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Some time away was good for him, he was able to grasp at the idea that he had just had to be stern towards his own Mother, a figure in his life he had once come to know as the strong character. Gwarredd had watched his Mother walk away for the last time, this would be it and he knew it. There was no way he would send her back on her way to the roguelands and so this confrontation was intended to help straighten things out between them - or so he hoped. "Moema?" He called out, his patrol had lead him to the area of the pride sanctioned for the herb gathering, he figured she likely wouldn't go far not if she cared as much about the situation as he had and he knew she did.

"Gwarredd, I'm over here." A small voice beckoned him over to her and he followed a little more eagerly then he had anticipated. Deep down he was excited, of course he was! This was his Mother, a leopardess he hadn't had the luxury of seeing for many many moons and many more. This was a grand opportunity to make some significant changes to that and he imagined she felt the same, at least that was how he hoped she would feel. "Mom, I'm so happy to see you." He said once she was in view, the moon had started to rise and the sun was beginning to fall and the contrast looked lovely on their dark pelts. A smile broke across his lips as he attempted to keep the meeting light. "I'm happy to see you as well. I'm sorry for my reaction earlier."

The leopardess found it easy to admit her wrong doing in the earlier conversation, sure she had been upset, but there were likely a million other ways she could have handled that situation. "It's alright." He said with that same smile and she found herself mirroring it. "I'm so happy to hear you say that. You'll tell me about your family?" She asked pleasantly, seeking more information of her grandbabies.

"Well, for starters there are five of them." He said and took the opportunity to seat himself next to her. Soon as he dropped his rump she was dropping hers it seemed the right time to truly get comfortable. "What are their names?" She asked quietly, raising her vision to seek his eyes, the pair of them were twinkling, not something Gwarredd would often show, but she was his Mother - he felt safe. "Their names are Kordula, Viherminttu, Nanaa, Kailash and Tamu`Barafu." He said, pride filling his tone as he said each name.

"What are they like?" She inquired, pushing further for details. Well they are all quite special, though some have not entirely found their way in the world. I hope that won't be the case for long." He admitted with a soft sigh as his thoughts went to his daughter Tamu. "Nanaa has actually astonished us by apprenticing under the leader of this pride herself. You'd be so proud of each of them, I'm sure. I'm also sure that each of them would love to meet you and seek some stories from your travels in the roguelands." He said merrily through a look he received from his Mother that basically told him that she'd have very little to say about her time in the roguelands. Whether that be from lack of stories or bad stories he wasn't sure, but he was determined to find out eventually, just not right now.

"I'd love to meet them, that's for sure. And what of a mate?" She asked, a brow raising in extreme curiosity - surely cubs meant a mate whether they had been adopted or not. "Of course. You'll have to meet Anju, the proud mother of our cubs." Moema smiled at her sons voice, the responsibility he felt for those grandbabies of hers was unbelievable, she found the concept unique, but accepted him for how he had decided to lead his life. "So, enough about family - though they are just as important - what about this possible promotion?"

This time he could have jumped with joy at the amount of enthusiasm he heard in her voice, he could have talked about his family forever, but alas every individual out there could confirm that when you got to speak about your own achievements it was just as thrilling. "Well." He began slowly. "I have been a Guard for some time here now and Asha has been keeping an eye on me. You see, she is our Head Guard." Eyes were glued to his mothers as he watched for her reactions, the oo's and aa's were appropriately timed. "She has asked me for my opinions as of late and it seems that I'm headed in the right direction."

His excitment flourished and he sat there a moment after finishing almost without a breath between his words. "My goodness!" Moema prolcaimed with great happiness. "That sounds wonderful! I do hope you achieve such a role." She smiled at him. "Either way I couldn't be more proud and I'd like nothing more than to remain here, call this pride home along side you. It'd be a great opportunity to watch you grow an watch your family continue to grow." It was true, the opportunity was to good to pass up and though she read the insecurity in his eyes she knew she'd prove to him that this time she was sticking around for real.

"I would love that Mom, I would love for you to be here to see our family grow and see the new family members we hope to produce." He shied away a little at that statement, but smiled even more largely, of course him and Anju had discussed cubs, but they hadn't come yet. "Let me show you where you will be staying until we can get something more permanent for you." Gwarredd stood, his mother followed, this was great news that he hadn't really expected to come from the conversation earlier that day.

Silently, as he lead her away from their meeting spot, he thanked the gods.