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He was really in no condition to present himself to the Warlord, but in the given circumstances, he couldn't be persuaded otherwise. His sister had expressed her concern and cautioned him that he might be turned away, but on this occasion he wasn't willing to listen. Her counsel was lost on the blood spattered male, who had once again experienced a violent assault on his band. They hadn't suffered the fatalities they had the last time, well, not in the numbers they had before... But they had had a significant one.

Had it not been for some quick thinking, the warband might never have rallied and all of them might have fallen that night.

Alas, it had been in that night that Tethys had proven himself and earned his brothers' respect. It had been his commands, his tactics, that had pulled the vikings together. They had gone from being overwhelmed one by one to hunting as a group, each back defended. With his direction they had struck back and it had been with absolute fury that they had rained death upon that which dared to try again.

...It had not been without a price.

Their captain had fallen and as morning had drawn in each had pledged themselves to him. In a way they owed their lives to him, but then again he owed his life to them. However when they had bowed to him he had made a solemn vow... They were far from done, they had suffered one attack too many and he had had enough.

Once he was recognised, once the Warlord had acknowledged him as his Captain's heir, he would bide his time. When his brothers had fully recovered and prepared themselves they would strike out and this time they would be the hunters, not the hunted.

Thus, though he carried fresh wounds from his excursion and his fur was utterly filthy, the lion had deemed it necessary to speak with his warlord. She might not know of him, but he would ask an audience so that he might enact his promise to his brothers sooner rather than later.

Sweeping passed the onlookers he made his way towards her home and there he waited patiently. He wasn't so without form that he would demand an audience, he knew better than that...
