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Reply [IC] Myrsky Syntynyt Lands
[PRP] Dragon Fly (Cynder and master wings of melty dewm)

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Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 11:20 am
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Her mother had always told her not to play with her food. Her mother was behind her though, her past at least partly forgotten, or at least suppressed. Which meant that things her mother had told her were basically ignored. Playing with food, was sort of a new habit for her. The thing was dead, it was after all a piece of an animal, it had been alive at some point but it had been alive long enough ago to have been split in to sizeable chunks and lugged off by various members of the pride, herself included. Tossing the bloody meat between her paws she watched as her toes started to turn from purple to red. This irritated her.

Playing with her food, it was something she wouldn't do again, she huffed and dropped the meat where she lay and started to clean her paws using her teeth to rid the red liquid from her fur. She supposed she would allow this one law from her mother to remain at the forefront of her mind. No more playing with food. She snarled at the offending morsel and sighed, now, it was on the ground getting dusty and though her paws were clean the meat was not. She was becoming frustrated but after a moment of talking herself out of not filling her belly she pulled the meat on to her paws and started to eat it. No more playing with her food didn't mean she had to follow all of the old rules laid down to her. She could eat the meat even if it was a little dusty.

Abominable Greenie
PostPosted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 12:37 pm
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Green against the blues and greys always stuck out like a sore thumb in the prides lands. Ali had just recently made it here and began to call such a dreary place home, but he was still fairly new. The customs of the pride were beginning to hit home, he'd have to join a band of lions eventually, but today would not be such a day. Instead, he'd opted for seeking out where to gather a delectable meal, then after he'd settle in for a afternoon and evening of drinking while listening to the local gossip.

Though, before the rest could begin he had to interact with a lion or two to actually find some food, perhaps dabble in a conversation to make plans for later? Who knew where the roads would lead. As he traveled towards the main part of the prides lands he stumbled over a few unruly roots from trees that were growing in the midst and during his last little stumble he'd stopped to rearrange himself. A roll of his shoulders relaxed some tensed muscles and allowed his bag to reset itself on his side in a more comfortable fashion.

Soon he was in amongst the lions that were wandering about with pieces of meat, the aroma of a fresh kill made the green lion weak for a moment before regaining focus. He'd witnessed many pass by, but none had actually settled in enough for him to speak with. Crowds had always been a weak point for him, sure he stuck out, but the reality was he didn't encourage attention on himself. So with that he found the meat all by himself and then wandered to what he thought was a lone place for him to eat in peace - instead he found accidental company.

"Hello there." He said, though the words came out a muffled mess behind the piece of meat clenched between his jaws. Quickly he realized how rude he was probably coming off as and dropped the meat which caused a small stir of dust, a splatter of blood to fly and earned a weak smile from him. "Sorry, I mean hello." The second attempt was likely worst than the first, but he had tried.

Syrius Lionwing

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 1:34 pm
Sky blue eyes fell upon the lime green lion as he stumbled in to her line of sight. It seemed she was about to be interrupted. She wasn't wrong as blood and dust splattered on to her deep purple fur she slowly counted back from ten. Her fur could be cleaned, getting in to a fight over a bit of dirt was just reckless. After counting down she pursed her lips and let out a long breath. "Yes, well, hello." She raised a brow and cleaned her foreleg until the blood and dust had gone.

"Why is blood so hard to get out?" She exclaimed suddenly a long sigh whistling over her maw. "I suppose you have it worse, your fur must show it." She turns her eyes on him a slight glare, which she couldn't resist throwing his way. Really she wanted to do more than just give him a look of death, but, she told herself, it was just a little blood, just a little muck, she couldn't be too mad about it, right? Right...

Abominable Greenie
PostPosted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 2:10 pm
Brows furrowed as he watched the scene play out in near slow motion. Blood from the meal created a mess and thickened the dust that spit up from his small disaster. The mixture peppered his legs, disrupting the flow of his green pelt, much like the gory sludge-like markings down his legs and the wings on his sides. He heaved a deep sigh which lowered and raised his bag reminding him of it's contents momentarily before addressing the situation. Ali would have snickered at the look on her face, but had learned better than to react in such a way. "Yes, hello." He remarked in return, repeating his greeting.

"Well, it's likely a reminder that it's better inside than out?"

Stupid. Ali knew how stupid that sounded and yet there it was, out in the open and available for mocking. He very nearly hung his head, but instead peered at her beneath a pair of now raised brows. "I clean up just fine I suppose. Though the longer it sits the worse it gets." The green lion admitted and seated himself to begin reviewing his limbs for the 'damage' so to speak. "It doesn't look that bad, if anything I look more ghoulish." A small smirk broke his otherwise grim looking face.

"Don't you think I look a little more aggressive?" The question brought out a new dramatic side of him that made him smile in a large, silly manner and stand again, but this time in a more heroic pose of sorts. Just a little something to show off the new accents of color against his pelt. "I may need it, but you certainly don't." He meant it as a compliment, but realized how easily it could have been misinterpreted.

Syrius Lionwing
You have permission to give him a smack at any point (or any other physical beating). Ali has a problem with watching what he says lol

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 2:25 pm
Cynder looked at him for a long, slow moment, a furrow pulled her brow and created the deepest rift between her eyes. He was an idiot. Her jaw hung open in sheer disbelief until her brain caught up with his actions and she managed, some how to de-wrinkle her forehead. This guy, he was going to need a lot of counting if she was going to interact with him. She could faintly hear her mothers voice in the back of her head, telling her not to frown, that she would get wrinkles, how could she not frown? This great big idiot was hurting her brain and her silence.

Clearing her throat she closed her eyes for the briefest moment. "Yes but you have to take it out to eat it." She snips, stretching her claws out and drawing them back in, she could walk away from this situation but she felt this big, gloopy marked fool needed some sort of reminder that he should mind his mouth.

"You look dirty." She rumbles her thought pattern drifting to the state of his fur, were his markings actually dirt? The thought crossed her mind and it made her balk. She tried so hard not to be offended by grubbiness but, it was hard wired and beaten in to her brain, she had to stay clean even after eating.

"Who needs blood on their pelt?" She scoffs turning her gaze away she could feel her temperature rising, her tail started to lash and upon turning her eyes back to the male her narrowest of glares had once again caused the mighty rift between her eyes. "Are you an idiot or are you messing with me? I won't show you any tolerance just because you are a male you know? I'm perfectly capable of creating you a new oriface." So much for keeping her temper. gritting her teeth she closed her eyes and let out the longest sigh ever breathed by any creature ever.

"Please tell me you are just an idiot, you're giving me a head ache and wrinkles."

Abominable Greenie
PostPosted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 2:57 pm
It became clear to him that he'd chosen the worst possible dining companion when her face contorted into a very displeased look that told him all that he needed to know. However, Ali wasn't one to give up on situations and figured that perhaps this one could be salvaged like others he had salvaged before (or at least thought he had salvaged). He was staring at her, a bad habit when he got mulled over ideas, and in doing so actually took notice of the frown and uttered the only thing that came to mind. "If you frown you'll get wrinkles." Truth be told the phrase wasn't often stated between males, often times that kind of chatter was left to the females, but as a cub he remembered over hearing that sort of talk amongst the lionesses of his small community.

"Not necessarily." Now it was his turn to furrow his brow. "I've seen an interesting contraption that helped to drain the blood of a creature - though... during my travels I saw a number of strange things. Just because we are removing the blood (in a way) doesn't mean it needs to be so messy." The speech would have been great, had he not miss understood. He realized after that she meant they had to maim and kill prey to feed the members.. hunting was always a messy job. "I mean, sorry - you're right." Words he never liked to hear himself say, ever.

"Iiiii look dirty?! Blasphemy!" Would sarcasm be tolerated? The lion would be lying to himself if he said yes. With that in mind he flinched a small amount as though he might be struck by lightning above. "Have you looked at yourself lately?" Of course he wasn't aware of her discreet desire to be clean all of the time, nor would he have thought such a thing would be possible. Where ever he traveled he was dusty, unkempt and rarely cared to even pat down his mane. The only reason he looked near as good as his does now was due to a bath on his way to the prides lands. Appearance mattered very little to him.

It was his turn to scoff. "Any lion that is worth his weight in.. well anything is covered in blood when he returns from somewhere. Well.. from what I understand of this place so far.. blood and gems." He gave a shrug at the salty lady. "So ma`am, I'm no idiot - you just don't get me." A small smile dared to lift the corners of his mouth, now he was taunting the purple creature.

Syrius Lionwing

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 3:31 pm
Her eyes widened as he stated she would get wrinkles and all of the aggression she had been feeling faded away with a start. "I hate that phrase, don't say it." Straightening her maw the purple lioness batted at the left over meat that she had been eating, her appetite as deflated as her temper. Why did he have to say that? It was bad enough she reminded herself of her mother now someone else was doing it too?

"I hate to be dirty, it's something.." She paused, she was about to say it was something her mother used to say, but she stopped herself, she had promised herself not to say those words. "I just hate to be dirty, a clean pelt is a sign of good health." She sniffs, another phrase from her mother, why did the lioness still influence everything she said and did? It was most frustrating, here she was perfectly happy and ready to castrate this irritating male and with one, simple, irritating phrase she had lost the will to fight.

She allowed a little laugh to rumple over her lips,s he didn't appreciate the sarcasm but, perhaps the big green idiot had some sort of intelligence, it took some sort of wit and intelligence to be sarcastic. Perhaps she had misjudged the fellow?

Ugh, stupid phrase, she was suppposed to be mad. She sighed once again. "My Name is Cynder, I am much too young to be a ma'am and you, what's your name?" She stares her piercing blue eyes fixed on the male with a modicum of interest instead of pure loathing that had passed only moments before.

Abominable Greenie
PostPosted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 11:36 pm
The change was unbelievably fast and appeared to have been brought on by such a simple phrase. A phrase which he'd figured every female had heard from each coast of the world and back. His face had relaxed some, but a brow raised then rested once more as she finally spoke. "Oh?" Ali was baffled into silence and found himself nearly dumb founded, but slowly accepted that she had rolled over, so to speak. No fight? That was okay by him.

"Depends on the age. A young cub is better off filthy - shows that they've had a chance to get out and do something." His shoulders rolled into a half-assed shrug as his attention was brought back to the meat that had lain there mostly forgotten. He inhaled deeply, finding joy in the way a kill smelled, it was even better when the kill was fresh and being separated. (He wasn't a great hunter though, so it was a rare treat.)

Even though he'd shrugged off her comments with both his words and actions he did hear the pause loud and clear. It seemed there were some underlying issues? He left those thoughts to the side to be addressed at another, more convenient time. Maybe he'd even instigate a fetching match of 20 questions. Right now the idea didn't seem so grand, he'd forget about all that later though and go ahead with the 'bright idea' anyhow.

A laugh? Had he just heard the sound right. "She can laugh!" He proclaimed dramatically. If he was being honest with any lion he'd have expressed that her laugh tickled him pink. The sound was refreshing, given how their conversation had been going, this was a much better direction in his opinion."Cynder." He tasted the name on his tongue like a piece of the meat, the name was delightful and appropriate.

"Ali.. Ali`dido. I prefer Ali though."

Giving his name was the last thing he did before actually digging into the meat that sat before him untouched. He bore down on the piece like he hadn't eaten in days and clamped a set of powerful jaws around a piece that had sort of pulled free from some left over bone. As he chewed and swallowed the meat he sighed contentedly. Of course the ordeal left his mouth a bit.. damp around the edges - to her horror she'd discover he wasn't the tidiest of eaters.

Syrius Lionwing

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 11:30 am
The irritation she felt towards this male was once again slowly rising. The power in his words slipping away from her mind as she watched him eat. Ugh, why was he so disgusting? Perhaps he really was an idiot. She spent a quiet moment watching him, contemplating if she was going to reply to his comment about dirty cubs. She decided against it. Her mother had kept her clean, an assassin had to be clean if they smelled you coming it was a problem.

Pursing her lips she rolled her baby blue eyes and growled quietly. "Of course I can laugh, idiots amuse me." She scoffs letting out a long exasperated sigh. "I swear, I just attract guys like you. Do I have a sign on my head that just reads, come annoy this lioness?" She raised a brow at him. "For the love of the gods at least clean your maw." She raises a paw and massages her brow. She would have to walk away from this situation before she killed this male. He had already found a weak spot, a c***k in her usually impenetrable armour, she just hoped he hadn't noticed.

Yet, despite the resolution to move she stayed still, settling herself in to a more comfortable position. While internally she balked at the thought of spending another moment near this dirty green male, she couldn't quite get herself to stand up and leave. This was stupid, she just had to walk away. Letting out a long sigh she got to her paws but instead of walking away she moved closer to the green male and started to groom his face. "I can't stand muck on an adult, you should take better care of yourself you'll never be able to hunt down anything if you smell like a baboons butt."

Abomnible Greenie
PostPosted: Sat May 13, 2017 10:08 am
Ali had grown focused on his meal in her silence. Bite, chew and swallow - repeat. The mess left by his actions was gorey and if anyone had been wandering by they'd have likely thought he took part in the kill, or a kill of some kind. The lion was content though, making small happy noises as he devoured the piece quickly and easily enough.

"It's good to laugh at yourself once in a while." Ali, though focused, eased up on eating long enough to mirror an eye roll that would have been major competition against her own. "Oh?" He smirked and found himself ready to burst forth with laughter. Following his dramatic eye roll he used the same dramatic actions to wipe some blood free from his maw before leaning in a little bit. "Didn't you know, Cynder, there is a club.." He said in a quick, hushed tone that suggested he was protecting something. "We meet regularly to discuss what we will do next - there is a doozy of a plan coming up." Finished with his meal and thoroughly amused by the meals entertainment he was satisfied.

Satisfied that he had successfully interruted her day he stood.

"Now, if you'll excuse me.. I need to have a bath before the meeting. As you said, I smell like a baboons butt." He smiled broadly, twitched a little before feeling the urge to give a quick shake. Shaking was the finest way he could think to leave the conversation. The movement dislodged a number of scrap pieces, some missed blood and simple dirt. The spray would have been minimal, but likely enough to disrupt the lioness' day - which made him happy.

"You have yourself a wonderful day - I'll be seeing you, Cynder."

Syrius Lionwing

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Sat May 13, 2017 10:27 am
The purple lioness watched as he moved off. She could feel anger rising again deep inside her. She had become the silly thing he rmother made her again and that irked her to no end.Shaking her head the wing marked female stalked off in the opposite direction. "Hopefully not." She snorts lashing her tail as she padded off.

Yet, she glanced back at him, his taunt about a meeting, she wanted to know, curiosity itched at her mind and she nearly turned to follow him. She would not, not now, at least, maybe later.

Grumbling at herself she padded off back towards her den, she wasn't going to follow him, she was going to avoid him.. At least for now.

Abominable Greenie
[IC] Myrsky Syntynyt Lands

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