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The new Warlord yawned and stretched lazily, pausing atop a rocky outcrop in order to look out across the pridal landscape. It had been a busy and slightly weird time for the lioness. Having gone from an adolescent reaver to a young female Captain had been a pretty big step anyway, not least because of gender as much as for her age. But to then challenge and win against the Warlord? It was every Stormborn's logical goal but never had she actually planned for it to happen. Now that it had she had thrown all her energies into the position, determined to live up to the legacy Ruzski had set. Turning her head she cast a narrow-eyed stare over towards the direction of a certain densite. But the rust-red Captain was not within sight today. Shaking her head as the old and familiar dislike stirred within her she flicked her tail -a silent insult- in his direction before continuing on her path, jumping neatly down from the rocky outcrop and following the trial as it wound along the top of the rocky ridgeline. This was one of her favourite places to walk, as it was high and remote but also gave an excellent view of the prideland below. Her prideland.

The wind was cool this high up, ruffling through her red and black fur and making the slowly healing scar on her shoulder ache. But she felt alive and vital and thrilled in the wildness of the landscape that sounded her. This was home.

Movement on the pathway below caught her eye and she hoped a small boulder as she moved closer to the edge of the small cliff to peer down, wondering who else was up here.

Das Tor