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Zjarri had spoken with Keir, now having presented the news to likely the most important individual in this whole situation she wanted to speak with her parents and share the news. So she sought out Umeko, having already asked her father to meet them at, or around Umekos den. Bjorn had been quizzical at the request since it had been clear since birth that her Mother and him hadn't seen eye to eye, so to have them so close by wasn't always ideal.

Though he should have known his daughter well enough to know that it was of vital importance that he be there. So Zjarri had taken the time to convince him to come and to come without question. "Zjarri?" The bulky male had asked as he approached the scene, it was clear his daughter had already called out to his old fling. "You had better have a good reason to call on us like this." His attitude wasn't uncalled for and Zjarri took his words with a grain of salt.

"It is, I promise Dad." As she spoke she let her eyes soften quite a bit. The whole while she'd done well to hide what signs of pregnancy that she could. There wasn't much to hide, but she had already experienced a few symptoms, however small. "Just wait for Mom to come, I need you both here, so please be civil." She watched Bjorn scoff at the idea that he'd behave any other way than an angel.
