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Today was a day to rest in the shade after a day's hard work, the desert was kissed a bright orange from the setting sun and the sky had began to bleed into a deep purple with the distant pinpoints of the stars in the distance. The heat still remained though and that's what he was waiting out, his work of keeping an eye on the cubs and making sure they didn't wander too far amidst this very busy time with the Motoujamii kept the old man on his toes.
And more than a little overheated from running around.

He didn't mind though, it was his job and he enjoyed it. In his opinion, the cubs were the lifeblood of this entire pride. Soldiers were meaningless without something to guard and with the cubs, the teachers, the medics and the like, it kept the pride going to the next generation.

Settling his belly flat onto the sand, he contentedly opted to lay there and watch the colours of the sky dance out above him whilst he enjoyed whatever remained of the heat fading out around him. The nights, as ever, would draw to be freezing soon enough, but he was fat and fuzzy enough to enjoy them and not become terribly uncomfortable. A small smile on his maw as he lay there, completely unaware of his surroundings and whoever might've walked up to him.
