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[PRP] Where did you come from? [Ali`dido x Meltem]

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Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 10:19 pm
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The green lion was between prides for the moment, he'd been headed towards the rumors of the Vikings. It was that pride that he desired to be his end game, a home and the members he had heard rumor of suited him. Of course the added potential of bounty served his greed fairly well and though he didn't know all the details it was all he really needed to hear to have his paws take him there.

Ali`dido rolled his shoulders a touch to adjust a pack he'd attained from a lovely weaver in a pride he had no other interest in. The rumors surrounding that pride were that males were slaughtered before they had a chance to prove themselves sane if they showed even a sign of 'sight'. He wasn't sure if that was entirely the truth, but he wasn't about to test his luck and find out - he thanked the lioness, shoved his belongings in the paw made good and was on his way once.

Now he was beginning to grow weary from all of his travel, it was nearly time to rest up - he chose to seek out a water source, something small and convenient with plenty of shade to block out a rather hot sun. "Ah." He stated plainly upon finally seeing a source of water that appeared to be uninhabited and approached it's edge. Lowering his head he began to drink heartily than pulled away to drop his bag, goods and all, then settle near the bag with his back to a tree. This practice had become a habit, purely out of being always alone, he had to watch his back.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 10:33 pm
Mysses Greenie

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She was delighted with her new familiar. Meltem had been longing for a little friend, but free familiars were quite rare still. She felt lucky that her mate's serval had thought to gift her with one of her cubs. The star and moon marked female was a joy. Almost like having cubs again. For the lioness was going through cub withdrawal. Her cubs were growing up and starting to seek their own ways. Or most of them. One still hadn't picked a path.

To give her daughter some space, and some time alone with her serval kit, she decided to go out herb hunting. In truth it wasn't so much hunting as showing Mahina new herbs. The lioness hoped the kit would take an interest in her work. Of course the only way to find out would be to show her. She let Mahina walk when she wanted and carried her when she got tired. Soon they reached the area of a pool and Meltem set her friend down so she could talk. "A lot of plants grow more readily around water so it'll be easier to find them there. Some plants however, don't need as much water."

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Mahina was excited to go be going out for the first time! She'd run around until she got herself tired, then after a break of being carried she could run around some more. There was so many new things to see! Finally they reached where they were going and Mahina got a good look around. Her young pipping voice spoke up. "What's that flower? Does that plant do anything? Ooo this one is fuzzy and tickles my paw!"


Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 10:44 pm
The pool rippled softly as a breeze worked it's way across it. The green lion watched it with mild interest and found himself playing with some of the plant roping used to make the bag containing a number of interesting item he had gathered along his trips, including a small instrument or two resembling drums that could have easily belonged to a cub. They were articles he had gathered during his trip near the border of a pride known for it's music - chanting, dancing and theatrics. The Nchi had been welcoming, though not what he had wanted in a home either.

Ali`dido continued to day dream of his adventures, eyes closed and clearly appearing fairly relaxed. Another breeze blew and toyed with his mane, ruffled it lightly. The second breeze carried a scent and soon sound followed as well. There were voices, two of them and not likely caused by any form of funny herb he'd taken (which had happened before). No, this time the voices were experienced and one was most certainly feminine, while the other was younger and could easily go either way.

Opening his eyes to reveal golden orbs sparkling with curiosity he began to seek out the 'intruders' that had crashed his relaxation. Unfortunately that meant he had to move as they weren't in his immediate sight, when he did finally get his lazy a** moving he spied the source of the sounds. A lioness and what appeared to be a young companion - serval? Before leaving the comfort of his tree he moved his bag, hiding it and it's contents in a nearby bush.

"Hello there."

He spoke, voice deep and easily carried, though he decided to keep his distance.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 11:00 pm
Mysses Greenie

The ocean blue lioness whipped around to face the direction a deep voice came from unexpectedly. Her fur rising along her shoulders as she assess the unexpected threat. She berated herself for not being more aware; she shouldn't allow herself to get so caught up in plants. Plus she had her new familiar to think of. Mahina was only a kit after all! Biborka would flay her for allowing harm to come to her kitten. As a recent mother, Meltem would have done the same.

At least they weren't too close to the pride. Meltem regarded the green male silently for several moments. He had unusual markings. It was unfortunately too bright for her to employ her usual vanishing techniques. That meant she had to play at being a regular. "Oh hello," she said belatedly. "I wasn't expecting anyone to be here."

Mahina was more startled by the lioness' sudden movement rather than the male's voice. She hid behind a blue leg and peeped out from behind it. Her tail swished back and forth. He seemed friendly enough, but she could tell Meltem was wary still. There was so much she had to learn. Was the male here for plants too?


Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 11:13 pm
The lioness appeared to become rightfully ruffled at the sight of him, he seemed to approach from no where - though he'd been lazing behind a tree. His golden eyes took in the scene, the lioness had markings akin to the water he saw move along a beach, beautiful hues of blue with the white suds. The color scheme pleased him and though she was a touch flustered he smiled warmly.

"I gathered that." He responded calmly and decided it was likely best he had kept himself at his chosen distance. Standing was becoming a chore though and so he relaxed into a seated position which he hoped would also convey that he meant no harm. "What a cute little companion." Ali remarked as his eyes finally finished taking in the scene laid out before him - there, notably startled, but also curious looking was the creature he presumed to be making the younger sounding voice.

"Were you two looking for something in particular?"

So far he found himself heading the conversation and wondering about the lioness' lack of speaking out. He made a mental note that although she had been alarmed that she had jumped out of her pelt, instead she appeared to asses the situation and calmly approach it with a conclusion - he was still in the dark about what this conclusion had been. "I don't know much, but I could try my hand at some of these plants?" The interest in his voice appeared genuine, he had feigned interest in the plants, but had found an opportunity to possibly bargain for information. This was something he truly couldn't pass up.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 11:26 pm
Mysses Greenie

Meltem stood there a moment. Where was he going? Hopefully not toward her pride. She'd find out if she could and do what she could to divert him. Otherwise she'd have to follow him to be sure, and that could be tedious at best. It wasn't ideal with Mahina with her. The young serval wasn't quite known for her stealth yet. Her pride was rather protective in it's secrets and the knowledge about it. Maybe that would change as they got larger, but for now they preferred it.

She liked that he didn't try to come closer because she totally didn't trust him yet. Even better when he sat down. "Thank you, I'm still getting use to her company, but she's a complete delight." Meltem forced her fur to lay flat and seated herself as well. "Nothing in particular. Just showing her around and good areas to gather herbs to see if it's something that'll interest her." She laughed at his offer. "You could, but I'm not gathering anything today."

Mahina smiled as she was called cute. Gingerly she moved out from behind Meltem's leg. He didn't seem all that bad. "I'm Mahina. What's your name? What's coming off your wings. It looks icky." Being young she stated her mind. She liked his wing markings, but she didn't like the oozy stuff from them. It gave her a creepy feeling. Not to mention it on his face. "Is he sick? Should we fix him?"


Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 11:46 pm
The gap was appreciated by both parties, he didn't feel an inkling of fear, but he had learned the hard way that females could pack a punch, sometimes even larger than that of a male. Remembering back to his trip in the prides lands where he had gotten his woven bag he was hastily rid of - though he'd tell it as though he'd chosen to leave. "Ah, so you used to do these trips alone?" His eyes caught better hold of the serval kit that had become more curious than concerned. The entire situation was relaxing a small amount as all parties involved, excluding the kit were now seated and exchanging calm conversation.

"So you deal in herbs, by trade?" His ears perked up attentively and his interest was captured even further. The way she spoke of them made him identify her as familiar with them herself. The task didn't appear to be one she despised doing and so it truly was a task of choice. "I myself enjoy herbs, plants and the like." The green lion turned in such a way to gather a woven bag that was clearly crafted by paw and held small adornments of bone, nothing sinister but purely decorative. "I attained this while on my travels, of course I would have needed something eventually, but this bag was just to good to pass up." A thought occurred to him, one that he wished he had thought of sooner - she could have lined the bag in leather. Ali made a mental note that he'd have to go back and give her the idea.

Just as he was about to respond to the lioness he heard that small voice speak up again and turned his attention to her. "Ali`dido." He responded kindly. "Ah, you can blame my parents for that, little one." The green lion gave a hearty laugh. "I promise you that my pelt remains dry as can be, but my parents gifted me with these wings and goo just as yours gifted you that lovely little moon." When he smiled his eyes did as well. He hadn't felt so soothed in a long time. "Nor am I sick, but I do appreciate the concern, Mahina and ... ?" His golden gaze returned to the lioness with his question relating to what her name was.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 12:03 am
Mysses Greenie

Things were proceeding normally, and now that she was past her startle she felt no threat from him. Most likely her pride's mode made her sensitive to strangers. Meltem nodded cautiously at his question. Alone, but not defenseless as he seemed to realize. "I suppose you could call it a trade. I like being out in the forest or wherever." She enjoyed the different plant scents and the smell of the earth. It was a labor of love for her pride. Mahina helped break the ice in that way all young things had. She'd have to warn her about being so open to strangers when they got back.

Her lips quirked. "You like plants, but know nothing about them?" To her it sounded like he was fishing for something, and she'd wager it wasn't fish. Her ears perked as he reached for something. Meltem eyed his bag appreciatively. "That does look nice. I'm sure it's very useful." If she had the chance to get something similar she would. "Meltem," she gave her name grudgingly. She would have preferred to remain anonymous. Sometimes it couldn't be helped.

Mahina realized both adults were sitting and suddenly plopped her bottom down in imitation of them. "Ali'dido. It's nice to meet you!" She looked excitedly at the bag he pulled out for showing. "Oh neat! Where did you get it? Meltem, can we make something like that for me?!" The idea of a little basket for herself appealed greatly to the kit. She considered his words, comparing his sickly looking pelt to her own. Somehow it just didn't seem to match up. Hers didn't make her look sick. However, he said he wasn't sick, so she had to take his word.


Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 12:20 am
Ali watched her head bob, though in a manner that suggested she wasn't entirely trusting of him. "That makes two of us." He admitted whole heartedly, though he was sure that perhaps the further he got the less trees he would likely see, perhaps he should collect some of the items around here to bring with him to his future home - if he even successfully made it his home.

"You don't have to know much to enjoy something." Golden eyes narrowed at his company in slight irritation, but opened again and relaxed as quickly as they had narrowed. "The appearance, the smells - their properties don't mean much to me as I've never had a use. Should I find a use or an appropriate teacher than perhaps I'll consider paying more attention, but until then I'll continue to plod along the way I have been." He defended himself easily. "The same could be said for you, I like what I see, but perhaps I wouldn't like you so much if I knew more about you?" He offered, a grin played at his lips as he finished his sentence. "Well Meltem, it's nice to meet you."

His attentions were pulled by Mahina, who he couldn't help but smile at - he watched as she dropped her rump to match the grown lions. "It's nice to meet you as well Mahina. Perhaps if you'll meet me a couple days I could present you with something similar, unfortunately I hadn't been prepared for company. Unless you're after drums?" He mused out loud and dug through his bag to grab a cub sized drum - if she liked it it would be hers. "But as I said, I wouldn't have the bag for a couple of days, I had already planned to return there anyway, it'd be no trouble at all."

He smiled, this one was warm and inviting.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 12:37 am
Mysses Greenie

"Of course not." She could tell she nailed something directly on the head. "Perhaps when you settle down and look you'll find a teacher." Meltem smiled sweetly, but promising nothing from herself. She felt she had his measure, which was she would disclose as much information as she could throw him. Which was to say, as little as possible. Perhaps it was time for a diversion. "So where you heading to? If you keep heading that way," she waved a paw vaguely in the direction, "you'll want to be careful. There's a deep forest that I hear rumors about from others going the other direction."

"Oh you do, do you? I haven't had anyone try to flatter me since Ceto." She missed the blue male very much. Thankfully she had her cubs to remember him by. Every once in awhile, she wondered how he was doing. "I'm sure he wouldn't mind too much. Do you like cubs Ali'dido? Well I suppose they aren't much cubs anymore, but I wish they were." She watched him with a tug of a grin at her lips. "The pleasure is mine. We don't get too many visitors through here."

She didn't trust his offer of a bag for Mahina, but she knew the kit wanted one. "Oh we couldn't ask you to go out of your way like that. I'm sure we'll come up with something for her now that you've given me the idea." Meltem almost laughed at the drum. What use would a ninja have a drum? It was like the exact opposite.

Mahina beamed happily to be included in the adult conversation. "I could meet you!" She laid her ears back as the lioness demurred on the baskets. "Please Meltem?! It would be perfect. I could get one on each side." She looked eagerly at the blue lioness with her adorable silver eyes. "I don't mind waiting." The kit wrinkled her nose at the proffered drum. Belatedly she realized it was rude and tried to school her expression. "Thank you for the offer Ali'dido, but I must decline."


Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 1:24 pm
"Well I will be headed back to supply the bag maker with another idea to hopefully expand the uses of her products, but when I'm done there I'll be headed for the coast." Of course normally he wouldn't have shared that information so willingly, but the lioness seemed to favor honesty over much else and also appeared to be protecting something or someone - she was definitely on the defensive. "I'm so overly concerned over a forest, my hopes are to reach the ocean one day." He admitted, truly he did love the forest, but to see the ocean and finally witness the cliffs which the pride he hoped to find were held on - that was his goal.

"My, that's unfortunate - sounds like you ought to surround yourself by a different male." He wondered briefly if there was a reason the lion was out of the picture, leaving his family behind. "Like them?" The green lion thought on this carefully for a moment. "Perhaps. Though I haven't any cubs of my own and so I wouldn't know where to begin in feeling."

"Well, how about this." He knew that the lioness would likely argue his gifts no matter what, but he really enjoyed the kit - Mahina - and wanted nothing more than to get her one. "I will there anyway and even if you don't fancy meeting me again I will get one and bring it here - leaving it for where you and Mahina ca find it." He smiled warmly - he wouldn't take no for answer, there'd be no harm in leaving a gift for an individual especially one that would decay if not collected.

Collecting up his drum and packing his objects away he stood. "It's time to take my leave - it'd be nice to see you both again." He gave a small bow of his head and turned tail.

Fin. Unless you want to drop another post. 8]
PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 5:32 pm
Mysses Greenie

Meltem had hoped the mentioning of her cubs would discourage the male. It hadn't appeared to fully scare him off, but she doubted he was truly interested in her. "Ah, I hope she'll be able to make use of your suggestion to her." The mention of the coast made her want to look at herself. She'd been told by those who had seen it, that she looked like the ocean on the beach. Meltem was glad he had a destination in mind.

The lioness gave a shrug, pretending non-interest, "hey I'm only passing along what I heard. You are welcome to take it or leave it of course." She gave a soft happy sigh, "no. He was perfect." Honestly she couldn't have asked for a better male to father her cubs. If only he could have stayed. She hoped some day he'd visit.

She smiled as he proffered to leave the baskets where they could find them. Meltem couldn't deny Mahina this, particularly if he would be so kind as to bring them back to this spot without requiring them to meet again. She looked around and finally found what she wanted. "Can you climb well? See that broken branch up there? On that tree. Hang them there. We'll come back regularly and check."

"Good luck on where your going Ali'dido." The lioness rose to her feet and with a nudge to the serval, drifted back into the shadows.

Mahina couldn't quite catch the meaning behind all the adult words. She'd have to ask Meltem later. Something was going on above her head though! She was quickly distracted from it by the male's promise to bring her back a basket. The kit jumped up and danced around. "Thank you thank you Ali'dido! I'll make sure we come back and check! Good bye!" She eagerly waved a paw until the nudge, then with a last smile slipped after the lioness.


[IC] Deserted...

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