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[PRP] Heck of a First Face-To-Face Meeting (Ume x Iloziya)

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Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 10:10 pm

User ImageUgh, sweet mercy she was so glad that the day was over with. She and a few others had the dreaded task of trying to play keep up with some of the more hyperactive and imaginative cubs today. A good portion of whom had started taking quite the influence from their new guests and the wild stories they told and had started to recreate their own version of 'Vikings'

These little raids consisted of barreling through work sites of other adults, grabbing any items that caught their little eyes, or full on claiming spots of lands for themselves. Leaving the Pombuka to add damage control and supply replacement onto their list of duties.

Needless to say she was ready for these certain visitors to get whatever they came here for and leave. Sure there were others that were enjoying their visit - some a little too much - but Ume was hell bent on keeping herself a good distance from them at all times.

Fate, the cruel mistress that she was had decided to throw her plans out the window and put her right into the path of one of the more infamous Stormborn. Literally.

Too tired to properly keep track of the sounds around her and keep an ear out for any obstacles in her way Ume slammed face-first into the side of Iloziya. In her clumsy attempts to bounce away from the male she tripped herself over her own tail prompting her to come crashing down hard right on her arse.

"Oh! What in the worl-" The realization that hit Ume that it wasn't a matter of what she had bumped into but whom caused her to stop mid-sentence. A look of sheer horror forming on her face. She didn't even recognize the scent so it couldn't have been someone from the pride. Damn it all, had she seriously let herself relax so much she didn't even notice a person in her way!? Scrambling to back to her feet she gave a shamed bow of her head. "I am so sorry! I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. Are you alright? Do you need me to call the Hlares? Because I will if you need me to."

Mysses Greenie
PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 3:25 am
User Image

Pili had finally left him to go elsewhere and do whatever it was she would be doing right about this time - basically he was free for the moment. Iloziya was finding that free time had become a precious commodity that rarely showed it'd gorgeous face. Not that getting some company here and there was a bad thing, but not with a splitting migraine and the aches that came from a drink or two to many the evening before. Then to participate in the wild goose chase of gathering? He hadn't quite recalled signing up for these particular events and yet there he was right along side the Bahari.

So when the next moments had begun to happen he found himself bitter and nearly rounding on the individual who had the nerve to walk smack into the side of him and hard for that matter. Iloziya stood his ground though being the sturdy lion he was and when he spotted that it was a Bahari that interrupted his day he had to force a smile upon his face and shake his head at her sudden fluttering about his well being. "No neeed." He said, raising a paw and waving away the offers. "Are you alright?" He asked in return, taking note that she had basically run into a wall =.

"I'm sure we could get a Hlare here for you much faster than myself anyhow." The darker lion tried for a laugh that he immediately regretted and winced a small amount before righting his facial expression. "You look exhausted." The blunt statement was meant as one of mild concern, she looked like a train wreck.


Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles


Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 7:15 am

Unfortantly his forced smile was lost to this lioness otherwise she might have been able to take a better understanding of his body language and act accordingly. Instead she could only go off of the huge amount of tension radiating from the male,

Wonderful, more damage control to do. Here she thought she was done with her job for the day. Well, better get to it. The sooner she could make amends with this visitor the sooner she could go home and finally get some damn sleep.

Righting herself back up she gave her best attempts at a mild smile in response. "Yes, I'm fine. Not the first time I've bumped into something and certainly would be the last I'd imagine. I'd live at the Hlare's quarters if I went crying to them for every knock to the head."

An eyebrow rose at his blunt comment about her current state. "Well that is calling the kettle black. You sound exhausted yourself." Pausing she gave a sniff of the air for good measure, her nose wrinkling in disgust. "Given how much you reek of alcohol I'd say you're hung over as well, yes?"

With a soft sigh she gave a tilt of her head, her deadpan gaze resting in his general direction. "So, did you happen to drink far too much last night and wander yourself here? If so I can gladly lead you in the direction of the guard's station so you can be escorted back to wherever you came from." Her eyes squinted at the only other possibility for him to be here. As much as she hoped that this was simply a drunken wanderer the most likely case was this was one of their new guests trying to recover from one of their nightly parties. Her voice dropped into a much more unamused tone as she continued, "Or are you another one of the Stormborn camping here?"

Mysses Greenie
PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 9:55 pm
He snorted at her response regarding the Hlare and imagined how many times he himself could have ended up with the healers unnecessarily - needless to say her statement was remarkably accurate.

Iloziya patiently listened to her as she spoke and even managed to stay silent as she berated him about his alcohol consumption - the line was drawn at her suggestion that he couldn't handle himself. "I'm exhausted because I've had to do deal with the likes of your fellow pride members the past few hours." He retorted. "My well being isn't entirely any of your business, but yes, I'm hungover." He rolled his golden eyes at her, clearly unapologetic about his attitude.

"I'm perfectly fine, albeit a little hungover. Based on your reaction to this whole thing I'd take a wild guess in saying the Bahari don't have a tolerance for alcohol?" It was his turn to raise a brow. Ziya knew which way was up and where he'd come from, having a few drinks the night before played very little into his life except for the fact that he'd had a few to many causing the pain he was now experiencing - hangovers weren't the best, he'd admit that much. Ah, so she was aware of them, that was a better turn of this conversation.


He stated plainly, agreeing with her inquiry.


Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles


Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 1:34 am

Heh, seems they inadvertently stumbled upon something they agreed on! Both we're sick of each other's factions and just wanted to go rest. Thank the gods for one small favor at least. If he was as tired as she was then this exchange would hopefully be a brief one.

"I can say the same for your crew, I think we can both agree that we want things to go back to normal." Her forced smile quickly dissipated only to be replaced with a tight frown. She wouldn't force herself to continue with pleasantries if he wasn't. "Are you honestly ******** kidding me right now? You're annoyed at me inquiring about your well being when you did the exact same thing five seconds ago?"

A overwhelming wave of dizziness crashed over the pale lioness, causing her to drop her train of thought. One of her paws shot up to her head, rubbing it softly as she tried to steady herself. Oh sweet mercy above. She might have hit her head a wee bit harder than she originally thought.

Sitting herself down she let out a small sigh of relief. Ah, that was a bit better. The world felt a lot more grounded. Till this unusual dizziness passed over at the very least she now she could focus on whatever the hell the grumpy Stormborn was spouting off about. "I can't speak for the entirety of the pride. Some might enjoy it, some might not. What they choose to do in their free time matters little to me. Personally I detest the stuff. Every time I tried it in my youth it only lead to poor choices and waking up in strange places with far stranger people." Letting out a tiny groan she closed her eyes, another wave passing over her. Damnit they seemed to be growing in intensity. "If you want to -ugh - destroy your organs, be my guest. I'm sure your next of kin is excited for the day it catches up with you."

As much as she hated to admit it the chances of her being able to stumble her way home without some sort of help were growing increasingly dimmer. "Look Stormborn, I'm going to be frank; I don't believe I can get home by myself, my head is well...spinning. Name your price and I'll see what I can do but could you please just let me lean on you or something like that why I walk?"

Mysses Greenie
PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 1:53 am
"You're a lady." Iloziya said, as though that was all the response he needed and after further thought he realized he ought to explain himself a little bit further. "You're a Bahari lady, so not nearly as tough or callous as our own lionesses. So I figured it'd be polite to ensure you're healthy as an ox." He wasn't always on point, but today he figured was worth a shot and he dug deep into his teachings in the Mwezi for some appropriate conversation between himself and this lioness.

Though his concern had been mild at first it became a little bit more legitimate when he watched her paw raise to grasp her head. "Did you walk into something else?" He stated matter of factly - she herself had admitted there was some form of thing going on with her that caused her to run into many things and even repeatedly, though he may have dramatized that last bit to himself.

"You just appear to be an old party pooper." Ziya raised a paw to wave away her statement regarding alcohol. "Part of the fun is the strange places, as well as the strange people." Though, he said that and honestly the only strange individual that came to mind was Naima - a weird time to be thinking of that particular lioness. "Ha." He retorted. "Next of kin." Anger ensued nearly overwhelming him.

"I'll walk you home, I don't have a price - at the moment." He wondered briefly what he could ask for, but set that aside briefly in his fit of rage that remained just barely controllable. "Let's get you home." Ironically his anger caused him to smarten up a little bit and lose the sass. "Point the direction for me? I don't know this damned place well enough yet." He said, speaking slowly to suggest he did understand her woes - though him speaking slowly may not have even helped.


Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles


Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 6:27 pm

"Ensure I'm healthy as an Ox? My gods you make it sound like you're gearing me up for auction or marriage. I don't know how you Stormborn treat your women up there but I'm just going to make it clear I'm not interested in either."

His question caused the pale lioness to pause as she thought back to the happenings throughout the past day. "Well I have had a number of children bonk me in the head today trying to defend their forts. But that's nothing out of the ordinary." Honestly he couldn't place anything other than face planting into him extraordinarily out of place or worthy for this sort of sudden dizziness. She'd certainly have to go make an appointment with the Hlare's in the morning to get herself checked.

His insult brought out a small chuckle of of her. "Well, I'll give you that. You're not far off the mark. Perhaps when you're my age you too will have grown out of the excitement of partying. If it hasn't killed you yet." She was taken back by his sudden change in mood. My, my. It seemed she had mistakenly crossed a line with him. Clearly there was some backstory to his unexplained anger. Luckily for him, she didn't give a damn about learning any of it. If he suddenly went into his life story she'd more than likely leave his a** right then and there. She'd rather deal with the risk of making it home by herself

But, to her credit she had enough sense to know when she had gone too far. Even with her dislike of the man she could suck up her pride and try to make amends.

Pursing her lips she slowly rose herself back to her feet, wobbling slightly as she made her way over to him. "I apologize for upsetting you. I took that too far, and you really didn't deserve that."

Leaning up against him her frown only deepened at his request. One of her paws lifted to point forward in the direction she had previously been heading to as he asked of her. "There is one problem with this arrangement. Being this close to you I can hardly smell anything beyond the alcohol." This time she actually didn't mean her jab at his current physical state as a mean remark, she was just stating the facts of the situation. Without her sense smell to guide her Ume was down to only her hearing and despite how good it might be it still wouldn't be enough to get the pair to where they needed to be.

"Stormborn, you're going to have to describe to me the best you can our surroundings. I don't need minute details, just general landmarks." At least with that she could compare what he was describing to her mental map of the area and get a general idea of where the hell they were going. Otherwise the pair was more than likely to find themselves getting lost or just going in circles.

Mysses Greenie
PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 11:47 pm
"The individuals I know wouldn't likely place a bid or demand you become a Salt Wife anyway." He smirked, trying to find a lighter variety of his own mood - it worked a small amount. "You're far to salty." A pun - so to speak that lit him up with a laughter that he hadn't expected.

"Well, you've just described why having cubs isn't the brightest idea - they sound bad for your health." He said, golden eyes widening a tad to better show his dramatic feeling of fear and disgust towards the little beings - even he himself had been a devil, he knew this. "Perhaps it's time you enter another trade, may I suggest.. retirement?" A devilish grin grew on his lips as he enjoyed opening up yet another avenue of teasing.

His mood had been lifted, of course the anger wasn't her fault and yet she had apologized - that was something he hadn't entirely expected and he raised the same paw as earlier to wave away her apology. "You've done nothing, it's my own damned memories/family that pain me to no end." As well as personal expectations, goals and other various glitches in his mind that he was working through. "In all honesty, I may not have deserved it now, but don't take it back just yet as I'll likely deserve it later." A light chuckle escaped him at the idea of his family being told about his death - the reaction would be a shoulder shrug or something similar. If they did have any other emotion he wouldn't know what it might be.

"Well why don't we go to the ocean first or the nearest watering hole of some kind. I probably need a bath at this point anywho." He remarked at the problem she raised. The warmth he felt as she pressed against his side was interesting - he felt good helping her out, something he hadn't really felt in his entire life. Then she brought up a much easier way that didn't require him to do additional work, beyond describing his surroundings to her. I'll try my best, ma`am."

"Well, fortunately we aren't to far off." He said, getting a good idea that he'd ended up on what had been referred to as the 'Coastal Bay'. "I'll get us to the dens and then we can go from there. Why don't you tell me about what your den looks like from the outside - describe it as best you can and we'll go from there." Iloziya was confident enough to get them at least to a point where she could probably describe her way home - at least he could be a touch more helpful than originally predicted.


Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles


Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 5:14 am

"I beg your pardon sir, you just contradicted yourself! I take a great deal of pride being made mostly out of salt. Thus, I would make a great 'Salt Wife' as you call them thank you very much. At least I'd fit the title rather well."

She let out a snort as her eyes rolled at his fear. "Oh of course you'd be scared of them. I'm sure that you've left a path of pregnant lionesses in your travels and by now have a small army running around out there that could easily overpower you if they ever tracked you down." Her nose wrinkled at the very thought of her going into retirement. She might be a touch slower and tire more easily but she still had enough kick left in her to do her job for at least a number of years still. "Pah, honestly how could I go into retirement now? With the number of harlots spreading their legs for your crew there are bound to be new cubs being brought into this world soon. They need someone to train them how to sic smart mouthed Stormborn on command. Truly, it's a tough job and not for the faint of heart, but it's a necessary one." She was glad in the very least that the mood between the two had lightened. She dare say she was actually having fun with this little banter. Someone who could receive as well as they dish out was a rare find, but one that proved highly amusing to the lioness.

Why she couldn't see him dismiss her need for an apology his words brought his point across just fine. She had no room to judge the male for drinking away his sorrows due to a bad experience with family life. When she was his age she was filled with the same anger and remorse as well. Frankly it was also the reason she was driven to drink during that period in her life. It had taken her great deal of time for her to come to terms with her anger and fully move on. Her heart honestly hoped that he would be able to find the same peace of mind in his future. But for now, she wouldn't nag at him on how to live his life or what to do. She wasn't his mother and he certainly could make his own choices. "We'll have to see about that. I'm certain at some point I'll take back that apology by the end of this adventure, but who knows, maybe the viking could actually pull the stick out of his a** and have manners?" She risked a little added dizziness to her pounding head when she moved to nudge him with her shoulder as a sly smirk played on her face.

Ma'am? A brow rose at his sudden change of language regarding her. Huh, perhaps he could make her eat her words by proving himself to be a respectable bloke after all!

"Indeed. It shouldn't be too far up the beach." She paused a tight frown forming on her face. "What your asking of me is a bit hard given I've never actually seen my home before but I'll try my best." There was a lengthy pregnant pause as she thought back, trying to picture the details of her home that might stick out to a visitor. Finally she spoke up again, a good image in her mind crafted for him to go off of. It's far inside the jungle that lays beyond the dunes. There is a river that runs through the jungle, if you are inside the thick of it the sound is hard to miss. My den is on the banks of that river, it's one of the few caves that rest there. Our best course would be to head to the jungle, find the river and follow it's banks. It's how I normally find my way back. Though if all else fails we could put that loud voice of yours to use to call out to my niece or her father. It'll be a stretch but I'd imagine they'd eventually come find the source of their summons."

Abominable Greenie
PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2017 11:28 pm
The contradiction was already made and he was caught up in it - darn it. He still laughed all the same, especially when she defended it even further.

"Not precisely a path..." He smirked - not a path at all. If there were any pregnancies he wasn't aware of them, yet. "Though I've had a lioness or two here and there." Iloziya chuckled albeit a little nervously this time around - if there were.. that meant cubs. "Ah, so you understand that we are helping in a way. Where would your job be if the pride didn't have a harlot or two?" He snickered a little bit as he continued to lead her along a path he figured was good as any. "I do have to admit that what you do is admirable." He meant that in all aspects, what she did day in and day out would make most lions insane - to have her still sane was admirable.

"Ha! You're very hopeful now aren't you?" He said with a laugh and gave her a small nudge in return, though he watched how much he shoved - just in case.

"Good, good." He said and continued to lead her. "Damn it, sorry about that - still new to the lack of sight deal." He commented and then silenced quickly to listen to her while watching out for various debris that lay upon their path. "Well, I mean we could certainly try both? Let's start towards the jungle, see if we can't find our way on our own first." Then a branch seemed to leap out into their path (or likely fell free). "Watch your step there." He put his shoulder into her side to help steer her around, not sure if he'd crossed a line.

Then began to direct them towards the jungle.


Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles


Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 1:34 am

"Oh? Perhaps you're not as big of a rake as I originally thought." She snickered softly as he once again proved her point. "Just one or two, truly? Or are those just the ones you can remember?"

Her amused smirk dropped, her voice and tone drastically dropped to a more deadpan in response to his comments about harlots. "Well, historically speaking, better off. Harlots bring in tainted blood, cause unnecessary drama, and in the case of the ones we're speaking about here they are rebellious enough to spit in the face of their home's customs. It's completely disrespectful. They are going to make a messy bed if any swell with cubs, and no one is going to aid in them lying in it. As for me? My job was in demand before they started opening their legs for any viking to fall into and it certainly will still be in demand after their cubs have grown." His sudden compliment snapped the lioness right out of her grumpy rant. Flushing with embarrassment she lowered her head sheepishly away. "Ah, well thank you. I appreciate your sentiments."

With another loud snort she rolled her eyes at him. "I have been known to place my bets on the wrong pony a good deal of the time. Still, I'd like to have some good things to share to any of your cubs left behind. I can't just write you off as a smart-mouthed a*****e with a soft spot for leading little old ladies home, now can I?" Course after this whole meeting she'd imagine once him and his crew left Ume would have a much more pleasant memory of the brash viking. He might be rude, have a stick so far up his a** she didn't know how he walked properly, and gruff. But he also had a great sense of humor and it seemed a heart under those thick layers after all.

With a chuckle she shook her head to dismiss his worry. "Please don't sweat it. Even my own niece forgets the fact sometimes. Honestly if I got upset every time someone asked me to do something with sight I would definitely earn that title of salt wife, perhaps graduate to b***h wife along with it."

"That sounds like a pla-" Being interpreted her ears shot to attention at the sound of the falling branch. Her expression flash with panic for a brief second as she rushed to pin-point where exactly the sound had come from. Then he spoke up and with his gentle nudging of the shoulder she was able to easily pass around the fallen branch. "Thank you for that. Seems I need to look into how to enlist a Stormborn to be my eyes."

Once in the jungle it was her turn to take the direction in leading him with nudges. His description of the environment made it easy to compare to her mental map where exactly they were and what was the best course to take.

It didn't take long for them both to finally come across the banks of the river. Clicking her tongue she stopped, holding up one of her front legs cross his chest to gesture him to pause as well. "Okay, first off watch your step. This ground is prone to giving away under large amounts of weight and very slippery. Secondly, can you see any sort of distinctive landmarks around?"

Abominable Greenie
PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 7:47 am
"That is a possibility." Also false, though he wasn't about ruin the perspective she had on the Vikings. His moments of diplomacy would ruin his reputation as a hard Viking as it was and so he needn't push that further. "Okay, maybe three or four?" He said after acting as though he had to think hard on the subject matter.

When the tone changed he took notice almost immediately - oh boy had he struck a chord with her without even realizing he'd be doing so. With that came the rant of a life time in regards to the females that had so willingly thrown themselves at the Vikings, surely the males couldn't be to blame? He wondered to what degree the females would be prosecuted for their behaviors after the fact, would the cubs be seen as lesser? These were things he hadn't considered during his private moments with at least one Bahari. "Well, they chose their path and that's something they will have to live with. It's not as though any of us made a lady do what she didn't want to." He remarked flatly, half assed defending his brethren - though truly they weren't the target. "You're very welcome, you do a tough job that most others wouldn't do for cubs that weren't their own."

"You'd share good things, eh?" He smirked, feeling a little touched that while she'd likely see a number of cubs come out of this whole thing, she'd make sure to have kind words for his own flesh and blood. "It's interesting to think that there'd be cubs here after I left, well cubs anywhere to be more exact." He sad, muttering mostly to himself about the idea of leaving behind unsuspecting mothers - would they seek him out or work away on their own? Should he visit them if they caught wind? Would they seek him out? The questions were becoming damn near endless, how did the born in Vikings do it without thinking? The only answer he could come up with was alcohol, but typically Vikings did raids as a dry run.. what then? Iloziya felt he'd gained more questions than ever by talking with this single individual, amazing.

"You're welcome, though you heard it far before I cared to even realize anything had happened. You would likely have been fine." He said, waving away the need for a set of eyes. "Unless you want one for the eyes and other uses.." He stated suggestively with a small laugh, playing on what their earlier conversation was about. He doubted that she'd take on a Viking companion, she seemed to be into the marriage bit and that took most out of the running - if there was a running.

Soon they were in the cover of the jungle and he found himself a little out of his element, which appeared to be perfectly fine since the environment put a bit more pep in her step as she took the lead readily. He followed just as readily and even stopped as she raised a paw in front of him, then scoffed at her comment. "Are you, kind old lady, calling me fat!?" Iloziya was playing at dramatic, he knew she couldn't see him and unless she felt about his body it was unlikely she could tell just how much he weighed... or could she? He was impressed with what she could do so far, maybe she could tell if he was on the heavier side. "Distinctive, you mean beyond the lush foliage and the river you suggested we follow?" His answer was a touch more sarcastic than he had anticipated. "Well, I do see a partial rock face?" He wasn't sure if it was a singular rock, or perhaps it connected to the other dens? Ziya was definitely out of his element, more than he cared to admit.


Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles


Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 9:14 am

She flashed him a knowing grin before giving a light shake of her head. She knew better than to think men of his nature were innocent angels, who didn't leave a trail of broken hearts from long lust filled nights. After all, in her youth she had plenty of her fill of nights just like that. Back then she might have even invited him in for a night or two. But, that was a long time ago. Well before she even doubted he was a twinkle in his father's eye.

"I know that you don't force yourselves on those women. Even with you Stormborn having merciless reputations I don't believe that you'd openly take to rape when in the middle of another's territory. Not only is it stupid, but likely to get you killed when word spread. No, it takes two who are willing to tango." Pausing her frowned deepened. "Perhaps I am what you call a traditionalist. Where I originally come from harlots like those you've been dealing with would have brought shame upon their families, there chances of marriage would burst into flames, along with any social standing they had. Any cubs born would be bastards fit only for the servant class." Taking a breath she forcefully tore herself from bad memories.

"The Bahari are a lot more merciful than my pride that's for certain. However they make it clear their feelings on such matters. It's not a matter of social standing to them here, it's a matter of life and death. They believe b*****d cubs anger the sea, such a powerful, fickle thing is not to be toyed with. They learned their lesson a long time ago, well before most of these harlots that seek you gentleman out were born or arrived. Most who do remember the consequences of such actions are extremely paranoid of it happening again."

She was glad that they were moving onto a lighter subject. A soft wistful smile forming on her fact as her blank staring gaze locked forward. "Heh, well it's for my benefit as well so don't think of me as selfless for doing my job. I'm well past the age where I can bare cubs and having never had my own before it...fills a void I suppose. Makes me proud inside to know I made a small difference in their lives. Getting to watch them grow up is....rewarding. One of the most rewarding things I can honestly say I've been apart of in my entire life."

"Of course! Provided I have good things to say about you after all this." She lightly teased back at him. Why she couldn't see his smirk she certainly could hear it through his voice. It was almost a duty for her to make sure that he was kept on his toes.

The pale lioness gave him another light nudge to knock him out of his thoughts seeing how he had gone quiet besides his low muttering to himself. "You can question yourself when you're working on drinking away that hang over. Let's focus on the task at hand so you can get to it quickly, yes?"

"Ah, I might have heard it but it's another thing to be able to see it. But yes, I would have been fine on my own. It certainly helps to have someone here with eyes I must admit." She let out a groan of disgust as her eyes rolled at his implied meaning. "Ugh, I don't need a damn flighty Stormborn around just for those needs. Far too much drama and not to mention the ego I'd have to constantly stroke! If I wanted a toddler to babysit all day I'd go adopted one." She wouldn't even mention the fact that she had been offered those types of situations before and had turned them all down. Ume simply wasn't interested in any sort of relationship, marriage, nor a 'friends with benefits' deal. She'd sooner find a cactus to rightly sit her arse on than seek out a lover's comfort.

Cocking an eyebrow her head tilted upwards as she coyly smirked up at him. "Well how does the saying go, if the paw print fits...fill it? In your case it would have to be a large paw print I'd imagine." It wasn't like it was hard to judge that he was on the rather large side given how high his voice was coming from above her, and how heavy he felt when she nudged against him. You just needed to be observant about your surroundings and one could actually tell a lot about a person from minor details like that.

"Oh yes, very good! Because it's not like there isn't lush foliage near the entire river." Her own sarcasm dripped from her words. Letting out a tiny hmm she tapped her foot against the ground. "Partial rock face? That...might be it actually. Let's head that way, shall we? If you start seeing the outside rocks painted with children's drawings then you know we've found it."

Abominable Greenie
PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 8:50 pm
How could he argue with that? "You're likely right, if the Bahari didn't pose a threat against us then I'm sure there may be one or two that would happily have their way with a lioness here and there." The thought disgusted him and his tone changed to fit that - he knew of individuals like this, but not from the Stormborn, no he hadn't personally met anyone there that had that mentality. That much was certainly fortunate. "My, my.." He said absorbing what she had told him and evaluating it. "I find that rather harsh - well not rather, I mean I find that extremely harsh. My own home believes in marriage, but will welcome a couple out of wedlock all the same. To wed is ideal before the Great Lion." It became increasingly obvious that he'd stopped speaking about the Stormborm. "The Great Lion would smile upon those who are wed before him, it's believed the couples were receive great fortune, that they would be blessed."

"I may have angered the sea, and for that I am incredibly sorry." His tone dropped plenty - the typically proud individual was losing a number of battles with himself today and had, by mistake let down his guard in a way he hadn't done before. "I truly hope the sea can forgive, perhaps see that this trip of ours that interrupted their peace was a necessary step in providing protection of a different form." Somehow he knew that his words were wasted, and that if the sea was anything like the Great Lion that these individuals were in for a rough ride.

The darkness hadn't lifted from his heart, but his face did soften as they moved onto a much friendlier topic - well a friendlier topic, with a twist. "I'm sorry to hear that you haven't any of your own and here I've been worried about having any of my own. That's awkward." He snorted a little bit, trying to break his darkened sense of humor. "That's a lovely way to look at the world, I'm sure this busy pride gives you plenty of opportunity to influence the lives of these little beings." His mind immediately went to the pale cub he'd spotted on the beaches, her and her little friends seemed to be pawful and so he imagined that she was kept on her toes for the most part. "I bet they keep you feeling young still as well." He genuinely smiled.

"Pffft." He snickered. "There are only good things to say about me, haven't you heard?"

"Aren't you just a lady after my own heart." He said dramatically. "I'd love to drink away my sorrows and will do so, as you said, once we finish this task at hand. Which seemed to be going a touch better than he had expected, fantastic! Although her sarcasm threw him off just a small amount considering how well things were goin, but he did deserve it - given how much of an a** he was. "Now, now you saucy nanny."

"By golly, we've done it!"

He was joking at first, bringing some of his own sarcasm to the table, but by the end of his sentence he did indeed begin to spy some childrens drawings all of the cave walls. "Oh wow." He said, golden eyes tracing over some images here and there. "These are wonderful!"


Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles


Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 10:26 pm

She shared her disgust at the idea as evident on her face. Oh, she was sure a few would love to as well. If they didn't have to answer to their Captain gods knows what they'd be willing to get themselves into.

"It is harsh, but that was just our way of life." Course we'll not say that that sort of unwavering cruelty was one of the many reasons behind the rebellion that rocked her pride to it's core, eventually leading nobles like her to be cast out into the desert to die. "My, my. Sounds like the Stormborn has some hard core beliefs outside of blood, honor, and dying in spectacular fashion. I have to say that sounds like a lovely set of ideals. Relaxed but also gives weight to being wed behind it. It's a nice medium on the spectrum."

She looked to him solemnly before nudging him once more. "You might have unintentionally, yes. You didn't know our customs and laws which I can't really fault you for. Learning from your mistakes is the key. Perhaps, you could also speak with some of our spiritual leaders before you leave, I'm sure that you can undergo a rite to make your peace with the sea. If you're not afraid to get your paws wet, of course." As for the protection part, she couldn't speak on it. It was a nice thought but given that she still didn't fully understand the sudden need for protection as the details had yet to be shared with her she couldn't weigh in any opinion.

"Ah, don't worry about it. It was my choice, just as you have made yours. Hopefully one of your eventual salt wives can shackle you down and make you see that there's joy in family life as well." She snickered at the idea of someone finally settling down this rowdy viking. Oh, that would be a sight to see. She'd love to be a fly on that den wall for sure. "Well in some ways yes, in some ways no. When you get my age you'll understand what I'm going through. Your heart will say yes but your body deny any attempts flat on their arse."

"Only good things? My gods, I thought I was the one who knocked my head! I take it back - I think you need to go down and check yourself into the hlares after this instead of drinking."

With a stiff of the air she let out a relived sigh. Oh, this was home alright. No other place in the jungle had that earth musk mixed with the sweet smell of herbs and flowers wafting from it. She flushed with pride at his comments on the artwork she proudly displayed on her walls. This was her version of putting her child's art work on the refrigerator. "Aren't they? Most of them are done by my little Yukio when she gets bored. They tend to eventually wash away in the rain, but that gives her more canvas to work on."

Finally the pale lioness pulled herself away from her assistant Stormborn. She had to say that she almost missed the warmth he gave being pressed up against her. But, this trip had to come to an end at some point. Wobbling herself into her den she pressed herself to the sides of one of the wall, calling out to him as she headed deeper inside. "Wait right there! I have something for you."

After a few minutes of clanking and loud thunks of various items being accidentally knocked to the floor Ume finally reappeared. A tiny leather flask held carefully in her mouth along with a small satchel. Hobbling over to him she set both of the items in front of him. "I know you said you weren't expecting payment but, I wouldn't feel right not repaying you somehow. So, here. This should help relieve you of the pounding in your head after a night of drinking. I included the ingredients I use to make it, perhaps your version of the Hlare's can find substitutes when your band returns back home."

Pausing smiled warmly up at him. "Thank you again. I...realized I never even got your name throughout all of this. I'm Ume, it might not have been the way I would prefer to have a first meeting but it was a pleasure to meet you none-the-less. Now that you know the way here feel free to come visit anytime you want a old salty nanny to nag at you for a bit."

Abominable Greenie
[IC] Bahari'mtoto Lands

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