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Sweat soaked her red and black fur, blurring the lines of her markings with streaks of sand and dust as it clung to her. Her breath came in deep, gulping heaves with enough strength to rattle her ribs on each inhalation. But she was beaming, fangs glinting as she laughed aloud, standing fore-square over her downed opponant. The male lay flat on his side breathing even harder than she was, his brown wing-marked coat was -if it were possible- even les recognizable than her own, its more subtle markings covered in a layer of sweaty grime and dirt. Nevertheless he was laughing too, a thick, deep chuckle that was both husky and rich. Fenrir reached out and tapped her front leg with his paw, and she obligingly moved out of his way so the large lion could stand up. Born the son of the well respected captain Lucivar, Fenrir had always been a dedicated and quiet reaver. He had been there when Svana had gone on her first viking, the two of them being of similar age and experience. He had then been one of her first reavers chosen for her band when she had attained her Captaincy and he had remained loyal ever since. He was always at her side whenever they went out viking which had been sligthly less frequent that she really liked now that she was the new warlord. But he never complained and was always up for a match with her. While not as close to her as her brother and co-Captain Kakale, he was a very good friend.

Shaking the dust and dirt from her coat she grinned at him. "Good fight!" His laugh rubbed along her fur a second time as he dipped his head. "I should know all your tricks by now." he remarked, rubbing at a slowly seeping wound with a wry grin. "How do you always manage to surprise me....?" She chuckled and bared her fangs at him in a self satisfied smirk. "That is my secret to keep." She returned, before nodding towards the little stream near by where most reavers drank and washed after their training. "Come on, ya big baby." She teased as the two of them walked shoulder to shoulder down to the water.

Lightning Shadow X