving nothing but praise to those he sees as needing a little boost. As a cub his brother and sister will be his main focus, he will stay in the background inconspicuous never asking for anything but any time anyone discourages his loved ones he will stand up and make sure that everyone knows exactly how awesome they are. A real mamas boy he will always find comfort around her and feel an immense pride that he looks a lot like her.
Plot Ideas:

Pushed to achieve
He will meet someone who tries to push him to do something more than just enjoy looking after youngsters. He won't know what to do about this but he will eventually turn the tables and make a friend of the other creature.

My spider sense is tingling
A random event as a cub will leave him afraid of spiders, which may or may not be discovered by his siblings. This could go one of two ways, either his siblings will taunt him about this or they could try and stop him from being afraid. Either way hilarity with spiders could ensue!

This is friend not food
He will adopt a baby familiar of the prey variety. A campaign to make sure he or she does not get eaten will happen XD!  
PostPosted: Sun May 14, 2017 12:07 am
Send Shivers Down Your Spine
Name: Søt Hodeskalle
Meaning: "sweet skull"
Rank Aspirations: He's content to be a Freeborn, but may strive to be a Reaver later in his adult life.
Personality: Søt is the referee in a fight. He pacifies the need for conflict and smooths out any disagreement between others. Specifically, he is there to make sure that when his twin, Geist, goes around spooking folks, no one attacks him. As he has tried to explain to his twin, lions don't act rationally when they're scared. Worried that Geist might get the stuffing beat out of him, Søt will usually accompany his brother in hopes that he can comfort whoever his brother spooks. Unfortunately, it has not yet occurred to our little cub that twin skulls creeping out of the shadows may be spookier than one.
Plot Ideas: Naturally, I would love some twin RP between Søt and Geist. I would also like RP with the rest of the family, but ideally these twins would always be close by one another, especially while Geist insists on spooking other lions.
If I win this cub, I think it might also be worth while to suggest that they join one of the cub gangs of the Stormborn, given that they could surely use their spooky appearances to the aide of one of the gangs. (Even if Søt himself would reluctantly join to make sure Geist didn't get into too much trouble.)  


Aged Shapeshifter

17,850 Points
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Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2017 2:46 am
Send Shivers Down Your Spine
Name: Seth
Meaning: Nordic form of Σεθ (Seth), of the Egyptian name Setekh = 'pillar, column' – As he is a pillar of the community.
Rank Aspirations: Uncertain at this time, it will depend on rp. Either Bard (telling stories to cheer up those around him), Lawspeaker (to fight for the rights of those disadvantaged in the pride) or Reaver (to protect his friends and assure the careful handling of new thralls).

Personality: Seth just wants to be loved. He knows his spooky appearance puts a lot of lions off and his brother's antics certainly don't help, nor does the fact that the two of them look so alike. Seth is typically second on the scene and gets the backlash from Geist's pranks. To compensate, Seth goes out of his way to be friendly and helpful to anyone who will give him the time of day, trying to prove that what his fur looks like on the outside is not who he is inside. He will befriend everyone, typically those on the fringe of the pride who are more willing to look past his scary appearance and see that he really does just mean well. Thanks to this he has a fairly eclectic circle of friends and becomes something of a champion for the downtrodden.

Plot Ideas:
Unusual friends:
Seth will be friends with all manner of pride members, lions and familiars both. His circle includes withdrawn thralls, the disabled ex-reavers, over-worked familiars, cubs that need someone to talk to.. Anyone and everyone that needs a helping paw or a shoulder to lean on. He will give comfort to those thralls like Keira who are over worked and unhappy, and helping the cubs of thralls integrate more successfully into the pride. Grumpy ex-reavers who feel useless after loosing their place in the pride will find someone happy to listen to them gripe and moan about their lot and Seth isn't above doing a thrall's work if it means assuring their comfort, such as fetching a meal for a lion who can no longer walk, or helping those mobile but embarrassed about their injuries to start the grieving and rehabilitation process.

Raum's struggle:
Seth will meet and befriend the highly antisocial and aggressive Raum, son of Ragnvard. Raum was taken from his litter when the family moved into the pride and adopted as Ragnvard's successor. As such he was isolated from his brothers, sisters and mother and trained to be the perfect protégé. As such, his social skills have been severely hampered as he changed from an outgoing and adventurous cub into a dead-eyed automaton. Seth will be the only one to persist long enough to break through the self-imposed isolation and dig into the troubled youth behind the cold facade. Eventually, Seth will be the catalyst to spur Raum into confronting his father and breaking free of the older lion's iron-like hold.

Mutual Aid:
Aeshma is the daughter of the Captain Lucivar and his blind wife Mbali. She is a confident and sassy girl who defies all the odds by becoming a fully fledged reaver even as she is going blind, having inherited her mother's disease. To her family she puts up a proud and brash front and most of the time its true. But while she knows her family is incredibly supportive of her blind siblings, Aeshma can't bare the idea that any of them would worry about her. Because of this, the times when her diminishing sight really gets to her, she has no where to go and no one to talk to, even her closest brother Kain is pushed away during these episodes. But that is where Seth comes in. As an outsider, she feels safe talking to him and will confide in him about all her insecurities and the difficulties of going blind in a pride where physical prowess is the stick by which you are measured. Seth is her safe place, and they will become fast friends. Especially as her bad sight means his fur pattern will never colour her opinion of him. In return, her candid and confident nature will help Seth in his own internal struggle for acceptance. Not only by the pride at large, but by himself. As even though he works so hard to prove that his fur doesn't dictate who he is, it has affected his self-confidence fairly severely and made him self-conscious to the point where he over-compensates.  
PostPosted: Tue May 16, 2017 5:04 pm
Send Shivers Down Your Spine
Name: Azmon
Meaning: bone of a bone our strength
Rank Aspirations: LawSpeaker -> First Speaker (maybe one day Warlord lol) I have high aspirations for him lol
Personality: (this jumps around a bit, sorry)
Azmon will have high aspirations at an early age. While he's all for a few jokes now and again, to include following suit with his brother and scaring others in the night with his spectral features, he is mostly serious. He doesn't like to do things that aren't going to help him further his goals in the pride (mostly as a young adol). When he's a cub he will be very curious about things and quite a bit of a trouble maker at times (mainly getting into people's mint storage's) nothing overly serious though. He will be extremely protective of their sister and mother (especially their mother) and ensure that nothing happens to them (mostly when he's an adult). He's all for playing and joking around with his siblings and teasing them to an extent but he won't allow others to really do that if he's present. He's the only one who can pick on his siblings and get away with it. Once he's an adol he'll grow out of that mindset and realize it's good for their character development overall but still make sure no one takes a joke too far and cause anyone some harm. While pranks and games are okay in his book anything that means to harm isn't. He'll have you by the throat in that case. He will have no real interest in going outside the pride, if his father wises to take him on a viking he'll join along just to see what the fuss is all about but his main aspirations are to stay within the pride and work on it from it's core and learn all the laws and the history that surrounds them. he wants to make the pride a more open place one day were acceptance of differences is more common. He will likely take a mate as an adult, none of this flirting around and knocking girls up. He'll be a family man sort of lion and likely seek out someone who's personality is similar to their mothers. Though he wouldn't mind being with someone who would test his strengths now and again. It's not something he's really thinking on right now but one day he knows he'll want a family and he'll only want to do with with one lioness. He will look up to both of his parents, especially his father and take some of his actions and use them to pave his way into the future. He'll be a kind soul like his mother deep down, even if on the outside he can be a bit standoffish. He'll have a firm but soulful look on life and how he treats others.
Plot Ideas: Family rp, ALL OF IT. <3
Sibling rp where perhaps someone picks on his sister and it upsets her and he kicks their butt.
some twin interaction where they go around spooking others.
gotta have that viking rp with daddy as an adol.
perhaps a young love and she isn't the type for settling so he drops her like it's hot?
Perhaps he gets a thrall while out on a viking and that's who he falls in love with? (that could be fun)
pridal skirmishes with other young males and females that don't agree with his views perhaps.
(these are all tentative and subject to change in the future if I win. ^^)  



Winter Wolf


Familiar Phantom

PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2017 5:39 am
Send Shivers Down Your Spine
Name: Skari
Meaning: Scary! =D No, it's actually 'swarm' in Icelandic.
Rank Aspirations: Freeborn > Reaver > Captain > Warlord! (or so he thinks)
Personality: Skari is going to grow to love the bustling, active Stormborn, and that love starts at home. The reserve and positivity enforced by his parents is going to teach him how to be forceful without turning domineering; aggressive without overstepping the line into bully. He'll be the type that feels - especially with his eerie features - that it's easier to grin and laugh someone off than start a fight with them. I picture him having this deep, rattling voice-from-the-grave going on, so that would only help matters. His boisterous nature comes out in particular force when there's an adventure in front of him.

His primary reason for becoming a Reaver is going to be towering love for the idea of brotherhood and camaraderie. Skari lives for his friends and, in time, will come to do so for his warband, which he will seek to swell the ranks of whenever possible. He does know how to fight, of course, and can be a royal terror when those he loves are in need of protection. Though if he has his way, he prefers to teach those that will need it how to defend themselves. That also goes into his desire to become a Captain, once Reaver is under his belt...and from there? Heck, he gets to take care of the whole pride as the Warlord! What could be better than making sure the Stormborn he adores are safe?

Some of his first and greatest wards will be his siblings. Growing up, playing tricks with Geist will likely be one of his favorite things to do, only slightly overshadowed by running off anyone who takes offense to a scare. He may not be as close to Sunnbein, as his desire to keep her safe could clash with her independent nature, but he will definitely be the first to tell her that she's just as tough as she thinks she is...until she's not, when he'll gladly leap to the rescue and shoulder the imminent fallout for doing so until she's feeling her best again.

He also makes a lot of bone puns. It's a bad habit. He's pretty unrepentant about it.
Plot Ideas:
- His need to defend others getting him in trouble, like finding himself standing up to a bigger, stronger foe and getting hurt when he fails
- Whether connected to the above or not, facing a problem with the friends/allies he's cultivated and kicking tail
- Sibling RP, obvs: there's so much potential!
- Taking things a step too far. For instance, having to defend one of his siblings and really lash out for the first time, then realize that it's better to channel his anger in other ways
- Possible father conflict, as Skari will likely grow out of sharing Tryggr's black-and-white viewpoint on the world  
PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2017 6:40 pm
Send Shivers Down Your Spine
Meaning:”Straight Arrow” in Norwegian
Rank Aspirations: Freeborn
Rett isn’t exactly the most motivated of all Stormborn- Rather, he is the type to find comfort in just doing the seemingly menial tasks required to make the pride run smoothly. Procure the fermented fruits, watch the cubs, skin and tan the hides used in the caves. Rett does it all, just… don’t ask him to leave the pride on a Viking.

The child will find himself terrified to leave the boundaries of the pride at a young age. Perhaps it is caused by the trauma he will face after a dear friend goes missing from a Viking. However, prior to this happening, Rett will be the starry-eyed cub with aspirations of becoming the next warlord, wanting nothing more than to be a leader that sets the hearts of those around him ablaze.

Due to the reality of his broken dream and the trauma of losing a close friend, Rett overall will be rather aloof, save a couple strange quirks. One such habit being his innate ability to find humor in a dark situation (his way of coping). Another? Tail biting.

Plot Ideas:

Turning up missing:
A dear from of Rettpil's ends up missing during their first viking. He will have to learn to deal with his stress and learn to cope in some way, leading to the tail biting.

Surely you're a coward:
A leap in time and the Rett has yet to pull himself out of his slump- His siblings are striving for glory as are many others born around the same time as he, yet Rett's life stands still. He has to find some way to work around to ridicule.

The barkeep:
It seems the lad has learned to be rather useful at getting those around him drunk and is now seen as the unofficial 'barkeep'. Gossip, items and labor are all traded for his 'giggle water'. Could some of that gossip come in use?

Bring out your dead:
The gossip has indeed brought word of something exciting or perhaps in his eyes incredibly frightening. There have been sightings of something strange wandering in the mist, large patches of fur missing and crazy glowing eyes. A trail of death followed in its wake- What's worse, a lioness whom Rett has gotten rather chummy with seems to have made it her mission to track the reaper.

Chasing the reaper:
Sometimes all it takes is a little push to move past a habit, other times it takes an absolutely insane event to question one. Rett is turning a new leaf, how will his personality develop is up to RP and interaction with others. Perhaps he is still reaver material?  


Timid Conversationalist


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Mon May 22, 2017 10:55 am
And closed! Thanks to all who entered, we'll be judging these and picking a winner ASAP.  
PostPosted: Thu May 25, 2017 2:34 pm
All right, Renne and I have come to a decision! Congrats, Anderleit, and welcome to the family biggrin We're both more than happy to RP and plot with your new lil' skeleboy.

Thanks to everyone who entered, we wish we had enough cubs for everyone to get one!



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