User Image "Come on..." Anashe called as she scampered ahead, only pausing to look back at the brown and cream cub following along behind. Kala's youngest daughter stuck out amid the browns and greens of the new growth that nearly swamped the tiny cub, her silver fur with its blue markings sparkling in the sunlight. Behind her Kezela padded along, a sour expression on her muzzle as she eyed the bright cub who was not much older than herself but far, far smaller, called out to her. "Go away Ana!" She hissed irritably, not understanding how anyone that looked like that could be so cheerful. Surely the silver and blue.. blue cub knew she was supposed to not be seen? Kezela stole a glance at the nuisance walking ahead of her and frowned. She had seen the teasing the little silver girl received and yet nothing ever seemed to affect her. Kez refused to admit it, but she was jealous. She wanted to be happy and carefree but she always found herself second-guessing herself, her actions, even her own thoughts. She just wanted to fit in, and yet Anashe didn't seem to care. It confounded and confused Kezela. Scowling even harder at the silver cub Kez scoffed, turning her head to look at the growing gathering of other cubs. Having been pride-raised, her mother dieing soon after she and her siblings were born from milk fever, she knew most of the other cubs by name and knew who their parents were. A side-effect of being passed around the nursing mothers. Sighing and grumbling to ehrself she continued to follow the path the other cub was forging.

User Image Ana glanced back as the cub she had been basically bullying along as she grumbled and grouched. Kezela and her siblings had nursed with her and her sister once or twice, though no one seemed too keen on the blue Busisa mother from being that near the youngsters for any length of time, but there were only so many mothers and a strange surplus of cubs to feed, including the three sisters who were so much smaller and skinnier than other cubs Ana knew. It confused her but she had been told to be nice to the other youngsters when they came to eat, so she had gone out of her way to try and befriend all of them. That included the overly grumpy and argumentative Kezela.

"Come on, or we will be late!" She called back, trying to hurry her unwilling companion forwards.