Technique Name: Kōkan Sumi Mizuki [Ink Water Exchange]
Rank: [Variable]
Description: The Hojo can substitute any technique with the [Suiton] element with their Ink instead should it be available. This technique is learned progressively starting at [E] to be used in conjunction with [E]-ranked Suiton techniques and higher. The [Suiton] technique being substituted must already be known by the Hojo. For determining [Typical shot] effectiveness. This starts at [1] at [C] increasing to [2] at then capping at [3] at [A]. For complete mastery the total posts would equate to an unreducible [20] Total.

Technique Name: Hantai [Contrary] {Mistakenly heard as Hentai}
Rank: [Variable]
Description: Hantai as the name suggests meaning Contrary or opposite does just that. Hantai