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[PRP] Overstepping Her Bounds. (Dam'Ahdra x Organa)

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Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 4:19 pm
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Ah, being back in the deserts felt good. The sand beneath her feet, the warm sun on her back, the gentle breeze rolling across the dunes. It all felt like home to Organa. She was much more relaxed and in her element here compared to the lush, vibrate grass lands she had been forced occupy for months now.

Organa had been driven back to the deserts on a gut instincts that her target would have moved onto the warmer and more importantly drier region now that the rainy season had flooded most of the low land plains. Moving onto higher land would be prudent for Kenobi. His short thin body was not built for wading through waist deep water without becoming exhausted or worse swept up in a sudden flash flood.

Was it a shot in the dark? Yes. But the results would be well worth the risk if she was correct.

Though traveling though the deserts did come with it's own set of challenges. Finding food, water, and shelter for sand storms was just a given. But what kept Organa on high alert was the fact that very aggressive, war driven prides were well known in these parts. Through word of mouth of merchants and other travelers Organa had gotten quite the collection of horror stories filled with warnings to stay far away least you wanted to face death or severe injury.

Organa took all of the urban legends with a grain of salt. Her own pride back home had it's fair share of stories that were strikingly similar to the ones here. She wasn't naive to believe everything in the countless highly exaggerated stories.

Yet there was tidbits of each story that seemed to hold truth. These "Firekin" and "Bonelanders" were warmongers. They did what every successful pride had to do to survive in this harsh climate. They took what they needed no matter the cost. She couldn't fault them for being so ruthless. In fact, she rather admired them.

Organa had shrugged off the warnings and pressed onward into the heart of the desert. The risk of battle wasn't going to sway her to give up a good chance to catch her target.

What the well-meaning merchants didn't realize is a fight was exactly what Organa needed at this point. It had been far too long since she gotten to stretch her muscles. She was a born warrior. Backing down from the challenge of battle was considered the ultimate dishonor. Back in her pride sparing was as every day thing. It was used to greet friends, settle transactions, and insure your bond with your mate. Without regular sparing one was prone to become fat, lazy, and lost their driving life force in her pride's eyes. If they decided to continue down that path despite being warned well....then that's were Organa's job came into play. It was her duty to dispose of those who had lost their way.

A hint of black dashing across the golden sands caught Organa's attention. Her lips tightly pursed into a frown as she let out a curious hum. Many others had spoken about how the Firekin only allowed those with bold dark or warm coats into their ranks. Perhaps she had reached their borders?

My my what a interesting turn of events. Perhaps the spirits had been listening to her prayers after all.

Holding her head up proudly the gray lionesses did the exact opposite of what most would do spotting a Firekin in their sights without interest of joining their ranks: She began striding towards the new stranger. Fully intending to cross paths with the dark figure.

This day might just prove amusing after all.

In Good Faith

PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 6:12 pm
User Image Dam'ahdra was nearing the end of her shift as she saw the sun slinking towards dusk. Her paws ached having stood on her feet for the majority of the day, and she felt tired despite not having done anything active. Such were the ways of being a guard. She stretched her muscles, hearing a few bones crack as she attempted to loosen up. With little success, she shifted gears. Hmrm...

Dam began jogging across the stretch of land changed to her, as if it was pacing but in a very long line. If Wook would have been here, he'd no doubt be teasing her about her silly ways of keeping awake and no day dreaming off in la-la land. She brought a small smile to Dam's face, as her heart felt weird in her rib cage. She chastised herself shortly after, both because she was thinking about Wook but also because the smell of an outsider reached her. It was a lioness, specifically, she was pretty sure... but she didn't know from where. And they were close.

Stopping her pacing, Dam'ahdra went on the alert and quickly discovered the figure in the distance. It was clear, once the figure was closer, Dam had been right. A female, that gave off the appearance that Dam would have described as... dainty. There was something frilly about her that lowered Dam's defenses, but only a little. There was also something strong in the female's stride.

When the two lionesses were close enough to communicate, Dam took a step forward. "That's close enough, Stranger." Dam was one of the nicer guards, to be honest. When Dam had arrived at the pride only so many moons ago, there was no greeting or warning waiting for her. Of course, Dam had been too keyed up even if they had wanted to communicate. She hadn't said a word until after her duel.

"You are now in Firekin territory. Turn back now, or else be removed." That was the standard response to outsiders; Dam almost sounded bored. Sometimes they mistakenly approached the territory, others wanted to join. There generally was no third option.


In Good Faith

Dapper Entrepreneur


Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 10:05 pm

So, finally a patrol had noticed her. No matter. Let's see what came about this meeting. Continuing forward in her slow stride Organa did not yield from her path till the two females met within a comfortable distance. She was mindful to make sure that her posture didn't show signs of aggression but nor was there a hint of submissiveness. She firmly held her ground with the confidence to meet whatever this Firekin had in store head on. She might be petite and had a very dainty appearance but she the way she carried herself more than made up for it.

Organa couldn't deny that she was very interested in what these 'Firekin' had to offer. Countless stories spoke of their strength and masterful tactics at war. She was hoping that they would live up to the hype.

However as Organa gave the dark lioness a careful once-over her expression turned bored with a hint of disappointment. This was the best they decided to guard their borders? This lioness bore little of the physical consequences that came with living a life filled with fighting. If she had to guess she would think that this 'fierce' Firekin in front of her was most likely rather young. She did seem to be full of moxie and vast potential but Organa found it odd that she wasn't being escorted by a older member to hone her skills even further. It showed a vast difference in culture from her pride. It was almost as if comparing night and moon. To her pride every member was highly valued because of the fact they were cursed with a low birth rate and survivability past a few hours. To give the best chance of success cubs often were paired together at birth and spent years under apprenticeship of a master.

It seemed that the Firekin had the luxury in numbers and more or less tossed their youth right into the water. Which honestly Gan could see the advantages of, it was a quick way to weed out the strong from the weak. If you didn't have the drive and intelligence to learn to swim and escape then you died. Simple as that.

Organa slowly blinked before letting out a yawn in the middle of the lioness's standard spiel. She turned her head, boredly staring off past the girl till she was finished.. Her eyes glanced back at her, an eyebrow raising in amusement.

"Are you quite finished?" She paused for a brief second, not allowing the other female to answer before continuing. "Oh wonderful!" Turning her full attention back her head tilted to the side as she flashed a brief smile. There was good reason that back when she had a partner she left all diplomat issues to him. Now seemed to be the perfect example!

"Now then, I'm afraid neither of those things are going to happen. You see I don't give two shits about this being your territory. I'm not here to chat, trade, nor intend to start a challenge for title or land. My target -" Lifting a paw she pointed with one finger past Dam. "Is that way. My path just happens to interject this border of your territory. Watch me all you want but I'm not going to interrupt my route simply because you feel over territorial and paranoid." Stepping forward Organa simply brushed past the lioness as simply another obstacle in her way. "Now if you'll excuse me I've wasted enough time and I'm sure you have better things to do."

In Good Faith
I am so sorry Organa is a d**k.
In Good Faith generated a random number between 1 and 3 ... 3!
PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 2:40 pm
This b***h. Dam hadn't felt waves of irritation like the ones she was experiencing in a very long time. Long before she joined the Firekin, long before she met the only mother figure she ever had, she was weak. She was cowardly. She didn't have the strength to stand up to those that would oppose her. Unfortunately for this gray lioness, that was not the lioness that stood before her today.

Dam had given her warning and the lioness simply had chosen not to take it. So instead, Dam'ahdra would need to take physical action. She almost wished she could say 'unfortunately' but... let's be honest. Dam'ahdra would love to rake her claws and mar that pretty face up nicely. Alas, she didn't have the aim right for that. Instead Dam'ahdra let out something that sounded half like a growl and half like a snarl. Her claws snaked out and griped the hide of the lionesses, deep enough to take hold, and threw her back in the direction of the border.

Fur bristled and fangs exposed, Dam met the lioness with fierce eyes. "And I said. That isn't going to happen." Her tail thrashed behind her and Dam watched every tick, ever muscle in the grey lioness' body. She wasn't going to be the type to walk away, now that her pride was hurt. So Dam waited patiently, staying alert and posed for the outsider's next move. She almost welcomed it. Nothing would make her happier than to put the pretty princess in her damned place. A growl worked its way up her throat the thought, letting a small smile creep into her snarling expression.

Yes. Come on Pretty Princess. Show me what you got.

So as a reminder, duels work by RNG between 1 and 3. 1 = miss, 2 = dodge, 3 = hit. The first to 10 wins. :'3

In Good Faith

Dapper Entrepreneur

Pollack generated a random number between 1 and 3 ... 3!


Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 2:59 pm

Organa didn't honestly believe that the firekin would have enough of a set on her to dare do anything to stop her. No one in these lands had proven so far to have enough of a drive to get off their arse and fight for their beliefs. Well, her arrogance certainly had clouded her judgement. Which in turn seemed to have stricken a rather large cord with the other lioness. Perhaps even a bit more than what Gan could chew!

When she had been stopped dead in her tracks and forcefully thrown back onto her arse Organa couldn't help but let out a surprised yelp. Rolling a good distance away for a few moments she didn't move, taking a few seconds to gather just what the hell had just happened. Finally she stirred, slowly lifting herself back to her feet.

So the b***h did have a set of claws. Good, finally someone showed some sort of strength.

Rolling her shoulders to break out the dust she lifted her head to lock eyes with Dam for the first time. The Firekin's snarl was met with a amused smirk.

Oh, this was going to be fun.

Without any other warning Organa shot forward, claws out and primed at the ready. What she might have lacked in brute strength and size she well made up for in stamina and speed. She noticed how the lioness readied herself to meet head on with her. Perfect. At the last moment before the two came within striking distance Organa darted to the side, circling past for her real target: The legs. Jumping forward Organa used what little weight she had to bury her claws deep into the thick tissue of Dam's outer thigh. Curling her claws into hooks she kicked out her back legs to rebound away from the other lioness to a safe distance, taking a small piece of tissue with her.

With a giant like this it would prove to be futile to try and meet her head on. No, Organa would make Dam come to her. Her plan was to wear out and slowly cripple her opponent before she even thought about daring a final push forward.

"Come on then, guardsman! Or are you really telling me that wittle boo-boo going to you whimper with your tail between your legs?"
Goading might not have been the smartest moves. But it was doing it's job in adding more fuel to the Firekin's anger. She wanted a real fight dammit! Not some pitiful baby slaps.

In Good Faith
First actual battle scene I've done in years. xD Sorry if it's crap!

In Good Faith generated a random number between 1 and 3 ... 1!
PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 5:09 pm
Damn. Dam's back leg was going to be a hinderance in this fight now. The little b***h was fast. Faster than she anticipated. She could still put weight on it but the pain that shot through her when she did was going to get annoying. The adrenaline was numbing it for now, making it bearable. Hopefully it would hold out.

Dam attempted to ignore what the lioness was saying knowing it could do nothing but hurt Dam's concentration. All it was was typical trash talk, attempting to lure Dam into a trap. No, she didn't take the bait, instead focusing on her target. Unfortunately the distance between them was too far for Dam to attack outright. The lioness would surely dodge. But Dam couldn't stay put and do nothing. Despite the protest from her leg, she lunged, using strength her injured leg simply didn't have. She struck out her paw, hoping to catch the grey lioness' shoulder but missed. Instead, a pain that was worse than she imagined it could be exploded in her leg. The grimace was the only indication it hurt and the weight of her body forcing the limb to give out.

She hopped back now, her back foot hovering above the ground. Her frustration didn't surface this time. Dam'ahdra was now focused, honed in on her opponent. Her expression only showed concentration and a consistent wrinkle of her snout, on the cusp of a snarl. Her eyes never blinked, never strayed from the lioness' form, waiting for the next move. For the first time, Dam'ahdra realized she might be in danger.


P.s. your battle RP game is on point. :'3 Mines in the shitter, not you.

In Good Faith

Dapper Entrepreneur

Pollack generated a random number between 1 and 3 ... 1!


Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 5:53 pm

Huh, so she was ignoring her. Seems that the girl knew better than to give into petty taunts and leave herself exposed. Perhaps she had more experience than Organa first gave her credit for. But, they will have to see if she could put that experience to good use.

When Dam lunged Organa saw a opportunity come up. With the Firekin slowed down from her leg it would have been easy enough for her to simply hop to the side, yet she chose not to, taking a risk that might bare down the entire weight of Dam on her if she miscalculated. As Dam came rushing forward Organa did step to the side to avoid being hit by the lioness' full force but her claws came up, hoping to use her opponent's own momentum against her to rake large gashes down her side.

Plan failed! Damn! Too far away!

Organa scrambled backwards to put as much distance between the two as possible. After that failed counter attack she elected not to put herself in more danger. Even with the injured leg Dam still had plenty of power within those front paws of her. One wrong move and she could easily break one of Gan's thinner bones instantly crippling her.

Lowering herself to the ground to ready herself to dodge at any moment, Organa waited for the Firekin's next attack. She was no longer brimming with over confidence, instead she was intently focused on the dark lioness respecting her like the true threat that she was. She watched her every move for any sign of another attack or any chance she left an opening to exploit.

In Good Faith

In Good Faith generated a random number between 1 and 3 ... 3!
PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 9:41 pm
Okay. Okay... I'm injured. That sucks. But that doesn't make this impossible; I just need to be smarter than she is faster.

Calculating, Dam'ahdra knew the female was too smart to stand too close, and her bum leg wasn't going to let her get to her as fast as she needed to. As soon as the idea formed in her mind, Dam lunged. This time, she didn't put the weight on her back leg, and she didn't need to. She feigned left which only required her front two paws, and her back leg for leverage to shift. She saw the lioness dodge to the right.


Dam was on her in a heartbeat. She needed to make the most of this opportunity as she could, bear hugging the lioness with her massive paws and her teeth going in for the attack. She could have went for the jugular but her nature didn't let her. She wasn't a killer. This wasn't about life or death. This was strength and skill. Instead Dam's teeth tore into the muscle on the lioness' shoulder. She should have moved as soon as the damage was done, and get out of dodge of the lioness, but Dam couldn't risk the her being out of her own reach again. Instead, she kept the smaller lioness trapped in her bear hug. Unfortunately for Dam, her back leg was persisting with pain, amplified by the strain to hold on the grey lioness continued to increase with each moment. Dam was strong but with an injured leg, she was temporarily weakened.

o __o Sorry, Dam is... ruthless rn.

In Good Faith

Dapper Entrepreneur

Pollack generated a random number between 1 and 3 ... 1!


Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 10:24 pm

She realized that she had been tricked far too late. Her body scrambled to change direction and get out of the line of fire, but even with her speed she couldn't avoid the well-timed attack. A loud shriek shot through her the moment she hit the ground. A faint crack coming from beneath her. ********! Something had given in her back, she couldn't tell if it had been a rib or perhaps a vertebra, but a agonizing pain shot up her spine.

Her mind clicked into a complete flight-or-fight mode with the lioness on top of her. Roaring as the other lioness went to town destroying her shoulder. Snarling darkly Organa kicked up her back legs, using them to both scratch at the Firekin's soft underbelly but also desperately trying to shove her off.

Finally she was freed from underneath Dam. In one move crippling damage had been done. Lifting herself up she let out a sharp hiss as pain shot from both her shoulder and back, she was forced to keeping her weight completely on one side. Her other leg being damn near useless at this ********, ********, ********, ********!

She had to do something desperate. She had to bring her down before the adrenaline wore off and she would be completely helpless. Pushing forward Organa made a weak attempt to lunge at her rear end as her opponent recovered from expending that much energy in her attack. The dark Firekin however easily stepped out of the way. Leaving Organa to fall to one knee, she struggled to raise herself up but was brought back down again from the massive pain in her shoulder as the sudden movement had torn even more muscle.

Her ears pressed back against her head as she shot a heated glare towards Dam. A low rumbling growl rolled from the gray lioness as she snarled. Her back bristled as her body tensed, getting ready to put up a fight for her life. All she could do was wait to see how Dam would approach finishing the job. The only chance she had was to follow her instincts that were screaming at her, pushing her beyond her limits, even if this was a friendly duel they still sent the signals that made her feel like a cornered animal. <******** tactics, ******** whittling the enemy down, it was now about going straight for the weak points and destroying them. If she got the chance Organa was prepared to do anything to gain the upper hand.

In Good Faith
In Good Faith generated a random number between 1 and 3 ... 2!
PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 10:16 am
The raging emotions in Dam'ahdra dimmed at the sight of the lioness. Wide-eyed, and quite honestly shocked, Dam'ahdra took a step back not in fear of the lioness but in fear of what she'd just done. She'd only thought she was doing what any warrior would do: incapacitating her opponent. But what she'd actually done... was much worse. At a quick glance at the wound, Dam'ahdra knew there would be permanent damage; unnecessary permanent damage.

She'd cracked. Something had snapped in Dam'ahdra and she thought back to her lunge. She actually had considered the jugular... she considered killing this lioness and in the last moment went for the shoulder. But the shoulder... she'd tore into as if she were taking down prey. That wasn't how a duel was supposed to happen. In all of this, Dam had forgotten her back leg. It was dull throbbing pain compared to what she felt now. Guilt, most of all.

She chewed on her lip in worry, wanting to see if the lioness was okay but what a stupid question that would be. She was in the depths of shock and in defensive measures. She wouldn't trust Dam'ahdra and why would she? She was the one that damaged her.

In all of this, Dam didn't attack again. She hoped she wouldn't need to. What that lioness needed was medical attention...

What did I just do?

> O> Dam is a b***h.

In Good Faith

Dapper Entrepreneur


Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 3:23 pm

As time went on with both lioness's still at a stand-still Organa's strength slowly waned. Her body was going into shock, the adrenaline fueling her was starting to wear off. Each passing moment reminding her just a little more on just how bad the situation was.

So, this is how it would end. In a strange land, against a sole guard because she couldn't hold her tongue. Heh, it seems Malphas and Kenobi was right. Someday her cockiness and sharp tongue was going to get her killed. Today was that day.

Strangely the thought of dying wasn't her main concern. No, she was dying a warrior's death, she had no reason to be scared for what awaited her in the afterlife. Her Nguvu had been proven and would serve her well in the next life.

No, the biggest issue on her mind was the promises she would be breaking in her death. The biggest being her promise to her people. Her mission would be left incomplete, a traitor of their core beliefs left to cause destruction wherever he went. Sure, the council would send another in her place to dispose of the threat but she highly doubted they would succeed. Kenobi was a elder Justicar just like her and now with this much time to find a good place to take sanctuary? He would be near impossible to be found unless he made a very stupid mistake.

There was as well the matter of her, dare she called them, friends. The two males who had managed to break through her barriers and make her feel a certain happiness and sense of home unlike anywhere else. She had made a promise to come back to them. How long would it be before they found out her fate, if they did at all? Her Amadi would move on in time, she hoped Malphas would stay at his side to help him through it. But it was painful knowing that she wouldn't see those two idiots - HER idiots - again.

She let out a painful wheeze for a sigh. Her battle-stance lowering. There was no use fighting fate. She had made a gamble and lost. It was time to lay in the mess she had created for herself. All she could do was hold on to the last shredded pieces of dignity she had left. She wouldn't beg, she wouldn't try to escape, she would stand proud and face death in the face. Anything less would have been a disrespect to her opponent and dishonor on her in her people's code.

Lifting her head proudly she steeled her gaze towards Dam. "Firekin, you have bested me. I...was wrong, you have a warrior's nguvu." Organa shifted to put the rest of her weight on her good leg, trying to relieve some of the pain before she continued. Each breath was becoming increasingly harder and harder to take. She was sure now that the snap in her back must have been a rib, and it was pressing into her lungs with each breath. "What are you waiting for? There will be plenty of time to revel in your victory later. At least show some mercy and don't prolong my torture. Get it over with. I have things to do on the other side."

In Good Faith
Organa's last words before she's stabbed to death: "What are you going to do, stab me!?"

Truly a ballsy b***h till the end.

Also note to anyone reading, yes even if Dam did not reach ten we are calling it a win for her. There is no way mathematically Organa can come back and win. Faith and I both discussed and agreed to this ending.
PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 6:07 pm
Yes, the lioness was a poor sight to see. The guilt in Dam'adhra's heart grew 10-fold, watching defeat in the gray lioness' demeanor surface. Dam didn't believe in religion. The gods that walked the earth she didn't regard as "Gods." They had no dominion over her. They were stronger, of course, but she would worship no one. However... at that moment, Dam'ahdra prayed to anyone who was listening in her head. Did that make her crazy? Probably, but she didn't have time to acknowledge that. Instead she took a hesitant step forward, sadness cracking her features in sympathy. This was all her fault.

"Do you yield?" At the expression she received in response from the lioness, it was clear that was obvious. A weight vanished from her back that she didn't realize she had been carrying. Thank god. Dam was uncertain she had any fight left in her, after seeing the wound she'd already caused. She nodded, beginning to form a plan. "Okay, we're going to have to get you-- wait. What?" Get it over with.

"Did you think I was going to kill you?" She made a strangled noise, nearly yelling at the lioness which wasn't very polite given her current condition. It was simply the shock of her words. With a frustrated grunt and an eyeball, Dam'ahdra looked angry again. "If I wanted to kill you, I would have ripped out your throat by now." Giving her a weary distance, letting that news sink in--that she wasn't going to die by Dam's hand today--Dam continued.

"Okay. This is whats going to happen. You need medical attention but... I don't think Firekin will allow that. You were bested. But. I do have a friend in the neighboring territory that we are not far from. I can probably reach her and she can assist mending you." There wasn't really room for bargaining in the voice that Dam'ahdra presented. "Unless... you want to die." She let that linger in the air, looking at the lioness as if she would be crazy to consider the option.

Secretly, Dam's heart raced like she'd run a marathon. If the lioness opted for death... well Dam might as well have been the one who killed her. No, not 'might as well have.' If she dies, the blood will be on Dam's hands. She would need to report herself to her superiors and... well. Her punishment will be fitting. In the hopes of avoiding that scenario all together, Dam looked at the lioness expectantly.

I think this exchange is much more comical to me than it should be. XD

In Good Faith

Dapper Entrepreneur


Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 8:33 pm

Organa felt like she had been slapped in the face. Her expression flipping from cold acceptance to utter confusion in a blink of an eye.

Wait. What? She...wasn't going to kill her?

For the first time in ages she was...speechless.

Finally gathering her wits back, her brows crossed together as she eyed Dam, still not trusting her sudden act of kindness."Well given that you treated my shoulder like the arse of a gazelle at feeding time, yes, I fully expected you to. You have me completely at your mercy. Would you not think the same thing?"

Perhaps it was time to learn from her mistakes and shut her mouth for once before she caused the lioness to change her mind. Pursing her lips she sat remarkably quiet as the Firekin spoke. Well, quiet for now or now at least. Rome wasn't built in a day, Organa wouldn't suddenly gain a good set of manners in a day either.

Going into another unknown territory, trusting this Firekin not to lead her to her death (when she had proven just how ruthless she could be), even if she wasn't lying leaving her life in the hands of some stranger? It didn't sit well with Organa, not one bit. Malphas would be her first choice in healers but...no. She would expel as much energy heading to this 'friend' of the Firekin as she would to go to her trusted medic. She couldn't leave such a big risk in the hands of someone she didn't trust.

Sighing once more Organa struggled to raise herself up right, taking a short, shaky step forward. "Firekin, I realize you are trying to make this right but...no, I will have to decline." Organa forced herself to take another step forward, a small hiss seeping out before she continued. "If I can not make it to my medic than I'm sure I can't make it to yours. I cannot afford that kind of gamble on the wrong medic. Now, you had better take your leave before your brothers in arms come sniffing around." Her expression set it's self to a grim smile as she nodded her head in respect as tradition in her pride before sending her off with, "Strength, honor, and a strong Nguvu be with you."

In Good Faith
And fin. <3
[IC] Motoujamii Lands

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